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2017-09-07 03:31:27
Event Feedbacks - 31st August
Server : 55 Region : NY Current BP : 80K Events : Total Spending Rebate, events in general. Opinion : It would be nice if there was a 2500 ingot checkpoint in the Total Spending Rebate event. Reasoning : I mentioned this last time it came around so this will be a briefer version, but it would match your recharge tiers, and provide a better middle ground for different type of spenders. Currently the event jumps from 20$ all the way to 100$, that's pretty silly in it's own right, please consider adding a 50$ tier. Again, my example of this would be that I ended up spending around 2000 ingots, and even then that was pretty hard to do because the one ingot sales are not my type of event. I prefer not to gamble with my money more than I already have to, however if you had a 2500 tier in the Total Spending Rebate with a decent reward I would definitely consider spending a little extra to reach it. Lucky *: I didn't take part in this but on my server it seemed like the event was fairly popular due to Kushina, however I think if you increased the discount for the 10 pull to something reasonable (450 ideally) it'd be a more popular event, even with the items in it that aren't worth 50 coupons. As of now the 2 coupon discount is unfortunately pretty laughable. Group Purchase: I'd suggest taking a look at either increasing the discounts on gift pack 2 and 3, or drastically changing the bonus rewards for purchasing them. Currently very few people ever buy those two, so there is no way anyone can even benefit from the bonus rewards in those categories at all. Before I get to the good feedback I will quickly say that like others I was disappointed to see Sailor Sakura return so soon in the monthly events, also because she was added to the Lucky Packs, and is already available in 2 shops... I realize it's a completely free ninja and you can't make everyone happy, but it was disappointing so I feel like it's worth mentioning. The good: I appreciated that this week you had all the events start at day one and run the full week, also that you didn't add any extra unscheduled events. Simple little things like these do make a difference. I was also glad to see Sage Jiraya not staring us in the face on the lucky board anymore, especially after he was (is) continually used as the example in this feedback thread lol... Now if you had also replaced the Flying Raijin Kunai it would have been very nice, because landing on that is a pretty sour feeling.
2017-09-08 09:26:46
Events - 31st August
Acer1 on one hand I'm glad to see Sage Jiraya not staring us in the face on the lucky board anymore, especially after he was continually used as the example in the feedback thread lol... Now if we had also replaced that Flying Raijin Kunai it would have been very nice.
2017-09-06 14:24:53
Fateful choice question
Not really a problem either of you caused so I appreciate the apology Exvius and the responses from both of you, I'm sorry you got burned too. It was more a general question said in frustration from several things that have happened. For me the fact that the events recently have been less than clear in description, differing start/end times, and also that extra events are often added after the fact make for a less than pleasurable experience. An example from this week would be the having platinum recharge (Thumbs up), and then adding that wheel in towards the end that doesn't care if you recharged earlier... In short it wasn't a great week lol I'm sure I sound like a broken record by now when I say the word confidence, as in it's just not there at the moment, and it hasn't been building with things like this. Not that it's on you mods, because I choose to believe you when you tell you give them feedback like this. Which is why I will always try to say it as politely as I can. It just really hasn't been getting much better, at this rate I feel like it's going to wear me down, and that's sad because I really do enjoy the game, just not the way it's been run.
General Discussion
2017-08-30 20:13:53
Fateful choice question
Also a little frustrated by this because last time this event rolled around it ended on the day that was posted and wouldn't let you do anything but claim, but now it's technically extended a day based on the last experience... I've now been burned by this twice lol. Either way it's not a huge deal by itself but lately it's been getting even more difficult to trust an events duration, what's going on here?
General Discussion
2017-08-30 20:13:53
Merged servers S47, S51, S55, no chase missions.
Bugs & Support
2017-08-28 22:10:05
Event Feedbacks - 17th August
Server : 55 Region : NY Current BP : 80K Events : Daily Spending Rebate/Time Limited, and Battle Armor events. Events in general... lol Opinion : Not much worth spending ingots on until battle armor events start. Reasoning : I try and be a careful spender, and while I'm sure I don't always succeed I feel like I do pretty well. The problem with this weeks events in my opinion is you gave us nothing to spend just ingots on until the battle armor events start up on Monday, making it very difficult to take advantage of both the daily spending rebate, and the time limited shop... And that always brings me to the question of why can't we just have events run for the week? It would make things so much nicer and efficient in general, especially if I could just spend my ingots right away on the battle armor. I really have a hard time understanding why it has to be run the way it is currently. It certainly doesn't make the game more fun when events don't line up/start together. The reason why I said just ingots though is that I'm not going to * through any coupons I may have just to spend my ingots for a rebate, and most of the events we have this week are not really accessible to people who are looking for deals. The Great tree is incredibly expensive for the vast majority of the playerbase. The Treasure of the Sage can be nice when you get lucky enough to get something you need at a discount. I don't know about everyone one else but it doesn't happen that often for me, I'm kind of tired of seeing 40% off of basic refinement runes, and common cloth... lol /cry The good thing is that you gave us Myoboku Trial this week and it's also one of the best examples of a good event, and not just because of "Woo free stuff" either, but because almost every reward in the spending section is worth the coupons, if not more. That's so rare in this game, and it's really unfortunate that it's been that way. * I just noticed that another event was added for tomorrow but I feel like it's not quite the best choice. While it's always nice to get a rebate for recharging (Thank you.), the issue was spending in my opinion. Konoha Gift Shop, Group Purchase, etc... Something where we could just spend ingots would have been a welcome addition. Anyway thank you for your time, I hope some of this feedback can be helpful.
2017-08-24 19:03:22
Events - 17th August
Alrighty, so looks like no cap this time. Thank you Chaos for sharing your experience, it'll help me decide how I want to spend my resources.
2017-08-22 10:26:22
Events - 17th August
I can't take credit for this because it was pointed out to me by a groupmate, but if you open the great tree menu up, and then mouse over the icon for where it counts how many dew you own, it tells you where to get them from. Quick summary: 2 from Arena, 2 from Survival, 2 from Team instances, 3 from daily packs. (1 per pack)
2017-08-22 10:26:22
Events - 17th August
Just a quick follow up at the moment, but is there no limit to how many time limited points we can get this week from sweeping? I only ask because I feel like previously we had a limit of around 15 but that was included in the notes, this time I don't see anything like that.
2017-08-22 10:26:22
What's the best mood for Han?
Thanks for the reply Garv, and I can see your point on the -atk instead of -nin. I originally went -nin because it was his lowest growth stat that wasn't defense related, but seeing as I'm going for a more efficient tank I'll give your suggestion a try for the extra heal. Seems like at the moment I'll be at least trying out the +life -atk version and see how it feels.
2017-08-15 02:11:37