Hello Ninjas,
as per previous Event Feedback threads, we will be opening another one for this week Events - 31st August suggestions and improvements idea towards our events are all welcomed. This is one of our critical action and necessity for our community to grow, as it allow us to identify and improve our overall content and events for all of our players. Following format shall be used in order to ensure a uniform and ease data collection towards the end of the week.
Server : 34
Region : HK
Current BP : 58K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya
Reasoning : With the current treasure and me
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments
We would also, like to inform everyone that we are trying our best to push for changes / improvements that the players have suggested. However, the final decision would be at the hand of the management and there is no guarantee of the time it might takes.
Fortunately, please rest assured as all your feedbacks are being entertained by our team and will always be in our discussions. The example that we have provided is merely a guideline for everyone, feel free to elaborate on your reasonings/suggestions to ensure the message are throughly communicated.
Any unrelated comments or posts that doesn't follow the format will be deleted.
Thank you.
Naruto Online Operation Team
when the events are so bad no one even has any feedback lol
best feed back would be stop adding things and fix all the bugs do moods on wheel and all the stuff that was promised 6 months ago , give us the 1 year anniversary clothes we were supose to get , then make more new stuff ,ever yweek its new things and more bugs and issues stacking and growing. chase missions and dice again for two weeks now is not good other than that just another boring week prices to high as always everything should be 1/2 what it is i would use the proper thing but its way to mich work when i fell what i say what even matter and allready wasted enough time saying this again
when the events are so bad no one even has any feedback lol
best feed back would be stop adding things and fix all the bugs do moods on wheel and all the stuff that was promised 6 months ago , give us the 1 year anniversary clothes we were supose to get , then make more new stuff ,ever yweek its new things and more bugs and issues stacking and growing. chase missions and dice again for two weeks now is not good other than that just another boring week prices to high as always everything should be 1/2 what it is i would use the proper thing but its way to mich work when i fell what i say what even matter and allready wasted enough time saying this again
Server : 252
Region : HK
Current BP : 40.2K
Events : Activity Lucky Bag
Opinion : The activity lucky bag is good for f2p people.
Reasoning : Remove all the plot items and add more magatamas runes.
Suggestions : Replace plot awakening items with magatamas. Also please consider sending the items to the user mail during reset if someone forgot to claim them.
Server : 252
Region : HK
Current BP : 22K
Events : Upcoming Mission Mobilization
Opinion : Sailor Sakura, Medium Threads, Charms
Reasoning : With the upcoming mission mobilization it will be helpful for f2p to add more items that can increase their power.
Suggestions : Please consider adding Sailor Sakura, Medium Threads and Charms on upcoming events. Thanks!
Other than this the events for this week is pretty good.
Server : 490
Region : UK
Current BP : 51K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : Add Sage Jiraiya back as a possible spin
Reasoning : You changed him to 2 charm fragments when this was a good way to piece him together, we don't want him as a point/spending reward but we do want the chance for his fragments on the board
Suggestions : To replace the charm fragments with Sage Jiraiya.
Server : 490
Region : UK
Current BP : 51K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : Add Sage Jiraiya back as a possible spin
Reasoning : You changed him to 2 charm fragments when this was a good way to piece him together, we don't want him as a point/spending reward but we do want the chance for his fragments on the board
Suggestions : To replace the charm fragments with Sage Jiraiya.
Server : 197
Region : LA
Current BP : 92K
Events : Lucky */ Crazy Slot Machine
Opinion : The rates for getting the rarer rewards in both these events are far too low
Reasoning : I've done 500 lucky * draws and have yet to get Kushina, she's kind of a novelty ninja so it seems ridiculous that she has such a low chance for acquisition as well the tendo frags which out of the 500 draws I only got about 5 or 6 frags, the same goes for the crazy slot machine, it may be a rebate event but its drop rates are also very poor, out of 400 pulls I got a mere 3 itachi frags and got lucky enough to get the 1st prize, the 1st prize reward drop rate is somewhat understandable, albeit a bit low, but the itachi frags drop rate is probably worse by far considering its only 1 frag.
Suggestions : Increase the rates for some of the rarer rewards in events please even if only slightly, they're far too uncommon as is
Server : 2
Region : LA
Current BP : 125K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current Lucky Board is outdated and has poor value
Reasoning : Multiple items on the board are worth less than the cost of the dice themselves, other items have no practical value for certain groups of players. The current best redeem reward for the cost to get it is medium refines, you get 5 for 7 rolls of the die, 7*20 = 140 to roll for 5 which costs 28 each and 5*28 = 140 so you basically buy the medium refines and get whatever you spin for free.
Suggestions :
1) Increase the coupons given on the coupon grid spot to 20, then it gives the same return as the cost to roll onto that spot. Which will cause people to feel like they are getting their money's worth from the spot
2) Remove the Flying Raijin Kunai (FRK) and replace it with Purification Protection Runes (PPR), most players don't use the FRK that they currently get I currently have 247 and I rarely use them because its easy enough to afk while my character to auto run to whatever i'm doing. PPR on the other hand are needed by everyone when they get enough Purification Runes (PR) and they start to get gold purifications on all of their gear.
3) Remove Stamina potions, we get enough of these for free already and even when events come out that use stamina they give so little rewards for the stamina pots that they aren't worth much. Replace it with an optional tactic page pack, we have almost no events that give tactics and having a chance to get one here and there would let free players get more levels, my tactics that I didn't buy are level 2, my tactic that I bought is level 8, its not worth buying the 975 more tactics pages to level but if i was able to build them slowly then i would be willing to buy a few hundred when i was closer to level 9.
4) Remove Medium Refines, high level players like me don't need them anymore, most of my server doesn't need them anymore and they are already available as a redeem reward on the lucky board. Change it to a Random Rune Stone lv. 3 Pack. Rune stones require much larger numbers to finish and we get fewer of them then we can medium refines for free currently.
5) Remove Medium Threads, high level players like me don't need them anymore, replace them with Rainbow Magatama which we get less of and need more of.
6) Put the 5 lv 2 magatama into a random pack, yes we need lots of magatama but i'm at the point where it costs 2430exp or 7290exp to level one magatama, the 15 exp gained by these means very little and having to roll onto them so much feels like the dice i used was wasted. Replace 2 of them with 20 Unbound runes and 2 Summon contracts, keep 2 of them as 2 random packs per space, and change the last space to 5 ingots so that some day those free players might be able to participate in spending events and who knows once they are only a few dollars away from a monthly pack or medal they might recharge for it instead of just saying its not worth it spending $40.
7) Increase PR, Mood Scrolls, and Cave Keys to 2, that way all the spaces give value for the dice that were spent on them
8) Change the Medium Refine Rune in the redeem rewards to a pack that lets us choose between 8 Low/4 Medium/3 Advanced Refine runes for 30 points, that way new players and old players alike can see an item they want to get and that will benefit them.
Server : 2
Region : LA
Current BP : 125K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current Lucky Board is outdated and has poor value
Reasoning : Multiple items on the board are worth less than the cost of the dice themselves, other items have no practical value for certain groups of players. The current best redeem reward for the cost to get it is medium refines, you get 5 for 7 rolls of the die, 7*20 = 140 to roll for 5 which costs 28 each and 5*28 = 140 so you basically buy the medium refines and get whatever you spin for free.
Suggestions :
1) Increase the coupons given on the coupon grid spot to 20, then it gives the same return as the cost to roll onto that spot. Which will cause people to feel like they are getting their money's worth from the spot
2) Remove the Flying Raijin Kunai (FRK) and replace it with Purification Protection Runes (PPR), most players don't use the FRK that they currently get I currently have 247 and I rarely use them because its easy enough to afk while my character to auto run to whatever i'm doing. PPR on the other hand are needed by everyone when they get enough Purification Runes (PR) and they start to get gold purifications on all of their gear.
3) Remove Stamina potions, we get enough of these for free already and even when events come out that use stamina they give so little rewards for the stamina pots that they aren't worth much. Replace it with an optional tactic page pack, we have almost no events that give tactics and having a chance to get one here and there would let free players get more levels, my tactics that I didn't buy are level 2, my tactic that I bought is level 8, its not worth buying the 975 more tactics pages to level but if i was able to build them slowly then i would be willing to buy a few hundred when i was closer to level 9.
4) Remove Medium Refines, high level players like me don't need them anymore, most of my server doesn't need them anymore and they are already available as a redeem reward on the lucky board. Change it to a Random Rune Stone lv. 3 Pack. Rune stones require much larger numbers to finish and we get fewer of them then we can medium refines for free currently.
5) Remove Medium Threads, high level players like me don't need them anymore, replace them with Rainbow Magatama which we get less of and need more of.
6) Put the 5 lv 2 magatama into a random pack, yes we need lots of magatama but i'm at the point where it costs 2430exp or 7290exp to level one magatama, the 15 exp gained by these means very little and having to roll onto them so much feels like the dice i used was wasted. Replace 2 of them with 20 Unbound runes and 2 Summon contracts, keep 2 of them as 2 random packs per space, and change the last space to 5 ingots so that some day those free players might be able to participate in spending events and who knows once they are only a few dollars away from a monthly pack or medal they might recharge for it instead of just saying its not worth it spending $40.
7) Increase PR, Mood Scrolls, and Cave Keys to 2, that way all the spaces give value for the dice that were spent on them
8) Change the Medium Refine Rune in the redeem rewards to a pack that lets us choose between 8 Low/4 Medium/3 Advanced Refine runes for 30 points, that way new players and old players alike can see an item they want to get and that will benefit them.
You and your group arent the only ones that play the game. Apparently people like you have a hard time understanding this. Stop telling them to remove items that you personally do not need. Everyone on my server but 1 person needs Medium Refines still and there are 200 servers behind mine
Server : 241
Region : HK
Current BP : 66K
Events : Crazy slot machine
Opinion : chance of getting a good item is too low
Reasoning :After 200 spins, only got 5 lvl magetama and 3 lvl 4 magetama. Got 45 low lvl refine runes and tons of 6th prizes.At least try giving lvl 2 magetama for 6th prize and replace low lvl refines with medium lvl refines. Did 50 spins before and only got 1 lvl 5 magetema. Mostly got low lvl refines and 6th prize.
Server : 241
Region : HK
Current BP : 66K
Events : NA
Opinion : Add guy's tortoise in balloon event please
Reasoning : It is a good spending rebate compared to Ay,1-3 hokages(which most spenders alreadyhave ).This will also shift current me
Ps: charm rebate is longer than last time and there is a decent reward for spending a lot.So, way better than last time :) Good job!
Server : 289
Region : LA
Current BP : 52K
Events : Lucky Bag
Opinion : The rewards for Lucky Bag "Basic Refinement Runes and Basic Threads" are extremely easy to obtain already.
Reasoning : Again they are easy to obtain already and most people don't need them as most players need Adv or Medium thread or Refinement Runes.
Suggestions : Let the Rewards scale accordingly to your Refinement Levels and Battle Armor Levels a lot like awakening Materials in the treasures which scale accordingly to your level, this will allow players to get more out of the event.instead of having useless junk.
Server : 55
Region : NY
Current BP : 80K
Events : Total Spending Rebate, events in general.
Opinion : It would be nice if there was a 2500 ingot checkpoint in the Total Spending Rebate event.
Reasoning : I mentioned this last time it came around so this will be a briefer version, but it would match your recharge tiers, and provide a better middle ground for different type of spenders. Currently the event jumps from 20$ all the way to 100$, that's pretty silly in it's own right, please consider adding a 50$ tier.
Again, my example of this would be that I ended up spending around 2000 ingots, and even then that was pretty hard to do because the one ingot sales are not my type of event. I prefer not to gamble with my money more than I already have to, however if you had a 2500 tier in the Total Spending Rebate with a decent reward I would definitely consider spending a little extra to reach it.
Lucky *: I didn't take part in this but on my server it seemed like the event was fairly popular due to Kushina, however I think if you increased the discount for the 10 pull to something reasonable (450 ideally) it'd be a more popular event, even with the items in it that aren't worth 50 coupons. As of now the 2 coupon discount is unfortunately pretty laughable.
Group Purchase: I'd suggest taking a look at either increasing the discounts on gift pack 2 and 3, or drastically changing the bonus rewards for purchasing them. Currently very few people ever buy those two, so there is no way anyone can even benefit from the bonus rewards in those categories at all.
Before I get to the good feedback I will quickly say that like others I was disappointed to see Sailor Sakura return so soon in the monthly events, also because she was added to the Lucky Packs, and is already available in 2 shops... I realize it's a completely free ninja and you can't make everyone happy, but it was disappointing so I feel like it's worth mentioning.
The good: I appreciated that this week you had all the events start at day one and run the full week, also that you didn't add any extra unscheduled events. Simple little things like these do make a difference.
I was also glad to see Sage Jiraya not staring us in the face on the lucky board anymore, especially after he was (is) continually used as the example in this feedback thread lol... Now if you had also replaced the Flying Raijin Kunai it would have been very nice, because landing on that is a pretty sour feeling.
Server: 291-306
region: uk
current bp: 70k
Event:lucky *
Opinion: it's very unfriendly towards f2p
Reasoning: most of the rewards aren't worth the 50 coupons spent for the roll and the discount for rolling 10 is close to nothing.
Suggestion: add 1 free roll per day, remove all the useless rewards like stamina potions, increase the value of every single board slot to at least 50 coupons (so increase the number of seal fragments to 4-5 from 2, the number of cave keys to 4-5 from 2 and so on) and give a better discount for the draw by 10 option (at least 10%).
Hello Ninjas,
Thank you for your responses and recommendations, please note all the responses will be submitted to the developer for review.
The changes might takes some time but please don't be dis-heartened for the wait and keep the suggestions and improvements coming in.
We will be opening a new event feedbacks for this week event.
Naruto Online Operation Team
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