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2019-10-30 04:13:03
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2021-03-02 02:53:24
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2021-03-02 02:46:35
Welcome to naruto online, there is no matchmaking system here. If you want "fun" this is not the game for you. You can be completely free your entire time here, and it doesnt matter, since there is no semblance of logic to how the "matching" works you can and will be up against the richest idiots using the laziest meta and they will slaughter you. 4 Years here and only 1 mod has even attempted to explain the "system" for their matching and he accidentally confirmed it is utterly braindead. Characters are awarded points and you are supposed to be matched against people whose teams characters have a similar overall point total to yours. This is the dumbest thing ever because this is a game where £3000 characters like ashura and £10,000 like madara ten tails (4 starred) are awarded the same number of points as iruka and danzo. Or where naruto 6p is ranked as " equal" to a 2 star kiba What the other person said is boring, but it is true, if you want to have any chance of winning in any pvp part of this game there are only 2 options, 1: spend literally tens of thousands of dollars to have the init to beat people running meta 2: run meta yourself and hope you land more crits than your opponent. That is it, if you want to use characters you like, forget it if you want to use fun characters, forget it if you want to experiment with the hundreds of characters available, forget it if you want to change your team frequently, forget it In this game you are either a clone or you will be someone who quits out of boredom, sooner or later it happens to us all. Best of luck starting this game in 2021, naruto 6p is here for the second time and has ruined the game even more than he did the first time. My granny could run the team that all the sheep are using these days and shes been dead 15 years, which incidentally is the same amount of time it takes to watch the mongoloids spam narutos poorly compressed full length movie cutscene for 10 rounds because they are incapable of getting a single win using their own teams and strategies and timing
General Discussion
2021-03-02 02:46:35
New Event Cycle - 25th of February
Your account is far too old for you to be that naive. 1: not mad, if you are one of the players who is so rubbish at this game you need to use the cheapest character we've been given, like I said, go for it. If you are boring its no skin of my teeth 2: "counter madara 10tails" seriously? madara is dead, has been for a long time, even if his price had dropped so he had become more common than 1 in every few thousand players having him he is outmatched by easily accessible pos 1's, he cant suppress super armour so excluding huge power difference kisame can handle him and shisui kimono with scaling init and immunity ignoring ignition can take madara no problem. Hell my cluster is the most plant/mod packed in the game, we have 5 different mods and 5 gls, (and those are just the ones that I am personally aware) of and do you know how many times I have seen madara 10t used in the past roughly 5 months? 3 times, thats it, i bet you there are more people in my cluster with madara than in any other cluster and they barely use him any more because with no interruption, no super armour suppresion, no immunity suppression, difficult to work with cd reduction chase and an unreliable method to reduce cd ( his standard needing to combo) there are many better choices for significantly lower cost 3: not that power has any relevance to a persons skill level ( every single mod is a perfect example of that, i have yet to witness a mod get so much as 1 win from their own ability, they only win because they know which metas to prepare for with heir company provided coupons) but I have just broke the 1mil mark 4: Nope, naruto has never needed good support and that wont change now. He was always teamed with kk gaara and bee sst because they can be helpful but they are not needed, again, you have been here too long to be that misinformed. This game everyone stacks pos1, you have to, its the only way to survive any hits, and naruto with his leech was loved by bad/boring players because he effectively makes team building irrelevant. You c*e the mentioned pre-set if you have zero imagination, but the result of the match depends on whose naruto is more stacked, not on whose 4th pos can hang in until maybe round 3 instead of dying in 1 or 2. 5: for your "point" about people not wanting his mystery but his multiple attack passive to make any sense everybody would need to currently be running Kakashi summer, multiple attacks, causes paralysis, super armour suppressing mystery, undodgeable interrupt mystery, self buffs, immunity, acupuncture causing chase. if you want a ninja with multiple attacks there is already a very good one. that passive is not the reason the sheep are champing at the bit to run Naruto again Naruto after he became easier to recruit was the go-to carry for rubbish players, now with his breaks making him usable again the game will return to that same state. I am not asking you to agree with me, I dont care what strangers think and even if I could change your mind why would I want to?, but the undeniable truths of it all is that naruto is slow, he is boring, he is cheap, and he is used exclusively by people who cant play the game without an auto&leech combo carrying them. If thats what you want from a "game" no game play and drawn out matches you will enjoy things for a while, but myself and other people in this thread are not looking forward to the inevitable monotony coming
2021-03-03 10:53:53
New Event Cycle - 25th of February
I am "chill" like I said people are free to do as they please. but "cancer" is a common word among players here, and by every possible measure 6p is the definition of it, a slow boring character only used by bad players. Just because I am not personally looking forward to the armies of people wanting a return to 10 round auto matches doesnt mean i am somehow afraid of naruto.
2021-03-03 10:53:53
New Event Cycle - 25th of February
what are you talking about? kimi/kisame are measurably "better" than 6p, no 15 second horribly compressed cutscene every single round and its very rare for kimi or kisame to take 10 identical rounds and they arent "cancer" as people here like to brand things, naruto is the definition of the word, a 1 man team who isnt strong, isnt versatile, isnt fun, isnt fast, he's cheap, lazy, more boring than any other character and relies emphatically on leeching . As for the other team you mentioned, that is annoying I grant you that, but the one and only place that I personally have seen it was in 3vs3 arena. Not saying all clusters are the same, but given your account age you realistically that team should be a rare encounter for you. People are free to use who they want, if you want to experiment with 6p go for it,but people who need to rely on a him to carry them because they are otherwise too inept to make a competent team of their own, or learn about timing to counter opponents, they are god awful at this game, period
2021-03-03 10:53:53
New Event Cycle - 18th of February
This, every thing this person said is correct. This game is dead, has been for a long time, and we now have the most unimaginative players in any MMO literally begging for a character that removes any modi* of gameplay and is a 10 round auto leech character that requires no team cohesion, no strategy, no timing, no player input whatsoever. There are people in comas with enough brain activity to use 6p teams. Instead of begging to be one of the boring clones, use the time before his breaks to cultivate characters that will allow you to beat all the rubbish players who will be depending on him to carry them.
2021-02-22 20:00:04
Stop deleting my post Jubiru
2 things which aren't nice, but they are true lessons about this game 1: mods censor everything.. They are not real moderators, they don't get paid to keep things civil and on topic, they censor any critiques no matter how true they may be, and they also abuse their positions to censor things they personally don't like. Nothing is done to get some quality staff because they all cover each other. They all share accounts, they all cheat, they control this game, not oasis and between them they don't have a shred of dignity. 2: even in the 0.0000000001% chance that the suggestions you make here actually get passed on to real oasis employees and not just the mods and plants in the forum's, still nothing will be changed. Oasis pay for assets and distribution rights from Chinese programmers,, increase our prices by around 50O% on average while also giving us less content and weakening the shields/heals/splash damage of our characters. You could give the best suggestion in the history of the game and you could support it with sound reasoning and logic, but oasis simply are not interested in improvements. Naturally this will get censored, probably before my break ends even, but this is all factually and irrefutably true. If it wasn't the staff could simply disprove all of what I've said and I would look like a troll while the company would look good in the eyes of people who bother to read this,. But they can't disprove me because it's all accurate so instead they silence us. Literal fascism at work ladies and gentlemen
Bugs & Support
2021-02-17 08:32:13
Chance do geting ashura
Less than 0%. Qv is doing his job, getting paid to tell lies to benefit his overlords, but there's a reason any time anyone asks a question about the "rng" in this game the thread is full of censored comments and then closed. It's because the players speak the truth that isn't allowed here. The chances are NOT random at all, it's rigged
General Discussion
2021-02-17 08:16:20
Misbehaviour thread
Name of offender : AleksanderServer ID : 233 Guard of SandShort description of the situation : One of over 20 alts ran by your plant ajin and eclipse. both s233 too. You not care but the description is they log all alts for rogue and put in teams to give control to the only 4 seperate people in their group. they use alt to attack and bully and always have highest attack rate in rogue. and top in that even when cheating to win they still whine like spoilt children and have a *ty enough attitude to insult the people they beat. They rats
Bugs & Support
2022-05-31 10:36:34
Edo tobi tag sb doesnt work
Sorry, but that makes no sense. Hidan akatsuki inception applies irremovable tag with his chase and his mystery which specifically says it targets units with "tag" counts irremovable tag as the same and is able to hit them. Either you have chosen to apply different rules to the likes of hidan and minato or I am correct and tobi is broken
Bugs & Support
2021-02-05 15:08:32
Tobirama Edo needs a buff/rework
Unfortunately he is utterly worthless, his barrier may have been nice once upon a time but with kisame everywhere thats out the window. And even with breaks he is still one of the most useless characters in the entire game, despite being the inventor of basically every single ninjutsu throughout the entirety of the anime. His break dodge says "60%" but he dodges drastically less than suigetsu with his "30% and madara gnw with his claimed "20%" We had his breaks forever, except his most useful one, that has now finally been added and it does not work. Despite what the skill description says and despite the tag icon appearing over immune characters, the effects of tag are not actually applied to the characters. A mod in the "support" section said that irremovable tag and regular tag are different effects, which means irremovable tag does squat, puts an icon over the characters head but doesnt count towards characters whose mysteries target tag and the they dont take increased damage. What the mod said is a lie to cover up that they have ruined the best skill of tobi. If you need any proof of that, ask someone with hidan akatsuki inception. His mystery targets "tag" and that includes immune characters that have been hit with his chase applying "irremovable tag". That right there is proof in-game that tobi's tag doesnt actually do anything
General Discussion
2021-02-05 03:49:18
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