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2018-10-07 11:55:30
Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag
>based on what I saw, there were more posts about the discrepancy between servers, who got what, and who missed out compared to how Oasis handled the situation. That's because a mod went into overdrive early on & started deleting threads left & right, it's hard to have a clear picture when things get deleted all the time. As for the reason, balance is an issue- people have this idea that flooding a game with a ninja will somehow offset the balance of the game, the game is very flexible in terms of what can be created, people are just lazy & they fixate on what's "meta" a lot but there are actually a lot of counters to these line ups(not including initiative), mainly though the game isn't a stagnant game, it's constantly moving forward with new ninja- everyone having 5 Kage would not really have been that big of a problem, it's also at least fair that EVERYONE would have had the opportunity to have him but it is an issue that people got to benefit while others didn't- and it annoys me that people believe compensation will solve this, I don't want compensation, I have enough dangos.
General Discussion
2018-10-08 18:44:05
Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag
>Fact is, whatever we say will always be negative for you. Were you speaking directly to him, or in a broad sense? That's a poor way to think, as if people can some how reject reason.If you bring an argument forward that is reasonable, the majority will agree, if you're unreasonable, how can we be reasonable? After everything that has been said & happened, you truly believe there is no basis on any of our annoyance? As a player, for real you think what happened is legit, I've actually read 0 arguments for Oasis that have been sound, not one and I definitely can't see it in their actions. What was done & how it was managed was incredibly anti-consumer, obviously there's a limit to what you can say obviously but still, this was a mess & it's made a lot of us look at the game very differently.
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2018-10-08 18:44:05
Don't you ever try out the arena XD
The problem would have been fine if everyone was on the same playing field- but they ended up changing it so now people have benefited and others haven't, that was the core of the issue. Funny huh.
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2018-10-07 21:23:49
Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag
There's one video of 5/25/2017, it unfortunately doesn't show the food sacks and I searched quite a bit, there doesn't seem to be a video other than 1 that show cases the events for that period. That said, I never remember this being more than 10 coupons & I've been playing since I think around September-Oct last year? It's been 10 coupons for that period.
General Discussion
2018-10-08 18:44:05
Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag
It was deleted on another thread, so either the mod hasn't seen this thread yet or the reason why they took it down was false Was covering basis.
General Discussion
2018-10-08 18:44:05
Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag
It's been 10 Coupons since last year. Just posting it again, because the last one got deleted due to "Advertising".
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2018-10-08 18:44:05
To the community: stop being self-centered
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2018-10-07 15:49:02
Any Tips For Free To Play?
I would change server at that level & power, I'd slow down on leveling so hard so you don't hit level 85 unless you're roughly 60-70k power. Yes, obtaining some Outfit Fragments from Sakura Gift is fine- though there are Refines and such in there as well that you could go for- I'm not sure how the math works now with the rework of the event, I'm not sure if it's worth grabbing Refines anymore. Here's a link to the server list, there are NY Servers & LA servers which are New York & Los Angeles in America, UK - United Kingdom, I'd say it's generally an English European server & then there is HK (Hong Kong) which encompasses Asia & Oceania.
General Discussion
2018-10-13 00:49:50
Any Tips For Free To Play?
What's your power & how long have you played? If you are serious about playing, I would honestly recommend you change server toward a time zone that you can play & participate in those events, 9 Tails gives a lot of Sun Coins through out the week & GNW gives you your main source of Group Coins, both of which are really good for aquiring power early on, especially GNW which is a good source of Refines. The biggest tips are honestly don't miss events, which means if possible- play daily, try & hold back on doing the story line missions as they give you more experience than you honestly need. Save everything for rebates, save Charms for Charm Rebates, Refines for Refine Rebates & Seal Scrolls for Seal Scroll Rebates, you want to take advantage of rebates when you don't spend. Save your coupons, a lot of new players fall in to the trap of spending their coupons as soon as they get them, on random stuff too, they'll spend a few on wheels to perhaps get lucky on a Ninja- I don't condemn it but it can be very much a huge waste of resource, save your Coupons for certain events such as Fukuromaru Deals as it allows you to spend a huge amount of Coupons for a huge rebate, which normally consists of a Ninja or abunch of power items- Doing this will allow you to also pick up usually unobtainable P2W ninja.There's obviously out layers to this rule, a lot of people recommend things like Lucky Wheel early on as it can be a good source of power. I'd also recommend saving & picking up Outfits early on as well, they're a very good source of power that doesn't diminish & eventually when you have the majority of the outfits you can focus else where. There's a lot to this game, which means there's a lot I'm neglecting to say but I'm sure others will fill in the gaps & you'll learn the rest.Watch videos on youtube- Btrue is who I watched early as he always explained events quite well but he doesn't do many videos anymore & Kaziers not to bad either.
General Discussion
2018-10-13 00:49:50
To the community: stop being self-centered
Tell me more.
General Discussion
2018-10-07 15:49:02