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2022-12-28 18:48:38
Christmas 2022 Fanfiction Event - Santa’s Day Off
“Understood, Danzao-sama.” In the guest room of the Root Anbu base, Santa frowned as Danzo told him his Root member left for the mission. Sure, the kid’s abilities fit perfectly for the task, but still… Danzo was looking a bit too eager to help. The fact that him, of all people in Konoha, offered to let his subordinate help with presents distribution is… a bit su*ious. Would this important task go wrong? But before he could put more thoughts into the matter, his aching back protested. Sighing in resignation, he thanked Danzo and went to rest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mission objective: - Gather intel - Deliver package - Done in a stealthy manner Ah, and when he was done, submit a detailed report on certain households’ daily routine, security measures, etc. Sai spent the past month in shadow, working with his ink clones. At nights, they observed the children of Konoha. For civilian families, they sent out ink mice to watch; for the shinobi families whose attentions were harder to evade, they went by themselves. During daytimes, in an abandoned building, he evaluated the large pile of intel scrolls and determined which child deserved a present. Going to sleep early? Check. Helping out with housework? Sure. Arguing with parents every day? Nope. Bullying a blond kid at academy? Big cross. Plotting to overthrow Konoha? … actually he didn’t find anyone this naughty, despite Danzo-sama stressing multiple times to watch out for this trait. As he scrolled through the final list of names on Christmas Eve, he pondered whether he would be punished when he returned from the mission, but he supposed it’s a good thing that the village was peaceful. So he packed his stuff, popped a dozen soldier pills into his mouth, and headed out. Sai made several ink clones, and divided the presents between them. Together, they drew ink birds and headed towards different directions. To relieve his clones’ – and by extension his own – charka consumption, Sai chose the most populated Northern district. He landed on top of a tall building, and laid out his presents. He started with the less suspecting civilian houses, and drew some ink animals to help. Little mice scurried around with smaller presents such as bags of candy and kid shuriken while lions padded away silently holding stuffed animals and books in their mouths. When they are finished, they went to the sink, and *-ed into a splatter of ink down the drain. For shinobi children, Sai preferred to deliver the presents by himself. With the help of ink snakes to open the window and doors, he slipped past the senses of even the most cautious shinobi, and gently put his presents into their stockings. Even though they are ninjas, Sai was the professional in hiding, being a Root Anbu, the best of his generation, no less. When Sai’s area was almost done, he received a message from his clone in East Konoha. A young girl was giving his clone a bit of trouble. He told his clone to move on to the next target, and that he would handle the matter by himself when he was done. When he arrived, he noticed what the problem was: the Hyuga girl was clearly expecting someone, and she kept activating her byakugan to look around. Sai hopped around her house, carefully staying inside her blind spot. When he finally put the present into the stocking besides her bed, he noticed the girl turning her gaze toward him. With nowhere else to hide, Sai used the Ink Mist Technique and teleported out of her house. All done. Finally, mission complete. Panting, Sai returned to his hideout and packed his stuff. He should be going back to Root base to give his report, but something had been nagging the back of his mind for the past month, and he really wanted to know before going back to his world. Because the mission description looked strikingly familiar… When dawn broke, he flew back to the Hyuga girl’s house. He heard her voice before he even got a good look at her room. “Father, I got a present too! Santa knows I have been good this year! Too bad I didn’t manage to see him, I’ll train harder...” Wordlessly, Sai hopped back onto his bird, and took off. Like every Root Anbu, Sai studied about the various cultures and festivals of the world. But he always knew that there was no such thing as Santa Claus giving presents to good children. On this day, he confirmed with his own eyes that it was just a nice cover story for Root’s covert operations. Well, it’s not like it’s something important anyway. Being good or bad never mattered to him, as long as he completed his missions. Still, for some reason, he felt as if his heart dropped a bit. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at Root base, Sai dragged himself back to his quarters. The mission was simple, but the sheer quantity of presents was taxing. There’s nothing he wanted more than a nice, long sleep. But as soon as he opened his door, he could feel that something was not right. Drawing his tanto, he carefully scanned his room. Nothing was amiss, apart from a small box besides his pillow, with a handwritten note on top. It was nicely done, dear Sai. Thanks to you, I got some well-needed rest. Hopefully I can come again next year! Inside the box was a high-quality paint brush that Sai had thought of buying, but gave up because he couldn’t afford it. An unusual sensation swelled in his heart, and he felt the corner of his mouth involuntarily tucked upwards. Ah, so he did good too.
2023-01-06 09:09:34
Christmas Event – Tell Hokage a Joke or a Riddle
Who went shopping on Black Friday, but brought nothing home? Madara Uchiha Because he got startled and ran away whenever people queue behind him
General Discussion
2023-01-06 03:50:48
Naruto Online Anniversary 2022 Fanfiction Competition
• UID: 300004908471724 • Server : S1369 • Name: 藍馬雪鳥 • Region: HK “But the final decision will be made with the top officials, after consulting with the Land of Fire and the people of the village!” Tobirama argued. There’s no way he would let Hashirama just nominate an Uchiha to be a Hokage. Especially that Madara Uchiha. As his brother muttered a protest, Tobirama sensed a presence creeping outside their window. Smirking internally, he pressed, “besides, Madara Uchiha being chosen as the leader won’t happen. Everyone knows, you are the one who founded this settlement, Big Brother. Even those from the Uchiha say as much.” Chakra surged as he moved on to criticize the Uchiha’s hatred and unpredictability, then extinguished abruptly. Even his brother, who wasn’t as gifted in sensory abilities, could feel it. Goal accomplished. Unable to hide his smugness, Tobirama’s lips quirked upwards under the disapproving look of his brother, “from now on, things will run democratically, any objections?” “No,” Hashirama replied after a long moment, “but on one condition. I will be the First Hokage, only to buy time for you to help him gain enough popularity to be selected to be the Second Hokage.” “Actually, I plan to leave the village as soon as things stabilize here, because I want to travel around the world, spreading peace and helping more people build their own villages, so that all children would have a place to grow up playing and learning instead of dying in wars,” Hashirama said. “So if you don’t agree, I’ll just leave right away.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Madara Uchiha’s face remained a cool, unpleasant mask as Tobirama explained how his brother would like them both assist in organizing the village’s various communities and infrastructure so as to help the clans to better adjust to village life. “You know that I don’t want to work with you right,” Madara said bluntly right after he finished. “Since I promised Brother, I will do my best,” Tobirama replied. He lost all his brothers, right now he needs someone to love. What better motivation to give him than offer him this position? Hashirama’s words last night rang again in his ears. Just be nice to him, what more proof would you need, if he’s able to get along with the person who killed Izuna? Well, in theory, if an Uchiha was able to let go of his hatred, they could make very reliable comrades. Didn’t mean he had to be nice though. Only a fool would believe such a thing was possible. “But don’t worry, the feeling is mutual. I don’t trust you either.” “Isn’t it great though,” Hashirama appear behind both of them and pulled them into a hug, “you reached an agreement even before you started working!” Tobirama sighed, then scowled when he heard Madara did too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tobirama Senju hated being told wrong. Of course his idea was very good. “So are you telling me that, because a person is a Uchiha, they are definitely unable to get good in healing arts? Or sensory jutsus? Also, are our Sharingan nothing but tranquilizers to you?” Compartmentalizing duties for different clans would make better use of their talents: the Naras have multi-generational knowledge regarding medicines; the Yamanakas specialize in mind-related jutsus; and the Sharingan’s should be very handy in capturing criminals. “If people are to adjust from clan life to living together in a village, isn’t it more reasonable to assign duties based on the individual’s strengths and weaknesses, instead of the clan’s? Also, won’t talents other than subduing also be useful for the police force?” What he hated more, was being wrong. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “Man, that bandage guy – what’s his name again, Tsuchikage? Was really annoyingly coc-ky,” Madara complained as he took a swig from his sake, then tossed it behind his back. “You know what,” Tobirama caught the bottle and emptied it, “I find it unsettling, that nowadays we’re agreeing on so many things.” “That’s not how people should do negotiations,” Madara stood up, frowning at the lack of return of his bottle. “I’m gonna beat some senses into his head, then he’ll do whatever we say.” “What?” Tobirama jumped, “had last Christmas taught you nothing?” “I have been smiling in public,” Madara shrugged. Last Christmas, at Hashirama’s behest, Tobirama helped Madara play Santa and gave presents to children. Madara had a really scary Santa laugh, but he did gain a bit popularity as people noticed that he was attempting to be friendly. “Though I suspect I still haven’t perfected the skill, as some people are still running away.” “Not that,” Tobirama sighed, “If you’re only strong, people only fear you. They won’t give a damm about you if you turn your eyes away from them. But if you are strong and nice, people respect you. And care. Doesn’t being liked feel good?” Madara hesitated, so he pushed, “that little girl ran to you not because you make good fire jutsu show, but because she saw you sincerely giving presents to other children. She saw that you care, and that you are a good person.” Madara contemplated, and sat down again. “Just watch. Tomorrow, Brother will get them agree on everything. But yeah, your smile still needs improving.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tobirama smiled against the Kinkaku Force. There’s no way he could walk out alive. But that’s fine, his team had escaped. And while Hashirama resigned yesterday, deciding it was time to leave for his journey, he had faith that the village would prosper under the wings of the Second Hokage, who had learnt to rule not only with power, but also with compassion. Kinkaku grinned, and was about to sneer an insult when suddenly half his men were squashed under a gigantic blue sword. He turned, saw the owner of that sword, and panicked, “but – but he killed your brother!” “And I’m sure Izuna would be very pleased to see me boss him around with torturous chores while our clan flourishes in this village under my rule. I’ll finally be able to officially do this tomorrow, but I need him alive. You’re in the way.” ======================================================================= Note: Now that I actually read the question in detail, it seems that the story is a bit off-topic, as it's supposed to have a ninja who "went back and changed an event that happened in their life". Hmm. So let's just say... Hashirama's reply in the 1st scene was that thing that he went back and changed, because he believed in his brother and his best friend, and that a little nudge can push them both to the right direction. Yeah. Whatever.
2022-07-21 01:59:52
Anniversary Event - Bonds Through the Years
Region: HK Server Number: 1369 In-game Name: 藍馬雪鳥 UID: 300004908471724 To be honest, I didn’t really plan to join the event this time as I already shared my group’s journey during Christmas. My server is relatively stable, so groups didn’t change much over the past few months. But last time I decided to join the event quite late, so when I asked my friends to take the photos, it was late at night and a lot of members already went to sleep. Then when they woke up the next day and saw the chat history, and then the forum, they were a bit sad. So I promised that I’ll definitely invite the whole group in advance for photo taking when the next group photo event comes out, regardless of whatever it is. So here I am, posting a photo but having no idea what to write. As you can see, the photo we took for “festivities” has quite a weird festival. In fact, it’s not a single festival. As there are 12 of us, to make things interesting, we did a lucky draw to assign each of us a random month of the year, and we’re to each transform into a ninja to represent a festival inside that month. The difficulty of the task depends on the month we got, but as long as we’re able to come up with a reasonable explanation for that transformation, it’s allowed, so there’s some interesting “festival” here. We positioned ourselves according to the numbers on a clock, so it’s not hard to see the results. Here’s the festivals in order: January - New Year February - Valentine’s Day March - Easter (me: well, she is wearing bunny ears…) April - Water Festival May - Labour Day June - “Exam Festival” (cause “exams are as important as festivals”) July - Firework Festival August - Ghost Festival (in the east) September - Mid-Autumn Festival October - Halloween November - Double 11 Shopping Festival (I was gonna go for Single’s Day, but that’s depressing for some so) December - Christmas We had much fun for several days discussing which festival to use and who to transform, as some members have interesting ideas while some would like inputs and opinions. And after all those, it seemed too short to just stood in a circle, transform and take a photo, especially since everyone carefully arranged their schedule to come together at that time. So we decided to play a game afterwards. A game of Ninja Transformation Solitaire was quickly designed: we take turn in the clockwise direction, the ninja we transformed into has to be related to the previous order player’s ninja somehow. Of course, rules are lenient so we accept it as long as there’s a logical explanation. After a few cycles, some members started to make lengthy descriptions of hard to spot relationships and things turned out to be quite funny (eg kakuzu who loves money, and naruto who fails exams). We had a great time, and would have played for longer if it hadn’t been time for war, which we won. That doesn’t happen usually, so it was a nice conclusion of our day. Now that I look at it, it seems that I have successfully written something that may have fitted the requirement of this event as a “memory”, so hope you like our little story. Thanks for reading :)
2022-07-25 01:56:05
Strategy Anniversary Event
Server: s1369IGN: 藍馬雪鳥UID: 300004908471724 Happy Together in Theme - As there are two orochimarus (1 trailtor, 1 sannin), this team is obviously only useful in one of the theme arena modes: the one that allows you to use multiple versions of the same ninja. - It’s because they both have the passive: when they die, kill one of the sound ninjas in your time to revive himself. - So when only one of the orochimaru dies, it causes a very funny situation that he kills the other orochimaru to revive himself, then that orochimaru revives by killing this orochimaru, then this orochimaru kill that orochimaru again… - Fire main functions to provide some necessary control to the opponent, and kabuto revives one of the orochimaru on the next round, as there’s an upper limit of his reviving passive, being 5 times/round. - Of course, this team doesn’t win many battles, but it’s highly entertaining and sometimes even the opponent laughs along with you. Training Ground Trap - It’s obvious that it’s a team with the attempt to survive: rin for reducing mystery damage, water main for healing, kushina def/res, tsunade p1 for gnw orochimarus - It’s arguably better to put tsunade at p2 and kushina p1 to increase the survivability of kushina until after round 3, but if the team is too stacked, round 3 sosp mystery aiming at tsunade can kill kushina as well... but not vice versa, so it depends on different people - An interesting advantage of putting tsunade p1 is that if you have initiative, sometimes you can revive team (which includes rin) at the start of round before the enemy p1 mystery, then it’s 90% damage reduction again - It’s not a team for winning battles, rather it’s a team to strike fear into your opponent’s hearts so that they don’t dare to click you even with a power gap; and for bragging to your friends about surviving longer against the cluster rank 1 than most – as their shisui went poke poke poke, then poke poke poke… - Or course, it wouldn’t work very well if opponent uses certain ninjas that has teleport skills, but whether they bring those ninjas just for you depends on the cluster dynamic (there are also instances when tsunade was yeeted but opponents find themselves unable to kill the kushina…) - IMPORTANT NOTE: it is highly recommended that if anyone actually brings this team to battle, they shouldn’t click anyone other than the kill count/key npcs, let the fish take the bait themselves so there is no one to blame but themselves, as there’s only a thin line between making funny jokes and being downright toxic The River Turns Red - This team was useful in decisive bonds, during an era and environment in which the main opponents are edo hiruzen blitz / shisui koto + anbu itachi (lightning main root) / konan angel + shark (both non bt), (proxy was used cause some ninjas are a bit unavailable at the moment due to certain circ-umstances) - The ideal teammate would be another water main p1 team with p2 shark, p3 bt kurenai, p4 tsunade young adult, to cover for certain enemies’ mirrors and to provide healing support - During that time, ninjas with spammable mysteries are quite rare, and water main was one of them, and can provide quite some amount of control and can win with power gap as long as you have initiative and can crit, and the reason of bringing 3 mystery-blocking barriers was to further limit the opponent’s chance to move (madara’s barrier was preferably used in round 1 to clear buffs) - Konan may be able to deal additional damage, but the main function is to provide high combo for water mains’ high combo chases, which then further increases the chance of critting and controlling, even against opponent units that dodged the initial mystery - Sure, there are other very useful pvp teams nowadays, with examples being sosp and etr, but this team remains as my favourite for the satisfaction it brings with the utter do-mination over the opponent: there’s nothing they can do, other than helplessly watch themselves slowing getting killed, with the aid of their own ninjas (“the river turns red” is a saying in my native language that refers to an academic report card with all Fs in red colour, but I find it quite fitting for this team as well, as the whole opponent field turns red under chaos, and the emotional impact is quite similar) - Well, there’s the retreat bu-tton at round 5 :)
2022-07-29 06:21:58
Naruto Online EN’s 6th Year Anniversary – Shinobi Jigsaw Puzzle Challenge
In-Game Name: 藍馬雪鳥 UID: 300004908471724 Server ID: S1369
General Discussion
DuckFan Sky
2022-07-29 06:23:31
Naruto's Christmas Event!
IGN: 藍馬雪鳥Server : HK S1369ID : 300004908471724 Story Making Madara Uchiha stared at the crowd. They stared back. He’d never felt more awkward in his life. It’s the first Christmas Eve since the foundation of Konoha. Streets were filled with decorations of all shapes and sizes as all clans pooled together various traditions and celebrated as one. Madara only planned to walk around, eat a big meal, and call it a day, then Tobirama dropped a red hat onto his head using Flying Raijin Jutsu. But he couldn’t say no to Hashirama’s depressed act when First Hokage asked him to play Santa for the village. His heart sank when he thought of a little girl who ran away this afternoon when he tried to help out with her house’s decorations, but regrettably, he already accepted the request, so he’d complete it. Perfectly. He didn’t know how to make the “ho-ho-ho” of Santas, but he imagined Hashirama sparring with him, then he laughed maniacally, “hahahahaha! Kids, come collect your presents!” The sound came off weird, but one bold kid stepped forward, tempted by the shiny box in his hand. Others soon flocked towards him after the boy received a present. When everyone got a gift and left with laughter, Tobirama came over and took the reins. Tobirama, in reindeer outfit, teleported the sleigh street after street. Everywhere, Madara made his weird laugh and gave presents to children, wishing them Merry Christmas. He was greeted by surprised glances when people recognized him behind the beard. But in the end, children beamed and adults tentatively smiled, some even sh-oo-k his hand and made small talks with him. When his enormous bag finally emptied, Madara's hand brushed against something in his pocket. He took it out, and asked his “reindeer” for a favour. Minutes later, his sleigh appeared in front of a house, and he quietly put the flower ring he picked up earlier onto the Christmas tree. The little girl who once fled ran out from her house. She hugged him and thanked “Santa Madara” for returning the flower ring she lost after spending hours to make. His ran out of gifts, so he gave the girl a fire jutsu show as present. She stared in wonder and gave him gingerbread-men in return. He found himself smiling when he returned to the sleigh. “Being liked feels good, eh? Just put on that idiotic smile of yours and they’ll love you,” Tobirama scoffed, but added when he scowled, “I know you like eavesdropping, but what you didn't hear that day, was that Brother made me promise to assist you to become Second Hokage. For the sake of the village, the least I can do is help improve your image. I hate to say it, honestly, but good job today.” Later that night, in the secret room of Naka Shrine, Madara stared at the stone tablet. He read again the line that bugged him the past week. Uchiha will be saved by the Infinite Tsukuoyomi. “Nah, screw it. My family is bigger than that.”
2022-01-02 17:15:35
Christmas Event - Story Telling
IGN: 藍馬雪鳥Server : HK - S1369UID : 300004908471724 I joined my server when it opened 2 years ago. At first, I didn't know how to play the game and I was shy, so I didn't join any groups and do all the missions by myself. TI was especially hard, because I had to defeat all the opponents myself. One day, the leader of KonohaAnbu group sent me a pm, "I see you around all the time, but you don't have a group. Do you need help with missions?" Then we chatted, and I joined his group. I was greeted by a warm welcome. Since then, I didn't need to worry about activities anymore, because there always was someone nice enough to help whenever I need it. Chat was active, and I found myself chatting with internet strangers about work, life, and everything else. Friendship was formed from the conversations, and internet strangers became friends who gave important advice to real life problems, and the first to approach when I needed someone to talk to. However, our leader took a hiatus due to his health issues. "Take care of my guys before I return," he told me, gave me his position, and disappeared. My power wasn't strong, but like he did, I helped anyone with activities when asked. Since then, a lot had happened. Like any new server, activity drop gradually. 2 groups remained from the initial 4. Merge occurred, a lot of people contemplate switching, and our adjacent group merged with another. But we stayed, because our bonds were made by our friendship instead of amount of rewards or results of battle. Our group even grew a bit when we recruited some like-minded members, and we made a group in social media. Photos, gifs, and emojis were shared everyday. Some members even posted homework questions, and we all tried to help, despite some never studied related subjects and led to a lot of laughs. Merge brought activity to a server, but sometimes, also toxicity. There are some people from the strongest group who enjoy pk fights during Rogue Ninja Outburst, and like to attack all other groups in the activity. Some groups tried to bargain and failed. The strongest group wasn't looking for rewards or thrill of battle, they just want to kick you out of the map because you are of a different nationality. In the end, most groups shied away from the rogue ninja activity, but we didn't. We stayed. Our main priority in game wasn't in-game reward, but we won't tolerate it when members were bullied and sad. So we fought, as the smallest group in the server against the biggest. We saved up coupons, and bought some ninjas, so when they click us in rogue ninja activity, even across 1 mil power difference, their own time was wasted. Some were even stalled until the start of the next wave. Eventually, they stopped, and we could participate in the activity in peace alongside their group. We were very proud of this achievement, and we still talked about it even after months. This Christmas was our second Christmas together. As with last year, we did a countdown in the group chat. Photos of our real life celebrations were shared onto the social media group, and we learnt a lot about cultures of different countries. We had been talking about making some themed group photos for some time, so when I asked my group to pose for the below screenshot, they were quick to agree and enthusiastic about choosing characters and positions. That was our first group photo, but countless others were taken after that one. We chatted, took photos, took midnight snacks because someone posted a food photo and made everyone hungry, and celebrated Christmas until the morning, to the frustrations to some parents. Celebrating with groupmates were as fun as with any friends in real life. Merry Christmas & Happy 2022 :)
2022-01-01 16:07:33
Naruto's Birthday - Fanfic Event
Fanfiction eventServer ID: 1369In game name: 藍馬雪鳥UID: 300004908471724 It wasn't specified who "you" needs to be, so I took some liberty. Hope you don't mind~ :) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Google Doc link The link was unfortunately censored, no matter how I tried I couldn't get rid of it. Please paste these two together: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Attached please find the photo Gaara took with his instant camera And a close up picture of the cake in the story
2021-10-13 12:34:13
Naruto Online Anniversary Event: “Bug” Hunting!
In game name 藍馬雪鳥 UID 300004908471724 Server number 1369 Server Region HK Shino’s Trivia Answer There is none.
Bugs & Support
Tachibana Saeko
2021-07-28 00:07:24