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2019-05-18 16:53:47
Recent HK Region Bug Report Thread
S844 zico / Account: UID:300033965466290 Early this today's morning, i logged in, that time server really bad, can't do arena or survival trial, my seasonal rank got reset . Here are my lost : - I did open 10 wheels time ( 200 cps ) 8h30 - 9h30 a.m ( server time zone ) and got Minato Edo - Did 950 cave keys rebate ( i reached 750keys rebate in Thursday already, today do 200 more ) - Lost 180 season tickets and my seasonal rank got reset to 0. From ranking 4 before in my server now im unranked. And second account S844 FangZ : ID : / UID : 300022622263981 - Lost seasonal rank , lost almost 250 season tickets ( ranked 5 before ) After the maintaine, 4h00 p.m i log again then everything like reset from the 0 point. There is only ninja exam is counted as i fini* in the morning . Others like Wheel fortune Minato Edo disapeared , cave keys rebate back to 750 ( but i can't see where is my 200 keys i used before ) . My seasonal rank still unranked , my season tickets lost , Rich Field need to do again ( even thought i did it alrd ) Myoboku Trial aswell , claim the monthly card's rewards aswell. It seem like you guys rolled the server then everything i did in today's morning just gone , i'm so disapointed and really upset, i hope you guys can check it for me. There is everything i can give to guys to see, as i said above, i did 10 times for each account ( zico and FangZ ) my points in that event for both accs are 12 points ( 10 wheel today + 2 free on thurs and friday ), now i only can see it counted on both accs are 2 times ( the 10 times today just gone ) . I'm really thankful , please... P/s : only maximum 3 pics can be upload, so i have some more pics about sessional rank - cave keys rebate if u guys needed. Please reply me through . Many thanks.
Bugs & Support
2019-05-28 02:11:08
Event Cycle - April 25th
2019-05-01 14:44:05
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
Mood scrolls and sakura food .
2018-10-09 16:10:38
Oasis go ban players who use AUTOBOT
Yeah, dont show autobot here but honestly a lot of weaker players are using it for dodge top power players. LOLIt already unfair to play against some players came from old server in sage, now lost top because of auto. LOOOL my life
Bugs & Support
2018-07-23 06:33:51
Oasis go ban players who use AUTOBOT
Im talking about use AUTO bot to run the game ! Auto mys - auto play are fine lol. You should understand that we never can catch ( players ) who use autobot in sage. They just get crazy streaks.
Bugs & Support
2018-07-23 06:33:51
Can someone explain me why we do the surveys??
And no idea why they ( oasis ) so lazy ? They just recuit GLs and give them coupons as salary while they dont ask players by themself ? It like dis advantage for normal players lol and what is the point for recuit GLs if oasis doesn't care about their's reports ? Don't act like you guys are watching or listerning us lol. Once i made a long topic about how sage and matching of this game so cancer, they can say to tencent to fix it ? They just delete the thread and hide. Ok ok. Imagine if the servers only rich players around, free players - low bp players leave ? Who will play your game ? What is the point for rich people to recharge ? Think about it twice
General Discussion
2018-07-12 05:55:39
New Event Cycle - 21st of June
Kushina red hot blood next week plos ?_?
2018-06-25 22:14:44
Make your game better oasis :D
You're right, even a decent player like me sometime just want give up with this game. I would say Sage WB is the only event i love, it give me a chance to fight with another ppls from another servers who same as me. But then i lost all my moviation and fun because of some old players from 6..x servers who played sooner than me and others atleast 6 months and even longer. How i can find fun when anytime i got 4-5 win streaks then someone show up like a god with 85-90k pow kill me around 30s :)). Sometime matsuri is the same, lol a lot of times this happened to me . I lost 1st game with level 90 90K+++, then i use my main team to play 2nd game then meet 90k pow again LOL :D. At moment sage is less normal players, only strong because who weak or just not decent already quit and leave. Sage is now more like a hunting game, strongers hunt down weakers ))). sad. Mods / Admins , have u ever think about this case, in the server u guys play there are few real players " Pay 2 Win ", they just destroy all. There is only sage and matsuri left to find the fun and enjoy the game then meet some god " freeze " strong same as Pay 2 win in their server ? That why u guys need merged servers a lot. No i understand :D , i know you guys knew this problem but just dont fix :) Or atleast you guys " too busy " to do anything to make it better.
General Discussion
2018-06-14 03:07:38
Make your game better oasis :D
I might write this topic with some " childish " words or look like i'm crying but i hope u guys who watching my post, please put yourself into my view first to see why i'm calling this. Yeah maybe they dont need my 10-20$ / month i agree but atleast let treat their players better. What i'm asking in this topic, i think nothing is too much. Thanks ..!
General Discussion
2018-06-14 03:07:38
How Well Did You Do In Great Plates? Pt.2
4k6 4k7 cps and 6 days with 20 free keys / day Got 24 shisui's frags so i can recuit him now. So happy, even though the price to get like 200-210 cps / frag for him at this time but its still great events, i got tons of mood - coins - 18 kushina frags - 10-20 seals? I cant remember. So, after all this is great event i would like to see again but with another rare on it. Lucky board this time just quite bad and bored, great plates saved this week, wokwokwokwok. P/s : Got a lot of myoboku aswell, finish 2 maps because of it. Power like 2k5 :DDD woowowow2 / Itachi go up to 4* lel even on clone's acc :x thanks oasis
General Discussion
2018-05-17 15:14:53
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