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[ Events ] How Well Did You Do In Great Plates? Pt.2


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On 2018-05-15 19:20:06Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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So with Great Plates back at it again, I'd like to see how well people are doing in this event. So far I have only done 20 spins and managed to pick up 2 frags of Shisui! Will update later in the week!

So with 140 Keys I have received, 14 Frags of Shisui, 12 Kushina Frags and roughly 3-4 Seal Scrolls!

This post was last edited by Rom Reckt on 2018-05-15 19:20:06.
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On 2018-05-10 22:37:35Show this Author Only

Did 170...regretted it. Only got 8 Shisui frags

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On 2018-05-10 22:45:03Show this Author Only

The only thing bad about this event is the high chance to get 50000 coins. But since you get 20 free tries it makes it great overall.

And yea, 10 coupons for 50000 coins is a waste.

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On 2018-05-10 23:23:25Show this Author Only

So far, only 2 seals and none of fragments . Its oke since got them for free lol.

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On 2018-05-11 00:09:55Show this Author Only

30 keys, 10 itachi fragments, 2 shisui fragments and 2 seal scrolls. Not bad for only 100 coupons and the free keys.

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On 2018-05-11 00:34:29Show this Author Only

Today, first day of the event, i tried 20 keys + 20 free keys and got 1 2*Shisui fragments, 1 2*kushina fragments, 1 5*ItachiAnbu fragments, 3 Seal Scrolls and the rest are Myoboku Gifts, Refines, Mood Scrolls and Coins .. Not bad for 200cps and free 20 keys ..

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On 2018-05-11 02:39:22Show this Author Only
  • xxMihai On 2018-05-10 22:45:03
  • The only thing bad about this event is the high chance to get 50000 coins. But since you get 20 free tries it makes it great overall.

    And yea, 10 coupons for 50000 coins is a waste.

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On 2018-05-11 03:19:48Show this Author Only
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Actually they replaced the Protection Runes for Myoboku Scrolls.

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On 2018-05-11 03:28:25Show this Author Only
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Well, in the Great Plates case, you have no right to criticize it just because they removed the Purification Protection Runes .. Think of it, you can get 20 free keys a day for 7 days, and that's 140 free keys .. from that 140 free keys, you c*ready get some fragments of Shisui, Kushina Habanero and ItachiAnbu which already worth hundreds of coupons, for free .. In addition with that, you c*so get a handful of Mood Scrolls, Myoboku Gifts and Seal Scrolls for free also .. at the last day of the event, just spend 100cps to buy 10 keys to get the 150 key prize and you will get 2 Seal Scrolls, and take note of it, you only spent 100cps for 2 Seal Scrolls ..

In the end, where's the little gratitude for that, getting so much free stuff without spending or even spending just 100cps? .. Right? .. Sometimes we must give credit to them even tho at some weeks they fail to give what they gave in the previous cycles .. But hey, don't forget, not everyday is Christmas so be thankful if you receive something for free ..

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On 2018-05-11 04:03:47Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2018-05-11 03:28:25
  • Well, in the Great Plates case, you have no right to criticize it just because they removed the Purification Protection Runes .. Think of it, you can get 20 free keys a day for 7 days, and that's 140 free keys .. from that 140 free keys, you c*ready get some fragments of Shisui, Kushina Habanero and ItachiAnbu which already worth hundreds of coupons, for free .. In addition with that, you c*so get a handful of Mood Scrolls, Myoboku Gifts and Seal Scrolls for free also .. at the last day of the event, just spend 100cps to buy 10 keys to get the 150 key prize and you will get 2 Seal Scrolls, and take note of it, you only spent 100cps for 2 Seal Scrolls ..

    In the end, where's the little gratitude for that, getting so much free stuff without spending or even spending just 100cps? .. Right? .. Sometimes we must give credit to them even tho at some weeks they fail to give what they gave in the previous cycles .. But hey, don't forget, not everyday is Christmas so be thankful if you receive something for free ..

Well obviously free stuff is always appreciated, but you cant deny that it was miles better last time, since moods and protections are sorta those critically important materials that you dont often get in bulk with good rates, thats what made it outstanding, screw the ninja frags. Since they halved and removed the two best things on the wheel (for me personally) theres actually no reason to spend anything into the event. I also dont even see what was unbalanced about it, whats wrong with 1 event every so often that guarantees you bulk materials if you spend 2-3k in?

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On 2018-05-11 04:42:02Show this Author Only

@B3stNoob remember our chat the last time great plates appeared and I said the only reason why majority of players are happy is because of the frags? Been checking the posts related this event for this week and this point comes up :v

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-05-11 04:43:48.
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On 2018-05-11 08:23:51Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-05-11 04:42:02
  • @B3stNoob remember our chat the last time great plates appeared and I said the only reason why majority of players are happy is because of the frags? Been checking the posts related this event for this week and this point comes up :v

Considering the amount of frags that were in Great Plates I'm not surprised that are not happy about it.

However, the Ninjas on Lucky Board (Minus Itachi Anbu) is worth a lot more than the previous ones. So I understand the amount.

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On 2018-05-11 10:57:12Show this Author Only

I think Great Plates is a very nice free event that Oasis ever give so far.

With the 140 free keys u can get expensive ninjas frags, seal scrolls, and other material that can up ur BP.

Since I'm working I do my event at night.

So far I only did 20 free keys spin and I got 4 Shisui frags and 15 Itachi (Anbu) frags, the other I didn't remember LOL (Coz I only count ninja frags).

So far I know to have 80 frags of Shisui can spending more that 12k CP (Maybe around 14-16K forgot).

Maybe can get at least 10 of his frags within 7 days, Shisui alone is already around 1.5K CP saving).

At least it's not event where u put ur CP or money in it and get very bad rewards LOL (Example is Froggy event that need ingots to invest, Tenten Wheel recharges event (U maybe get underpriced rewards even tho recharges thousands, better do Platinum Recharges with that fix rewards) and if I remember a lot of players complained about 1st Anniv event last year if u know LOL).

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On 2018-05-11 11:02:04Show this Author Only

60 spins and not even 2 Shisui frags. All Itachi Anbu frags. Can't complain though. Free stuff is free. I'll just get Shisui next time he comes out as a redeemable ninja and not in an RNG event. RNGesus blessed me with -9999999 luck lmao.

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On 2018-05-11 17:26:57Show this Author Only
  • Naked Snake On 2018-05-10 22:37:35
  • Did 170...regretted it. Only got 8 Shisui frags

8 fragments of shisui and 166 other rewards like a ton of myoboku gifts, mood scrolls and medium refinements plus a bunch of seal scrolls. And all of this for 1500 coupons, what did you want more for 1500 coupons? Ah, greedy people.

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On 2018-05-11 17:35:17Show this Author Only
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Like if coins are not useful...

Anyways the protection runes were replaced by myoboku gifts, not by coins. So, if you yet are not at page 13 in myouboku cultivation i do not see where is the problem. Myoboku cultivation grants way more stats than a good purification and you c*ways buy purification runes in other events. Just consider, when you buy them, that you are doing it with the coupons you saved in myoboku cultivation.

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On 2018-05-11 18:00:28Show this Author Only

In 10 keys I got 4 shisui Frags I wonder if I'll spend my coups or not it's too risky

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On 2018-05-11 18:37:50Show this Author Only

40 free keys

got itachi anbu 10 frags,shisui 4 frags,kushina habanero 6 frags and some seals (dint remember how much)

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On 2018-05-11 18:53:30Show this Author Only

the best free event besides myoboku wheel, i dont see why people are complaining . i guess we cant satisfy everyone.

20 keys gave me 2 shisui frags, 3 seal scrolls, 10 itachi anbu frags, rest are coins, mood scroll and myoboku scrolls o/

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On 2018-05-11 19:26:53Show this Author Only

i still didnt get any frags for 80 pulls,

once ur acc isnt lucky, it wont lucky anymore

This post was last edited by Exvius on 2018-05-11 22:33:15.
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