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2021-11-12 02:31:19
Splash damage can deal more damage vs the main target damage one
there a difference with Kabuto Hallowen. It,s when the enemy trigger a mystery. Here I'm talking about that the mystery main target take 1 damage when the other target can take over 40k of damage. Or the splash damage from 6path mystery state that it's should be 80% of the first target of the mystery And here a screenshot. You can see there 52k of damage on gingaku when Kinkaku survive with 7hp on 16 for the enemy team. They should take only 1 damage for each attack. Or splash damage obviously bypass that. It's easy to think that not calculate proprely and the 80% of the splash dont care about def/res of any target or even the damage deal to the main target of the mystery. And it's a problem for unit like edo madara that can have a passif that should reduce any source of damage bu 30% or hashi warring states that get exactly the same power effect has those found in that strong approaching.
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Tachibana Saeko
2021-11-12 03:01:18
Leave the fun units alone
For my part, it's because Zestu is a unit that can battle lot of meta because he c*e those unit vs themself. And i think it's ok. I get beat by him from time to time and I'm ok with that. I just look for a way to pass that problem. The problem is from those who's buy those pay wall unit: they are searching for easy one for most of them and when they're losing, just cry like baby. I think it's more normal to have player using Zestu to beat other opponent of same level vs a guy that bought everything with 400k lower of you and beat you on firs round without even trying. If you like to nerf a ninja, go for that Obito ten tail breaktrought. Right now he is breaking the game: can heal himself, immunity to ninjustu, deal huge damage on round2 with mystery and passif, can take out super armor and immunity to debuff, etc...... He just got too much for one unit. The fact that he can tank and deal huge damage vs 4 unit at same level make it unfair, even for other pay player that get other unit like tendo 6path of pain and gnw orochimaru. Zestu was not a problem most of the time. It's obito right now the biggest problem. Player are leaving most of the time because of all those new ninja that brake the game, unbalancing by a lot player vs player event.
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2021-11-04 00:56:26
New Event Cycle - 28th of October
Hallowen event this year was on Discord. So for sure everyone that look on the forum and in game miss it. And that was pretty boring.
2021-10-29 03:11:20
Jiburiru and other moderators 2: electric boogaloo
oups, my mistake. Just see after years it's at the bottom right. But there should be more vigilance and faster reaction to those message that are obviously agian the rule.
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2021-10-13 11:58:18
Jiburiru and other moderators 2: electric boogaloo
For a example on the forum right now for those "money" or "p0rn" link, you can find one right no [Events] New Event Cycle - 7th of October page 2, 11 post from the top. It's there for sometime now and there no way to directly click to say it's a message that directly violate oasis forum rule. Maybe adding a icon to click to report those message would make it a lot more faster for moderator to spot them.
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2021-10-13 11:58:18
New Event Cycle - 30th of September
And you know there many country like canada have law that are "maybe" information are mostly illegal. If the company make a error on a item price, it's there error. They have some choice after, but they need to pay for the mistake not just said we're sorry. The best exemple i see was a case where the company offer diamanty jewelry for a great price. When people arrive to the market, there was only 100 of them but thousand of people show up. The company was force to offer the diamant jewelry to any personne that show up at the same price. That cost the company a huge a amount of money because here, if you announce a item and there a limited amount of them in the shop, it's need to be announce. If it's not show in the advertising, they need to pay for the error. Here they said a "item" should be in sell at X date, Or only some hours before the "sell" begin they change the info for a other thing. For sure it's illegal without compensation. Here it's against the law because you attempt to attract or ,for the situation, insiste people to pay a amount of money without giving what they was expecting.
2021-10-04 07:25:10
New Event Cycle - 23rd of September
Is it possible to have a clarification on the reason "WHY?" they have made this modification? I think we have the right to know.
2021-09-28 02:35:50
change kakuzu creation revive to something more usefull
First of all, i mostly ask for Oasis to improved how they inform the player about the skill show in game. There a lot of unit in game that are not showing all the info about there skill and it's important to know before you'r buy them , some exemple are edo madara when skill break is missing info about is barrier, kakuzu creation got limited for the amount of time he can resurrect per turn, edo Nagato skill break and shisui kimono skill break can have there reflect/immunity bypass (there a way) with normal debuff (tag, immobilize,poison, etc), the slow effect of taka Karin bypass immunity or that edo gengestu skill break clone can be destroy before he get hit by 30 attack (splash damage a other unit close). If they can correct information find in game, i think less player would get angry knowing the limitation of a unit before buying it. Second point is i ask to just for Oasis to do there job: change how the unit work to be closer to the info they are giving us or modify those info to show how the unit power really work. There some bugs i report in the past and those has never be repair or the information about it never get add in game: karui reduction to chakra cost dont work proprely if you use her in ranked battle or in auto combat (you can test with tendo, he will not trigger his mystery before 80 chakra even if the cost is 60), splash damage can bypass the top/down part of the screen; making possible to hit unit that are far from each other, the already know kakuzu not reviving the team (happen rarely before all 3 use), tsunade seals not reviving after the amount of mystery use is hit, naruto 6path splash damage can bypass unit hit by the splash defence/resistance etc And at last, there no need to get angry because i ask for them to show me the real information on what I'm buying. I dont think you would go for a fukurokumaru deal event if the ninja that you could get "could" use is mystery 2 time per turn but info about the passif to reset it only begin to work on round2 is missing or that you may go for a ninja skill break if only you knew that he can hit unit that can evade but it's not writte anywhere. We have the right to know what we're buying and it's what I'm asking: do so the info about the ninja are right or make in sort the info are replace by what they really do or change how the ninja work to be closer to the info give. It's obvious that i would like the modification about the skill itself but i would be happy they made the modification so the info show are what the ninja will do when i get it.
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2021-09-15 23:43:38
change kakuzu creation revive to something more usefull
I think you dont understand that right now he is not working like the description is saying: it's say can revive 3 times at max per battle, revive all ally and give buff. Or right now the description is partially wrong: if he revive more then 1 time per round, he will use a revive for himself and nothing more, wasting the move. I'm just asking they correct the info, change how he work for respect the description or resolve the "bug". Because lot of player that go for him are irritate by it right now because he's not working proprely.
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2021-09-15 23:43:38
Pretty good imo
For my part, we should remember that some ninja are just almost impossible for free player to get because there no more event where you can find them at all. Other ninja in event that are no more in meta or even usefull have cost too high for there real value (cough tendo). I'm not complaining about free bad ninja. I'm complaining about the fact there lot of ninja or item that so hard to get that new player will just never see them, ever. I begin to play the game almost 2 years ago now, and even if i own lot of ninja, kage almost never appear in event, hinata cloak, temari bikini, most christmas ninja and etc are never in any event to get. They give skill break to some of those but if they never appear in event so why in the first place they have skill break??? Are they just there to mock us or what? I think giving place to some of those missing ninja would be already a better way for event. Not asking like some for edo hiruzen ( like some ....... player), just asking to be fair and place new way to get old ninja. Seals pack have not been update for years. Must event have always same stuff. Some item like normal and protect vial are harder to find in event vs the advance version. If you'r going to introdiuce stuff in game, pleace be coherent. There no use to bring new ninja skill break if no one will ever have them. I'm in a group with the most powerfull player of all server (over 3millions power) and he's even got problem to skill break some of those new ninja place in game.
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2021-08-08 01:16:24