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2017-07-24 19:47:29
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2018-10-18 02:25:34
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2017-07-24 22:08:32
Cross server Sage: Complete failure or complete failure?
Imo if the only pro to having cross sage world battlefield is helping dead server that their sage doesn't start,make it so only the dead servers are getting cross server and not the servers that already have a sage on their own.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 22:09:00
Best Soultion for Players to DO Against this Corrupted Company!!
I didnt join the forums to have some mad whale bash at me for no reason or because i voted no on a poll about a feature that is already implemented in china and in a better way.Hell,i didnt give a dime about the foruns till i saw the aris livestream and i use it to stay informed,because before that all these forums were about f2ps crying every day and wanting every superrare for free and p2ws complaining that all the events * and they are not worth their money but still buy everything cause they cant say no to winning with less effort.I guess this here proves me that i shouldnt bother typing anything and just keep getting informed silently.Thanks for the freedom of speech you rock.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:51:58
Best Soultion for Players to DO Against this Corrupted Company!!
Ill tell you what a troll is,whale.The troll is the person that outpowers everyone in his server by 30k power,making the server imbalanced and unhealthy to play in,making more and more people quit because they don't stand a change.On top of that the same troll goes and creates even more unfavorable advantage for his server by charging an extra 2k.You are fcking your server's playerbase and then you come here and curse on people you selfish kid?You don't own these forums everyone is free to speak and if you don't like that stop ruining your server more and buy the forums instead.P.S Piss off.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:51:58
Best Soultion for Players to DO Against this Corrupted Company!!
Your goal is the sasuke I get it,but you are a rly high spender and IF the rates are rigged for P2Ws maybe you got less coupons than you should...You shouldn't ask for any refund or compensation because you set a goal and will probably achieve it..And again you twist my words,I never told anyone to keep spending,I for example won't spend until I'm ensured that the game I like to play will not close down in a week because of all this mess that came up.I even said in this thread that if someone doesn't feel satisfied with the company or the services they should just stop spending.I really don't understand the hostility towards me as ive never tried to talk in the forums so you can't have something personal with me...
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:51:58
Best Soultion for Players to DO Against this Corrupted Company!!
Nah,I call you annoying.You come in here as if you own the place and start accusing,cursing and disrespecting other's opinions.Who gave you the right to do that?Or are you the guy that is in OG so you have the authority to say whatever you want to another person without being penalized?
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:51:58
Best Soultion for Players to DO Against this Corrupted Company!!
Highly doubt your claims as ive seen players in my server get way more on coups than ingots charged but alright,keep being a mad kid with a keyboard these are exactly the players they like to milk dry.0 patience shenanigans that charge and tryhard the moment someone kills them 1 time.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:51:58
Unwanted items in-exchange for COUPONS?
No,Im saying you come in here and accuse people without context and I'm also saying that if someone would like to make a poll with a serious and super-worth suggestion it would be a good idea to make a nice search because maybe the Chinese people already thought about this and implemented it.I don't understand why are you fixated on twisting my words but I really don't care you can keep doing it.You c*so say I have a 5 star kyuubi Naruto in my mail that I didn't claim yet if that helps you let off some steam ;P
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:56:45
Best Soultion for Players to DO Against this Corrupted Company!!
Not rly,I said that on average you got at least a 50 coupon back from each 20 ingot you spend on that wheel with the OLD and not rigged rates...If you charged 25k ingots and spend all on them on the wheel you would get approximately 60 to 65k coupons(that's IF you get a 50 coup rebate on average per 20 ingots which I think was close or even more than that). 125(1 seal scroll value of coups) * 500 = 62.500 coupons total.I was considering grabbing my sasuke that's why I did all this fiesta calcs but the next day when I was about to charge them up the wheel got rekt...
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:51:58
Unwanted items in-exchange for COUPONS?
Yes I do deny it because it is an accusation that comes without context,just because I researched on my own for a way to get rid of all the extra crap I farmed randomly...If there was a maybe option I would vote that instead but there are 2 yes options for some reason ;P .I don't think anyone that voted yes researched about it so I voted no and justified why I did so.Don't get me wrong I also want free stuff but since there is a feature out there already that will probably come at some point,why not just search for it before you make a poll lol
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:56:45
Best Soultion for Players to DO Against this Corrupted Company!!
I justified my opinion there because I did some searching on it beforehand.Have all these things I don't need and was looking for a way to get rid of them.Before reaching conclusions it's better to just listen to what someone has to say...
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:51:58