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[ Events ] Cross server Sage: Complete failure or complete failure?


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On 2017-05-26 05:52:29Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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This probably has to be the worst thing oasis did in a while. I will just merely state the fact that Oasis games disregarded opinion of the most people (refering to the offical poll: Should Cross Server Sage be implemented?). In this poll vast majority was against cross server sage, and yet you went against your players wishes and just "postponed" it. What is the purpose of the "official poll" if you re going to do what you will anyways?

Aside from that fact that you re disrespecting people's opinion who are playing this game and also making you make for a living I will try to calmly *yze what are the perks and cons of this new "feature" you implemented.

Cons (for players):
1. Less exclusive goods obtainable region wise (seal scroll and advanced refinement runes for top 3 in lands)
Since battlefields are a lot larger now, and rewards havent really changed you are now giving away a lot less goods region wise. People who have played a lot to get to the top branch of their server are no longer rewarded for it as they can not have steady income of free advanced refines and seal scrolls. I am not just talking about heavy spenders that got where they are, there are a lot free to play or mild pay to win players who could get to top 3 in respective lands on Sage event.

2. As a consequence of the first con, a lot of people that are giving you steady income (mild p2w) or f2p players who are keeping servers alive will not feel competative anymore and will consider quitting the game.
Its really that simple, how should someone from server where he is top 10 with his 60k power (rivaling several people with same power) feel after being competative and having a chance to obtain rewards on Sage event, now getting to point where he is put up (via "balanced matchmaking") against 80k power monsters just to be obliterated by them.

3. Competing with someone you dont have a clue whom he is is tiresome.
Winning or losing on Sage would not be the same if we didnt know people we are against. I and pretty much anyone else have chance to get camped by someone in sage and if we know that person we ll either have a small satisfaction of flaming them (in jest in most of the cases) or simply trying to get better and beat them next time. If its a random stranger winning or losing vs us, its not the same thing.

Pros (for players)
I have yet to think of any ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Pros (for oasis games):

1. Less goods obtainable in game forcing players to spend money (on advanced refines and seal scrolls)
Sage event is now bigger yes. Better? Not by a long shot, just by putting bunch of completely different power level players together you accomplished nothing good.

2. A lame attempt to make highest spenders spend even more to compete with each other
By putting a bunch of highest powered people together you are hoping that they wont stop at few or several thousands of dollars invested in this game, as someone (after all that money spent) even stronger appeared. I believe even they wont appreciate the fact that YOU WANT MORE, that spending several thousands of dollars is not enough to secure freaking 15 advanced refines and 1 seal scroll during an event.

3. By implementing more and more cross server events that are supposed to be server only you are neglecting the fact that you are not capable / willing to nurture and keep alive all these new servers that you re opening without support for it.
Your server is getting vacant? Can't start sage or GNW? No problem, instead of seeking which servers need merge, to create several ones with healthy and lively enviroment, we will just open and open new servers again in an attempt to milk the money out of first two weeks of * contest and after that we will just leave those servers to rot and slowly die out. Except, you have excuse for doing so, because who needs a merge to keep server alive when all of the events become cross server. Guess what, its not the solution. Vacant server will still be vacant server and people will quit on even faster rate, regardless of your "cross server events". No one wants to do daily quests alone, to wait for wanted missions, team instance or that god awful plunder for few hours, cross server sage and other cross server events wont make enviroment remotely better, just an illusion of being such.

Cons (for oasis games):

1. People will get outraged and will start quitting on alarming rate because seemingly you dont actually care what your players want. And we re not asking for free Susanoo Itachi for everyone, we re asking to respect our opinions (Disregarding previous official poll made) and not to play us for a fools (trying to milk out more money by putting up more competative yet completely unfair enviroment + denying a lot of in game goods widely available previously)

Bottom line from me: This cross server sage is one of last few drops in already overfilled glass. With it you shown that you disregard your players opinions and only look for a ways to make it easier for yourselves.

If you actually care about your fanbase wellbeing and opinions you would either revert sage to Server restricted event or fix your matchmaking which is horrible and disgusting (I was in a land where we had 60 players ranging from 55k power to 90k power) to someting resonable which shouldnt be more than +-5k power maximum. In best case you would actually look on a ways to improve servers by merging them and keeping events server only with community on servers being bigger. I m wondering, why is there 8 group spots on finals for GNW and why are there 6 lands with 9 players maximum on each? When will we hope to achieve such activity? Never if you re so slow and reluctant on doing merges, instead of doing this kind of lame excuse for a "solution". Your managment fails to see this but it is actually better to have a large community that is content with the game rather than having hotheads who will burst their money on first two weeks on newest server and quit in few months (I am talking about your revenue here.)

I have said what I had to say, and I am pretty sure a lot of people will support me in this matter, whether or not you ll stay indifferent to your fanbase opinion (as usual) remains to be seen. High chance you might even delete this thread, because no one likes the ugly truth, even though I sincerely doubt I ve broken any of rules of postin a thread.

Tobi S96
This post was last edited by miniGunner at 2017-5-26 05:53
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On 2017-05-26 05:56:19Show this Author Only
I enjoyed that new sage. Keep it up :P
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On 2017-05-26 06:02:34Show this Author Only
nubs getting farmed :*
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On 2017-05-26 06:21:59Show this Author Only
  • rk. On 2017-05-26 06:02:34
  • nubs getting farmed :*
When your server will run out of those "nubs" you are talking about you won't be so happy
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On 2017-05-26 06:22:50Show this Author Only
  • sk1ba On 2017-05-26 05:56:19
  • I enjoyed that new sage. Keep it up :P
only bots or ppl who didn't care can write that, bcs nobody like lose, high power or lower
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On 2017-05-26 06:23:20Show this Author Only
As a player who only topped up at beginning of the server that sounds bad for me. So I disagree with changing another feature in the game to support people who systematically top up.
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On 2017-05-26 06:25:32Show this Author Only
think that guys, now in my actual server there are less ppl, they all doing 4 S convoy, with this sage they will see that they can't do something, will quit, so less ppl, less SS, nobody will spam for server merge bcs they already kill 1 single best event that had this game, soon they will do gnw cross server and than i can ask, why they go to merge servers if all will be cross server?? WHEN THEY WILL PUT CROSS SERVER CONVOY/PLUND I WILL REALLY ENJOY;P;P (sarcasm)
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On 2017-05-26 06:28:46Show this Author Only
I didn't like it myself, but it does have a pro, being a help to dead servers.
Those that wait for a merge at least have that SWB to complete their monthly and weekly missions...
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On 2017-05-26 06:36:30Show this Author Only
Imo if the only pro to having cross sage world battlefield is helping dead server that their sage doesn't start,make it so only the dead servers are getting cross server and not the servers that already have a sage on their own.
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On 2017-05-26 06:42:18Show this Author Only
Its not really a solution, just keeping dead body on wires instead of reviving it. So this is just a lazy solution for those dead servers, instead of merging them. Like people from dead servers will get joyful all of the sudden because they can get matched with 30k power difference on sage instead of not having it at all.
Server merges, massive ones are a solution, not this cross server bull* I really believe merges will keep servers and players going not unbalanced and * cross server events.
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On 2017-05-26 06:54:02Show this Author Only
its implented already i made several threads and posts about not having it crosserver... now its too late guys w/e gets in never gets i fought only with low level people in SWB ..
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On 2017-05-26 06:55:45Show this Author Only
  • Qolem On 2017-05-26 06:28:46
  • I didn't like it myself, but it does have a pro, being a help to dead servers.
    Those that wait for a merge at least have that SWB to complete their monthly and weekly missions...
by monthly event you mean 100 points ? 1 summon scroll + 1 med refine ?

weekly can be refreshed so you can get another mission instead of sage..

So i am really sorry , but these 2 facts are not enough to bring life to dead servers..
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On 2017-05-26 06:58:33Show this Author Only
  • Jori. On 2017-05-26 06:54:02
  • its implented already i made several threads and posts about not having it crosserver... now its too late guys w/e gets in never gets i fought only with low level people in SWB ..
Being implemented doesn't mean it cannot be shut down , right ?

I still remember the matsuri event that ws "cross server " and out of the blue it became server only for 2 weeks..

Anyway , i guess our only hope is to find a solution between players, but i imagine that even this will be impossible as we are all seeking for more power and at least myself , i am greedy enough to not want to give up anything to others..
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On 2017-05-26 07:18:06Show this Author Only
Only way we can get them to fix it is by never stop complaining about it until they fix it and make it right the more people speaking up against it the better there is a few solutions that comes to my mind that would work.

base it on power first then on lvl not the other way around as it is now.
Completly random battlefields. Or the best solution speed up the merging a bit and kill this cross server bull* that can be so hard since they already have system in place for that.
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On 2017-05-26 07:20:46Show this Author Only
  • Qolem On 2017-05-26 06:28:46
  • I didn't like it myself, but it does have a pro, being a help to dead servers.
    Those that wait for a merge at least have that SWB to complete their monthly and weekly missions...
Only thing they need is to get merged,i dont think this sage will help anybody.
I just see that ppl on my server and most ppl on forum(as i can see till now and from that "poll"Oasis did) are disappointed,but Oasis showed at that poll that they dont care about players opinion.
I hope they will enjoy in those biggest spenders fighting each other while all this ppl quit.

SUP WORLD :victory: This post was last edited by kov*** at 2017-5-26 07:21 This post was last edited by kov*** at 2017-5-26 07:22
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On 2017-05-26 07:36:47Show this Author Only
Amazing they are censoring everything about cross server sage, they keep deleting threads so expect this to be deleted as well. Oasis you are beyond saving you keep shooting yourself in the freaking head by not listening to your playerbase AT ALL even blatantly ignoring us and straight up censoring us whenever you get massive negative feedback.
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On 2017-05-26 07:57:54Show this Author Only
  • ufktf,gvk On 2017-05-26 07:20:46
  • Only thing they need is to get merged,i dont think this sage will help anybody.
    I just see that ppl on my server and most ppl on forum(as i can see till now and from that "poll"Oasis did) are disappointed,but Oasis showed at that poll that they dont care about players opinion.
    I hope they will enjoy in those biggest spenders fighting each other while all this ppl quit.

    SUP WORLD :victory: This post was last edited by kov*** at 2017-5-26 07:21 This post was last edited by kov*** at 2017-5-26 07:22
I do get what you mean, but if merges are only each 2 weeks, then that's still something they can do while waiting for their merge.
Doing merges moreoften would help, but well... it isn't happening, so I guess we have this XD

I don't like it, if I am to look at the majority, but personally, it makes no difference to me. I still get nothing from SWB XD
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On 2017-05-26 07:59:00Show this Author Only
I swear to god the my most dumb update they could of thought of its also funny how every1 said no to this and they still add it like df is wrong with them
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On 2017-05-26 08:00:34Show this Author Only
"we hope this method will provide balance distribution to this timed event."

My first match-up was against someone with 40k more battle power than me...

Well... looks like I have no reason to join sage world ever again since it's very unlikely that Oasis will revert it back to how it was before.
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On 2017-05-26 08:05:21Show this Author Only
I thought there would be better match making, this is complete and utter BS. Just like in the past, still facing 60+ power players when i only have 47k'ish power. Oh and also Group Chat doesnt work during SWB once you type something it says on a message on the screen " Request Timeout". This post was last edited by KaptnKrunch at 2017-5-26 08:06
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