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2017-07-24 19:59:14
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2021-03-15 09:55:21
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2021-03-11 09:02:33
My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)
So, I need to run a blitz team to defeat this, or as suggested before, a fire main team? What's wrong with me wanting to use my earth main? Why should I have to change to counter something? Forcing me to change in order to counter a class is *, just shows how the class isn't balanced at all. EDIT: So to counter water I have to change class, but to counter lightning blitz I just have to add Hinata? Uhm.... no.
General Discussion
2017-08-01 04:22:18
My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)
You said everything there, it's focused on healing, not poisoning your whole team, or ccing your whole team, as small as you say the chance of crit is, it's still there and idk if it's just me but I find myself getting chaosed from that quite frequently. I'm not making a new team or getting hanzo or gakido just for water main, that's *, I shouldn't have to get these ninjas to counter a class. Oas need to see this, when that happens and water gets buffed I expect to see other classes getting buffed along with it. Honestly, I think water should get toned down, if a class is meant for healing it should be best at healing, and not at damage and cc as well while other classes aren't nearly as good. As for Kakashi, he needs changes, his kit looks more offensive based, but its single target and does no damage and has a useless clone. This discussion was never about fire, but yes fire is a pain when it comes to cc, but fire can't heal as much as water. Water gives most if not all you ninjas the ability to poison, fire has a chance to ignite. If you said that the ability of fire to be able to take away all cc consistently and also delivering consistently I would agree with you, but comparing fire to water, really? Heals, chaos, debuff, poison vs debuff/transfer, ignite and sleep and water main is consistent at those if chosen.
General Discussion
2017-08-01 04:22:18
My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)
Here is the thing, Chakra dissection blade doesn't need damage, if you match it with neurotoxin you have a chaos guaranteed, only thing that can prevent it is fail, or transfer, or a debuff remover. 1 enhancement or debuff? haha, no, they have to remake everything for that to happen, nerfing each one or changing certain abilities will do it. You can pick from, Reserve seal = tanky, healing tips = heals, neurotoxin = cc (the enhancement isn't included). You c*e that with healing mystery, poison mystery, mystery that has high chance of crit which in some cases make most of your team chaosed if partnered with other talents and buff remover. From what I just told you, we can come to the conclusion that water main isn't limited at all. You can have heals with CC, or heals and have a tanky main. So many things which you might think are little on their own (which most aren't) but together are a bigger deal than you think. Oh, and water main being good for survival trial is the least of my worries xD It's potential to do so many things which are exaggerated, like u said, the 40% could easily go down to 20%, or having the possibility to chaos a lot of ninjas, if you use your mystery and it chaoses because it crits, then your chase is dissection blade and you chaos another target. You are telling me that is ok? What other main can do this as well as having the chance to deal damage over time poison, and having the ability to cancel debuffs and heal at the same time? Edit: Nerfing Healing and poisons as well as toning down ninjas like mei will seriously help, toning down the chaos is also a must as it is ridiculous, I shouldn't need to run a certain team to counter this (as said above).
General Discussion
2017-08-01 04:22:18
My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)
tbh they weren't even counters, I said they can heal and debuff, he said "Ignite", uhm, did I not mention debuff?
General Discussion
2017-08-01 04:22:18
My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)
XD This is a game. If this happened irl that would be the case, but we can only do what is written in the code, and if the code gives all this crap to one character then it makes it unfair. And I didn't say it didn't have a weakness, I said it has too many strengths compared to everyone else.
General Discussion
2017-08-01 04:22:18
My thoughts on the "State of the Game" (Touches on Water main and a bit more)
50k power Do you like healing half your HP and clearing debuffs with 1 ability? this has counter play, its called ignite. - Water main has something called heal and debuff. Do you like poisoning which does way too much damage? this has counter play, its called debuffing. - Fair enough, but is water main having poison on top of everything git already has fair? Do you like acupuncture with your standard? this has a low combo chance. - Uhm, depends on luck, but I mean an acupuncture on standard believe it or not is TOO MUCH. Do you like having better tank growth stats than the Tank Main(Earth)? lolwut, must of never played earth main... - I am earth main XD, and you know what growth stats are? Do you like CCing everyone? this is rng and you cant rely on chaosing 4 people every single turn, you can barely hope to chaos a single 1 without chases, and even then immunity's and debuffs will roflstomp you. - Yes but my point is, DOES A SINGLE CHARACTER DESERVE TO HAVE THIS MUCH CC? Fire main for example can disable with mystery for 1 round, then has cd. and can transfer 1 piece of cc. Water has unlimited chances of cc. As mentioned there is the chase which always crits, you know what that means. have you done with Kakashi. The sixth hokage is useless. Just let that sink in, THE SIXTH HOKAGE IS USELESS??? - You have seen anbu kakashi? in cn that is, that was kakashi when he was younger. So he goes from amazing to below average, despite being called one of the best jonin if not the best jonin in the village, not my words, in the anime. It's mentioned in the anime that he has really low chakra, but he is much better than the other jonin, yet ingame all the other jonin are better? I didn't want EVERYTHING together, I said a tankier clone, or even this clone having a shield or something, idk. EDIT: Kakashi 6th hokage has no sharingan, mmmmm whatcha say? What the *? Infinite chakra? There is something called nerfing and buffing, it has been done before in this game, so him being released the first week has nothing to do how he hasn't been chased.
General Discussion
2017-08-01 04:22:18
Lineup Help!
Sadly I don't have sjiraiya. Ty for team tho
2017-07-24 22:09:21
Lineup Help!
Blitz teams don't work on my server anymore because me and another guy are using them and ppl just putting hinata on...
2017-07-24 22:09:21
Lineup Help!
I was thinking about that but lots of ppl in my server have interrupts so it's hard to pull Hashi's barrier and I haven't seen it combo well and I would like a nice combo not just 2 or 3.
2017-07-24 22:09:21
Put your questions here for {{ Lightning Main }}
Hey, i'm unsure about what to use. Thanks
2018-03-11 15:37:21
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