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2018-07-26 22:27:26
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2018-10-06 16:06:05
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2018-10-06 01:29:59
Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag
as for mods and admins and devs, i will go the hard way i will say, YOU ARE ALL D@MN FOOLS, UNPROFESSIONAL EMPLOYES, INCOMPETENT MOR0NS, daiske, exvius, tobei, jiburiru,rachel , narutosupport (its account name of developers )and others devs if u think u cant handle the management of this game or u need more employes to run this game business, just hired the professionals employes and ofcourse u need to pay them nicely. ALL problems, scandals, shady business, leaked information of ur shady business and dirty scandals (thanks to the h@cker though), greed and how all of you handle situations and give answer to ur playerbase are proofing that you all stup1d as h3ll
General Discussion
2018-10-08 18:44:05
Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag
the price had been 10 coupons before XD. What are you talking about LMAO
General Discussion
2018-10-08 18:44:05
Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag
do ur research bro LMAO. It was 10 coupons before
General Discussion
2018-10-08 18:44:05
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
i despise some players who have bad black heart , who dont want other players to get cheapest or cheaper price of ninjas for many reasons. Thanks to them, The best event sakurast event got nerfed now just like great plates. If only they can shut their mouth about sakuras events get buff on it. I dont care about that naruto birthday event, but i do care about sakuras events since the cheapest way to get adv refine runes is gone now. RIP. Oasis shouldnt get provoked easily by other players who have that black heart. If this is continue, we wont ever get event that sell items with cheap price. way to go black heart squad, way to go provocateurs
2018-10-09 16:10:38
Some maths done with new Sakura foodsack price tag
this is so true. i despise some players who have bad black heart , who dont want other players to get cheapest or cheaper price of ninjas for many reasons. Thanks to them, The best event sakurast event got nerfed now just like great plates. If only they can shut their mouth about sakuras events get buff on it. I dont care about that naruto birthday event, but i do care about sakuras events since the cheapest way to get adv refine runes is gone now. RIP. Oasis shouldnt get provoked easily by other players who have that black heart. If this is continue, we wont ever get event that sell items with cheap price. way to go black heart squad, way to go provocateurs
General Discussion
2018-10-08 18:44:05
I'm Confused
i despise some players who have bad black heart , who dont want other players to get cheapest or cheaper price of ninjas for many reasons. Thanks to them, The best event sakurast event got nerfed now just like great plates. If only they can shut their mouth about sakuras events get buff on it. I dont care about that naruto birthday event, but i do care about sakuras events since the cheapest way to get adv refine runes is gone now. RIP. Oasis shouldnt get provoked easily by other players who have that black heart. If this is continue, we wont ever get event that sell items with cheap price. way to go black heart squad, way to go provocateurs
General Discussion
2018-10-05 15:46:30
share the loss!
i despise some players who have bad black heart , who dont want other players to get cheapest or cheaper price of ninjas for many reasons. Thanks to them, The best event sakurast event got nerfed now just like great plates. If only they can shut their mouth about sakuras events get buff on it. I dont care about that naruto birthday event, but i do care about sakuras events since the cheapest way to get adv refine runes is gone now. RIP. Oasis shouldnt get provoked easily by other players who have that black heart. If this is continue, we wont ever get event that sell items with cheap price. way to go black heart squad, way to go provocateurs
General Discussion
2018-10-05 14:58:25
to all complainers (i guess)..... please
i despise some players who have bad black heart , who dont want other players to get cheapest or cheaper price of ninjas for many reasons. Thanks to them, The best event sakurast event got nerfed now just like great plates. If only they can shut their mouth about sakuras events get buff on it. I dont care about that naruto birthday event, but i do care about sakuras events since the cheapest way to get adv refine runes is gone now. RIP. Oasis shouldnt get provoked easily by other players who have that black heart. If this is continue, we wont ever get event that sell items with cheap price. way to go black heart squad, way to go provocateurs
General Discussion
2018-10-10 11:54:19
To the community: stop being self-centered
i despise some players who have bad black heart , who dont want other players to get cheapest or cheaper price of ninjas for many reasons. Thanks to them, The best event sakurast event got nerfed now just like great plates. If only they can shut their mouth about sakuras events get buff on it. I dont care about that naruto birthday event, but i do care about sakuras events since the cheapest way to get adv refine runes is gone now. RIP. Oasis shouldnt get provoked easily by other players who have that black heart. If this is continue, we wont ever get event that sell items with cheap price. way to go black heart squad, way to go provocateurs
General Discussion
2018-10-07 15:49:02
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
some players already spent coupons in lucky * event and got nice items, some of them got jackpot maybe like in lucky * or in crazy slot machine. SOme of them may got orange attribute on their initiative att in their ninja tools, some of them got upraded in their charm. Some of them already draw scrolls or spend coupons etc. some of them already done missions which give rewards like swb, convoy , space time, cat quiz etc. It will be imposible. Then again its oasis fault, not them. So oasis should put the event back like before where players can get cheaper ninja and sasuke/sakura with 80 fragment
2018-10-09 16:10:38