GNW Treasure
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2017-07-24 19:05:43
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2018-09-28 14:12:24
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2017-07-24 21:44:45
LA and NY servers' SA and TI Reset BUG
Server ID: S9 InoCharacter name: JuriMasakiBug description Both TI and SA didn't resetPrint screen of the bug:I didn't get to doing my final SA run last week
Bugs & Support
2017-08-18 10:14:43
Events Nov 24th
I'm less then impressed with the cash grab of making the Sage keys time limited, it makes the event go from one of my favorites to towards the bottom of the list for me. When keys can be built up across multiple times, you are more free to refresh as needed if the items you are after aren't there, because RNG can be horrible about giving you what you want much less with any discount.It's already a limited time shop where you're spending coupons or even real money, with the "reward" for refreshing often not being that good. That vs lukcy dice, where I felt like I was spending my money wisely with pretty much anything I got out of it.I am happy to see the purifying system, and the other events look good, but it does add a bad taste all the decisions to not let keys stack up.
2017-07-24 21:08:25
Events Nov 17th
Still seems like a bad business practice to not post what the actual rewards are, or at least let others post it. Posting in a timely manner what the coming events are lets people plan how they spend their money, instead of them spending money and getting frustrated they should have just waited. And less frustrated people leads to less people quitting, which leads to more money for Oasis in the long term...And only posting notes after the update is finished on some servers is not a timely manner.Overall looks like a chance to save coupons, which I'm honestly glad for. I do wish their was more for F2P people, but at least there is seal rebate for people who have been waiting for that.
2017-07-24 21:06:09
Server Maintenance Updates - Nov 17th
.......No? Just no on them "only giving old ninja." For example just got 5* Anbu Itachi for free, and also no our ingots to real world money rate is worse then in china, they tend to have cheaper prices in game, and on top of that they have a lot more events tying into recharging, meaning you get more * for your buck. They also have multiple cases of special ninja being available at 2* instead of 3*, so easier to get.We at least do have a better rate then in Germany, and we are progressing really fast here, but still we have a long way to go. And some areas I don't expect us to go, I am not expecting as many free coupons as pop up in China, even down the road. But still I'm overall enjoying the game so I will keep playing.
2017-07-24 21:04:23
How do you/your leaders do GNW rewards?
Have to agree there's no easy way. There's too few packs, and most people just focus on when they last got a pack so they aren't aware of the 30 other people waiting their turn. Which they shouldn't have to be, but it's just another thing that makes packs the biggest hassle of GNW to me.I'm a senior in my group, on a server that averages 4-6 groups in GNW. In general we're not a dead server, but the population is dwindling at a worrying rate, and even the active groups have issues with participation.Because of all that, we encourage people to be there on Wednesday for the group coins etc, but it's ignored when deciding packs and we reassure them its okay if they have to miss. We do keep track in a google doc who's gotten packs and when, and try to rotate so you don't get more then a pack every three weeks or so.The upper ranks that help with strategy for GNW decide on packs (so the seniors, leader, and chunk of the anbu) with a balance of who did a lot on Sat or just in gen for the guild, f2p and lower level but growing players, and who hasn't gotten a pack in a while that was there on Sat. Deciding which pack, we'll often contact the person to find out how far they are from getting a ten pull/what would be most useful for them.We try to keep people happy, but when people start asking on Wednesday for packs, you're not going to make everyone happy.
2017-07-24 20:58:17
If they have events where players can earn certain costumes for free, you might have some options, but in general clothing is way more expensive here then other versions of the game. It's pretty annoying.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 20:52:48
[Ninja Exam]
Water Main - Ninja Exam 90 Help, Please!!
What level are you? I was able to beat it with the fire strategy, but I already had him unlocked and already had Tobi, Hinata, and Naruto upgraded to a point.
2017-07-24 21:33:46
Events Oct 13th
And my hopes have been crushed by all but batch use :'(I wish the plates reward would let you get a full Deidara, and I guess I might get some seals and summon scrolls depending on how good going points go. Also I am confused why you have it scroll across the screen when you turn in a full set, that just seems like asking for constant slowdown with those on slower connections depending on how frequently it gets triggered. Honestly makes me want to avoid that in consideration to some of my guildmates.Sage treasure feels like it needs a better pool to be drawing from. Enough events have common thread in it on top of SA, while the higher levels continue to be too scarce. The prices are bad on the magatama packs, and honestly I think there needed to be a wider ninja pool. Let it be stuff like Kakazu or sannin Orochimaru frags, and better pricing there too. 50 cps for 1 Choza frag is ridiculous as a base price.Finally you really should have also put the costumes in the shop now, gating it behind this event for debuting the feature seems like the worst way to do it. It discourages even us paying customers from touching it, since you have to spend 10 coupons for the chance of maybe getting to buy some frags.I don't mind the events themselves, they've been some of the events I've liked the most in other versions of the game, but this seems like a very meh way of doing them.
2017-07-24 20:54:41
Events Oct 13th
Meaning if it works like in china, you c*e all your stamina pots at once, open all gift boxes at once, etc etc.. Honestly it's a three way tie between that, sage, and costumes I'm most excited about. Suuuuch a nice quality of life feature. :loveliness:
2017-07-24 20:54:41
Events - Sept 29th
...Matsuri is also the Japanese word for festival. It's literally fighting festival.
2017-07-24 20:54:41