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2017-07-24 19:05:09
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2020-05-01 16:11:02
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2020-04-29 21:19:21
Events Cycle - October 17th
As i said a while back they did not move a finger so far! You can check every update that poped... arena is still bugged, 3vs3 is a mess, MM is totaly illogical for new players since they interract with old ones, therefore then chance to win is close to 10%, if not even lower, event prices are off the charts, even tho some heroes are not even worth buying... it's like a bussiness has noone in charge... just driving towards then cliff and waiting for it to drop down... pathetic rly.
R Zamani
2019-10-22 01:12:19
Community guide line in a nutshell
Then they should say the truth... not delite posts that are on point! Or even so delite older posts that are also on point! So many illogical moves here, that you can clearly see that they are lying, and trying to squelch the community as much as they can since majority of players dont use forums, to squeze as much cash as they can, while pretending that everything is good, altho it's far from that...!
General Discussion
2019-10-04 18:02:57
Sad Shinobi Feast.
It is always like that, admins, are like kids! They prefer to delite everything that let the truth roam free...!
General Discussion
2019-10-08 18:28:56
Community guide line in a nutshell
As soon as mods start deliting posts for no reason... or as they wish to call it, *it starts drama*, you know that they dont care at all, i was just thinking today, what did Oasis bring forth for the better of the community/game... i got nothing, just 1x bug that we got suit sasuke/sakura cloak, from a bag for 60 cps, if i recal... the rest is kinda blank, now lets move forward, if i add the logical gaming concept to this(what should be changed, added)... i still get nothing in the last couple of years they did NOTHING! Unless there was some problem with recharge/ingots... otherwise the rest of the community was ignored. I was thinking of buying some ingots today, but i think that i'll pass, they didnt lift a finger from the last drama that we had, you have 1 more week... then i'm gone. Also take a close look at the servers, majority of players left, only the steady ones remain, and there arent a handfull of them eather. Wondering if you whales prefer that only max 6 servers fight, altho we have 100+ of them :). Hahaha
General Discussion
2019-10-04 18:02:57
Great Plates
No offense m8, but Oasis did not bring anything good, or let me elaborate as soon as something was OP, or to cheep, they rushed into *ing up the event, by changing items, reduced drop rate,..... for the worse... it was never for the better, and yes the primary items that were removed from GP, is just illogical... just dont recharge anymore and that's it. Btw, check the servers a lot of people left alredy, even from my clan Savage, s17 zabuza eu, seems like only heavy whales remain for now :P. I'm giving them 1 more week as promised (giving max 2 weeks then i quit if they wont provide logical updates)
General Discussion
2019-09-30 22:33:51
An Open Letter to the Community
You are not so far off m8 friend, but it does not work that way, if the company has its game on Eu market, it will go under Eu policy... About 15 people posted a long list of greed, mistakes, rules, regarding Oasis, and ther part on Eu market, those do*ents were send to the police... they are in violation of at least 4 of them that we are sure, but they remain quiet, you can get the money that you used ingame back asap, they cant say no, if they do so, they got a hefty fine inc... in about a month or so they should be removed from Eu, or they will need to pay a hefty fine, and completely reorder what they are doing atm, to abide by the rules, even mods are in violation, but they will get out clean, since they do not own the company, but that will proceed into cyber *... Care mods, if you delete this! Remember they did close a couple of servers, and they are not listed in Eu... i wonder if mods tend to write why was that... with detail!
General Discussion
2019-10-02 16:54:38
Epic refine runes in Matsuri
Then implement, a daily bonus per player(depends on how active he is), if you alredy took everything away... Still cant get over the fact that you first remove it without a backup plan, on how to eze the stress for the community... Refine gaining is a total scam atm :S
Bugs & Support
2019-09-26 18:44:35
Remove Manual Battle Option???
Oh you are not a gamer it seems :s. Aight lets do this the long way, if you put auto, the moves of your ninjas are prewriten, mysteries that have 0 cd, will go off the first round, now most of those ninjas are ether buff/cc, now if we put lets say a cc ninja on move 2, vs a buff ninja on move 3... the cc ninja has an advantage since it will go for the enemy casting ninja.. therefore, those moves were not made with logic, and to be honest you kinda neglected the job of that ninja, also auto mode always targets low hp hero... so you cant target yourself, you could exploit that with lets say revive heroes aka Hidan! Manual mode lets you time wise the moves of those ninjas, and therefore make a team work, regardless of the position. To make it short, yes it does help, unless if you wish to have a 80% lose rate :)
General Discussion
2019-09-25 23:20:40
naruto online facebook page
Just write naruto online in Fb search option...
General Discussion
2019-09-26 09:53:48
Remove Manual Battle Option???
That's illogical, it will push the gap via f2p/p2w even further.... it's the only possible shot for a f2p to actualy win arena due to p2w heroes, since majority of p2w players are on auto... due to arena bugs... delay... dont care about arena, just space time/zenn Right move would be for Oasis to use logic and make a friendly power/how old the server is/p2w/f2p arena... to bring the needed same power platform, for servers that are new or old... this was suggested at the first year of Naruto(with math and full info regarding the subject)... they didnt move a finger, so the imbalance train keeps going. New players are in a mess atm when it comes to arena, i feel sorry for them :S, tho it makes you wonder, dont you keep new players by making them like the whole aspect of the game... i mean showing balance parts with logic is one of the basic moves... Meh Oasis!!!!
General Discussion
2019-09-25 23:20:40
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