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2017-07-24 19:14:24
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2017-07-24 20:58:40
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2017-07-24 20:58:40
[Ninja Profile]
Asuma - Ninja Discussion
my man :$ really good early in game, i used him on my team 4 ages and it worked great (tho i feel you that blindness is kind of eh hence why i never use my SnJ, it did work pretty well in tandem with having some other control ninja on team) ... he does solid dmg and if you have wind main it's worth keeping him up. his wind blade form is definitely a whole other level tho ... one day i'll have it haha
2017-07-24 20:58:40
[Ninja Exam]
EXAM 40 + Above - Formations + Ninja (updated)
lol ik that feeling. there's another strat in thread for wind for that, here: hit post way too early ... there's also an empress team guide in this thread with f2p characters, i'm trying to find iteta again lol to say here: This post was last edited by ro* at 2016-11-1 01:27
2017-07-24 22:12:16
[Ninja Profile]
Kisame Hoshigaki - Ninja Discussion
i keep trying to use him more cuz i have him 4* but havent rly found a place for him yet ... i feel he's kind of hard to work with. yet he is rly strong in theory ... i always have a hard time against water mains w him cuz they can heal his squish + water enhance. i've heard af/kisame 2 shark bombs for kyuubi is solid approach.
2020-04-16 21:30:53
[Ninja Profile]
Kakashi - Ninja Discussion
useful but soooooooooo squishy .... when i use him (arena, survival mostly) its w a healer ...
2017-07-24 20:58:03
[Ninja Exam]
EXAM 40 + Above - Formations + Ninja (updated)
so since i'm stuck on 90 exam ... figured i'd share some 86-89 tips for wind!mostly, i used gnw kankuro (godsend!) naruto and hinata. strongest wind in our server with empress build pretty much just auto'd them lol with her karin-chiyo-hinata team (karin's poison doing most work + her rasengan) but she had more pwr for it. so. i made other solutions. generally each time you're going to want to switch up your lineup to suit whatever's best. some trial and error. first one is fire. this one was a pain, since ignite did most of work. tobi is very good for this, and i think i used gnw kankuro, tobi, and hinata for this. they all work together pretty well. your giant rasengan does tai dmg -- take advantage of this for green puppets! let tobi ignite the heck out of that fire puppet, gnw kankuro (also does tai) can help ignite/poison the whole field (seriously, he's godly for these exams) and hinata is shielding you from the attacks but also if you time it right you c*e her to interrupt some of the puppets ults. fire goes first iirc? some flame jutsu ofc. and then the tai puppets with their leg sweeps. use the repulse tiger and your lf-->hf passive so you should get a pretty good combo that ends with hinata acu'ing them. and ofc your rasengan will cause repulse too, i think i had gale fan and blast on too. and lots of lots of shadow clones lol. can't remember lineup totally but if i had to guess it was probably something like:tobi-x-xkank-puppet-hinatamain-x-xthen next one. wind! i got stuck on this for a day. ;P the nin puppets will put those * freakin controls on you and i hate it. u can consider bringing impetus into it but. then u just get controlled and you can't even blast them into space in punishment once ur free. honestly i might have used it (don't rly remember) but i think not. anyways that's when i brought naruto in. once again ignite/poison is a godsend for taking down these puppets. always try to do kankuro's ult first so that the poison has longer to stack. !ABSOLUTELY STOP THE WIND PUPPET FROM DOING THEIR ULT! idek why but i found this easily the worst ult. it could destroy my team. i want wind to have move that op, but alas. again, use hinata to acu him, benefit of this is u can start a combo with u or naruto (and even from his standard tai attack to front enemy) that should help. also i may have had my wind enhance on. only downside is against these puppets that extra shield for hinata can help her survive long enough to turn the tide.generally my advice for all of these -- you can still pull a win even if it's just naruto clone spamming and hanging on until the last puppet drops, but only if they're dripping in so much poison u can just outlast them into dropping (and avoid timeout loss.) so don't be totally discouraged if it's down to that. but if the special puppet isn't buffed then don't bother, reset.after wind was ... water? yeah same strategy, same team. just line them up where they work best. i liked to line kankuro up so he standards the special puppet, which means he and hinata are normally in front of it, but if you think that's not working just switch it up. tried to take that nin puppet out early i think bc of controls but idk. lot of these exams were done on auto, i just made sure kankuro's ult went off first. water puppet's ult isn't the worst but still try and avoid it.then lightning. this one annoying just bc they hid the special puppet in the back. >_> inconvenient. they did balance this out by making its ult the weakest. not a big deal. just follow the same protocols, and you should be good.anyways i hope this helps someone! :victory:
2017-07-24 22:12:16
[Ninja Exam]
Ninja Exam Formation List (UPDATED 16/11/16)
this is awesome! thank you so much! :)also makes me want to post more wind strategies, poor girl doesn't have a ton haha ...
2017-07-24 22:06:00
[Strategy Share]
Tips for Blue Mission Inside Chapter 7 - Deidara
either bring neji so u can interrupt sasori from his mass puppet summonor use kakashi to start combo on sasori to use hinata to acu him before he does the moveand take advantage of ignite if u can on sasori since i thiiiink it cir*vents his healtry with your sharkbomb and skip heal for that too maybe so u can knockdown (i think it does?) and set up combo to once again get hinata to acu sasori
2017-07-24 20:56:37
Lvl 39 Breeze dancer lineup help
your main team seems good, tho ik similar winds with same format do more:*xkarin-main-hinatachiyo*if you wanna use kankuro with ur bd i'd use it with sasuke (3*) not chiyo ... up to you if u wanna try testing the puppet's durability (and extra guard in first rank) or do kank-x-hinata to keep it safe. but those 3 combo pretty well together (and well with kiba too, if u wanted to make a non-main team, but i get why hinata would be on ur main team) ... do u not have gnw kankuro? i'd use him over regular kankuroworld boss strong wind ninja team is best with wind enhance, tho feel free to throw in say someone like 1010 who does real dmg off high combos that u can initiate with gust dance for example .... at ur lvl u might still be dying from ground slaps and stuff so use clones to max advantage. u should 3* sasuke and naruto soon.arena lineup someone on forums once recced:*xmain-kakashi-hinatakabuto*and that works pretty well ... put all ur clone spam abilities on and u can win a fair few just out healing and timing out them unless they got a really good single target assassination combo thing going on
2017-07-24 20:56:37
how to beat puppet master vs puppet master
what main are u? what team u trying? everyone i know beat it with neji (myself included it was a while ago tho so i don't remember whole team ...) but for example fire main i know beat it recently with kakashi tenten and neji (i think) ...
2017-07-24 21:09:25
[Ninja Profile]
Kankuro - Ninja Discussion
kankuro is best for fighting AIs. ninja exam, survival, ranks, he's fine there. just protect his puppet and (with gnw kankuro especially cos he's a beast) you'll deal great dmg. if you're wind, keep at least one kankuro upped at all times, like naruto/asuma/baki/oro/gaara if u got him he's just a good wind to have. but sadly pvp ppl know destroy his puppet and he's just not effective. what's he gonna do, throw his little poison shuriken at u? shield of his puppet just ain't that great, tho gnw kankuro's is a lot better (and if ur wind it will be better than ur or naruto's clones ... still nothing compared to say akamaru as above mentioned. but u want to protect the puppet, not use it as a shield unless ur down to the wire and he's the only one left standing.)i like to hide him and his puppet behind hinata. they work pretty well together
2017-07-24 20:56:03