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2018-04-17 15:03:40
Kage treasure Ay/Sasuke Super rare pull
This was true for people who had pulled their first super rare prior to 4.0. I witnessed it myself with not only groupmates but other people on the server. As it stands now, I doubt you'll be able to pull both for under 1200 scrolls. I pulled my Ay after the 4.0 update in roughly July of this past summer. I've not only had free pulls since then but dropped an extra 60 into the treasure to see if I could pull Susanoo Sasuke; no luck with that. I did manage to get my Sasuke around Christmas with lucky slots by recharging but that was the only other way I would secure him without dropping more scrolls. So from experience, Ill go ahead and debunk this rumor to save yall some resources. If you do want to keep dropping scrolls, they are decent investments for future updates (skillbreaks), but we are still quite a ways off from that.
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2018-04-19 07:08:58
Question About Ranked Battle
Its not really an advantage that the attacker has but he can rotate his lineup in order to get the best outcome. For instance, the top person in my ranked battle runs a kurama, kisame, roshi, and fire main team. I run a skill broken konan to stop his kurama from resetting his mystery as well as stopping his Kisame from combo-ing to prevent the DOT damage from the ignite and poison. If I don't align my konan lineup with his kurama lineup, I always lose. It does take a little strategy despite what people believe. Some lineups fair better against others. Just make sure you're always rotating your lineups for the best outcome (if need be).
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2018-04-12 01:07:50
Itachi Susano'o mood
I swap between +HP -NIN and +ATK -NIN Survivability vs Damage essentially. But those are the two I would suggest
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2018-04-07 04:35:01
Jonin Minato's bond skill
The first fight of the video, the barrier auto casted is Edo Tobirama's. It looks similar to Hashi's
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Broken Screen
2018-03-01 07:12:42
Jonin Minato's bond skill
THANK YOU FOR THIS! I was on the Chinese forums and everything trying to figure out what triggered his barrier lol.
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Broken Screen
2018-03-01 07:12:42
Ok that's it
The issue is that you gambled all your coupons on a chance. A CHANCE that in fact coincides with RNG. The amount you spent on RNG events could've easily scored you a ninja. Instead of blaming the system, be more mindful spending coupons, especially as a non spending player. The examples you provided support your statement, such as Kaizer and the guy who spent 35k on minato. The issue still remains that its a chance. I feel bad that Kaizer spent 25 k and had no luck but he was able to get Deidera and a 4 star Roshi at the very least. Dude who spent 35 k on BOXES for a chance to get Minato was reckless tbh. That was silly to me but hey not my money. You would hope that there would be a wall after X amount but there isn't. The system isn't like that and this is known across the entire player base. Is it fair?? No.. But if it was then everyone would win. The best thing you can do with these events is set a spending cap for yourself at X amount. I would personally cap it at 500 coupons. That's all rng events are worth to me, 10 bucks. I wouldn't walk in a Gas station and spend hundreds of dollars on a lottery ticket so why would I do that in a game. While the scenarios are vastly different, you still get a return of something you want if you win. Lastly, if you started winning ninjas you would be with the majority on the stance that it is your own fault that you spend on chance. Food for thought. P.S. Keep expectations low and you'll be less dissapointed
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2018-02-24 09:09:24
A question for P2W players
I stopped recharging because the game just gets costly. For me, at this stage in the game, I know that there is more power to be obtained but I'm fine with just picking up ninjas I have all the ninjas I've had an eye on, with the exception of Shisui, since I've started the game. The competitions aren't as fun anymore. Sage world is stomp or flop. GNW is predictable. Spacetime isn't as alluring to me opposed to when it first came out. Ranked Battle is meh. I go back and forth with a couple people for the ranking but its simply rotating lineups to secure victories at this point. I still like tinkering around with comps but I'm really having most of my fun in arena. Most of the top people in my server are or have quit. I stopped topping up at around 110k and I'm currently sitting at around 125k(129k with a full 5 star lineup). I do buy the monthly pack so I guess I haven't quit completely but its no where near what I used to spend lol. I'm honestly happy and no longer tempted to spend like I used to. I think if you spend its kind of *l or nothing thing after a certain point. Touching lightly on RNG, the best advice I can give to you is to just stay as far away from it as possible. Unless there is something you are going for in an event (in the redeemables) that should be the only time you spend into RNG. Never go directly for the prize itself. So if you do still want to spend, always go for the sure thing. I know its discouraging and it gets you down about your luck but everyone does get their day in this game luck wise. Ive seen it. Everyone in my server has had some stroke of luck, F2P and P2W alike. So in short best way to handle it is just to spend smarter or be more mindful I should say.
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2018-02-22 08:45:56
Wheel Of "Fortune"
Tips for spending: Spend into the lucky wheel because of the things in it. Not primarily for the ninja itself. When you do that you find yourself less disappointed. When you think about it, all the coups or ingots that ya'll use for a chance, could've guaranteed you the 80 frags in the future. food for thought. Its a bait lol. Its supposed to be enticing. But if they ever put shisui in lucky board like they did with Edo deidera that is value for your coupons or ingots. Stop spending on RNG. Especially if you are f2p, because its a waste of resources. If you do want to spend. Cap it at 1-1.5k coupons/ingots. 20 bucks gone is easier to brush off than 150-200 bucks whether it was coupons/ingots dropped, for a bunch of nothing in my opinion. Minor power gain at best. Rants are fine if its pvp related bug wise or ninja comps that are ridiculous. I drop my little 200 for a 10 spin everytime these come around and I'm content after that. When its about RNG its a little difficult to accept by most and see your side of things. We get it *s, but its all chance. Is RNG fair? No. Is it supposed to be? No lol. This is a weekly thing.
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2018-02-02 09:58:58
I would still choose the Uchiha meta over poison tai any day. 1). Theyre blitz teams. 2). With any blitz meta, if you can remove their buffs then you win. Poison tai on the other hand, you will lose to everytime without the right ninjas.The only struggle I have is in arena against all the Shisui teams. Its never close, but when I run han everyone leaves because they want a stomp rather than a decent fight.
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2018-02-03 00:27:37
Events - 1st February
Wasn't there a rumor that shinobi feast wouldn't be coming back??
2018-02-07 22:35:19