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2017-07-24 19:47:53
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2018-10-10 21:23:24
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2018-10-04 23:00:45
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
It is actually an opposite of greedy on their part. Every single player that bought these packs is a player that DIDN'T spend money on a pricey ninja. And they are giving everyone else a chance to get them, same price, as a compensation + additional bonus. It'll take months before anyone will ever buy sailor sakura or playboy sasuke again, even if most of these purchases were theoretical income, as players wouldn't waste their money on them otherwise, it's still thousands of ~40$ packs given away for free.
2018-10-09 16:10:38
Official Statement - Bugs and Problems October 4th
I think that an interesting take on the compensation could be offering players discounts on ninjas, since the main compensation issue seems to be cheaper Madara. Of course said ninja, or ninjas would need to be carefully picked so that it's an interesting purchase and a good deal, a poll for the choice or choices could be nice (Although if we were given a choice I would absolutely use my discounts at Guren, Chinese Naruto, Konohamaru, Santa Karin etc.)The problem with this approach however is people who are not willing to buy any ninjas. Sakura foodsacks and moon coins seem like a reasonable compensation in this case. IGN : TakafumiNaitoregion : UK server : 312
2018-10-09 16:10:38
Events - 23rd November
It's a bad content, that gives p2w players even more of an adventage over non spending players OR forcing them to spend few hundred more dollars to stay on perfectly same power level compared to other p2w players that was removed from the events because of backlash from the community. IF you wanted it you should have said so before, however I really do not see why you would want it. All it gives you is makes you have to spend more money or the player you are competing with will be able to easily stomp you. However if you both waste money in it your fights will not change at all. What's there to look forward to again?
2017-11-29 15:00:59
Events - 23rd November
Why would F2P players quit because of 4.0 ? Because they will get more coupons from convoys? Because they will be able to choose survival trial difficulty? Or because of the cross server GNW which they will not participate in at all?
2017-11-29 15:00:59
Events - 19th October
It's been a long while with no new game feautres being added. Too long. 3.0 Is not going to be around for that much longer, and we are still missing a lot of it's features.Lucky stars is nice, other than that nothing interesting.
2017-10-24 22:29:46
Events - 21st September
My guild alone already has 2 minato's dropped from the event. There may be few more in other guilds, but you should not spend on lucky wheel to get Minato. If you do, you will most likely spend a lot of money, and not get one. On the other hand if you like the redeems in there (I do) than go for it, it's pretty neat now that we have 3 stars minimum, maye bot as good as it was last time, but still nice. Overall I stand by what I said last time that Lucky stars has become a looot better of an even than it used to be. And yeah tendo fragments also drop all the time, it's actually getting a tad annoying :P(And yes, Ultimate training will be extended soon, can't say any precise dates but all the servers got it in about this period, give it few weeks max)
2017-09-26 00:07:30
Events - 14th September
Doing one spin per day, usually I get 5 gengetsu fragments per week. But since it was only 2 weeks so far, that's not a very good measure. This week didn't get any yet, but I'm quite sure I will.
2017-11-21 18:26:04
Event Feedbacks - 14th September
Server : 312 Region : UKCurrent BP : 64kEvent : Konoha Great TreeOpinion : Drawing at Konoha Great Tree should be cheaper, or give more better rewards. Reasoning : I believe the team does not realize how expensive this event really is, therefore we get such treats as 10,000 ingots for 2 star ninja, More than 60 for a single mood scroll, 400 coupons for 2 advanced refines etc. Fortune store is definetely priced assuming players have max level tree, and then items in this shop cost exactly the same as in shop, but there is still a chance to get strong ninja fragments instead of coins. This reasoning however is flawed. Getting to max level of the tree I am not even able to say how expensive it really is, but it's obviously a few thousand ingots. Clearly after you spend this much on the tree, you should be able to redeem items at a great discount, but this is not the case, you have to spend thousands of ingots to be able to buy items full price. Otherwise you have to pay many times more than the item is worth. What is even worse The rewards on tree itself are not all even worth 20 coupons, so while getting to max level tree you are loosing money, and points reward is laughable as well, rewarding you with such treats as a 1 and a half of a mood scroll for 2000 ingots spent. Now I could give at least a dozen of more examples, but I believe I have made my point. Suggestion : First either make the cost of a single blessing 10 ingots, or make sure every single reward on tree is worth more than 20 copupons. When that is done either all coin rewards on tree must be multiplied or all items in fortune store must cost very few coins. Items in store should be able to be redeemed at a tiny bit more than their shop price for first 2 - 3 levels, than they should be discounts for spending so much into the event. The current 3 times, 5 times more expensive is unacceptable. When both rewards on tree and in fortune store are fixed, points rewards must also be scaled accordingly, even assuming the fixes I proposed we would still be getting like 3 - 5 mood scrolls for 1000 ingots spent. That's outrageous.
2017-09-19 21:15:47
Events - 7th September
Holy, what's with all the complaints. The week is no worse th*l the other weeks. To be honest usually this was considered a good week. I guess that's because of Shikaku being in a wheel - news flash people all the ninjas you spent coupons on will be shop ninjas eventually. As for sakura festival there is not a single bad reward on it, and do not compare it to germany on our server it's possibly the only wheel with even chances for every reward. If you want it to have 0,00001% for good rewards than please continue to ask for same as germany.
2017-09-13 23:19:10
Events - 24th August
Seeing the redeems in game I have to say VERY VERY strong week. 1, Platinum recharge - mah, whatever.2. Fateful choice - Reinforced with Tenten Cheongsang and Shikamaru Make out paradise at 20 poins per frag (about 4 fragments daily) advanced rest of the redeems remained unchanged - that's a nice addition.3. Gift pack special offer - doesn't matter really4. Lucky stars wheel - VERY VERY good change to the event. More stars per spin, more fragments on board, and awesome redeeems Medium refine 1 spin each, Bee Seven swords / Sasuke Playboy 2 spins per fragment, Mifune 3 spins per fragment - And that is assuming you are getting lowest possible stars with every spin : quite good.5. Colorful Baloons - 6 points per baloon on average, = 3 mood scrolls OR 3 cave keys OR 30 Unbound runes OR 2 Ino swimsuit frags OR 1 Edo Haku fragment OR 0,5 Death Hidan fragments PER DAY. The only Thing I would like to see changed would be to make Unbound runes cheaper in redeeming as they are worth 10 coupons per batch making redeeming them less efficient than cave keys or mood scrolls. 6. Naruto Froggy - Haven't participated in it can't say anything about it.7. Seal Rebate - Always good to have. 8. Survival mission trail - free seal scrolls 9. Ninja mission - free rewards 10. Ninjutsu trail - A bit underwhelming, I am pretty sure you wanted to put Unbound rune PACKET in there instead of just a single Unbound rune. Please fix it next time.11. Consumption wheel - Always good to have, especially seeing new improved rewards. Overall very very good improvement in the quality of events, I hope you keep it up
2017-11-21 18:31:35