Hello Ninjas,
as per previous Event Feedback threads, we will be opening another one for this week Events - 14th September suggestions and improvements idea towards our events are all welcomed. This is one of our critical action and necessity for our community to grow, as it allow us to identify and improve our overall content and events for all of our players. Following format shall be used in order to ensure a uniform and ease data collection towards the end of the week.
Server : 34
Region : HK
Current BP : 58K
Events : Lucky Board
Opinion : The current ninjas offered in Lucky Board is outdated : Sage Jiraiya
Reasoning : With the current treasure and me
Suggestions : To replace Sage Jiraiya with Sage Naruto Fragments
We would also, like to inform everyone that we are trying our best to push for changes / improvements that the players have suggested. However, the final decision would be at the hand of the management and there is no guarantee of the time it might takes.
Fortunately, please rest *ured as all your feedbacks are being entertained by our team and will always be in our discussions. The example that we have provided is merely a guideline for everyone, feel free to elaborate on your reasonings/suggestions to ensure the message are throughly communicated.
Any unrelated comments or posts that doesn't follow the format will be deleted.
Thank you.
Naruto Online Operation Team
Server: 15
Region: NY
Current BP: 88K
Event: Mount Myoboku Wheel
Opinion: If the goal is to make it easier for players to obtain or 3 star their Edo Treasure super rare (Rasa/Gengetsu), alternate the ninja on the Myoboku Wheel.
Reasoning: Ever since this event was introduced, Gengetsu has been the reward ninja on the Myoboku wheel, making it somewhat easier for players to obtain or 3 star him. Because Gengetsu and Rasa are super rares in the Edo Treasure, there should be equal opportunity to obtain or 3 star both Gengetsu and Rasa.
Suggestion: Alternate between Gengetsu and Rasa as the reward ninja in the Myoboku Wheel event.
Server: 203
Region: HK
Current BP: 61K
Event: Ninja Breakthrough (un-relatable to current events)
Opinion: Ninja breakthrough allow players to explore new combination with old ninjas.
Reasoning: Since the latest 2-3 treasures added to the game, the old ninjas has been losing the relevancy in the game, ninja breakthrough allow old ninjas to be more relevant with the current me
Suggestion: Add more ninja breakthrough; (my personal preferences Karin, Kurenai, Deidara.)
Server: 291-306
Region: UK
Current BP: 70k
Event: Ninja Breakthrough (un-relatable to current events)
Opinion: Ninja breakthrough allow players to explore new combination with old ninjas.
Reasoning: Since the latest 2-3 treasures added to the game, the old ninjas has been losing the relevancy in the game, ninja breakthrough allow old ninjas to be more relevant with the current me
Suggestion: Add more ninja breakthrough; (my personal preferences Hinata, Haku, Tsunade sannin war, Gaara (shippuuden), Yamato, Kabuto)
Server: 203
Region: HK
Current BP: 61K
Event: Ninja Breakthrough (un-relatable to current events)
Opinion: Ninja breakthrough allow players to explore new combination with old ninjas.
Reasoning: Since the latest 2-3 treasures added to the game, the old ninjas has been losing the relevancy in the game, ninja breakthrough allow old ninjas to be more relevant with the current me
Suggestion: Add more ninja breakthrough; (my personal preferences Karin, Kurenai, Deidara.)
Yes Kurenai!
Server: 291
Region: UK
Current BP: 73k
Event: Konoha Great Tree/ Time Limited shop
Opinion: Following ninjas (Ay third raikage, Omoi, Samui) should be in treasure first before placing them in events
Reasoning:In my opinion new ninjas that are new for our servers (Ay third raikage, Omoi, Samui) should be in treasure before you make put them in some events, because they arent "elite" ninjas such as jonin minato or masked man and even more than that over pricing Ay(third raikage) quite a lot when he is just a rare ninja that you get in about 200 seals from treasure that should've been released instead of just putting them in quite pricey...well heavily over pricey event when its kind of gamble to get those Fortune coins.
Suggestions: Add treasure of following ninjas (Ay third raikage, Omoi, Samui) before placing them in events and not place giant prize tag on them as they aren't really that worthy.
Server : 302
Region : UK
Current BP : 82K
Events : Ninja Breakthrough
Opinion : More ninjas should be added on a regular basis.
Reasoning : There are plenty ninjas that are never or rarely used, which should be promoted with a breakthrough to make them more attractive again.
Suggestion: Deidara, Kabuto, Guy, Orochimaru [Sannin War], Yamato, and Gaara to the skill breakthrough system.
Server: 393
Region: UK
Current BP: 65K
event: treasure of the sages
opinion: good event that lets players buy what they currently need with a neat discount
suggestion: remove common, medium and advanced CLOTH from it. Those are filler items that are easily accessible through SA, everybody and their dog (unless playing on a new server, but even then they will get it soon) has battle armor at level 27. No need to change those items for anything, just straight up remove them to increase % of getting other, good items.
event: jonin medal renewal
opinion: good event that gives players incentive to prolong their medal
suggestion: allow players, that never bought medal before to also get coupon rebate after buying. Goal of this event is to sell as many jonin medals as possible, allowing never-had-a-medal players to benefit from rebate will benefit both sides.
event: time limited shop, slot machine, myoboku trial, cave exploration rebate, konoha gift shop
opinion: good events
suggestion: no suggestion, its fine as long as it is provided the rates in slot machine actually allow people to get 1st prize, because i havent seen any lucky winner in my server neither pre nor after merge. Forum seems awfully quiet with screenshots of 1st prize as well, and we all know that when somebody hits a jackpot, a thread pops up.
event: battle armor panic buy
opinion: discount for threads is nice, but many, many more players would benefit if there was a coupon option for medium and advanced thread
suggestion: make medium and advanced threads available to buy for coupons, with any discount between 20% and 40%
event: konoha great trees
opinion: event for heavy spenders, requires at least 15k ingots to get to level 5 where it starts to become somewhat good investment. Last time this event was up, we had time limited shop (present as well right now) and daily spending event (spend up to 3k ingots daily), which synergized really well with it. Also we have only 1 recharge event from last week (slot machine) and no other recharge event. Most of spenders would be happy to have a good recharge-spend synergy, when theres a big spending event available, this week however its only 1 recharge and 1 spend. Its not enough incentive for people to use it.
suggestion: add another recharge and spending event as soon as possible to allow people to have multiple gains from spending (tip: more people will recharge for you this way)
Server: 562
Region: NY
Current BP: 50K
Event: Ninja Breakthrough (un-relatable to current events)
Opinion: Ninja breakthrough allow players to explore new combination with old ninjas.
Reasoning: Since the latest 2-3 treasures added to the game, the old ninjas has been losing the relevancy in the game, ninja breakthrough allow old ninjas to be more relevant with the current me
Suggestion: Add more ninja breakthrough; (my personal preferences Gaara, Tobi, Itachi, etc. maybe Tendo Pain?!.)
events:treasure of the sage/ time limit shop.
Opinion: I was hoping to recharge and get sailor sakura and hiruzen from treasure of the sage and maybe a few fragz of cursed hidan,but you guys removed those ninjas.
why you have garbage items in there like common cloth and medium cloth? none needs them! and I was told that cloud ninjas will be in a treasure later on.
why you guys have garbage items in treasure of the sage?and ninjas that we can get with seals for cash?
you guys are supposed encourage people to spend by offering ninjas and items they find valuable ,but you guys always discourage people from spending with putting garbage for sale.
you guys always focus on whales and they're less than half a percent of community. 70% are free to play and 29.999 are low to moderate spenders.
whales spend no matter what anyways.it's the others that you guys need to encourage to spend by offering what they find value in instead of garbage.
bring back sailor sakura,hiruzen and cursed hidan back to sage and time limit, remove dango,ninja tool pack, orochimaru,shikamaru,common ,advance,medium cloths with ninjas and items with value,like sailor sakura,cursed hidan,hokage tsunade,sage naruto,hiruzen,hashiram,,etc and fire whoever is in charge of your sales and hire someone with a functioning brain.
Server : 598
Region : NY
Current BP : 27k
Events: Cave Exploration Rebate
Opinion: Removing bond scrolls, and coins from the draw
Reasoning: There are so many event that give us bond scrolls, I kinda want this one doesnt give bond scrolls since it need so many cave keys to be able to draw. Maybe seal scroll fragment, or summoning scroll fragment would be wiser.
Events: Konoha World Tree
Opinion: Expensive event for such mediocre rewards
Reasoning: Increasing level of konoha world tree is already expensive since the rate of fortune coins isnt that easy to get, and the reward in higher level tree isnt as good as the prize that we paid to get to that level. My suggestion is change some reward and increasing some ninja fragment reward from higher level tree, and if one dew drop giving 1-2 fortune coins would be so nice for people. This way people wont hesitate to pay cause its worth the prize.
Server : 4
Region : LA
Current BP : 136K
Events : Konoha Gift Shop
Opinion : Delux Key Pack is an incredibly bad deal (and spelled incorrectly)
Reasoning: The Delux Key Pack in the Konoha Gift Shop costs 2400 ingots and gives 200 cave keys and a chance at 1 lvl 4 magatama. If you bought the keys directly from the Mysterious Cave it costs 2240 and a level 4 magatama costs at most 135 ingots for a total of 2375. So buying your "deal" costs 25 more ingots then buying them separately.
Suggestions : Actually offer a discount and not just rip off people who are bad at math?
Server: 47
Region: NY
Current BP: 34K
Event: Skill Breakthrough (un-relatable to current events)
Opinion: You stated in the news thread to add skill breakthrough suggestions here. I believe that skill breakthrough needs another update.Skill Breakthrough adds a new mechanic to old, stale characters that make them new and interesting (and possibly, usable) once more.
Reasoning: Skill Breakthrough adds a new mechanic to old, stale characters that make them new and interesting (and possibly, usable) once more. It'll make the me
Suggestion: Update the Skill Breakthroughs. My personal suggestions would be for characters like Rock Lee, Asuma, or Animal Path/Chikushodo who have never actually been viable for competitive play, over characters like say Sage Naruto who are still viable or were viable before the addition of new treasures. But that's just my opinion.
(Also add Team Dosu as playable please! :D )
Server : 312
Region : UK
Current BP : 64k
Event : Konoha Great Tree
Opinion : Drawing at Konoha Great Tree should be cheaper, or give more better rewards.
Reasoning : I believe the team does not realize how expensive this event really is, therefore we get such treats as 10,000 ingots for 2 star ninja, More than 60 for a single mood scroll, 400 coupons for 2 advanced refines etc. Fortune store is definetely priced assuming players have max level tree, and then items in this shop cost exactly the same as in shop, but there is still a chance to get strong ninja fragments instead of coins.
This reasoning however is flawed. Getting to max level of the tree I am not even able to say how expensive it really is, but it's obviously a few thousand ingots. Clearly after you spend this much on the tree, you should be able to redeem items at a great discount, but this is not the case, you have to spend thousands of ingots to be able to buy items full price. Otherwise you have to pay many times more than the item is worth.
What is even worse The rewards on tree itself are not all even worth 20 coupons, so while getting to max level tree you are loosing money, and points reward is laughable as well, rewarding you with such treats as a 1 and a half of a mood scroll for 2000 ingots spent. Now I could give at least a dozen of more examples, but I believe I have made my point.
Suggestion : First either make the cost of a single blessing 10 ingots, or make sure every single reward on tree is worth more than 20 copupons. When that is done either all coin rewards on tree must be multiplied or all items in fortune store must cost very few coins. Items in store should be able to be redeemed at a tiny bit more than their shop price for first 2 - 3 levels, than they should be discounts for spending so much into the event. The current 3 times, 5 times more expensive is unacceptable. When both rewards on tree and in fortune store are fixed, points rewards must also be scaled accordingly, even assuming the fixes I proposed we would still be getting like 3 - 5 mood scrolls for 1000 ingots spent. That's outrageous.
Server: 1
Region: NY
Current BP: 85k
Event: Cave Exploration Rebate
Opinion: Chance to get bond scroll x1 after drawing 50 times in the mysterius cave
Reasoning: in order to get a drawing chance for the rebate you must draw 50 times (650 cupon/ingot) i dont think 1 bond scroll is an acceptable reward for drawing 50 times seriously, and on top of that the chances to get it are super high, i think the bond scrolls need to go and maybe get replaced with 1 seal scroll would be more reasonable.
Server : 171
Region : NY
Current BP : 53,816
Events : Ninja Breakthroughs
Opinion : We need more ninjas added to it
Reasoning : People are getting very antsy and want to start skillbreaking more characters. On top of that,t here are quite a lot of people who already skillbroken all of the available ninjas.
Suggestions : Add Deidara, Hidan (normal), Jiraiya, the Peins, Konan, Iruka, Kurenai, Asuma, etc. to the roster of ninjas that can be skillbroken at the next available update to further encourage skillbreaking and give more variety.
Server : 289
Region : LA
Current BP : 51k
Events : Skill Breakthrough
Opinion : Been a long time since this was updated.
Reasoning : We need more ninjas will skillbooks available especially when you give 2 of Naruto's Skillbooks for free.
Suggestions : Add skill breakthrough to Gaara, Itachi, Haku, Guy.
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