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[ Suggestions ] Small gameplay changes


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-10-23 02:40:40Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I would like to see this really small, but in my view important changes to the gameplay.

First it would be the mysteries hotkeys, why not go with W,A,S,D as that is a more known pattern to most of PC gamers worldwide, it would just feel more natural.

Second add a *on or a hotkey on world boss, maybe the Space key, that will toggle auto run to the boss. A lot o people ask for an auto run function for world boss, its rally boring to run to the boss after every death specially if you dont have a big monitor, because the UI gets really cramped with stuff.

Add a *on for turn by turn result instead of a x2 battle speed only on Ranked Battle, that we can activate if we want to save time, after all before the action even starts the AI already knows the results, so it would just skip the animations and show the damege and status only each turn.

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On 2016-10-23 02:49:50Show this Author Only
In every game like this the pattern isn't "W,A,S,D" it is "Q,W,E,R" so that won't change because that is the most common and know pattern for these type of games. Also auto run will never come to the game as it is unneeded(I can give a reason for this if needed). Lastly there will be no option to "skip" the battle because when the battle starts it can go either way and if they was added it's always a high possibility that you can lose more than 88% of the time since you aren't watching the battle and instead "skipping" it. Bots don't know whats going to happen in the battle until it's nearly over in rounds or health. This post was last edited by Nine Tails Naruto at 2016-10-23 02:51
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On 2016-10-23 03:58:45Show this Author Only
Please give me a reason why auto run isnt needed, one of the most requested features by players, and i can atest for it, since if im playing in the laptop instead of the desktop the UI gets so full that i need over 20 clicks to even reach kurama, while in the desktop i need 5 at most, players shouldnt be penalized when they have a smaller screen. sometimes you dont have a choice, cant even imagine how it would be for people paying on the phones.

the other point i didnt said skip the battle, i said skip the battle animation on "Ranked Battle" where you can do nothing but watch the fight.
BTW if you didnt know the outcome of a ninja move is determined before the animation starts, that is why sometives you will see 2 of your ninjas atack different targets on the same move, because the AI already know that ninja one will kill opponent one, and to save some time will also launch ninja 2 against oponent 2.
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On 2016-10-23 04:47:51Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2016-10-23 03:58:45
  • Please give me a reason why auto run isnt needed, one of the most requested features by players, and i can atest for it, since if im playing in the laptop instead of the desktop the UI gets so full that i need over 20 clicks to even reach kurama, while in the desktop i need 5 at most, players shouldnt be penalized when they have a smaller screen. sometimes you dont have a choice, cant even imagine how it would be for people paying on the phones.

    the other point i didnt said skip the battle, i said skip the battle animation on "Ranked Battle" where you can do nothing but watch the fight.
    BTW if you didnt know the outcome of a ninja move is determined before the animation starts, that is why sometives you will see 2 of your ninjas atack different targets on the same move, because the AI already know that ninja one will kill opponent one, and to save some time will also launch ninja 2 against oponent 2.
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Also why would you need an auto run if you have a map that plays like auto run. If you click the map once at the area where Nine Tails is you would automatically be dragged to that area then you click a final time on Nine Tails paw or "hand" and now you are fighting Nine Tails.

Finally, I explained why you can't "skip battles" also the same thing as "Skip animations".
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On 2016-10-23 04:56:52Show this Author Only
  • Nine Tails Naru On 2016-10-23 04:47:51
  • Note: Press reply so the person gets a notification that you said something to them.

    Also why would you need an auto run if you have a map that plays like auto run. If you click the map once at the area where Nine Tails is you would automatically be dragged to that area then you click a final time on Nine Tails paw or "hand" and now you are fighting Nine Tails.

    Finally, I explained why you can't "skip battles" also the same thing as "Skip animations".
The AI does know the outcome of the animation before it starts, but maybe i didnt explained correctly,and i am talking only on Ranked Battle where you can not interact what so ever with the ninjas, just watch the fight

Imagine your ninja targets Tobi for a mystery skill, before the animation of the atack start the AI already decided if that atack will hit Tobi or if he will dodge the atack, showing the animation just wastes time.

The idea was to skip the animation and just show the result, health lost and extra statuses apllyed to save time, in a fight where you can not interact with anything
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On 2016-10-23 05:07:51Show this Author Only
  • Test Ninja On 2016-10-23 04:56:52
  • The AI does know the outcome of the animation before it starts, but maybe i didnt explained correctly,and i am talking only on Ranked Battle where you can not interact what so ever with the ninjas, just watch the fight

    Imagine your ninja targets Tobi for a mystery skill, before the animation of the atack start the AI already decided if that atack will hit Tobi or if he will dodge the atack, showing the animation just wastes time.

    The idea was to skip the animation and just show the result, health lost and extra statuses apllyed to save time, in a fight where you can not interact with anything
The game is designed for time. That's the reason why you stop progressing at a certain level ex. 29,69,etc. If you don't have the time to waste then all I can personally say is play something else and you c*ways do another activity while in ranked nothing is holding you in the spectate screen.
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On 2016-10-23 05:46:00Show this Author Only
7# SHOULD be available though...I do agree strongly on this point.
IF least give it to the Jonin Medals.
Jonin Medals already have no time delay between ranked battles and can auto complete bounty missions...why not give them the ability to Auto-Run to Kurama and instantly start fighting it?(toggle)
This would also get people to buy the Jonin Medal(hint-hint) since a lot of people sit around and do NOTHING during the Kurama fight.

The other day I was rank 26 and I only attacked Kurama twice....I'm not even that strong either!! lol

Skipping Ranked Battles could be a possibility. When I use a skill and Tobi will dodge one appears around my Breezie(or other ninja attacking him) because the AI knows I have missed before the animation appears. The hit chance has already been taken into account BEFORE my rasengan is launched. So this means the game could in fact process the end result based on everyone's hit chance.

I watch a lot of my Ranked Battles and would not use the skip function(if it existed) on most people only because I want to know how I won or how I lost so that I can change that and win the next time.

I would much rather get a replay system. I would like to know how I lost my rank to certain people while I was not there. Basically....being rank 10 and dropping to rank 12 while I was offline. I would like to know how I was beaten so I can change things and beat them back lol but that would require some sort of system that would replay a battle at least the previous 1 or 2
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On 2016-10-23 06:02:56Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-10-23 05:46:00
  • SHOULD be available though...I do agree strongly on this point.
    IF least give it to the Jonin Medals.
    Jonin Medals already have no time delay between ranked battles and can auto complete bounty missions...why not give them the ability to Auto-Run to Kurama and instantly start fighting it?(toggle)
    This would also get people to buy the Jonin Medal(hint-hint) since a lot of people sit around and do NOTHING during the Kurama fight.

    The other day I was rank 26 and I only attacked Kurama twice....I'm not even that strong either!! lol

    Skipping Ranked Battles could be a possibility. When I use a skill and Tobi will dodge one appears around my Breezie(or other ninja attacking him) because the AI knows I have missed before the animation appears. The hit chance has already been taken into account BEFORE my rasengan is launched. So this means the game could in fact process the end result based on everyone's hit chance.

    I watch a lot of my Ranked Battles and would not use the skip function(if it existed) on most people only because I want to know how I won or how I lost so that I can change that and win the next time.

    I would much rather get a replay system. I would like to know how I lost my rank to certain people while I was not there. Basically....being rank 10 and dropping to rank 12 while I was offline. I would like to know how I was beaten so I can change things and beat them back lol but that would require some sort of system that would replay a battle at least the previous 1 or 2
Let me tell you that another way. This game is based around RNG. That means, if you fight a player once in Ranked Battle, you can lose, and the other time, you win, even without changes to power or team.

And RNG is calculated real-time, which means, AI doesn't know yet which turns will Tobi dodge an attack. Turn 1 he might or might not be set to do so, but AI needs to be in round 2, to tell whether or not that dodge will happen or not.

If I made a mistake somewhere, please correct me, although I am almost 100% sure that this is correct.
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On 2016-10-23 06:10:05Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-10-23 06:02:56
  • Let me tell you that another way. This game is based around RNG. That means, if you fight a player once in Ranked Battle, you can lose, and the other time, you win, even without changes to power or team.

    And RNG is calculated real-time, which means, AI doesn't know yet which turns will Tobi dodge an attack. Turn 1 he might or might not be set to do so, but AI needs to be in round 2, to tell whether or not that dodge will happen or not.

    If I made a mistake somewhere, please correct me, although I am almost 100% sure that this is correct.
Thank you for explaining what I've been trying this whole time to them:)
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On 2016-10-23 06:50:52Show this Author Only
Honestly, I couldn't say it better. Nine Tails Naruto and Qolem explained everything.

On the other hand, I would like to see auto-run for Ninetails invasion too.

Thanks for the feedback tho !
Quicky Post

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