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[ Lineup ] Disappointed with Itachi. Something's wrong with him


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On 2016-10-08 15:27:43Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Just coming out of several arena matches with Itachi and I continuously made some very disturbing observations.
I already know that Tobi is overpowered. In many cases he seems to dodges half or more mysteries targetted against him.

On the other hand, Itachi seldom seems to succeed in evading attacks even when I manage to get his barriers up!

I know this for a fact because I both have Tobi and Itachi, and used both of them many many MANY times.

Tobi definitely has a higher dodge rate than Itachi does with his barrier.

This doesn't even make sense, since Tobi has tons amount of health, tons amount of dmg, ignite effect, and even revive as a passive skill.

Damage? Oh please. Tobi has same ninjutsu growth rate as Itachi. But you should never rely on Itachi for damage.

Itachi does have debuff immune, but what's the point if you can rarely dodge the attacks? His HP and defense stats are just abysmal. He even has a lower resistance than Kakashi! LOL. He will just die off a combo.

3 turn ingnite chase? What about it?

Tobi's mystery AND chase both have ignite effect, so you can manage to break mirror genjutsu with him.

Itachi? Nope! You'll end up igniting your teammate.

Furthermore, does it matter if it lasts for 3 rounds? one cleanse and the effect is gone. Easily countered.

100% sleep attack? Sounds pretty annoying but trust me, easy to counter.

Basically Tobi, who you can farm for free, technically has no counter strategy. Tanky, heavy damage, ignite, evade and revive. I mean come on, I know that he is Obito in disguise but really? Itachi can be defeated unless you are unfortunate enough to not be able to counter his attacks.

I've spent my money to get him but he just doesn't seem to be worth it. I'm just guessing the game isn't doing anything about him because not enough people have him to file in complaints?

Itachi just have bunch of this and that to make him seem interesting and seem pesty. But in actual battle he just uses up a position. If you ever run into him, just use your mystery on him. Many of his strengths backfire against him and just make him a ninja extremely difficult to use. He probably won't dodge the attacks and I'd be surprised if he manages to more than 2 times. The fact that you must have a healer/reviver in your team to guard itachi, who has a mystery skill that's supposed to make him extremely hard to hit, just bugs my mind. Congratulations! You have already filled in 3 slots including your main!

Sorry for the spamming, but I really regret buying Itachi Uchiha so bear with me. Thank god I've decided to invest in Tobi. Can't wait for him to get to 5 stars.

This post was last edited by max*** at 2016-10-15 04:50
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On 2016-10-08 18:26:53Show this Author Only
If you ever looked at Scion's tobi video, he says that he wants to stay away from Tobi because he gets nerfed super hard later. So not the best investment.

Itachi is just for transformation to look cool lmao.
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On 2016-10-08 18:34:30Show this Author Only
It's hi should be used strategically. He isn't someone that is as op as Tobi that can win games. He needs to set up a barrier so that your high chakra spending ninja c*e his disastrous move. I.e. Sage jiraiy, kimmi, 3 star Naruto, you prolly got my point. Also yes, his health is low that's why you gotta play him strategically, I used him as a back line not a forward like Tobi. Indeed he will be dead with one combo. And this combo usually happens in round 2. AND IF you get his barrier on successfully, he alr did his job and you should be able to use high chakra ninja myst. And if they focus itachi, great you still have your main and other damage dealers. (Plz don't tell me you rely itachi to do damage, no he is an utility support ninja.his chase is nice to have because of high hit and ignite) yeah you prolly get what I meant. Howevwr I do agree itachi is slacking. But good thing is in Chinese there is a skill book function that makes his mystic prompt and/or cost 0chakra
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On 2016-10-08 19:00:19Show this Author Only
He is not a early game shining star, he can dodge while your enemy combo-ing him tho and break the combo.
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On 2016-10-08 20:27:54Show this Author Only
Itachi can trigger many times each round and to any kind of attack, including chase, so of course its rate would be low
Tobi on the other hand can only trigger once each round against mystery, so no surprise if its rate is high
Itachi is a supporting ninja. His mystery give you the chance to bombard all other mysteries in round 2 to create an advantage.
Tobi is a attacking ninja so his damage should be high. His revive is annoying but at least you can start a combo on him with normal attack and kill him fast. if you find Tobi to be annoying, then you rage quit with upcoming immune-to-combo-jutsu ninjas
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On 2016-10-08 21:00:44Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-10-08 18:26:53
  • If you ever looked at Scion's tobi video, he says that he wants to stay away from Tobi because he gets nerfed super hard later. So not the best investment.

    Itachi is just for transformation to look cool lmao.
About what investment u talking about? LOL. I already have him at 5* (well 80 frags left which i will get from completing instance soon) and got +25k coins in my pocket.

From my observation Tobi have +/- 95% to dodge 1st mystery attack (ninjutsu) in each turn. Second mystery attack on him land every time 100%.
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On 2016-10-08 23:40:31Show this Author Only
I'm just jealous because you have Itachi... I want him because is good to bombard the enemy team with mysterys in round 2.
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On 2016-10-09 01:21:20Show this Author Only
itachi is good,you just dont know to use it and this thread is just a rant
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On 2016-10-09 02:03:53Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-10-08 18:26:53
  • If you ever looked at Scion's tobi video, he says that he wants to stay away from Tobi because he gets nerfed super hard later. So not the best investment.

    Itachi is just for transformation to look cool lmao.
IF it does come then it could be a month from now, 6 months or even a year. I personally am going to keep using my Tobi in the meantime because I really enjoy having him in my teams. Now is that a "bad investment"? I don't think so. The only bad investment in my opinion is the one people do to themselves by following the words of a person who isn't affiliated with the staff in any way and acts as if his words are that of a god. This post was last edited by Reignal at 2016-10-9 02:05
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On 2016-10-09 04:21:09Show this Author Only
  • Reignal On 2016-10-09 02:03:53
  • IF it does come then it could be a month from now, 6 months or even a year. I personally am going to keep using my Tobi in the meantime because I really enjoy having him in my teams. Now is that a "bad investment"? I don't think so. The only bad investment in my opinion is the one people do to themselves by following the words of a person who isn't affiliated with the staff in any way and acts as if his words are that of a god. This post was last edited by Reignal at 2016-10-9 02:05
Funny, it's usually the unaffiliated player's tips and tricks that helps out the most. If you enjoy a character, then play it, no one is telling you to stop or follow what I say.
Heck, I didn't even say he was a bad investment in the first place. Lmao.
This post was last edited by the*** at 2016-10-9 04:25
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On 2016-10-09 07:41:10Show this Author Only
Itachi is really good, if you use him right.
His idd not for damage, but for support.

His crazy good in PVE places like SA or Exam, he can make Exam 100 look like a playground. :lol
& when it comes to ranked... you can make a super annoying CC team, like Itachi + Ino + Tayuya,
endless chaos ;P

His dodge got low chance idd, but as others points out, he don't have a dodge cap each round,
so that is pretty strong anyway.

Atm Tobi is very strong idd, but all stuff get changes overtime, including systems/chars/ui, & this is still early game, so we have a lot to fear or look forward too~ :lol
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On 2016-10-09 15:44:15Show this Author Only
no akatsuki nin from seal treasure is meant for long term
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On 2016-10-09 20:30:05Show this Author Only
Now he says he is garbage, and not very usable with his barrier, but when Kazekage with his 80 chakra mystery gets here, I wonder what he gonna say? U can siphon chakra with Orochi or some other ninjas like Kisame or Kurenai but nothing so reliable.
And its not only kazekage, later there going to be a lot ninja with crazy af mystery costs.

And about tobi, you c*e 2 mystery in the same turn, he not gonna avoid the second one. Or use regular attack to start the combo on him.
Kankuro, Kiba, Naruto etc can do that easy.
This post was last edited by 119***@facebook at 2016-10-9 20:34
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On 2016-10-09 20:41:24Show this Author Only
Why do you compare Itachi and Tobi though? I mean, the only thing they have in common is the Akatsuki tag....

I am using Tobi in my current lineup, but only because I lack ninjas, as a f2p person. My thoughts on Tobi? Average... Dodges mystery 2/10 times, damage of his chase is lower than my main's, standard attack does almost no damage. Revive is the only thing he is worth for, at least for me...

I see all those posts about the amazing damage, but it does not happen, whether it be a Tobi I use, or the opponent's Tobi. Squishy, damage is average, only revives, and rarely dodges.
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On 2016-10-10 04:10:51Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-10-09 20:41:24
  • Why do you compare Itachi and Tobi though? I mean, the only thing they have in common is the Akatsuki tag....

    I am using Tobi in my current lineup, but only because I lack ninjas, as a f2p person. My thoughts on Tobi? Average... Dodges mystery 2/10 times, damage of his chase is lower than my main's, standard attack does almost no damage. Revive is the only thing he is worth for, at least for me...

    I see all those posts about the amazing damage, but it does not happen, whether it be a Tobi I use, or the opponent's Tobi. Squishy, damage is average, only revives, and rarely dodges.
=)) Tobi chase it's the hardest hiting chase in the game atm, tobi chase hits for 3.7k while main will hit about 1.2-1.5k max with same ninjutsu/attack(depends on situation)
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On 2016-10-10 06:09:48Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-10-09 20:41:24
  • Why do you compare Itachi and Tobi though? I mean, the only thing they have in common is the Akatsuki tag....

    I am using Tobi in my current lineup, but only because I lack ninjas, as a f2p person. My thoughts on Tobi? Average... Dodges mystery 2/10 times, damage of his chase is lower than my main's, standard attack does almost no damage. Revive is the only thing he is worth for, at least for me...

    I see all those posts about the amazing damage, but it does not happen, whether it be a Tobi I use, or the opponent's Tobi. Squishy, damage is average, only revives, and rarely dodges.
do you really play the game?
tobi deals disgusting amounts of damage with his chase and mystery
dodges 95% of mystery(1st)
and his AA deals the average damage but comes with the fire debuff witch cancels heals
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On 2016-10-10 15:44:45Show this Author Only
  • Indefined On 2016-10-10 04:10:51
  • =)) Tobi chase it's the hardest hiting chase in the game atm, tobi chase hits for 3.7k while main will hit about 1.2-1.5k max with same ninjutsu/attack(depends on situation)
Well for me Tobi's chase hits for about 2k, while main's standard does 4k....
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On 2016-10-11 12:29:36Show this Author Only
It'll be a great day when they finally nerf tobi. As one of the few who dont have him, I ofc get *n up by those who do.
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On 2016-10-28 20:48:54Show this Author Only
i dont even invest in both of them.. and i got them both.. * i rap like killer B..
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On 2016-10-28 20:54:05Show this Author Only
It's not that itachi is bad but everyone is playing fire mains with reflect ad tobi who's chase is frankly fubar even without fire main who makes it absolutely broken.
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