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[ Lineup ] Disappointed with Itachi. Something's wrong with him


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On 2016-11-21 14:20:27Show this Author Only
  • Mystアいゼん On 2016-10-09 07:41:10
  • Itachi is really good, if you use him right.
    His idd not for damage, but for support.

    His crazy good in PVE places like SA or Exam, he can make Exam 100 look like a playground. :lol
    & when it comes to ranked... you can make a super annoying CC team, like Itachi + Ino + Tayuya,
    endless chaos ;P

    His dodge got low chance idd, but as others points out, he don't have a dodge cap each round,
    so that is pretty strong anyway.

    Atm Tobi is very strong idd, but all stuff get changes overtime, including systems/chars/ui, & this is still early game, so we have a lot to fear or look forward too~ :lol
soo u got any good lineup for lightning main with itachi and tobi?
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On 2016-11-21 15:02:44Show this Author Only
Though I know this was a dead thread brought back I just want to throw in my two cents for anyone saying Itachi's bad. He's fantastic support for certain builds.

One trick I have seen to make Itachi good is a combination of tricks:
- Regular Asuma who after Itachi uses his Mystery and the team starts each round with 100 Chakra Asuma's combo rate increases and his Mystery can be used without cost or Cooldown.
- High Chakra Mysteries that unlock early like Kakuzu's cannon that costs 60 chakra but can be used turn two if you somehow gain 20 more chakra from base. Itachi grants that chakra for round 2 with 40 more chakra to spend on anything from another high area attack like GNW Kankuro to get Ignition and Poison on the entire enemy team or the Main Character's options for Mysteries like Fire or Lightning's 6 person attacks. Turn two and you can practically nuke the field before standards and chases come into play.
- In combination with the previous trick I have seen something powerful. The Wind Main has a Mystery that unlocks turn 2. When used it clears all debuffs from the team and removes cooldowns, so it puts a lot of focus on the only mysteries that do damage is two people but you can instantly use some high chakra demanding moves effectively in full on turn 2 and 3 before needing their regular cooldowns to trigger. In the case of GNW Kankuro I have seen someone not only use them Turn two but they also readied the use of the mystery again in the same round which started it's two round cooldown. They effectively had GNW Kankuro attack the field on rounds 2, 3, and 4.

Without Itachi you have to wait for high chakra demanding moves on round 3 or more unless you had a Sage ninja or someone who takes Chakra away. Itachi's dodge triggers irregularly but can trigger multiple times a turn and on any attack even halfway through a chase which, honestly, is really nice. With a chase link broken it prevented it from being potentially triggered a second time from a different source. Two more things about Itachi and then I'll stop trying to sell him. His Standard instantly causes sleep guaranteed which I have Only seen the Fire Main being capable of doing and when you're down to a 1 on 1 against someone like that you have to hope you have more life by round 10 than them. His chase causes Ignition but unlike other ignitions his doesn't go away after the round, his ignition stays around for three turns meaning if you didn't pack debuff removal you will not be able to heal and will keep taking damage.

This post was last edited by Ganturo at 2016-11-21 15:04
This post was last edited by Ganturo at 2016-11-21 15:04
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On 2016-11-22 04:24:22Show this Author Only
I was looking at Itachi's chase Amaterasu. It says in does 10 combo. Doesn't that mean anyone who chases after 10 combo, (Ten Ten, Kiba, Sasuke (S)) will super benefit from it? This post was last edited by Hinu Hyuga at 2016-11-21 14:25
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On 2016-11-24 00:35:02Show this Author Only
Its all good in theory, but when it comes to fight, all this high dmg ninjas die in 2nd round.:(
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On 2016-11-24 01:07:45Show this Author Only
From my experience with Itachi, he's a bit squishy but have some skill set that do wonders if you pair him with the right ninja and main. Let face it, there's a reason why we have 5 different mains, it means we have 5 type of gameplay with different ninja to compliment it. For an example, lets take a look at lightning main, he's a single hitter with vengeance, can interrupt, have skill to 2/4 attack in 1 turn and not to forget; the vampire team it paired lightning main with Guy, so they can double leech hp each turn.

Short story, here's a formation i use using Itachi

Itachi - x - x
Kankuro GNW - Pain Gakido - Earth main
x - x - x

skill 23122 summon dog of hell
have mini combo, ignite/poison, em cleanse+shields and lastly 2nd turn dual aoe from main and kankuro.
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On 2016-11-24 01:22:33Show this Author Only
Without skill books he is best used for clearing pve content ATM This post was last edited by Belerephon at 2016-11-24 01:53
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On 2016-11-24 02:20:51Show this Author Only
Any recommend lineup for wind main that's include itachi? This post was last edited by 109***@facebook at 2016-11-24 02:21
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On 2016-11-24 10:06:46Show this Author Only
compairing tobi with itachi more like comparing tsunade with ino ;P
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On 2016-11-24 10:41:33Show this Author Only
Itachi is super good with big nuking ninjas such as Tenten-chan or Kakuzu.

Their mystery + another 40 chakra ability equates to an easy opener in the 2nd round.

Due to his immunity to debuffs, high resistance growth rate, and his evasion ability, his survival rate is not that bad considering the fact how low his hp is.
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On 2016-11-24 12:03:42Show this Author Only
  • Godsuxx On 2016-11-24 10:41:33
  • Itachi is super good with big nuking ninjas such as Tenten-chan or Kakuzu.

    Their mystery + another 40 chakra ability equates to an easy opener in the 2nd round.

    Due to his immunity to debuffs, high resistance growth rate, and his evasion ability, his survival rate is not that bad considering the fact how low his hp is.
That's what those can compensate his low hp.

Otherwise he would be too tanky and hard to kill. Immune to debuff is already a strong kit to have.
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On 2016-11-24 12:13:22Show this Author Only
  • Zeronos On 2016-11-24 10:06:46
  • compairing tobi with itachi more like comparing tsunade with ino ;P
Ino'd be a beast with fire and Itachi, though, provided you have damage.
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On 2016-11-25 10:20:24Show this Author Only
make the best out of itachi's mystery skill and do a burst with paralyze/control etc, once u screw your opponent with that, see how they can react. if u dont have a good composition then any ninja u have is equally useless.
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