why you add 11-13 refines and stones?
It's gold. It's shiny. It's lovable.
Ofc as long as training potions are around nobody is ever gonna spend in a refinement rune anyways but..I really don't get why people are so mad about something they asume 99.99% will not be able to use for a long time. So you do not gain anything, but you do not lose anything either.
It's gold. It's shiny. It's lovable.
Ofc as long as training potions are around nobody is ever gonna spend in a refinement rune anyways but..I really don't get why people are so mad about something they asume 99.99% will not be able to use for a long time. So you do not gain anything, but you do not lose anything either.
because this update goes blatantly against what would be required right now to make the game, on long term, acceptable for low cashers.
people like me had, so far, the illusion that with enough time spent on the game was possible to achieve the same or close to the same secondary stats of a whale at a certain point for move 2-3-4 (beware, i'm talking about secondarystats only, not of primary stats) and so to not be nuked anymore in 2-3 rounds, but in 6-9, on a very long perspective, by them.
this update removes this illusion (that i know very well it was an illusion, but was there) and is a very big mistake by oasis since they are telling to all of us low cashers that our money are pointless not only now but also on long term.
the result is a lot of us will stop spending altogether because now is really pointless and so the only money they will get in perspective are the money whales give them.
because this update goes blatantly against what would be required right now to make the game, on long term, acceptable for low cashers.
people like me had, so far, the illusion that with enough time spent on the game was possible to achieve the same or close to the same secondary stats of a whale at a certain point for move 2-3-4 (beware, i'm talking about secondarystats only, not of primary stats) and so to not be nuked anymore in 2-3 rounds, but in 6-9, on a very long perspective, by them.
this update removes this illusion (that i know very well it was an illusion, but was there) and is a very big mistake by oasis since they are telling to all of us low cashers that our money are pointless not only now but also on long term.
the result is a lot of us will stop spending altogether because now is really pointless and so the only money they will get in perspective are the money whales give them.
People should have been realized that illusion a long time ago back when they first started added shisui which stopped the "2 year rule".
At that point, they will try to milk any of the whales who max out and were complaining that new content needs to be added. If you were a f2p asking for new content, you asked this upon yourselves as it is expected game companies will milk whales first before adding any content that balances the game. Time can be helpful for f2ps as you have more time to get the in-game items. If you're not patient, tough luck for you as you can't expect gaming companies especially from Asia to balance fairly between paying and non-paying players.
It's gold. It's shiny. It's lovable.
Ofc as long as training potions are around nobody is ever gonna spend in a refinement rune anyways but..I really don't get why people are so mad about something they asume 99.99% will not be able to use for a long time. So you do not gain anything, but you do not lose anything either.
im mad because now my m1/2 who r done with their refines will need more work on their refines tomorrow. I finished them, I got their nice red glow, and now thats going away and that makes me mad. I'm mad at oasis for screwing the low spenders/f2p in my group who are just really starting to be able to finish things because now nothing will ever be finished because oasis will just keep shifting the goal post.
Hi guys! Thank you so much for the feedback. We are currently working to forward your feedback to the team. Currently, what is known is that there might be a delay, however, we are unsure as the final decision is up to developers. We are working hard and will update you guys as soon as we can. Thank you to everyone who has expressed your feedback as it does help.
Hi guys! Thank you so much for the feedback. We are currently working to forward your feedback to the team. Currently, what is known is that there might be a delay, however, we are unsure as the final decision is up to developers. We are working hard and will update you guys as soon as we can. Thank you to everyone who has expressed your feedback as it does help.
So, what you meant was, this update will happen anyway, just "delay" it a bit until players get used to the idea, is that what you meant?
I don't know if you were here on this forum or playing this game when this happened before, but the same exact decision was made when Oasis decided to make Sage Worlds Battlefield a "cross server event".
They "asked" the players if "we would like for that to happen" , of course the players were angry by this decision and the "poll" was declined (Most answers were "NO!") to that decision, BY PLAYERS, which backfired on Oasis and they just delayed that, because they made that decision anyway, to make SWB a Cross Server event.
Looks like this idea of new level refines also backfired, and will happen anyway in the near future, so why bother making a poll or a survey if WE THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA OR NOT when we all know Oasis made this decision anyway, and they WILL implement it, regardless of what we are saying?
People should have been realized that illusion a long time ago back when they first started added shisui which stopped the "2 year rule".
At that point, they will try to milk any of the whales who max out and were complaining that new content needs to be added. If you were a f2p asking for new content, you asked this upon yourselves as it is expected game companies will milk whales first before adding any content that balances the game. Time can be helpful for f2ps as you have more time to get the in-game items. If you're not patient, tough luck for you as you can't expect gaming companies especially from Asia to balance fairly between paying and non-paying players.
what you say was true if after shisui appeared they began to cut by half every single price of any single older features.
adding this feature of the level 11-13 refinements and of level 13-14 runes was perfectly fine if people like me (low cashers that play since early 2.0 or late 1.0) at this point of the game had full level 10 refinements in move 1 and 2 and level 8 at least in move 3 and 4 and full level 12 runes in move 1 and 2 and level 10-11 in move 3-4.
we are nowhere close this goal, not now nor in the close perspective.
im mad because now my m1/2 who r done with their refines will need more work on their refines tomorrow. I finished them, I got their nice red glow, and now thats going away and that makes me mad. I'm mad at oasis for screwing the low spenders/f2p in my group who are just really starting to be able to finish things because now nothing will ever be finished because oasis will just keep shifting the goal post.
yep it's exactly what i meant before.
Balancing the game with content is delusional. In a game where you get power by spending resources, you cannot catch up to someone who outspends you 3 times over. Most whales outspend you 10 times over if oyu are a low casher.
and none asked for that.
but a thing is to get beaten on round 7 by somebody that owns 40% more atk and nin and 50% more hp than you, a whole different thing is if this happen on round 2-3 EXCLUSIVELY due to injury/critical of his move 1 (that's what happens right now).
if you don't understand that removing a very steady and well accepted by everybody cap a lot of old time low cashers saw was close is an issue then or you are a big whale or you have no idea about what is the game of who plays together with you without spending as much as you.
I suggest you to talk with your guild mates that spend less than you.
Please, do not make a decision that drives most of games players away. You might only care about those few whales, but if they don't have people to play against, they won't stay either. If you plan of putting these runes in game, at least give us ways and time to get enough Advanded runes, so people could some day start using these even higher leveled runes. Most players are still trying to get to lv 10 runes still. Putting them to game now would really unbalance the game. Low whales, mid and low spenders & FTP would suffer because of this.
Having game generate money for a long time migh bring more money in total than short burst and then ending the game. You might say that game isn't ending, but you also said 6.0 isn't yet arriving... on same day you later announced it in next weeks events. If people belive game will stay for a long time, they recharge because they belive they'll get something for it. Please, don't let us lose faith in this game just yet.
Hi guys! Thank you so much for the feedback. We are currently working to forward your feedback to the team. Currently, what is known is that there might be a delay, however, we are unsure as the final decision is up to developers. We are working hard and will update you guys as soon as we can. Thank you to everyone who has expressed your feedback as it does help.
if this means: we are going to let you get level 10 refinements and level 12 runes with 1/3 or 1/4 of the effort it took so far, then it's fine (like for example, reducing the amount of refinements wish credits cap for level 9 to 300 and for level 10 to 500).
otherwise doesn't change anything unless the update gets wholly removed and gets sent in the * bin forever like %tactics.
what you say was true if after shisui appeared they began to cut by half every single price of any single older features.
adding this feature of the level 11-13 refinements and of level 13-14 runes was perfectly fine if people like me (low cashers that play since early 2.0 or late 1.0) at this point of the game had full level 10 refinements in move 1 and 2 and level 8 at least in move 3 and 4 and full level 12 runes in move 1 and 2 and level 10-11 in move 3-4.
we are nowhere close this goal, not now nor in the close perspective.
I'm just talking in general of introducing content too fast and not following that rule.
In respect to the refinements, even players in China disagree about the refinements (whether they are players that are done with refinements that are disagreeing). So it's clear who those refinements are meant for all servers.
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