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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-04-24 23:08:52Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2019-04-24 22:50:48
  • because this update goes blatantly against what would be required right now to make the game, on long term, acceptable for low cashers.

    people like me had, so far, the illusion that with enough time spent on the game was possible to achieve the same or close to the same secondary stats of a whale at a certain point for move 2-3-4 (beware, i'm talking about secondarystats only, not of primary stats) and so to not be nuked anymore in 2-3 rounds, but in 6-9, on a very long perspective, by them.

    this update removes this illusion (that i know very well it was an illusion, but was there) and is a very big mistake by oasis since they are telling to all of us low cashers that our money are pointless not only now but also on long term.

    the result is a lot of us will stop spending altogether because now is really pointless and so the only money they will get in perspective are the money whales give them.

People should have been realized that illusion a long time ago back when they first started added shisui which stopped the "2 year rule".

At that point, they will try to milk any of the whales who max out and were complaining that new content needs to be added. If you were a f2p asking for new content, you asked this upon yourselves as it is expected game companies will milk whales first before adding any content that balances the game. Time can be helpful for f2ps as you have more time to get the in-game items. If you're not patient, tough luck for you as you can't expect gaming companies especially from Asia to balance fairly between paying and non-paying players.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-04-25 05:02:20Show All Posts
  • Garv On 2019-04-25 04:02:21
  • what you say was true if after shisui appeared they began to cut by half every single price of any single older features.

    adding this feature of the level 11-13 refinements and of level 13-14 runes was perfectly fine if people like me (low cashers that play since early 2.0 or late 1.0) at this point of the game had full level 10 refinements in move 1 and 2 and level 8 at least in move 3 and 4 and full level 12 runes in move 1 and 2 and level 10-11 in move 3-4.

    we are nowhere close this goal, not now nor in the close perspective.

I'm just talking in general of introducing content too fast and not following that rule.

In respect to the refinements, even players in China disagree about the refinements (whether they are players that are done with refinements that are disagreeing). So it's clear who those refinements are meant for all servers.

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On 2019-04-25 07:35:24Show All Posts
  • Shyuko On 2019-04-25 05:49:19
  • Are you really suggesting blame on the f2p for asking for new content? What a laugh! You know friggin well that when f2pers are asking for new CONTENT they aren't meaning ("Oh, please Oasis, introduce something in the game that only whales will monopolize on, oh please!"). They were asking for actual game features and stuffs missing from previous versions!! Not brand spanking new crap that just happens to be the new avenue for them to make money. Get real man.

I saw people here who were clearly f2ps asking for sbs from ninjas such as Ay 4th and kazuzu to come. It doesn't take much to research that as a f2p, you won't benefit compared to a whale. I'm more focused on those f2ps who asked for new content (basically stuff from China and not brand new stuff) and have no regard on who it benefits.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-04-25 07:59:26Show All Posts
  • Zathroth On 2019-04-25 05:43:33
  • I'd personally be more against rune stones than refines. Keys are available everywhere and propably thats the most efficient item to get from moon shop. Because of that players have more incentive to stack p1 (because they actually have resources) which delays filling the gap between your own p1 and p234 even more. If I dont want this, why dont I simply neglect lv13 14 runes and * to upgrading p234? Because cave keys are easily obtainale and current p1 stacking meta of other people will force me to upgrade p1 to stay relevant. Now if refines are mostly unavailable (and they arent efficient that much, see below) its good to have them, because you can hoard those items over time and when the time comes, youll actually have something to upgrade. It doesnt hurt YOUR account progression as much as runes.

    One key rebate (1050) gives about between 1/3 to 1/2 progress from lv11->lv12 stone, which on average makes 2-3 rebates to upgrade 1 rune. If leveling costs followed same pattern as 11->12, then it would take 3-4.5 rebates to upgrade a single rune to lv13, and then 4.5~7 to get that rune to lv14. I dont even have full 5x lv12 yet, and at this point i dont want to be forced to upgrade p1 even more.

    China had yellow refines in sun coin shop for 200/1 in the picture, which makes it the most cost efficient item after bond scroll packs. It takes 1500 refines to lvl up and stat increase goes from 665->910, which is 245gain (490with max purification). That takes 94.5k coupons to lvl up a single refine (shop price). Lets break that into smaller numbers. Would you pay 9.5k cp for 49 of each secondary stats for jsut 1 position? No. Thats (more or less) equivalent of 7 bt pills in stats, so youd get around 100bp. Considering the cost this feature has pretty bad efficiency ratio (10cp:1bp), not as bad as battle armor but still its on lower end of the spectrum.

    Problem with those features will lie solely in where those refines will be available and at what price/ammounts. If they won't be s*fed to players in crazy ammounts in recharge events, nobody (ftp folk) will care, same as with advanced threads. If they are event only (not activities like swb, spacetime) we are good. People who spend for them sure will get better p1, but that ammount of money could have been invested more efficiently. That applies to people around your bp, theres no point in competing ftp with whale and saying the gap will be larger because thats obvious and you shouldnt even think of competing with whales in the first place.

    Tl;dr refines are good as long as they arent given away in hundreds in recharge/spend events. For low spenders their implementation isnt end of the world, its just a feature that will increase one's power in a year or so for the first time. People who are against this are whales, who dont want to be forced to spend a lot of $ on non efficient feature just because you will find mroe competitive whale who will do so.

Yes, even though the new refinements won't matter as much to the majority as they're still focusing on medium to advanced, it is introducing something that only a select few is what is what people are angry about. Remember how Madara jin was added here? Both scenarios focused on whales who are more capable of doing it while leaving the majority out. I honestly don't care as much both scenarios as I have other priorities in refinement and worry about a ninja that lacks a punch but some do

People were saying here no one would buy Madara yet people have (unless people have actual proofs that they were plants). So for the whales that are upset in spending more, it seems like Tencent/Oasis is willing to use that same tactic with Madara to see who amongst them is willing to max the refinements once more and giving them the treatment of how the f2ps are feeling.

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