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On 2018-11-03 06:48:15Show this Author Only
  • Do I Care? 2 On 2018-11-03 06:42:54
  • Because the F2Ps come along and say "this isn't fair, this only benefits the P2Ws and thus alienates 60-80% of the playerbase" and the P2Ws say "shut up and stop being entitled, P2Ws keep the game alive".

    And then nobody can agree, and the playerbase is disunified which means it's easier for the team to calm down all the hubbub.

The world has never been fair. It never will. So either they accept that fact and svck it up or just keep on complaining without giving possible solution that is beneficial to everyone. By everyone, I mean it includes OASIS and not just the players because this is a business. Business needs money. Money is the reason why they invested in this game. Put yourselves in OASIS shoes for once or maybe imagine that you have a business yourself, a store. You have a new item to introduce, would you sell it cheap when it's just newly released? Of course not. You will do everything to make as much money from it. Same thing that OASIS is doing here because there are people willing to purchase digital stuff.

This post was last edited by icebuken on 2018-11-03 06:48:37.
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On 2018-11-03 06:52:45Show this Author Only
  • Liez07 On 2018-11-03 06:46:39
  • nah Daiske, the price has always been 10 coupons. Do you want me to send multple "PROOFS" from last year that the event has always been 10 coupons a pack? Feel free to let me know so I can prove that this "optimized" thing is an error on your end.

I'm not defending Daiske here (even if it looks like it). OASIS owns the rights for this game. They can price it with whatever they want. If you have a store, do you let the customers dictate the price of your products? Of course not. You price it yourself whether they like it or not. So what if it was 10 coupons before? They could always change the pricing because they own this game. You could always change the pricing because you own the store.

This post was last edited by icebuken on 2018-11-03 06:54:44.
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On 2018-11-03 06:55:39Show this Author Only
  • icebuken On 2018-11-03 06:48:15
  • The world has never been fair. It never will. So either they accept that fact and svck it up or just keep on complaining without giving possible solution that is beneficial to everyone. By everyone, I mean it includes OASIS and not just the players because this is a business. Business needs money. Money is the reason why they invested in this game. Put yourselves in OASIS shoes for once or maybe imagine that you have a business yourself, a store. You have a new item to introduce, would you sell it cheap when it's just newly released? Of course not. You will do everything to make as much money from it. Same thing that OASIS is doing here because there are people willing to purchase digital stuff.

The world has never been fair and it never will. But that doesn't mean people will stop trying to make it more fair, does it? What's wrong with trying to make the world a bit of a better place even if it'll never be perfect? If Oasis always goes to the route that benefits themselves the most, it's only natural for people to complain.

Of course a business needs money. But we have... like, what, 1000 servers here? Each server has, let's say, 10-20 big whale spenders who dump money into the game every week. That's 10-20,000 people who spend thousands of dollars on this game – it's already a * ton of money. From the perspective of someone on the bottom, who just plain can't see it from Oasis's perspective because we don't know how much it costs to maintain these things and buy the content from Tencent (and we'll probably never know, cause what kind of company releases that info?), people have to wonder where all that money is going and why it isn't enough for them.

Of course, I could be very wrong about this. This is just stup1d ol' Doicare trying to explore the mind of a complainer.

This post was last edited by Do I Care? 2 on 2018-11-03 07:12:32.
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On 2018-11-03 07:01:47Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2018-11-03 00:10:37
  • You are such troll, taking comment out of context and posting it here. I see how it is now. And you are wondering why I never communicate outside of game stuff.


    As for who decides what.This is simply your opinion or guessing game.

Ouch Sensei , hope u not gonna send me to hell , if i was wrong im sorry then , so here present for u large (3)

This post was last edited by Kuro하돌 on 2018-11-03 07:30:17.
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On 2018-11-03 07:28:34Show this Author Only
  • Danzō On 2018-11-03 04:14:02
  • Probably they have a loose definition of drama. I mean the guy above your previous statement is the typical person you expect to mute.

    I called them out on their official statements about advanced threads and their "low rates" in SA then out of nowhere the rates increased a lot with no notice, asked for transparency about the situation and got the inciting drama mute. At least I got my answer (already expected it) about their intentions with the threads.

They shouldn't be muting half the stuff they do, but they do- hence the meme.

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On 2018-11-03 07:31:41Show this Author Only
  • icebuken On 2018-11-03 06:37:47
  • I don't understand why people always bring up P2W and F2P. F2P should be thankful for P2W because they are the ones that keep the servers up and running because they pay. Without them, OASIS will not have income and won't be able to support the cost for server maintenance which will lead to the game shutting down. I'm just enjoying the game while I still can. Maybe the other salty F2Ps should do the same, just enjoy the game and don't expect to beat a paying player.

    4nalogy: If you drive a car with stock engine, then don't expect to beat someone driving a car with custom engine and with nitro.

    What players should know is that mods can only relay info from higher management. They have no say in the matter. Everything boils down to higher management. If you don't like what you see, then don't buy it, don't participate in the event.

    4nalogy: If you don't like the food in the menu of the restaurant, do you go to the waiter and complain about it? No you don't. You ask the waiter to call the manager. Also, if you don't like what's in the menu, then don't buy it.

    Freeloaders don't have the right to complain. Beggars can't be choosers.

^ my buddy here seems to be a TAD SLOW....I can agree with P2W helping out paying the bills...but he seems to be unable to process the number of people that are "freeloaders" are the ones allowing you to play the game at all lol. IF there were no'd be sitting there with your clan...just you guys. That sounds so much fun! at least you wouldn't have to try right? Do you think there would be a reason for you to even PAY for ingame items to get stronger if it's just say...your clan of maybe 20people because of course you all want to be top ranked you all join the strongest guild which happens to be the only one due to just P2W people left.

Oh how fun that would be! YES P2W pay the bills but without the F2P you have NO GAME. Competition? well would you really have to pay in a server of like 20 actives(p2w)?

DON'T kid yourself...I've come to find out that people that pull off the P2W on one server...end up trying it in many other NEW servers that come out like weekly. So even THEN there's maybe only a good 10% or so P2W....

So go ahead and keep paying the bills....that is NOT the problem. The problem is that there are others that have saved with time....perhaps during events and maybe even spent a few dollars here and there .... and now they have coupons but NOPE!

Oasis prefers you recharge. CMON a recharge event shouldn't go out and make people pay up over $400(to what I have been told....since I've stopped caring about recharge events).

My personal problem with all this is...WHY are there still recharge events that seem to cost more EVERY TIME THEY COME OUT?
DAISUKE! if you read this....hopefully you can pass this message along ^
Whether you lie to us or not...that's on you...but HOPEFULLY you can at least tell me "I have already passed this over" or something.
Where are the random NICE events for those F2P that have saved up?
Give them an event like this recharge event....if something is usually around 7k ingots/coupons...make it 9k ingots/coupons for an early grab~
but when i hear all this nonsense about "ingots only" YOU have had the one WHEEL on the front...can't even remember the name of it atm.
You toss in a few ingots...and you get more of it in Coupons...
Yet you can't seem to at least convert coupons to ingot for events?
Like if something is normally 100ingots? can you not AT LEAST give it to us for 100-200coupons?
Like make some changes! do something! EVERYTIME there are have things like this pop up....

Give the F2P some love and make it known to them...Like i think you should literally be like...
OK we made this a COUPON ONLY event. Knock yourselves out! Then toss in a minigame to exchange ingots to a REASONABLE rate.
With hopefully....DECENT items...and not like MAY randomly get ONE good prize....every 10000 tries! lol

Only good thing I've seen more that DAISUKE is at least talking.
Whether we have actually noticed any improvements...Make a Poll DAISUKE...
Though as far as I can see...we've yet to make sufficient improvements dont you think? :(

ALSO I did notice how you conveniently HAVE NOT removed the message about the one guy in almost ALL CAPS
insulting ALL OF US....for apparently...INSULTING YOU DAISUKE....
I know you may like having that one person OPENLY defending you...but yeah...I don't think that help the conversation at all and you
As the GREAT mod you are....should talk to the OBVIOUS ALT ACCOUNT, someone(hoping it's not your alt...) , made and then delete it.
Thanks buddy!

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On 2018-11-03 08:11:38Show this Author Only
  • HGVSDJBREVHBJEF On 2018-11-03 05:08:24

    and anyone else who wants to hate on the mods for doing their jobs i just hope you realise you're a crappy human being; the guys out here tryna dissapate the hate and all you f*cks can do is continue to bash onto him gz i feel so salty typing this if you hate this recharge rebate so much then don't participate in it simple (it's not like yall would've participated in it in the first place)

    but i digress learn to grow up and aknowledge the responses you've been giving with he has the right to delete comments he has the right to respond the way he does; deal with it and stop trying to make others hate on him

I actually don't mind my name in the thread name. At least I know I should check this thread and provide as much information as possible.

Thanks tho.

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On 2018-11-03 08:17:15Show this Author Only
  • katastrophe On 2018-11-03 05:35:39
  • I'll give credit for the puppy wishes armor cause i needed that. but also weren't you aware in ''general'' chat what everyone saying and backlash you when one simple armor came out. It will be easy if there was a difference if that armor wasnt in platnium recharge event but i ain't complaining about that outfit just everyone was disappointed for the fact how they see it and came the blame on you and your people decided to do it since it cost money from our pockets.

I personally don't take into consideration any responses or opinions before events are live. Why? Because you can't provide valid and real feedback without seeing what is actually in the events. So yes, I do see lot "saving week", "weak events" comments and such comments usually appear right after events are posted. So I choose to ignore such comments because to me they have no value. I start noticing and writing down real feedback once events are actually up on live servers.

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On 2018-11-03 08:21:26Show this Author Only
  • Liez07 On 2018-11-03 06:46:39
  • nah Daiske, the price has always been 10 coupons. Do you want me to send multple "PROOFS" from last year that the event has always been 10 coupons a pack? Feel free to let me know so I can prove that this "optimized" thing is an error on your end.

We never said the price was 20 ingots/coupons since the begging of this event. That is incorrect. It is true that it was 10 coupons but we have decided to increase its price from 10 to 20 ingots/coupons. This change was supposed to appear at the same week when the big problem (this is actually the problem) with Sakura's event appeared. From that event cycle Food sacks were supposed to cost 20 ingots/coupons but system run to some problem and it did not update the price on live servers.

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On 2018-11-03 08:38:43Show this Author Only
  • Fiyuri On 2018-11-03 07:31:41
  • ^ my buddy here seems to be a TAD SLOW....I can agree with P2W helping out paying the bills...but he seems to be unable to process the number of people that are "freeloaders" are the ones allowing you to play the game at all lol. IF there were no'd be sitting there with your clan...just you guys. That sounds so much fun! at least you wouldn't have to try right? Do you think there would be a reason for you to even PAY for ingame items to get stronger if it's just say...your clan of maybe 20people because of course you all want to be top ranked you all join the strongest guild which happens to be the only one due to just P2W people left.

    Oh how fun that would be! YES P2W pay the bills but without the F2P you have NO GAME. Competition? well would you really have to pay in a server of like 20 actives(p2w)?

    DON'T kid yourself...I've come to find out that people that pull off the P2W on one server...end up trying it in many other NEW servers that come out like weekly. So even THEN there's maybe only a good 10% or so P2W....

    So go ahead and keep paying the bills....that is NOT the problem. The problem is that there are others that have saved with time....perhaps during events and maybe even spent a few dollars here and there .... and now they have coupons but NOPE!

    Oasis prefers you recharge. CMON a recharge event shouldn't go out and make people pay up over $400(to what I have been told....since I've stopped caring about recharge events).

    My personal problem with all this is...WHY are there still recharge events that seem to cost more EVERY TIME THEY COME OUT?
    DAISUKE! if you read this....hopefully you can pass this message along ^
    Whether you lie to us or not...that's on you...but HOPEFULLY you can at least tell me "I have already passed this over" or something.
    Where are the random NICE events for those F2P that have saved up?
    Give them an event like this recharge event....if something is usually around 7k ingots/coupons...make it 9k ingots/coupons for an early grab~
    but when i hear all this nonsense about "ingots only" YOU have had the one WHEEL on the front...can't even remember the name of it atm.
    You toss in a few ingots...and you get more of it in Coupons...
    Yet you can't seem to at least convert coupons to ingot for events?
    Like if something is normally 100ingots? can you not AT LEAST give it to us for 100-200coupons?
    Like make some changes! do something! EVERYTIME there are have things like this pop up....

    Give the F2P some love and make it known to them...Like i think you should literally be like...
    OK we made this a COUPON ONLY event. Knock yourselves out! Then toss in a minigame to exchange ingots to a REASONABLE rate.
    With hopefully....DECENT items...and not like MAY randomly get ONE good prize....every 10000 tries! lol

    Only good thing I've seen more that DAISUKE is at least talking.
    Whether we have actually noticed any improvements...Make a Poll DAISUKE...
    Though as far as I can see...we've yet to make sufficient improvements dont you think? :(

    ALSO I did notice how you conveniently HAVE NOT removed the message about the one guy in almost ALL CAPS
    insulting ALL OF US....for apparently...INSULTING YOU DAISUKE....
    I know you may like having that one person OPENLY defending you...but yeah...I don't think that help the conversation at all and you
    As the GREAT mod you are....should talk to the OBVIOUS ALT ACCOUNT, someone(hoping it's not your alt...) , made and then delete it.
    Thanks buddy!

Mods don't have alt accounts. If you are trying to say that one account is mine - it is not. I am to defend myself and my statments if needed. While I appreciate if someone agrees with my opinions, I don't need others to fight for me. Thank you tho.

So far no comments were deleted in this thread and I made sure to tell moderator in charge of this section not to delete anything and if situation takes wrong turn - I will take care of it. For now, this thread is in my care. While I agree that comment is a bit too much (hey, at least he tried to censor it a little) I want to give you guys a space to let your inner spirits to be free and express your opinions. I am usually the one who allows discussions like those. But as I said, everything has its limits. Insults are really not needed.

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On 2018-11-03 08:47:32Show this Author Only
  • Fiyuri On 2018-11-03 07:31:41
  • ^ my buddy here seems to be a TAD SLOW....I can agree with P2W helping out paying the bills...but he seems to be unable to process the number of people that are "freeloaders" are the ones allowing you to play the game at all lol. IF there were no'd be sitting there with your clan...just you guys. That sounds so much fun! at least you wouldn't have to try right? Do you think there would be a reason for you to even PAY for ingame items to get stronger if it's just say...your clan of maybe 20people because of course you all want to be top ranked you all join the strongest guild which happens to be the only one due to just P2W people left.

    Oh how fun that would be! YES P2W pay the bills but without the F2P you have NO GAME. Competition? well would you really have to pay in a server of like 20 actives(p2w)?

    DON'T kid yourself...I've come to find out that people that pull off the P2W on one server...end up trying it in many other NEW servers that come out like weekly. So even THEN there's maybe only a good 10% or so P2W....

    So go ahead and keep paying the bills....that is NOT the problem. The problem is that there are others that have saved with time....perhaps during events and maybe even spent a few dollars here and there .... and now they have coupons but NOPE!

    Oasis prefers you recharge. CMON a recharge event shouldn't go out and make people pay up over $400(to what I have been told....since I've stopped caring about recharge events).

    My personal problem with all this is...WHY are there still recharge events that seem to cost more EVERY TIME THEY COME OUT?
    DAISUKE! if you read this....hopefully you can pass this message along ^
    Whether you lie to us or not...that's on you...but HOPEFULLY you can at least tell me "I have already passed this over" or something.
    Where are the random NICE events for those F2P that have saved up?
    Give them an event like this recharge event....if something is usually around 7k ingots/coupons...make it 9k ingots/coupons for an early grab~
    but when i hear all this nonsense about "ingots only" YOU have had the one WHEEL on the front...can't even remember the name of it atm.
    You toss in a few ingots...and you get more of it in Coupons...
    Yet you can't seem to at least convert coupons to ingot for events?
    Like if something is normally 100ingots? can you not AT LEAST give it to us for 100-200coupons?
    Like make some changes! do something! EVERYTIME there are have things like this pop up....

    Give the F2P some love and make it known to them...Like i think you should literally be like...
    OK we made this a COUPON ONLY event. Knock yourselves out! Then toss in a minigame to exchange ingots to a REASONABLE rate.
    With hopefully....DECENT items...and not like MAY randomly get ONE good prize....every 10000 tries! lol

    Only good thing I've seen more that DAISUKE is at least talking.
    Whether we have actually noticed any improvements...Make a Poll DAISUKE...
    Though as far as I can see...we've yet to make sufficient improvements dont you think? :(

    ALSO I did notice how you conveniently HAVE NOT removed the message about the one guy in almost ALL CAPS
    insulting ALL OF US....for apparently...INSULTING YOU DAISUKE....
    I know you may like having that one person OPENLY defending you...but yeah...I don't think that help the conversation at all and you
    As the GREAT mod you are....should talk to the OBVIOUS ALT ACCOUNT, someone(hoping it's not your alt...) , made and then delete it.
    Thanks buddy!

I'm part of the free loaders that don't complain and just thankful for the people that pay the server to keep it up so I can enjoy the game. I'm not part of the complaining kids who feel that they are important because that's what they tell themselves. If they have saved up some coupons, then it's up to them to spend it or not. If the event is not good, then why spend? Wait for a good event to spend it on. I have some coupons saved up as well and I'm not spending them because it's a bad event for me. I'm just waiting for a good event to spend them on. The problem with F2Ps is that they also want to get the new released stuff on the day/week it gets released without spending real life money/cash which is absurd lol. It's that simple.

This post was last edited by icebuken on 2018-11-03 08:53:17.
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On 2018-11-03 09:28:18Show this Author Only
  • icebuken On 2018-11-03 06:48:15
  • The world has never been fair. It never will. So either they accept that fact and svck it up or just keep on complaining without giving possible solution that is beneficial to everyone. By everyone, I mean it includes OASIS and not just the players because this is a business. Business needs money. Money is the reason why they invested in this game. Put yourselves in OASIS shoes for once or maybe imagine that you have a business yourself, a store. You have a new item to introduce, would you sell it cheap when it's just newly released? Of course not. You will do everything to make as much money from it. Same thing that OASIS is doing here because there are people willing to purchase digital stuff.

let me tell you something, even EA would be proud of OASIS right now, this is how you destroy a game tbh.

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On 2018-11-03 09:43:34Show this Author Only
  • icebuken On 2018-11-03 08:47:32
  • I'm part of the free loaders that don't complain and just thankful for the people that pay the server to keep it up so I can enjoy the game. I'm not part of the complaining kids who feel that they are important because that's what they tell themselves. If they have saved up some coupons, then it's up to them to spend it or not. If the event is not good, then why spend? Wait for a good event to spend it on. I have some coupons saved up as well and I'm not spending them because it's a bad event for me. I'm just waiting for a good event to spend them on. The problem with F2Ps is that they also want to get the new released stuff on the day/week it gets released without spending real life money/cash which is absurd lol. It's that simple.

dude ur not making sense, people are upset(yes even majority of spenders) about a particular event, which involves the hana clothing, hell even i use to spend in this game, and the plat recharge is ridiculous, from a business standpoint what do u expect to benefit from that, for once i would hope oasis would like at the data this week and be dissapointed no one fallen for the bait...cuz it is a bait, and you know what, you're right, people will wait, but that doesnt mean they'll stay quiet about it, they will complain, and they'll keep doing it, if an event is not being smartly planned, this was a bad move and im not the only one here that agrees, this week's events are so bad, even activity lucky bag is bad(no revamp like i said, same thing with treasure of the sage).

It's true you cant please everyone, it feels like the message is not being delivered correctly, feedback is not heard or viewed, at all. Like i said to that one guy, optimizing and improving it, it's always for the player base, nothing else. If you revamp an event, check ur notes and feedback BEFORE you do anything with it, like i said to the "Super" Moderator Daiske, you guys have the data, you have the info, detailed even, you have the tools, use them...smartly.

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On 2018-11-03 09:50:46Show this Author Only

Good week or bad week they still complaint . " ahh why this thing only need 1 point to reddeem , gonna report this " 1 hour later the point changed " why the fvck you changed the point "

This post was last edited by Kuro하돌 on 2018-11-03 10:39:20.
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On 2018-11-03 09:59:21Show this Author Only
  • Isoya On 2018-11-03 07:28:34
  • They shouldn't be muting half the stuff they do, but they do- hence the meme.

But if let's say that half is all "why you attacking f2p, i'm going to quit, give me compensation you monsters, etc." type of complaining, do you think some of the mutes aren't necessary to limit the toxic community this forum has become. I don't know if you noticed or were present last year but this wasn't like this. Perhaps more people with this behavior started to join this server or the behaviour started to show when Oasis decided to add shisui earlier than expected.

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On 2018-11-03 10:01:21Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2018-11-03 08:17:15
  • I personally don't take into consideration any responses or opinions before events are live. Why? Because you can't provide valid and real feedback without seeing what is actually in the events. So yes, I do see lot "saving week", "weak events" comments and such comments usually appear right after events are posted. So I choose to ignore such comments because to me they have no value. I start noticing and writing down real feedback once events are actually up on live servers.

I know where you're going with this, i understand where you coming from, it's like hating a dish without even tasting it 1st, but here's the thing i've been noticing throughout my time here, you guys became too predictable, when it comes to "prizes" on the events per say, what i mean is, look at what is in the events this week.....

Konoha Outlets : This event is merely spend your coupons for stuff you can get pretty much for free, such as seals, bond scrolls, summoning scrolls, even magatamas(not the high levels), the only thing i see of real value here in this event are the clothing and charms to be fair, everything else you get it for free overtime.

Limited Rebate Charm: it's good if you've been hoarding charms, if not it's going to be bad for you.

Spending Rebate: the bells in there again, you can get those for free, and the oil you can get aswell from other events at a much reduced and acessible price.

Plat Recharge: Worst deals ever, i only see people going for the clothing just for the hell of it, just cuz they can, but i dont see it as a smart move, either by oasis or by the buyer. again besides clothing most of the stuff in it, you get it for free.

Lucky Sntch : Honestly i would avoid this event if i can, unless you really want something outta of it, like the full ninja from the 500 draws, otherwise dont bother with it, it's basically a cheap version of a wheel.

Red Envelope: It's nice for people who either wanna be generous for their clan mates cuz the rebate kinda meh imo.

Dacing Capsule: Another wheel, but this one is more fancy, the higher the bid, the higher the reward basically, unless your aiming at a ninja, dont fall for it, why? i'll tell you a has free items you get overtime.

Sakura's gift: One of the worst events ever, doesnt give you nothing, it has been gouging the prices slowly week by week everytime it shows up, and right now, doesnt offer you anything back, when u spend coupons in it, i would * to the 5 sacks a day and get what you need, unless you really need something from it or finishing a ninja, dont bother.

Activity Lucky Bag: Needs a revamp like i said, most of these items only useful for new players, old players dont have use for them.

Colorful Balloons: hey where's the charm pack? ya know the one you get it for free everyday from 60 points popping the balloons? oh you took it off, for....something you can get for free, Bond scrolls...

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On 2018-11-03 10:02:48Show this Author Only

Oh and froggy event, people that have ingots are going only for the coupons 90% of the time, the extras, are just extras.

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On 2018-11-03 10:27:43Show this Author Only

So what if this is a bad week? Then OASIS will see it from their data and would try to get back their loses next time. In the end, OASIS will still earn no matter how small, it's still an earning because there will still be people who will spend. F2Ps who saved up coupons will still wait for good events and P2W will spend when they see a good deal while others won't give a care in the world and will still spend this week.

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On 2018-11-03 10:29:55Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2018-11-03 08:21:26
  • We never said the price was 20 ingots/coupons since the begging of this event. That is incorrect. It is true that it was 10 coupons but we have decided to increase its price from 10 to 20 ingots/coupons. This change was supposed to appear at the same week when the big problem (this is actually the problem) with Sakura's event appeared. From that event cycle Food sacks were supposed to cost 20 ingots/coupons but system run to some problem and it did not update the price on live servers.

about the clothing, i wanted to offer a bit of criticism about it. and im taking into consideration that you arent in charge of the events and cant really do much about how or what they do. but i would like it if you can pass this message along to whoever is in charge of them.

im by no means a free to play player, i recharge when i see fit and save when i dont. now while i wouldnt have exactly minded the clothing being in the platinum recharge, but there wasnt anything really worth spending on (in my opinion) this week besides the frog, to justify the spending rebate. i've spent enough on the Lucky * to get the draw 500 prize without getting what I was actually there for (80 masked man frags at the time). sakura's foodsacks is just a personal dislike but some players like it, some dont. (With the raise in price I imagine most dont right now) and the only other thing you can really spend on right now is the capsule thingy, and thats too much of a risk in my opinion. With this event you could end up paying 570 coupons for 300k coins. (10+20+30+40+50+60+70+80+90+100 Coupons =550 for a probability of 50% with the additional 20 coupons spent on a capsule.)

I think the lineup for the event could have been a lot more carefully considered, events with point redemption cater to both f2p and p2w players. (Things like Lucky Board/Lucky Wheel) I can't see that spending rebate getting much. Outside of Konoha's outlets, but there is only but so much people are going to want from that.

I'd like to ask you also to consider maybe having a thread at least once a week to maybe talk with the player base and see what it is they want to see in the upcoming events/what ninjas etc, and push the information forward. (Excluding the refine/charm rebates etc etc.) i get this is the purpose of the feedback survey, but a lot of us feel that even with this, the concerns we have still aren't being heard. If you guys could do that, people like myself who have the money to spend on events but don't for reasons like this, would feel more inclined to recharge for events, and f2p players would have more incentive to play the game because the events are fair. Some might even be willing to pay a few dollars here and there if its something they really want.

My last gripe, unrelated to the above statement, is there a way that you guys can make it possible we pick if we want to spend coupons or ingots? I'd like to be able to spend my ingots for certain events without having to burn through all my coupons to use them.

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On 2018-11-03 11:33:37Show this Author Only
  • icebuken On 2018-11-03 10:27:43
  • So what if this is a bad week? Then OASIS will see it from their data and would try to get back their loses next time. In the end, OASIS will still earn no matter how small, it's still an earning because there will still be people who will spend. F2Ps who saved up coupons will still wait for good events and P2W will spend when they see a good deal while others won't give a care in the world and will still spend this week.

If they will still earn no matter how small, then in theory they *should* be able to be more generous.

This doesn't mean this will happen all the time obviously. But it should lead to more flexibility for change through F2P demands. Saying the P2Ws are the only player that matter is just plain bizarre, each P2W is built on a foundation of F2P.

Also, genuine question - do you guys remember a time when Oasis improved on themselves? I can't. I'm wondering if I missed something.

This post was last edited by Do I Care? 2 on 2018-11-03 11:34:15.
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