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On 2018-11-01 22:45:03Show All Posts


There was, nor is, any need to fix this event. There is no error or problem that would require our attention or emergency maintenance. It was planned to release this clothing in recharge event.

While we understand it may be a bit disappointing to some players, it does not mean it is completely unavailable to free to play players. For its release week, this specific clothing is limited only to recharge (paying players) event but it doesn't mean it cannot appear in redeemable event in the future. We will take your feedback of this change into consideration for future releases.

Have a nice day.

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On 2018-11-02 12:02:24Show All Posts
  • Celegorm On 2018-11-02 05:05:11
  • >Hello.

    >There was, nor is, any need to fix this event. There is no error or problem that would require our attention or emergency maintenance. It was planned to release this clothing in recharge event.

    >While we understand it may be a bit disappointing to some players, it does not mean it is completely unavailable to free to play players. For its release week, this specific clothing is limited only to recharge (paying players) event but it doesn't mean it cannot appear in redeemable event in the future. We will take your feedback of this change into consideration for future releases.

    >Have a nice day.

    If you guys are going to be so extremely greedy with stuff like this, can you at least then also spend some of that money you are earning on proper translation on the English servers?

    It's a joke some of the translation and some mad sloppy work.

    Guy [Gate Of Shock] Is still translated wrong on pretty much all his abilities, and i had to find and fix the translation myself.

    You could at least spend some of the money you are milking on proper translation.

    Also, don't pretend that you care about f2p base, everyone knows that's a joke.

We are aware that there is several translations that could see improvements or to be completely replaced with something else/new translations.

Currently, part of our team is focusing on that but there is also a lot of other things we need to focus on so we are not able to give this issue as much attention as we would like to. Some new translations are ready, some of them are actually in the game already (we fixed Ninja Test questions). As for the rest of translation errors or mistakes that you report to us - we are working on them. I know that Guy, Killer Bee [8 tails jinchuriki] and I believe Yamato as well are the most reported ninjas that need improvements or fix. If you know about more and you think no one else reported it or you are not sure if it is reported, feel free to leave comment here and I will come back to check if there is anything that needs our attention.

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On 2018-11-02 12:09:41Show All Posts
  • Katsuro Yudai On 2018-11-02 05:06:48
  • Hi Daiske, this is kinda a big deal not a 'may be a bit disappointing' becuz everyone is mad about the situation and it changes the perspective of the future clothing so every new clothing will be behind a paywall just like every new ninja?

    And might I suggest to plz bring this clothing back in Konoha great tree or missions which makes a lot more sense than this event. thx and have an awesome week.

Hi again!

We are open to a lot of possibilities. Is it possible that when we will plan to add new clothing that it will be in recharge event again? Maybe, most likely yes. As you said, this is a new situation and we will make sure to closely watch what is the feedback from you guys. Just because its first appearance is in recharge event, it does not mean we are will not add it to other events where you will be able to buy it with coupons or saved ingots.

As for ninjas. We are trying to offer them in many possibilities and events as possible. It is true that Kakashi Susano'o, EDO Hiruzen or EDO Minato first appeared in recharge rebates but we later added them to redeemable events as well. EDO Minato is currently in two non-recharge events. Patience is the key.

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On 2018-11-02 12:18:01Show All Posts
  • UchihaShay On 2018-11-02 11:32:24
  • I dont like these events, especially this one, also there's one situation i might add, which prolly will get my * deleted but nonetheless, it's the truth and everyone knows it, you (OASIS) doesnt care about f2p, now you can delete my reply, it matters not, it only solidifies my statement, the only reason this game still exists to be fair is the f2p, they are the brunt force, the cannon fodder for the whales, i'd risk to say there's hasnt been any single good event(in the past 2 or 3 weeks) that even spenders can say " i will spend on this, it's a good deal". When you run a business, sometimes you gotta see the bigger picture, not the ones who give u money, but a situation that can benefit us all, i wouldnt mind getting even 2 or 3 frags from a ninja or clothing, it means it was there, you thought of everyone. This decision, whoever made it, upset alot of people and again only proven that you only care about your spenders(heavy). Sad to see a game with so much potential being *ed like this, im having flashbacks of wildstar now, it wont take long before this game is done aswell.

Now, now .. no one is going to delete your reply, I am just going to delete your last sentence because it is not your whole post or the begging. It is things like your last sentence that makes our moderators to delete your comments. Rules are rules and everyone has to follow them. While it is okay if you do not like someone or you have different opinion, I don't really think there is reason to insult moderators. They are after all members of community as well. They are players as well and they also do not agree with a lot of things. They not only share your feedback but also their own.

As for the main topic of your comment. Thanks for the feedback, I will share it with the rest of the team. What I believe is that new clothing being in recharge event should not bother you at all. From what I was able to understand, you are free to play player and that is absolutely okay. But that also means that you have other priorities and you most likely would not be able to piece together whole clothing. So this situation only allows you to spend on things you really need (power items for example) or keep saving your resources and spend them when this specific clothing will appear in redeemable event.

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On 2018-11-03 00:06:41Show All Posts
  • korkorbyn On 2018-11-02 15:28:23
  • Everyone was really hype for this armor when it got release it got in platnium recharge i really save my coupons for this outfit but sadly its that which im hoping in the future everyone will redeem it. just beware you got a lot of complaints about you whenever new events comes...

As I stated before, just because it is in recharge event does not mean it can't appear in other events as redeemable item in the future.

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On 2018-11-03 00:08:39Show All Posts
  • Liez07 On 2018-11-02 21:19:36
  • Rules are rules and everyone has to follow them.

    Tell that to optimized SAkura packs. You have the disclaimer on each of your posts "Everything" in here is final then proceeds to "optimize" the event by raising the points and the cost of food sack.

In previous Sakura event, food sacks were supposed to cost 20 coupons/ingots from the begging. Due to error in system, system did not update the new price. For now, its price (20 ingots/coupons) should stay same.

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On 2018-11-03 00:10:37Show All Posts
  • Kuro하돌 On 2018-11-02 21:58:26
  • Nah nah

    Dev team don't decide the event

    Dev team make the event but it's oasis to decide what reward,price, redeemable

    So for my meme

    Screen Shot 2018-11-02 at 19

You are such troll, taking comment out of context and posting it here. I see how it is now. And you are wondering why I never communicate outside of game stuff.


As for who decides what.This is simply your opinion or guessing game.

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On 2018-11-03 08:11:38Show All Posts
  • HGVSDJBREVHBJEF On 2018-11-03 05:08:24

    and anyone else who wants to hate on the mods for doing their jobs i just hope you realise you're a crappy human being; the guys out here tryna dissapate the hate and all you f*cks can do is continue to bash onto him gz i feel so salty typing this if you hate this recharge rebate so much then don't participate in it simple (it's not like yall would've participated in it in the first place)

    but i digress learn to grow up and aknowledge the responses you've been giving with he has the right to delete comments he has the right to respond the way he does; deal with it and stop trying to make others hate on him

I actually don't mind my name in the thread name. At least I know I should check this thread and provide as much information as possible.

Thanks tho.

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On 2018-11-03 08:17:15Show All Posts
  • katastrophe On 2018-11-03 05:35:39
  • I'll give credit for the puppy wishes armor cause i needed that. but also weren't you aware in ''general'' chat what everyone saying and backlash you when one simple armor came out. It will be easy if there was a difference if that armor wasnt in platnium recharge event but i ain't complaining about that outfit just everyone was disappointed for the fact how they see it and came the blame on you and your people decided to do it since it cost money from our pockets.

I personally don't take into consideration any responses or opinions before events are live. Why? Because you can't provide valid and real feedback without seeing what is actually in the events. So yes, I do see lot "saving week", "weak events" comments and such comments usually appear right after events are posted. So I choose to ignore such comments because to me they have no value. I start noticing and writing down real feedback once events are actually up on live servers.

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On 2018-11-03 08:21:26Show All Posts
  • Liez07 On 2018-11-03 06:46:39
  • nah Daiske, the price has always been 10 coupons. Do you want me to send multple "PROOFS" from last year that the event has always been 10 coupons a pack? Feel free to let me know so I can prove that this "optimized" thing is an error on your end.

We never said the price was 20 ingots/coupons since the begging of this event. That is incorrect. It is true that it was 10 coupons but we have decided to increase its price from 10 to 20 ingots/coupons. This change was supposed to appear at the same week when the big problem (this is actually the problem) with Sakura's event appeared. From that event cycle Food sacks were supposed to cost 20 ingots/coupons but system run to some problem and it did not update the price on live servers.

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On 2018-11-03 08:38:43Show All Posts
  • Fiyuri On 2018-11-03 07:31:41
  • ^ my buddy here seems to be a TAD SLOW....I can agree with P2W helping out paying the bills...but he seems to be unable to process the number of people that are "freeloaders" are the ones allowing you to play the game at all lol. IF there were no'd be sitting there with your clan...just you guys. That sounds so much fun! at least you wouldn't have to try right? Do you think there would be a reason for you to even PAY for ingame items to get stronger if it's just say...your clan of maybe 20people because of course you all want to be top ranked you all join the strongest guild which happens to be the only one due to just P2W people left.

    Oh how fun that would be! YES P2W pay the bills but without the F2P you have NO GAME. Competition? well would you really have to pay in a server of like 20 actives(p2w)?

    DON'T kid yourself...I've come to find out that people that pull off the P2W on one server...end up trying it in many other NEW servers that come out like weekly. So even THEN there's maybe only a good 10% or so P2W....

    So go ahead and keep paying the bills....that is NOT the problem. The problem is that there are others that have saved with time....perhaps during events and maybe even spent a few dollars here and there .... and now they have coupons but NOPE!

    Oasis prefers you recharge. CMON a recharge event shouldn't go out and make people pay up over $400(to what I have been told....since I've stopped caring about recharge events).

    My personal problem with all this is...WHY are there still recharge events that seem to cost more EVERY TIME THEY COME OUT?
    DAISUKE! if you read this....hopefully you can pass this message along ^
    Whether you lie to us or not...that's on you...but HOPEFULLY you can at least tell me "I have already passed this over" or something.
    Where are the random NICE events for those F2P that have saved up?
    Give them an event like this recharge event....if something is usually around 7k ingots/coupons...make it 9k ingots/coupons for an early grab~
    but when i hear all this nonsense about "ingots only" YOU have had the one WHEEL on the front...can't even remember the name of it atm.
    You toss in a few ingots...and you get more of it in Coupons...
    Yet you can't seem to at least convert coupons to ingot for events?
    Like if something is normally 100ingots? can you not AT LEAST give it to us for 100-200coupons?
    Like make some changes! do something! EVERYTIME there are have things like this pop up....

    Give the F2P some love and make it known to them...Like i think you should literally be like...
    OK we made this a COUPON ONLY event. Knock yourselves out! Then toss in a minigame to exchange ingots to a REASONABLE rate.
    With hopefully....DECENT items...and not like MAY randomly get ONE good prize....every 10000 tries! lol

    Only good thing I've seen more that DAISUKE is at least talking.
    Whether we have actually noticed any improvements...Make a Poll DAISUKE...
    Though as far as I can see...we've yet to make sufficient improvements dont you think? :(

    ALSO I did notice how you conveniently HAVE NOT removed the message about the one guy in almost ALL CAPS
    insulting ALL OF US....for apparently...INSULTING YOU DAISUKE....
    I know you may like having that one person OPENLY defending you...but yeah...I don't think that help the conversation at all and you
    As the GREAT mod you are....should talk to the OBVIOUS ALT ACCOUNT, someone(hoping it's not your alt...) , made and then delete it.
    Thanks buddy!

Mods don't have alt accounts. If you are trying to say that one account is mine - it is not. I am to defend myself and my statments if needed. While I appreciate if someone agrees with my opinions, I don't need others to fight for me. Thank you tho.

So far no comments were deleted in this thread and I made sure to tell moderator in charge of this section not to delete anything and if situation takes wrong turn - I will take care of it. For now, this thread is in my care. While I agree that comment is a bit too much (hey, at least he tried to censor it a little) I want to give you guys a space to let your inner spirits to be free and express your opinions. I am usually the one who allows discussions like those. But as I said, everything has its limits. Insults are really not needed.

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On 2018-11-05 07:38:07Show All Posts
  • SoleSurvivor On 2018-11-03 10:29:55
  • about the clothing, i wanted to offer a bit of criticism about it. and im taking into consideration that you arent in charge of the events and cant really do much about how or what they do. but i would like it if you can pass this message along to whoever is in charge of them.

    im by no means a free to play player, i recharge when i see fit and save when i dont. now while i wouldnt have exactly minded the clothing being in the platinum recharge, but there wasnt anything really worth spending on (in my opinion) this week besides the frog, to justify the spending rebate. i've spent enough on the Lucky * to get the draw 500 prize without getting what I was actually there for (80 masked man frags at the time). sakura's foodsacks is just a personal dislike but some players like it, some dont. (With the raise in price I imagine most dont right now) and the only other thing you can really spend on right now is the capsule thingy, and thats too much of a risk in my opinion. With this event you could end up paying 570 coupons for 300k coins. (10+20+30+40+50+60+70+80+90+100 Coupons =550 for a probability of 50% with the additional 20 coupons spent on a capsule.)

    I think the lineup for the event could have been a lot more carefully considered, events with point redemption cater to both f2p and p2w players. (Things like Lucky Board/Lucky Wheel) I can't see that spending rebate getting much. Outside of Konoha's outlets, but there is only but so much people are going to want from that.

    I'd like to ask you also to consider maybe having a thread at least once a week to maybe talk with the player base and see what it is they want to see in the upcoming events/what ninjas etc, and push the information forward. (Excluding the refine/charm rebates etc etc.) i get this is the purpose of the feedback survey, but a lot of us feel that even with this, the concerns we have still aren't being heard. If you guys could do that, people like myself who have the money to spend on events but don't for reasons like this, would feel more inclined to recharge for events, and f2p players would have more incentive to play the game because the events are fair. Some might even be willing to pay a few dollars here and there if its something they really want.

    My last gripe, unrelated to the above statement, is there a way that you guys can make it possible we pick if we want to spend coupons or ingots? I'd like to be able to spend my ingots for certain events without having to burn through all my coupons to use them.

Sure, no problem. I will add your feedback if it is not there already. Today is Monday so there should be talk about events.

Regarding my previous statement, we start looking at feedback on Friday (that is what we call an early feedback) and then at the start of next week there is more detailed and specific feedback collected during weekend. Either from our GLs or via our survey.

EDIT: And as for your last suggestion (almost forgot to reply to it). Currently I don't have such plans but I can bring it up to the manager and talk about it, with rest of the team as well of course. The thing is - something like that is very time consuming and it won't have such big effect as you think it might have. Usually the things you guys want are same and they don't change that much from week to week. We mostly see same ninjas over and over in suggestions. I also have other things I need to focus on so I don't know where I would find time for such thread. Maybe once per month it could be possible. But then again, no matter what you request or suggest does not mean we will be able to do it. There are few people who after few failed tries just give up and then refuse to participate in such projects again. That's why I think it won't be as effective as you think.

But as I said, I will talk with manager about it.

This post was last edited by Daiske on 2018-11-05 07:45:39.
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On 2018-11-05 07:53:44Show All Posts
  • Isoya On 2018-11-03 15:06:06
  • Or could it be that things got worse?- I mean if we pull this back to Sakuras flower garden, where people were suppose to get a Tobirama for first place & then it bugged and they claimed that it was a cross server event, so everyone was just given 2k coupons, even though half the people that paid to get first only did so for the Tobirama? There's been a lot of bs since then,

    I don't agree, that things like "Why you attacking F2P", as long as he isn't being utterly rude to someone then they shouldn't be muted at all, regulate it to a single thread & allow people to voice those opinions, lock any new threads that come up and direct it to a single thread. This is how most gaming forums I've been to have done it in the past. -Deleting & muting only furthers peoples annoyance.

    I'm not referring to this thread in particular but during the Sakura event period where Jiburiru permanently muted half of everyone making a post & deleted every other post..

Players were never supposed to get EDO Tobirama fragments. At least not everyone as they thought. This event was supposed to be Cross-Server from the start and there was just a lot of confusion about it. I do agree it was not mentioned in in-game text but forum thread was updated right away, on the same day as events went up.

Jib was doing only what she had to do. We gave everyone space to express their opinion and how frustrated/furious they were. While we do agree that situation was terrible, it does not give anyone right to attack, insult or threat either company, its employees or fellow players.

We believe such situation should not happen again and we will make sure to do anything and everything to prevent it.

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On 2018-11-05 08:05:34Show All Posts
  • Liez07 On 2018-11-03 19:11:36
  • well, there you go. The truth comes out. If you can do this for this event, I bet you can do this to all of your events. Nah buddy we never said that the sunflower covenant was server based only, it was a regional based event. You will always give us the "We never said this and that from the beginning".

    Transparency. You lack transparency Daiske and thank you for not closing this thread at least we can voice our opinion of you. You know what's fun? If you could dedicate a post where we can roast you once a month so you know how we feel. MAke it a monthly forum event.

Absolutely. Company reserves all rights to make any changes or updates to all in-game content. It was never stated that once something is in game it can't be changed. If we will feel like there is need to make some adjustments, they will be made. Only after that we can talk about it with community.

This thread is not here for you to voice your opinion about me. As I said, if you have problem with specific person and you are not able to * it up .. well, there is nothing I can do about it. But I said, there are limits to everything. Once this thread will go way beyond that limit or topic will be out of context, I will close it and won't bring it back. As for your last suggestion. I am sorry but that will not happen. This forum does not provide any professional assistance for anger issues. There are real doctors and not online forums, they will be able to provide better assistance.

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On 2018-11-05 08:07:12Show All Posts
  • Big Black clock On 2018-11-03 21:15:34
  • Daiske

    let him be guys ! you can see Daiske is trying to make things good ..we will get the armor later in other event, it is as simple as that

I am way cooler and better looking than that .. pff. But thanks!

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On 2018-11-05 08:18:26Show All Posts
  • ForTheShinobiAl On 2018-11-03 23:04:20
  • @ Daiske ... You don't take into consideration opinions before events are live , but it doesn't change some facts . Yeah we all know Hana style outfit will be in future events but your cloth release schedule in general , is an abomination .And we can comment about that before the events go live. After speed of light , you guys are releasing outfits every 2 or 3 weeks!Why? Before speed of light you were releasing outfits once per 1.5 month in average . For me personaly , it makes no difference that hana style is in platinum recharge , because i had to complete puppy wishes first . You guys need to slow down , f2p/low spenders that belong to the "cloth hunter" category have like 0 time to save for ninjas and power , personaly all i've been doing after speed of light release is completing cloths .

    P.S Any chance for Summer Break to be added to the normal shop ? It's been 15 months since its release and it never appears in events

Of course you can comment about it before events are live. But it does not change the fact that such feedback will not be taken as serious and will not be taken into consideration.

In general, outfits are considered as cosmetic items and like in many other games, most of the times, cosmetic items are not something that is specifically developed or made for people who are not able to afford it. But we try to allow all of our players to slowly but surely piece all of the outfits together. What some players need to realize is that not everything will be given to them right away. There will always be things that they will have to work really, really hard for and wait maybe even weeks but in the end they will still be able to get them for free. They need to think wisely, prioritize what is important to them and then think about what they like (if they are into competitive play). For example, outfits that provide initiative is something that they should go for first and then focus on other outfits/in-game content.

Currently, we do not plan to change our release order or schedule for outfits. As for Summer Break outfit. I am sure it appeared in events not that long ago but I will see what I can do about it.

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On 2018-11-05 08:44:27Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-11-04 08:56:10
  • Pretty sure people questioned why there there was no monthly update after July's but like you said with no more monthly updates, they most likely forgot and stopped asking for a reason. If that reason for the updates was to repair themselves after the Aristeaus event, pretty sure it would be needed when the forum got "upgraded" (people who were active on the forums that time would know what I mean).

    The reason why I suggested the complainers to might have some play in why they chose not to do the monthly updates any more is because they way how Oasis released the updates. It was not detailed enough compared to how other companies give enough for their players to wonder and hype over. People wanted that standard but Oasis wasn't offering. If Oasis uses their standard of releases then they could argue they wanted to give their amount of hype they are willing to offer but the players complaining are ruining the hype by spamming when a certain event would come every week. Of course, we don't know the official reason why. We could go back and track if a mod gave an answer but that's too much work.

    Yeah it was kind of pointless to offer that survey in the first place. Some people knew that sage in China was cross server and we were still under the impression that everything was a carbon copy from China. For me at least, if they did listen to our suggestions for sage, at least increase the merges since I was not able to do sage for a month.

We actually talked with developers about the result of our voting but they have the right to decide what will be added to the game and at that time they said our version will receive X-Server matchmaking system. At that time + thanks to your really negative feedback after announcing this, we have realized that even if the result will result in not adding or changing something, we might not be able to keep our promise and the in-game content may be different than result of the voting. That is one of the main reasons why we stopped doing it.

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On 2018-11-05 08:46:53Show All Posts
  • S440-Genesis On 2018-11-04 18:43:40
  • i thought daiske said no deleting of comments

I lied.

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On 2018-11-06 13:28:49Show All Posts
  • S440-Genesis On 2018-11-06 00:30:09
  • hey daiske i know this is off topic but is there any plans to release the y skills for ay fourth raikage (3* skillbreak).. thanks

As of now, no. More skill mutations will come in the future. We actually talked about mutations not that long ago due to higher amount of requests. But I can't give you specific date or not even month when more mutations will come. BUT, they will. They are on the "coming soon" list.

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On 2018-11-07 08:50:57Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2018-11-06 18:12:14
  • But please, don't forget all the common ninjas skillbreaktroughs we still miss, there are really a lot (kiba, choji, shikamaru, shino, ino, hinata, kabuto, kimimaro, shizune, anko, haku, jirobo, jugo, karin, tayuya, kisame, suigetsu... and I'm literally listing only the very very basic ones...). It's really hard for us to understand why takes this long for them to be implemented, overall knowing that most of them are useless or useful only in specific situations. May you please explain to us why you don't simply implement 1/2 every week? Or 5/6 in a row once per month? I understand they don't bring you money but still...

No need to worry, we know about them as well.

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