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On 2018-11-01 22:28:21Show All Posts
  • Toikazu On 2018-11-01 21:57:16
  • only for p2w ? i doubt any pw2 goin to buy it. You need to recharger 7 times 3.5k ingots, that mean that outfit cost 490€. They insane

i bet with that money u could buy a PS4 and couple games :D

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On 2018-11-02 11:32:24Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2018-11-01 22:45:03
  • Hello.

    There was, nor is, any need to fix this event. There is no error or problem that would require our attention or emergency maintenance. It was planned to release this clothing in recharge event.

    While we understand it may be a bit disappointing to some players, it does not mean it is completely unavailable to free to play players. For its release week, this specific clothing is limited only to recharge (paying players) event but it doesn't mean it cannot appear in redeemable event in the future. We will take your feedback of this change into consideration for future releases.

    Have a nice day.

I dont like these events, especially this one, also there's one situation i might add, which prolly will get my * deleted but nonetheless, it's the truth and everyone knows it, you (OASIS) doesnt care about f2p, now you can delete my reply, it matters not, it only solidifies my statement, the only reason this game still exists to be fair is the f2p, they are the brunt force, the cannon fodder for the whales, i'd risk to say there's hasnt been any single good event(in the past 2 or 3 weeks) that even spenders can say " i will spend on this, it's a good deal". When you run a business, sometimes you gotta see the bigger picture, not the ones who give u money, but a situation that can benefit us all, i wouldnt mind getting even 2 or 3 frags from a ninja or clothing, it means it was there, you thought of everyone. This decision, whoever made it, upset alot of people and again only proven that you only care about your spenders(heavy). Sad to see a game with so much potential being *ed like this, im having flashbacks of wildstar now, it wont take long before this game is done aswell.

This post was last edited by Daiske on 2018-11-02 12:11:42.
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On 2018-11-02 15:05:46Show All Posts
  • brokeboi On 2018-11-02 13:05:08
  • Everyone complaining about the price, if its too much then dont recharge.

i wouldnt mind recharging, in fact i did when i played this game for the 1st few days, then i stopped, since oasis couldnt be honest with us, so ever since then i never recharged, and i refuse to do so as long as they're not honest with us. Besides this is the 1st time ever i see a clothing set, being ingots only, only in our version as far as i know, like i said in the above, i dont mind piecing it together, as it gives me power which i prioritize over ninjas always, unless there's a specific ninja i want to make a team with, other than that, it's been almost a month since i spend even coupons in events. Lack of items in the events, mostly ninjas that dont appeal to me(but can appeal to other people), you name it, i respect if people want edo deidara or edo hiruzen, i can live with that, but some of the events just need a revamp or rework, hell i know activity lucky bag, hasnt been touched since day 1, or if it has, only 1 or 2 times, cuz most of the items are useless to me.

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On 2018-11-02 15:20:22Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2018-11-02 12:18:01
  • Now, now .. no one is going to delete your reply, I am just going to delete your last sentence because it is not your whole post or the begging. It is things like your last sentence that makes our moderators to delete your comments. Rules are rules and everyone has to follow them. While it is okay if you do not like someone or you have different opinion, I don't really think there is reason to insult moderators. They are after all members of community as well. They are players as well and they also do not agree with a lot of things. They not only share your feedback but also their own.

    As for the main topic of your comment. Thanks for the feedback, I will share it with the rest of the team. What I believe is that new clothing being in recharge event should not bother you at all. From what I was able to understand, you are free to play player and that is absolutely okay. But that also means that you have other priorities and you most likely would not be able to piece together whole clothing. So this situation only allows you to spend on things you really need (power items for example) or keep saving your resources and spend them when this specific clothing will appear in redeemable event.

Dude let me honest here, i think there's been worst people * posting here just for the hell of it, and im not one of them, i only speak facts, and the fact is, lot of people been saying some truths like some events need a revamp, as a player spender or not, do you think these events are good enough for you, put yourself in f2p shoes, are they good enough? hell even spenders are upset with, so u can imagine how a f2p feels(which btw the term "f2p" has many interpretations), just because i have a foul language, doesnt need to be censored, or inciting drama, or whatever the reason of my replies being deleted, the drama is already there, you cant defuse it with simply erasing the problem, regarding feedback i can feel at least some people expressing themselves on feedback and they are never heard, im not the voice of them, but at least there's one thing u did this week, you brought back edo deidara, as many were asking for it, so might aswell bring back madara 5k so the rest of us can fini*(i will finish him either way so no use of holding him back).

No polls, rework your feedback survey(last time it had questions i didnt even feel the need to answer), sit down with mods and some players and game liasons, even devs, and talk among you, this game's success relies heavy upon communication within the team, what do the spenders want, what f2p want, how can we improve the game, listening to the feedback, okay let's rework our survey, let's look at our data how many coupons were spent, how many recharges were made, you have all of that, and even so i cant believe your making these amateur mistakes, putting items you can get for free(bonds scrolls yeah...i know those), you can get so much outta of it, if you look closely at what WE community want, make smart choices, im not going to spend on a item i can get for free overtime from other sources like daily events with sun scrolls currency.

With that in mind, i hope the devs work harder and look up data, you guys have the tools but you hardly use them, at least that's what i see from outside of the circle.

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On 2018-11-03 03:35:33Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2018-11-03 00:41:27
  • What people could do is be less toxic when they complain about the situation. You can complain while being a decent person voicing your concern.

u dont see toxicity from me dude, it's some moderators who "think" i incite drama that's all.

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On 2018-11-03 09:28:18Show All Posts
  • icebuken On 2018-11-03 06:48:15
  • The world has never been fair. It never will. So either they accept that fact and svck it up or just keep on complaining without giving possible solution that is beneficial to everyone. By everyone, I mean it includes OASIS and not just the players because this is a business. Business needs money. Money is the reason why they invested in this game. Put yourselves in OASIS shoes for once or maybe imagine that you have a business yourself, a store. You have a new item to introduce, would you sell it cheap when it's just newly released? Of course not. You will do everything to make as much money from it. Same thing that OASIS is doing here because there are people willing to purchase digital stuff.

let me tell you something, even EA would be proud of OASIS right now, this is how you destroy a game tbh.

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On 2018-11-03 09:43:34Show All Posts
  • icebuken On 2018-11-03 08:47:32
  • I'm part of the free loaders that don't complain and just thankful for the people that pay the server to keep it up so I can enjoy the game. I'm not part of the complaining kids who feel that they are important because that's what they tell themselves. If they have saved up some coupons, then it's up to them to spend it or not. If the event is not good, then why spend? Wait for a good event to spend it on. I have some coupons saved up as well and I'm not spending them because it's a bad event for me. I'm just waiting for a good event to spend them on. The problem with F2Ps is that they also want to get the new released stuff on the day/week it gets released without spending real life money/cash which is absurd lol. It's that simple.

dude ur not making sense, people are upset(yes even majority of spenders) about a particular event, which involves the hana clothing, hell even i use to spend in this game, and the plat recharge is ridiculous, from a business standpoint what do u expect to benefit from that, for once i would hope oasis would like at the data this week and be dissapointed no one fallen for the bait...cuz it is a bait, and you know what, you're right, people will wait, but that doesnt mean they'll stay quiet about it, they will complain, and they'll keep doing it, if an event is not being smartly planned, this was a bad move and im not the only one here that agrees, this week's events are so bad, even activity lucky bag is bad(no revamp like i said, same thing with treasure of the sage).

It's true you cant please everyone, it feels like the message is not being delivered correctly, feedback is not heard or viewed, at all. Like i said to that one guy, optimizing and improving it, it's always for the player base, nothing else. If you revamp an event, check ur notes and feedback BEFORE you do anything with it, like i said to the "Super" Moderator Daiske, you guys have the data, you have the info, detailed even, you have the tools, use them...smartly.

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On 2018-11-03 10:01:21Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2018-11-03 08:17:15
  • I personally don't take into consideration any responses or opinions before events are live. Why? Because you can't provide valid and real feedback without seeing what is actually in the events. So yes, I do see lot "saving week", "weak events" comments and such comments usually appear right after events are posted. So I choose to ignore such comments because to me they have no value. I start noticing and writing down real feedback once events are actually up on live servers.

I know where you're going with this, i understand where you coming from, it's like hating a dish without even tasting it 1st, but here's the thing i've been noticing throughout my time here, you guys became too predictable, when it comes to "prizes" on the events per say, what i mean is, look at what is in the events this week.....

Konoha Outlets : This event is merely spend your coupons for stuff you can get pretty much for free, such as seals, bond scrolls, summoning scrolls, even magatamas(not the high levels), the only thing i see of real value here in this event are the clothing and charms to be fair, everything else you get it for free overtime.

Limited Rebate Charm: it's good if you've been hoarding charms, if not it's going to be bad for you.

Spending Rebate: the bells in there again, you can get those for free, and the oil you can get aswell from other events at a much reduced and acessible price.

Plat Recharge: Worst deals ever, i only see people going for the clothing just for the hell of it, just cuz they can, but i dont see it as a smart move, either by oasis or by the buyer. again besides clothing most of the stuff in it, you get it for free.

Lucky Sntch : Honestly i would avoid this event if i can, unless you really want something outta of it, like the full ninja from the 500 draws, otherwise dont bother with it, it's basically a cheap version of a wheel.

Red Envelope: It's nice for people who either wanna be generous for their clan mates cuz the rebate kinda meh imo.

Dacing Capsule: Another wheel, but this one is more fancy, the higher the bid, the higher the reward basically, unless your aiming at a ninja, dont fall for it, why? i'll tell you a has free items you get overtime.

Sakura's gift: One of the worst events ever, doesnt give you nothing, it has been gouging the prices slowly week by week everytime it shows up, and right now, doesnt offer you anything back, when u spend coupons in it, i would * to the 5 sacks a day and get what you need, unless you really need something from it or finishing a ninja, dont bother.

Activity Lucky Bag: Needs a revamp like i said, most of these items only useful for new players, old players dont have use for them.

Colorful Balloons: hey where's the charm pack? ya know the one you get it for free everyday from 60 points popping the balloons? oh you took it off, for....something you can get for free, Bond scrolls...

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On 2018-11-03 10:02:48Show All Posts

Oh and froggy event, people that have ingots are going only for the coupons 90% of the time, the extras, are just extras.

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On 2018-11-05 12:33:46Show All Posts
  • Stylla On 2018-11-05 11:45:46
  • *, can you guys just listen to Kuro and go to the Discord? Obviously, whining on this thread isn't going to work.

not going to discord, besides lacking the time to even be at the pc, i have too many discords, and i hate my * being cluttered on my pc.

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On 2018-11-05 15:22:29Show All Posts
  • Kuro하돌 On 2018-11-05 12:36:42
  • U cAn use through phone though

damm u got me there, but then again i have a potato phone.

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