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[ PVP ] SWB With a strong F2P team


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On 2018-01-18 07:09:29Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Well, I listened to everyone and did a little F2P content. This team is really good, and I teach you how to use it at the end. I tried to make it as short as possible, but SWB isn't a quick event. Enjoy everyone:)

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On 2018-01-18 07:32:27Show this Author Only

Dude, it is a good thing you are trying to help F2P players but what you do is totally contradicting yourself. "A little f2p content". Yeah sure, Shisui's F2P. A friend of mine has spent over 6k coupons yet does not have him. Plus don't you understand you have a MASSIVE power advantage. That really doesn't help F2P players. You are ahead (power-wise) of lvl 90 F2P people so what you are trying to do doesn't make sense

This post was last edited by Shas on 2018-01-18 07:33:35.
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On 2018-01-18 07:35:19Show this Author Only

Ok, i watch this film, but this title is incorect.

Where is this f2p team? Hinata and Sasuke? and what about Shisui he is f2p o_O from when? bcs you can get him in lucky spin? rly sad and btw. you have in 81 lvl 77k dmg, you can without shisui win ez. If you change title yes that's nice film and funny ;) but with this title you just crate confusion to others...

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On 2018-01-18 09:02:15Show this Author Only

Instead of criticizing the help he is trying to give, why dont you guys make a video showing everyone how it is done. I know 3 F2P players that have shisui btw .. 2 saved up coupons and 1 got lucky.

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On 2018-01-18 09:44:36Show this Author Only

I like your thumbnail lol

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On 2018-01-18 10:39:20Show this Author Only
  • WyldChild18 On 2018-01-18 09:02:15
  • Instead of criticizing the help he is trying to give, why dont you guys make a video showing everyone how it is done. I know 3 F2P players that have shisui btw .. 2 saved up coupons and 1 got lucky.

And how many do you know that didn't get him? you see now how absurd it is to classify him as a F2P ninja based on the extreme minority that got him?

The criticism is justified. He claimed this was a video of a F2P team, but it's not. If he didn't say this was a F2P team, then there would be no issue.

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On 2018-01-18 12:53:39Show this Author Only

This kind of guide is garbage and the purpose of this is not even a guide to begin with but hey at least he got what he want, some attention from you guys and me lel.
Also saying Shisui is f2p is like saying Edo Hashirama is free. Everything are basically free, it's just take many months or years to get. But the term f2p friendly mean ninjas you can get in less than 1-2 months of saving.

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On 2018-01-18 15:24:50Show this Author Only

it was a good video to be honest, and to say that shisui is not f2p.............., you guys said the same about tendo and diedaara and masked and hokage minato, oasis gave these ninjas out literally in lucky spins and events as *, if you didnt get one it dosent mean they are not in the hands of players who havent spent a dime. heck i am an f2p, i have a 4 * tendo, a hokage minato, a diedaara edo tensei. its just the fact that you dont have him now but that dosent rule out the potential that you wont have them in the future... heck if this game survives long enough susanoo itachi is obtainable. if you play long enough that is. except a few characters the only thing that money determines in this game is how long it will take you to get them or increase in bp. Kakuzu earth grudge might be put in an event (full80 frags) and f2p players will get him and you'll call that heresey XD. also if you find this video wrong and stuff like that also replying to the fact that this commment is wrong and is just in support of the OP. you might as well get off the internet cuz you'll only find opinions that offend you in one way or another. if an f2p player who has shisui sees this and uses this to gain a few points in his/ her swb, i dont think that it caused harm to anyone. but you just have to be the superman of justice and point out * and whatnot with the title. at least the guy tries making a video, not just sat on his * doing nothing.

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On 2018-01-18 16:04:47Show this Author Only
  • Nyte On 2018-01-18 15:24:50
  • it was a good video to be honest, and to say that shisui is not f2p.............., you guys said the same about tendo and diedaara and masked and hokage minato, oasis gave these ninjas out literally in lucky spins and events as *, if you didnt get one it dosent mean they are not in the hands of players who havent spent a dime. heck i am an f2p, i have a 4 * tendo, a hokage minato, a diedaara edo tensei. its just the fact that you dont have him now but that dosent rule out the potential that you wont have them in the future... heck if this game survives long enough susanoo itachi is obtainable. if you play long enough that is. except a few characters the only thing that money determines in this game is how long it will take you to get them or increase in bp. Kakuzu earth grudge might be put in an event (full80 frags) and f2p players will get him and you'll call that heresey XD. also if you find this video wrong and stuff like that also replying to the fact that this commment is wrong and is just in support of the OP. you might as well get off the internet cuz you'll only find opinions that offend you in one way or another. if an f2p player who has shisui sees this and uses this to gain a few points in his/ her swb, i dont think that it caused harm to anyone. but you just have to be the superman of justice and point out * and whatnot with the title. at least the guy tries making a video, not just sat on his * doing nothing.

By putting the term "F2P" in the title, your target audience is a specific portion of the playerbase. The F2P playerbase. The vast majority of this playerbase does not have Shisui, Kage Minato, Edo Deidara, 4* Tendo, or Kakuzu Earth Grudge. For every F2P that has one of these ninjas, you'll find way more that don't, no contest.

And I'm not sure why you're referencing the future as if it's relevant to the video. The video has been posted in the present, and its gameplay comes from the present. If Shisui becomes more easily obtainable in the future, then great, make a video when that happens in the future and put "F2P" in the title. I'll watch it, like it, share it. Maybe he will be labeled as a F2P ninja in the future, but as of now, no.

If a F2P that has Shisui sees the video and decides to use it, great. But no logical person will click on a video with "F2P" in the title expecting Shisui in the lineup. It should just be a pleasant surprise for them.

Everyone can have their own opinion. I have mine about the definition of what would be considered a F2P ninja. You have yours. He has his. Everyone else has theirs. I think your opinion is just straight up wrong, but again, that's just my opinion. However, what IS NOT an opinion, is that the majority of the F2P playerbase does not have Shisui. If you think that's not a fact, you're mistaken. And that same majority will be disappointed when they see Shisui. He's a ninja that F2P have gotten, but he should not be labeled as a F2P ninja, as that's just misleading.

I can't stop this guy from putting "F2P" in the titles of videos using Shisui. Just like he won't be able to stop people from leaving comments insulting his intelligence and expressing their disappointment, which will happen because you wasted their time with a misleading title. Helping F2P is fine. Not helping F2P is fine. What's NOT fine is claiming to help them yet only helping a tiny, tiny, tiny portion of them. Unless he makes up for it in some other way, his channel will fail if he keeps this up. I'm not arguing this because I'm offended. I'm doing it so the guy doesn't fail, as he seems to really want to make his channel work. And false advertising is not the way to go.

This post was last edited by AyiriHino on 2018-01-18 16:05:29.
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On 2018-01-18 16:06:24Show this Author Only

Dont wanna bash or anything but first of all a ninja that we had a chance to get on a RNG event on release cant be considered f2p. A team consisting of jonin minato masked man and shisui would be called a f2p team by those terms. Also, using a manual barrier with an auto barrier is kinda counter productive, only thing sasuke provides there is combo so a buffer would be better in my opinion, like iruka who is waaay more f2p then shisui or wb asuma or even guy, or if you dont want a buffer, kimimaro could work fine too as a tank and able to get root buff. Anyway just take it as constructive criticism man.

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On 2018-01-18 17:13:45Show this Author Only
  • WyldChild18 On 2018-01-18 09:02:15
  • Instead of criticizing the help he is trying to give, why dont you guys make a video showing everyone how it is done. I know 3 F2P players that have shisui btw .. 2 saved up coupons and 1 got lucky.

What's your definition of f2p ninja?

A ninja you can get by stacking coupons?

In that case naruto ninetails chakra 4 stars, hokage tsunade, hokage minato, ay 4th, sasuke susano'o and hashirama are f2p because all of them appeared more than once in events where you could buy the fragments with coupons or where you had a good chance to get them in a common wheel.

Now, since is blatant this one can't be the criterion to know which ninja can be considered f2p and which one can't be, then lets try to figure a more objective criterion.

If you ask me what could be i would say a ninja that doesn't cost more than two months of hoarding coupons and that doesn't appear as a super rare in a treasure.

Now,since the smart f2p usual income per month is 4500-5000 coupons, then the cap is 9000-10000 coupons value.

Does exist an event where you can get lets say jonin minato with that quantity of coupons for sure?

The reply is yes and is fateful choice. So jonin minato for me is a f2p ninja.

Does exist an event where you can get shisui for sure with that quantity of coupons?

No, in every event so far where you could buy his fragments his cost was around 15000-16000 coupons so by my criterion shisui is not a f2p ninja, but can be considered a low casher ninja, since low cashers get around 2000-2500 more coupons per month than f2p.

This post was last edited by Zelgadis~ on 2018-01-18 17:16:45.
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On 2018-01-18 20:07:03Show this Author Only
  • Nyte On 2018-01-18 15:24:50
  • it was a good video to be honest, and to say that shisui is not f2p.............., you guys said the same about tendo and diedaara and masked and hokage minato, oasis gave these ninjas out literally in lucky spins and events as *, if you didnt get one it dosent mean they are not in the hands of players who havent spent a dime. heck i am an f2p, i have a 4 * tendo, a hokage minato, a diedaara edo tensei. its just the fact that you dont have him now but that dosent rule out the potential that you wont have them in the future... heck if this game survives long enough susanoo itachi is obtainable. if you play long enough that is. except a few characters the only thing that money determines in this game is how long it will take you to get them or increase in bp. Kakuzu earth grudge might be put in an event (full80 frags) and f2p players will get him and you'll call that heresey XD. also if you find this video wrong and stuff like that also replying to the fact that this commment is wrong and is just in support of the OP. you might as well get off the internet cuz you'll only find opinions that offend you in one way or another. if an f2p player who has shisui sees this and uses this to gain a few points in his/ her swb, i dont think that it caused harm to anyone. but you just have to be the superman of justice and point out * and whatnot with the title. at least the guy tries making a video, not just sat on his * doing nothing.

Do you know what is RNG? Random Number Generator. The ninjas are handed out randomly. But it seems the way it works in this game isn't random. Shisui isn't an F2P ninja. Obviously not. Why do you not have him then? If he is so F2P. It is unfair since players can defeat people over 20k more power with Kisame or Shisui. Is it annoying or unfair? It IS BOTH. RNG ninjas can never ever be considered F2P. There are players willing to pay ( and have payed) thousands of ingots for these gamechangers yet they don't get them. Yet these buggers have them. What's more annoying is that they consoder these ninjas F2P when they arent

This post was last edited by Shas on 2018-01-18 20:58:45.
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On 2018-01-18 20:08:04Show this Author Only
  • AyiriHino On 2018-01-18 16:04:47
  • By putting the term "F2P" in the title, your target audience is a specific portion of the playerbase. The F2P playerbase. The vast majority of this playerbase does not have Shisui, Kage Minato, Edo Deidara, 4* Tendo, or Kakuzu Earth Grudge. For every F2P that has one of these ninjas, you'll find way more that don't, no contest.

    And I'm not sure why you're referencing the future as if it's relevant to the video. The video has been posted in the present, and its gameplay comes from the present. If Shisui becomes more easily obtainable in the future, then great, make a video when that happens in the future and put "F2P" in the title. I'll watch it, like it, share it. Maybe he will be labeled as a F2P ninja in the future, but as of now, no.

    If a F2P that has Shisui sees the video and decides to use it, great. But no logical person will click on a video with "F2P" in the title expecting Shisui in the lineup. It should just be a pleasant surprise for them.

    Everyone can have their own opinion. I have mine about the definition of what would be considered a F2P ninja. You have yours. He has his. Everyone else has theirs. I think your opinion is just straight up wrong, but again, that's just my opinion. However, what IS NOT an opinion, is that the majority of the F2P playerbase does not have Shisui. If you think that's not a fact, you're mistaken. And that same majority will be disappointed when they see Shisui. He's a ninja that F2P have gotten, but he should not be labeled as a F2P ninja, as that's just misleading.

    I can't stop this guy from putting "F2P" in the titles of videos using Shisui. Just like he won't be able to stop people from leaving comments insulting his intelligence and expressing their disappointment, which will happen because you wasted their time with a misleading title. Helping F2P is fine. Not helping F2P is fine. What's NOT fine is claiming to help them yet only helping a tiny, tiny, tiny portion of them. Unless he makes up for it in some other way, his channel will fail if he keeps this up. I'm not arguing this because I'm offended. I'm doing it so the guy doesn't fail, as he seems to really want to make his channel work. And false advertising is not the way to go.

Well said my friend Well said

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On 2018-01-18 20:09:59Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2018-01-18 17:13:45
  • What's your definition of f2p ninja?

    A ninja you can get by stacking coupons?

    In that case naruto ninetails chakra 4 stars, hokage tsunade, hokage minato, ay 4th, sasuke susano'o and hashirama are f2p because all of them appeared more than once in events where you could buy the fragments with coupons or where you had a good chance to get them in a common wheel.

    Now, since is blatant this one can't be the criterion to know which ninja can be considered f2p and which one can't be, then lets try to figure a more objective criterion.

    If you ask me what could be i would say a ninja that doesn't cost more than two months of hoarding coupons and that doesn't appear as a super rare in a treasure.

    Now,since the smart f2p usual income per month is 4500-5000 coupons, then the cap is 9000-10000 coupons value.

    Does exist an event where you can get lets say jonin minato with that quantity of coupons for sure?

    The reply is yes and is fateful choice. So jonin minato for me is a f2p ninja.

    Does exist an event where you can get shisui for sure with that quantity of coupons?

    No, in every event so far where you could buy his fragments his cost was around 15000-16000 coupons so by my criterion shisui is not a f2p ninja, but can be considered a low casher ninja, since low cashers get around 2000-2500 more coupons per month than f2p.

We need more people like this, ones who think things through logically and prove with facts

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On 2018-01-18 20:31:48Show this Author Only

Technically 4* Tendo is a f2p Ninja.

You will get 80 of his frags for free though Ultimate Training (and when it updates). He is also 400 pulls in Tendo Treasure. So if you recruit him through a treasure first you already have a 3 star Tendo. Then when you're done with UT you'll need 20 more frags. Then there were events for weeks where you could get Tendo sometime after UT was released. Tendo was also in a box from Mission Mobilization multiple times, hell you can even get Tendo Pain in a chase mission. So it isn't too far-fetched to think that he is a f2p ninja.

(Yes I know that Tendo Treasure can give you Hashirama instead)

Hell even I had the choice of 4 star my Hashirama or get his skillbook Ninja God cause I got him 2x in Mission Mobilization. (I went with Ninja God skillbook) and currently I have 40 extra frags, mostly from his bond in your home.

But any ninja that was only obtainable through RNG (star level doesn't matter) is not a F2P Ninja. Masked Man is a f2p Ninja if you saved coupons and went for events that had him then kept saving. Same with Jonin Minato since they were not only in RNG Events. (Looking at Fate and Mission Mobilization for example)

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On 2018-01-19 01:23:50Show this Author Only

i would make a vid with ay's meta team, thats the real strongest best * u c*e as f2p, even beating lot of p2w if u play smart, nice vid btw

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On 2018-01-19 01:34:35Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2018-01-18 20:31:48
  • Technically 4* Tendo is a f2p Ninja.

    You will get 80 of his frags for free though Ultimate Training (and when it updates). He is also 400 pulls in Tendo Treasure. So if you recruit him through a treasure first you already have a 3 star Tendo. Then when you're done with UT you'll need 20 more frags. Then there were events for weeks where you could get Tendo sometime after UT was released. Tendo was also in a box from Mission Mobilization multiple times, hell you can even get Tendo Pain in a chase mission. So it isn't too far-fetched to think that he is a f2p ninja.

    (Yes I know that Tendo Treasure can give you Hashirama instead)

    Hell even I had the choice of 4 star my Hashirama or get his skillbook Ninja God cause I got him 2x in Mission Mobilization. (I went with Ninja God skillbook) and currently I have 40 extra frags, mostly from his bond in your home.

    But any ninja that was only obtainable through RNG (star level doesn't matter) is not a F2P Ninja. Masked Man is a f2p Ninja if you saved coupons and went for events that had him then kept saving. Same with Jonin Minato since they were not only in RNG Events. (Looking at Fate and Mission Mobilization for example)

In my opinion, you can't really call some event ninjas that can be pieced over time (masked, dpb hidan, jonin, edo deidara) as f2p as not all f2p save for ninjas. Whether they choose not to or don't have the patience to save is up to the player. Personally, I see them as event ninjas available for all players rather than only ignot exclusive (ay (only in events but all can get him via kage treasure) susanoo itachi, hokage tsunade).

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2018-01-19 01:35:30.
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On 2018-01-19 01:53:30Show this Author Only
  • Zelgadis~ On 2018-01-18 17:13:45
  • What's your definition of f2p ninja?

    A ninja you can get by stacking coupons?

    In that case naruto ninetails chakra 4 stars, hokage tsunade, hokage minato, ay 4th, sasuke susano'o and hashirama are f2p because all of them appeared more than once in events where you could buy the fragments with coupons or where you had a good chance to get them in a common wheel.

    Now, since is blatant this one can't be the criterion to know which ninja can be considered f2p and which one can't be, then lets try to figure a more objective criterion.

    If you ask me what could be i would say a ninja that doesn't cost more than two months of hoarding coupons and that doesn't appear as a super rare in a treasure.

    Now,since the smart f2p usual income per month is 4500-5000 coupons, then the cap is 9000-10000 coupons value.

    Does exist an event where you can get lets say jonin minato with that quantity of coupons for sure?

    The reply is yes and is fateful choice. So jonin minato for me is a f2p ninja.

    Does exist an event where you can get shisui for sure with that quantity of coupons?

    No, in every event so far where you could buy his fragments his cost was around 15000-16000 coupons so by my criterion shisui is not a f2p ninja, but can be considered a low casher ninja, since low cashers get around 2000-2500 more coupons per month than f2p.

Everything you said its true except the jonin minato being f2p part because saving 5k coupons a month isnt that possible for a f2p without monthly or jonin medal

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On 2018-01-20 09:05:18Show this Author Only
  • WyldChild18 On 2018-01-18 09:02:15
  • Instead of criticizing the help he is trying to give, why dont you guys make a video showing everyone how it is done. I know 3 F2P players that have shisui btw .. 2 saved up coupons and 1 got lucky.

Thanks :)

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On 2018-01-20 09:06:50Show this Author Only
  • Billardo On 2018-01-19 01:23:50
  • i would make a vid with ay's meta team, thats the real strongest best * u c*e as f2p, even beating lot of p2w if u play smart, nice vid btw

Wow that is a great sugestion! I will get on that. Message me I would like your input

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