People still pretending that this is League of Legends and that Oasis has the power to change the game as a publisher, lol.
Water actually gets buffed in the future and is still weak compared to the other mains. If you want to see how balance is then your best bet is to look towards CN as they're a full year+ ahead of global right now. I've noticed that they balance around the top end players moreso than the general populace and honestly both water and earth immortal teams are dead against whales that have access to the entire ninja roster. There are more ways than ever to counter these teams with the two newest additions to the roster and immortal teams as a whole have steadily been dying out ever since Roshi was released a month+ ago.
For every person who knows how to use Water to their full potential, there are people like me that still don't have the hang of it nor do they have the ninjas to make them truly OP. The little "advantages" that Water Main has is all I have to make sure I don't get bodied by people simply one level lower than me. Think of us folk who aren't very good at this game yet still want to play it our way.
pretty much seconded this, mine still low level also, and i'm thinking what should i improve with my water main char, and still getting rekted by people. All i see from this thread is just complaining, instead of making an effort to change,people has freedom to choose their me
pretty much seconded this, mine still low level also, and i'm thinking what should i improve with my water main char, and still getting rekted by people. All i see from this thread is just complaining, instead of making an effort to change,people has freedom to choose their me
As stated before, this thread isn't a rant about specific hard match ups or anything of the sort, but rather something that's been happening in the higher levels of play, I run Crimson Fist for a while now, and while I do have weak match ups, I'm generally satisfied with the teams I'm running, and I don't mind facing Azure Fang players because they generally don't put any thought into their matches. Saying Azure Fang does not have an edge over other classes is straight out lying as demonstrated in earlier replies.
A few points:
1. You don't need reserve seal or whatever for GNW Tenten team, just run with healing standard and enhancement of water ninja.
2. Healing tips stack with one another, meaning that Tsunade[5th hokage] just boosts it ever further (40% + 45%, legit).
3. Poison is too easy to apply as Azure Fang, and it's not limited to that ninja only, meaning that if the enemy can't clear debuffs, they will have 4 stacks on them from turn 1.
4. Standard attacks pack way too much utility: a heal that clears all debuffs / acupuncture + knockdown / high float + high damage + damage to self making her super good in all fronts with no clear weakness.
5. Passives are overloaded, you can run both healing tips and poison at the same time or if you feel like you have enough healing you can just make your critical hits cause chaos.
6. Highest raw stats our of all main characters by far, she can tank as well as earth main, provide support and healing, deal good damage and all that while having more HP and defenses to work with.
7. Kakashi is by far one of the most useless characters in this game, rocking a pitiful stat line, terrible mystery (single target, causes low float, ba
8. Ninja power distribution seems very dumb in general, after looking at growth stats, Iruka has better stats than 90% of ninja if not all, now while the game does not have to be accurate compared to the anime or whatever, a bit of thought would have been nice. I got Yagura the other day, upgraded him just to see how his stats go, and to my surprise his stats are probably the worst I've seen so far in this game, his only decent stat being resistance, which he does not use in combat in any way (shields for example). So he's basically set to be a support, and a lousy one at that considering the only things he brings to the table are a bit of chakra each round and the ability to create a weak clone of one enemy ninja (which is nice but usually not practical for anything but stealing barriers or getting some buffs.
On the Yagura part:
Imagine uisng his ability on a ninja in Ninja Exam. Like that Chikushodo with super-init, double attack and a bear that causes chaos to anyone that hits it. I mean, yeah, he is not really me
Quote: "Saying Azure Fang does not have an edge over other classes is straight out lying as demonstrated in earlier replies."
Well, she has lots of disadvantages too:
1) She has a very low ba
2) Half of the TIs here, my team can't do it, but every Root team here can.
3) Our server power ranking: In our server top 10 power, 0 of them is Azure Fang, 5+ people are Midnight Blade.
4) Azure Fang only have 3 team options, while Lightning have many, many kinds of setup.
5) Also, on our Space-Time, Top 10 is spreaded evenly, but after that, it's mostly Midnight Blade.
Lightning Team is definitely the one that should be nerfed, if any... But as I said, I'd rather want to see other elements get boosted instead.
Quote: "Saying Azure Fang does not have an edge over other classes is straight out lying as demonstrated in earlier replies."
Well, she has lots of disadvantages too:
1) She has a very low ba
2) Half of the TIs here, my team can't do it, but every Root team here can.
3) Our server power ranking: In our server top 10 power, 0 of them is Azure Fang, 5+ people are Midnight Blade.
4) Azure Fang only have 3 team options, while Lightning have many, many kinds of setup.
5) Also, on our Space-Time, Top 10 is spreaded evenly, but after that, it's mostly Midnight Blade.
Lightning Team is definitely the one that should be nerfed, if any... But as I said, I'd rather want to see other elements get boosted instead.
Lightning? You just said that lightning has many teams compared to water having 3, elaborate, what exactly are the teams? Actually, I tested this out after a group member told me, "changing classes gives more power" I thought to myself that he was drunk. I was fire at that time, I switched to water to finish a ninja exam and test what he said, surprisingly, it worked, I got more power with water, so I wouldn't call that low. If you hit me with numbers I might believe it. Her growth stats are too good, more resis and hp than earth? really?
People still pretending that this is League of Legends and that Oasis has the power to change the game as a publisher, lol.
Water actually gets buffed in the future and is still weak compared to the other mains. If you want to see how balance is then your best bet is to look towards CN as they're a full year+ ahead of global right now. I've noticed that they balance around the top end players moreso than the general populace and honestly both water and earth immortal teams are dead against whales that have access to the entire ninja roster. There are more ways than ever to counter these teams with the two newest additions to the roster and immortal teams as a whole have steadily been dying out ever since Roshi was released a month+ ago.
That was kind of an *ogy, between league and dota, and I said we were going the dota way. Oasis still can see forums, they even have Game Liaisons, if they think something is wrong, asking Tencent (I think it's them) what they could do. Still weak? You are telling me that water is weak now and will still be weak in the future? Evidence says otherwise, you said roshi destroys them? how so, they heal his ignite and purely his damage from mystery and chase isn't going to stop them from healing.
It's strange that I still see immortal teams in space time, saw one a week ago or so (can't remember exactly when). And curiously the rank 1 is water and so is rank 2.
OK so if its not broken... ok so my experience in SAGE last night... im 67k and a Lightning main.. usually fire but ok .. so i was fighting water main 53k... mabui,tenten,mei,water main.... so mabui wasnt
on first position so she was shielded by a clone infront so i couldnt destroy her the first round and i was runnning root of the warrior.. ( the only thing that saved me) ... so i got nuked by tenten 1st round.. took 4.3k shields and done major damage to my team ... my iruka got poisoned,par. and on a chase got immobiled by mei ... second round cause that healing works like a B... didnt get in time to kill mabui got nuked by mei and iruka was gone and did a lot of damage to my team also.. so i used darui which saved me btw with his new pure Lightning mystery ( dont like it) and cause its 4 star and super buffed deals a lot of damage... 3rd round tenten would have used her mystery if it wasnt my ninja attacking first... and i won... sweating and cursing but won.... They wont change them... BROKEN water main with the weakest kage of them all BROKEN mei... and on top of that everyone that uses this formation have 4 star or 5 star tenten GNW. with her BROKEN mystery...
PS: if he had mei's barier on.. i was dead def.... they are broken.. no doubt. After that i fought Fire main 68k and won.. its not me or the guy with 53k its the BROKEN as ninjas...
A water class has not won our space time in weeks, This week was fire and last week was lighting. I myself fight stronger water class people all the time, but 8/10 of those fights i win. But HOW ?????????????
Its called using your BRAIN...Stop blaming others, put in a little effort, stop trying to get the easy fix. Like i said theres a reason why water has not won our Space time in weeks
Lighting Blitz can still kill most ninja on Round 1, but yet u come on here and talk about water. When water can kill a ninja round 1, then ill come to see things your way but till then Lighting is still King and needs a Nerf
Easy answer to that ..the cancer mabui mei gnw tenten team least in my space-time bracket it`s full of those and most of those water mains can either kill at least a ninja turn 1 and/or leave your entire team with less than 40 % hp + maximum stacks of poison turn 1 ( since TenTen mystery does 5 hits / 1 stack of poison / hit = max 4 stacks of poison ) , resulting in a instant loss unless u get a gakido / hanzo to at least clear the poison stacks , but u still lose since u don`t have enough healing or dmg to kill them before you die, while those water mains do have both the dmg and the ehaling required to preety much go through every oponent that is not the other cancer team ( immortal water or earth ones ).
But again i agree lightning blitz is also way too much , since most of the time they will just kill your entire team in 1-2 turns ...
Anyway , it all comes down to power and initiative to be able to do your intrerupts / mysteries before both water / lightning teams do , otherwise you stand no chance. Also positioning can play a hudge role ( so u combo into a immobilize on that mabui if u have the initiative ).
OK so if its not broken... ok so my experience in SAGE last night... im 67k and a Lightning main.. usually fire but ok .. so i was fighting water main 53k... mabui,tenten,mei,water main.... so mabui wasnt
on first position so she was shielded by a clone infront so i couldnt destroy her the first round and i was runnning root of the warrior.. ( the only thing that saved me) ... so i got nuked by tenten 1st round.. took 4.3k shields and done major damage to my team ... my iruka got poisoned,par. and on a chase got immobiled by mei ... second round cause that healing works like a B... didnt get in time to kill mabui got nuked by mei and iruka was gone and did a lot of damage to my team also.. so i used darui which saved me btw with his new pure Lightning mystery ( dont like it) and cause its 4 star and super buffed deals a lot of damage... 3rd round tenten would have used her mystery if it wasnt my ninja attacking first... and i won... sweating and cursing but won.... They wont change them... BROKEN water main with the weakest kage of them all BROKEN mei... and on top of that everyone that uses this formation have 4 star or 5 star tenten GNW. with her BROKEN mystery...
PS: if he had mei's barier on.. i was dead def.... they are broken.. no doubt. After that i fought Fire main 68k and won.. its not me or the guy with 53k its the BROKEN as ninjas...
That sounds like your power comparision is wrong, not the team. Don't compare a 67k power Lightning main team with a 53k power Water main team.
I'd say Lightning main power calculation is about 13k off. Or Water main power calculation is 15k too low.
I honestly think it's the latter.
And really, if you are 67k power lightning, you don't have to feel sad losing to a 53k + 15k power Water main team. :)
That sounds like your power comparision is wrong, not the team. Don't compare a 67k power Lightning main team with a 53k power Water main team.
I'd say Lightning main power calculation is about 13k off. Or Water main power calculation is 15k too low.
I honestly think it's the latter.
And really, if you are 67k power lightning, you don't have to feel sad losing to a 53k + 15k power Water main team. :)
Well if you are OK with losing to a 53k team if you are 67k that is your bussiness...i dont...and what was all about 67k and calculations ...dude its very simple...67k root team against broken 53k water team...its no brainer...the sad thing about this is that now 60 procent in my space time are using THAT team...the main issue is not that you are using that team hell I c*e that team granted my tenten is 3 star but the point is...its way to broken ...mei is a GOD ninja and now water main is better as well. I dont wanna see a game with 120-30 ninjas using only 4. That is bad and its need to change.
That sounds like your power comparision is wrong, not the team. Don't compare a 67k power Lightning main team with a 53k power Water main team.
I'd say Lightning main power calculation is about 13k off. Or Water main power calculation is 15k too low.
I honestly think it's the latter.
And really, if you are 67k power lightning, you don't have to feel sad losing to a 53k + 15k power Water main team. :)
I'm just going to point this out.
GNW Tenten, Mei, Mabui, Water Main can beat people who are 10k-15k higher power. That is how powerful that team is, As for that guy who had LM with RoW, if he didn't have RoW and didn't overwrite Mei's Barrier, he would had lost. That is how powerful that set up is. That set up all it needs is Initiative, nothing else and it will hurt like a truck smacking into an infant.
So you want to say that a prompt mystery, like say, GNW Tenten's vs a non-prompt barrier, say Hashirama's, Tenten is still going to benefit from the barrier.
Now give me an example of a team that can kill an immortal team consistently at around the same power level (not speaking about 20k BP budget immortal teams with Kimimaro and 3 *ty healers) and if it's that the case then why aren't people at the higher levels (60k BP+) use any team like that to counter said healer teams?
So I urge you, mister properly functioning brain, enlighten me.
That was kind of an *ogy, between league and dota, and I said we were going the dota way. Oasis still can see forums, they even have Game Liaisons, if they think something is wrong, asking Tencent (I think it's them) what they could do. Still weak? You are telling me that water is weak now and will still be weak in the future? Evidence says otherwise, you said roshi destroys them? how so, they heal his ignite and purely his damage from mystery and chase isn't going to stop them from healing.
It's strange that I still see immortal teams in space time, saw one a week ago or so (can't remember exactly when). And curiously the rank 1 is water and so is rank 2.
The point is it's meaningless to complain about balance issues on the global forums as Tencent isn't going to be looking for balancing solutions from a game that is a year behind their own, nor Oasis does have the ability to the modify the game even if they wanted to. Water IS weak in CN, there is zero debate on this - you can ask any of the players that play CN in their spare time and they will tell you that Wind and Earth are the strongest mains by far.
There is 1 (maybe 2) Spacetime cluster that still have immortal teams among the top, every other cluster have seen them die off due to people consistently crushing them with hard counters.
ENOUGH SAID Watch this Vid
LOL i think i might be able to pull it off. Cant wait for the Earth is OP nerf it post after i run that team for a couple of weeks
lol if water is cancer, people need to come up with a new name for those Earth teams, cause to me, was the most boring thing i ever skim through
also show some love to that youtuber, he did his best to make it fun to watch if u stay and watch it
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