Hey guys, I just want to express my feelings on Naruto Online at the present moment (29/07/2017).
Recently we got 3.0, new ninja, better translations, german translations (too many), better layout, new sets, etc.
And being totaly honest I'm really enjoying it so far, and I'm grateful that we got it so fast.
------ From this point this will be focused more on negatives ------------
There are a few things I would like to express, I don't mind the "Wallet Warriors" and "p2w" in this game, if that's how
Oasis get their money so be it, I see the cheeky Minato and Masked Man event for 3 days hehe. Secondly, I really enjoy playing this game and don't plan on quitting. I by no means want
to sound like a hater. Let's get started.
Firstly I want to discuss the recent "Water main is op", you know what. TLDR; It is. You don't believe me? I'll show you.
Introduction to Water Main
Do you like healing half your HP and clearing debuffs with 1 ability?
Do you like poisoning which does way too much damage?
Do you like acupuncture with your standard?
Do you like having better tank growth stats than the Tank Main(Earth)?
Do you like CCing everyone?
If you answered yes to the above, then water main is for you.
This is honestly ridiculous, I've heard people saying "Use your brain, water main isn't op, just focus the right target",
are you serious? I can't really focus the right target if my team is CCd, the damage I deal gets healed the next or same
round. In addition to that, if anyone is using the water me
tank using Reserve Seal which makes it so whenever they get attacked they get 2% life back and attack increased by 8%.
Now in general, if they don't feel like using the Water main which has better defensive scaling than the tank main,
they can just use Healing tips to make their op healing even better. Did I mention it's 40%? 40%? Seems balanced XD.
And honorable mention which goes to Neutrotoxin which makes it so whenever you crit you chaos... And you have a
chase which crits 100%.
Moving on to standard attacks, there is healing, you know, because there isn't enough heals going around, the funny part
is that it isn't just a heal, it also disperses debuffs, GREAT JOB, YOU OUTDID YOURSELVES WITH THAT ONE! Next being the
standard known as Flowing whip, the one Mei has, and we all know how good and balanced Mei is, ahem Barrier, Ignition,
Acupuncture, Damage Increase to Male ninja, Poison each round, Buffs to Water and fire, Immobile, you guys get it.
Going back to Flowing whip, it can acupuncture and cause 3 combo. Then there is her taijutsu attack which can crit.
Lets finish with Poison Tai. So you are telling me, if one of my ninja causes taijutsu damage, they get a poison with it?
That was the highlight of this post XD
Now I'm going to bring up something which many find irrelevant, but for me and some of my friends, dissapointing. I
understand that you can't change things out of the blue but what the * have you done with Kakashi. The sixth hokage
is useless. Just let that sink in, THE SIXTH HOKAGE IS USELESS????? Anyways, what is the point in adding tag, and if
someone is dedicated enough to get a lot of frags gets a Immobile to this underpowered ninja? the rest is pointless
really. My ideal fix, which is never gonna happen (At least I don't think it will), is to change his clone most
importantly. How and Why? The clone now is completely useless, the skillbreak should offer something to make that
clone tanky, and maybe like fire mains clone, add some sort of CC, or even buffs, heck make it so his clone gives shield
and make up some (note that these are seperate ideas) that the shield has something to do with his sharingan, which may sound * but hey, it's a
good change. At the present moment kakashi is ba
which makes his not viable and very under powered. Make him a tank, or a support. JUST DO ANYTHING.
That is all, thanks for reading.
hm, can i ask your level and power? these issues are relevant only to new players and servers.... 30-40k suffer from this, if your above or below that there isnt much of an issue... but ill reply anyway
Do you like healing half your HP and clearing debuffs with 1 ability? this has counter play, its called ignite
Do you like poisoning which does way too much damage? this has counter play, its called debuffing
Do you like acupuncture with your standard? this has a low combo chance
Do you like having better tank growth stats than the Tank Main(Earth)? lolwut, must of never played earth main...
Do you like CCing everyone? this is rng and you cant rely on chaosing 4 people every single turn, you can barely hope to chaos a single 1 without chases, and even then immunity's and debuffs will roflstomp you
have you done with Kakashi. The sixth hokage is useless. Just let that sink in, THE SIXTH HOKAGE IS USELESS??? I appear to misunderstand what your saying, wheres 6th hokage kakashi? i want him, hes so bad ass... i want 6th hokage kakashi please!!! wait.... your talking about a ninja who came out on day 1 being unviable in a me
look man, learn about what ninjas your talking about and what me
50k power
Do you like healing half your HP and clearing debuffs with 1 ability? this has counter play, its called ignite. - Water main has something called heal and debuff.
Do you like poisoning which does way too much damage? this has counter play, its called debuffing. - Fair enough, but is water main having poison on top of everything git already has fair?
Do you like acupuncture with your standard? this has a low combo chance. - Uhm, depends on luck, but I mean an acupuncture on standard believe it or not is TOO MUCH.
Do you like having better tank growth stats than the Tank Main(Earth)? lolwut, must of never played earth main... - I am earth main XD, and you know what growth stats are?
Do you like CCing everyone? this is rng and you cant rely on chaosing 4 people every single turn, you can barely hope to chaos a single 1 without chases, and even then immunity's and debuffs will roflstomp you. - Yes but my point is, DOES A SINGLE CHARACTER DESERVE TO HAVE THIS MUCH CC? Fire main for example can disable with mystery for 1 round, then has cd. and can transfer 1 piece of cc. Water has unlimited chances of cc. As mentioned there is the chase which always crits, you know what that means.
have you done with Kakashi. The sixth hokage is useless. Just let that sink in, THE SIXTH HOKAGE IS USELESS??? - You have seen anbu kakashi? in cn that is, that was kakashi when he was younger. So he goes from amazing to below average, despite being called one of the best jonin if not the best jonin in the village, not my words, in the anime.
It's mentioned in the anime that he has really low chakra, but he is much better than the other jonin, yet ingame all the other jonin are better? I didn't want EVERYTHING together, I said a tankier clone, or even this clone having a shield or something, idk.
Kakashi 6th hokage has no sharingan, mmmmm whatcha say?
What the *? Infinite chakra?
There is something called nerfing and buffing, it has been done before in this game, so him being released the first week has nothing to do how he hasn't been chased.
Back in my day, when people really tryhard this game, all they did was posting "how lightning main looked so much OP" this version nowadays, is water mains who is OP, i mean cmon now, this is getting to the point of slapping yourself in the face....
im going to quote Itachi... "Every jutsu has it's weakness". Thank you and come again.
This is a game. If this happened irl that would be the case, but we can only do what is written in the code, and if the code gives all this crap to one character then it makes it unfair. And I didn't say it didn't have a weakness, I said it has too many strengths compared to everyone else.
Funny how all the "pros" of this game find a counter to everything ppl say about a dumb broken class such as water in our case. Once again if you are goin around throwing 20 IQ responses with these "counters" better just shut up. Being forced into having a team to just counter the *edness of a class just shows how *ly broken that class is and as the me
tbh they weren't even counters, I said they can heal and debuff, he said "Ignite", uhm, did I not mention debuff?
Ok, I'll admit I play water (only 45k power atm with Hinata, Sage Naruto, Kabuto, Water Main with 8 chases) Being able to clear Survival with 0 dmg taken (more or less) quite easily....a lot easier than me playing other classes, but again how much does survival count for anything? Seriously though, here are some talent changes I'd like to see.
Mysteries: These are fine for the most part, they are not so OP that they need changing.
Taijutsu Attacks (No one runs this outside the first 10 lvls of the game lol)
Healing Jutsu: Either change dispersing debuffs to ignore Ignite, or just remove the disperse completely. Let Ignite actually be a real counter.
Flowing Whip: Honestly this standard is fine as is as it is a lot better than the Taijutsu Attacks and even better than Monster Strength.
Monster Strength: This has a very niche use.
Chase: All are completely fine and the Chakra Dissection Blade has low dmg for being a "crit".
As for passives, 1 thing that would fix a lot of what Water Main has would be just simply moving talents so you can't combine talents to essentially be the jack of all trades.
Passive 1:
Poison Tai - Poison from all your ninjas that deal taijutsu damage, this can be very powerful.
Neurotoxin - Causes Chaos on Crits. This class has a lot of CC almost as much as Mei.
Healing Tips - Heal of 40% honestly this can drop to 20%. Or make it non stackable.
Water Enhancement - Increase Ninjutsu and Taijutsu of Water ninjas by 40%
Now what this does is to prevent people from combining Poison Tai, Healing Tips or Poison Tai and Neurotoxin for easy CC. Forcing the water main to work with 1 enhancement or debuff.
Passive 2:
Soul Absorption
Water Clone Jutsu
Curse Mark Test
Reserve Seal
Not much to say about these talents I mean they don't come off as overly powerful to really change.
Here is the thing, Chakra dissection blade doesn't need damage, if you match it with neurotoxin you have a chaos guaranteed, only thing that can prevent it is fail, or transfer, or a debuff remover. 1 enhancement or debuff? haha, no, they have to remake everything for that to happen, nerfing each one or changing certain abilities will do it. You can pick from, Reserve seal = tanky, healing tips = heals, neurotoxin = cc (the enhancement isn't included).
You c*e that with healing mystery, poison mystery, mystery that has high chance of crit which in some cases make most of your team chaosed if partnered with other talents and buff remover.
From what I just told you, we can come to the conclusion that water main isn't limited at all. You can have heals with CC, or heals and have a tanky main. So many things which you might think are little on their own (which most aren't) but together are a bigger deal than you think.
Oh, and water main being good for survival trial is the least of my worries xD It's potential to do so many things which are exaggerated, like u said, the 40% could easily go down to 20%, or having the possibility to chaos a lot of ninjas, if you use your mystery and it chaoses because it crits, then your chase is dissection blade and you chaos another target. You are telling me that is ok? What other main can do this as well as having the chance to deal damage over time poison, and having the ability to cancel debuffs and heal at the same time?
Edit: Nerfing Healing and poisons as well as toning down ninjas like mei will seriously help, toning down the chaos is also a must as it is ridiculous, I shouldn't need to run a certain team to counter this (as said above).
Erm, yep. Water is tough, I'll give you that. But I can only agree to some of the points you've given:
The mega healing and debuff cleasing is annoying, but isnt Water supposed to focus on healing? But agree on Healing Tip shouldnt be able to stack.
Poison Tai is damaging, but all 4 stacks of poison only counts as 1 layer of debuffs. If your team has somebody who clears debuffs for the whole team like Hanzo or Gakido than you are pretty golden.
Water has a lower chance of accupuncture/chaos with her standard than what you are describing. It depends on her and yours combo rate.
Can't comment on Earth vs Water growth stat, because I have played Earth only once for exam 140.
Chaos-ing everyone? Again, that a stress, even Shark Bomb which has a crit buff has less chance of crit than Lightning's 2nd standard. It's only her 3rd chase that guarantees a crit hit.
Fire, bless his nerfed and underpowered heart, also has unlimited chance of CC-ing. Sleep and chance of ignite for standard attack, blind, ignite and imprison for chase, (and 2 tags everyturn but that's for a later time) and transfering debuffs. So no, he does not do less cc than Water.
As for Kakashi, agree that even with his breakthrough, he's still severely underpowered, Yes he has a VERY high chance of causing High Float, but his reliance on tag lower his utility. If he starts inflicting Tag when he successfully initiate a combo on somebody with his standard attack... now that's a different story. Also, for somebody who can creat only 1 clone, his clone is indeed Ao-thin.
P.s: Hate to break it to you but Water in the future will be further buffed: chance of healing 2 targets, crit buff instead of attack buff on Reverse seal, Ninjutsu buffing on Sould absorbsion and Tobi-level dodging of mystery which will reduce her Mystery cooldown. But let cross those bridges when we get there.
You said everything there, it's focused on healing, not poisoning your whole team, or ccing your whole team, as small as you say the chance of crit is, it's still there and idk if it's just me but I find myself getting chaosed from that quite frequently. I'm not making a new team or getting hanzo or gakido just for water main, that's *, I shouldn't have to get these ninjas to counter a class. Oas need to see this, when that happens and water gets buffed I expect to see other classes getting buffed along with it.
Honestly, I think water should get toned down, if a class is meant for healing it should be best at healing, and not at damage and cc as well while other classes aren't nearly as good. As for Kakashi, he needs changes, his kit looks more offensive ba
This discussion was never about fire, but yes fire is a pain when it comes to cc, but fire can't heal as much as water. Water gives most if not all you ninjas the ability to poison, fire has a chance to ignite. If you said that the ability of fire to be able to take away all cc consistently and also delivering consistently I would agree with you, but comparing fire to water, really? Heals, chaos, debuff, poison vs debuff/transfer, ignite and sleep and water main is consistent at those if chosen.
A water class has not won our space time in weeks, This week was fire and last week was lighting. I myself fight stronger water class people all the time, but 8/10 of those fights i win. But HOW ?????????????
Its called using your BRAIN...Stop blaming others, put in a little effort, stop trying to get the easy fix. Like i said theres a reason why water has not won our Space time in weeks
Lighting Blitz can still kill most ninja on Round 1, but yet u come on here and talk about water. When water can kill a ninja round 1, then ill come to see things your way but till then Lighting is still King and needs a Nerf
So, I need to run a blitz team to defeat this, or as suggested before, a fire main team? What's wrong with me wanting to use my earth main? Why should I have to change to counter something? Forcing me to change in order to counter a class is *, just shows how the class isn't balanced at all.
EDIT: So to counter water I have to change class, but to counter lightning blitz I just have to add Hinata? Uhm.... no.
I think complains about poison Op water main are outdated,ppl run jinjuriki now,stats imune
Haha, Jinchuriki ninja wont heal your team almost 50% of max hp, and Healing tips stacks while providing cc. You saying that just proves my point, I shouldn't have to change mains, or teams etc just to counter a class which is obviously broken. Also, you haven't read what I wrote, I just showed how water main doesn't just poison, it also heals a * amount and can cc.
If someone says hey if i was water i would beat u, why wouldnt i tell them to go water to prove it. As i stated i have beaten stronger way more power then me water class people and i didnt want there to be any doubt in his mind.
About the saying i would win, that was just a joke before the 2 new ninja came out thats Wednesday and he brought them both
Now the last part You Forgot the most important thing and thats the BRAIN, Im water, i have gotten in fights with him and lost, Some people think im pretty good at playing my class, Yet i could not beat him
That water guy that beat him was weaker then me, but used his BRAIN, made a formation that i never would of came up with, Switch his talents Mags runes and other stuff around, talked to people on the server like myself that have gotten into fights with mystic, did duels with myself and others.
So Dont u DARE come on here and say O hes water. So thats why he won, NO he put in the Dam work, and thats why he WON, Also if people wonder who that player name is.
His name is Dien and to me the best dam water player in this game, well thats until i beat him
I never said I lost because it's water, honestly, I don't usually lose to water if they are strictly within 5-7k of my power. I honestly don't care, I just care that water has everything and this * water me
By the way notice how you are saying that you can beat them, which is irrelevant as you also are water and you don't understand how it feels playing against water as something else, but you haven't given me proof on how water isn't op and has everything at their disposal? Interesting right? I proved everything I said in the original post. In this reply you just gave me you said nothing about how to beat this, but please amuse me.
Of course people are playing Water Main teams. It is the only way to stop the very very OP Lightning Main teams. There's really almost nothing else that can win from a Lightning team.
And it's really sad that Water Main teams have such a low ba
Fortunately we all know from the chinese version that Lightning will get more opposition soon with better Fire and Earth teams coming. Otherwise people can only play Water teams to counter the OP Lightning teams.
(I'm not asking for a nerf of the Lightning teams, besides it's better for everyone if Earth, Wind and Fire got buffed to compensate anyway.)
I play earth with a team which relies on a cc and has quite high damage with a bit of tanking, great overall and I'm having tons of fun. Lightning has never been a problem, the only Op lightning team I would say is blitz, but that only works well with higher bp as it consists of buffing a certain character and that shows a clear weakness. Root of the warrior could also be considered op. But water in my opinion are much worse, yes that lightning has good defence and offence, but can we really compare it to water? I would say lightning is very good, one of the best in fact. I completely agree with the buffing of wind and earth, I think fire and lightning are completely fine as it is at the moment. But water has a bit of everything, and it's not like it's weak. The solution isn't making everything op by buffing everything. It's should consist of balancing. We want this buffing and nerfing system to be more like LoL, that being toning down characters to change the me
There will always be a class that's somewhat stronger than the others in every game. Regardless of how hard you try to balance things.
Water immortal teams are a pain i give you that. They are hard to kill and work against most opponents. But you know, fightnig againsta fully buffed DP Hidan and a fire main usually ends up in defeat if you use water (or many other classes for that matter).
The water me
Is water strong? yes
Is it easier to make very strong teams using water mains than the other 4? yes
Is the water teams the strongest? No, paying players have access to extremely powerful ninjas such as DP Hidan, Ay or the susanoos.
Is the bootleg immortal team a pain? Hell yes, but you need hokage tsunade and she is a premium ninja. So odds are you would loose against that player anyways if he has access to such ninjas and you don't.
Besides all of this is a mute point. As far as i understand Oasis can't nerf/buff ninjas without Tencent's consent (publisher can't modify gameplay, only events/rewards, etc.). So you really think tencent will ever hear about our complaints?
XD So they should just leave water? Btw one of the strongest teams ever is water, and for paying players, the 6 tails, Tsunade Kage, and Sailor Sakura. Tencent could probably do something about this in due time, if Oas actually puts some effort in for the players.
EDIT: Water can heal Hidan in no time, and Hidan Literally kills himself, water survives XD
But i agree when people say "Poison is the strongest dmg in the game" cuz it stacks, simple as that. all you need is a Gakido or Hanzo, if you dont even have Gakido in your team, then it's your fault.
Uhm. No. So me not having Gakido means it's my fault? No, again, why should I have to change my team because a class is broken.
Allow me to describe you....
Earth main defense growth is higher than water main.
Water main resistance growth is higher than earth main.
Now as you can see, both have their equally share of defense growth, one's more to sustain standard attacks, the other more for elemental dmg sustain.
You cant complaint about earth main, it's just how you build and how you play it...
P.S : You can go easy way out, which is earth me
Earth me
2322 / 929 / 1027 / 1093 / 1296 [Water] 2303 / 983 / 1204 / 663 / 931 [Earth ] (Exactly in order in game, descending order), look at the numbers, you can't argue with numbers. It's *, earth should have more resistance specially because shields are with resistance....
So allow me to describe you, you sir, are wrong, the tanky attributes being resis, def, hp favour Water not earth. How many times do I have to say, MAKING ME CHANGE TEAMS BECAUSE A CLASS IS OVERPOWERED IS WRONG, thank you.
Someone who whas a 6-8 tails and tsunade hokage will surely also have itachi susanoo, ay, susanoo sasuke, roshi or han. Plus odds are higher initiative values and magatamas than you. They could switch their lineup and you would loose.
You just described one of the most expensive and powerful teams in the game, of course it will be overpowered.
Also no, if you have similar BP, DP hidan in move 1 will absolutely destroy tsunade hokage in 1 turn. Specially if you buff him with fire main + Barrier. And i haven't even touched on the possibility of adding Ay to the mix. I run a water teams, both tenten and roshi/han. Every time I face a DP Hidan i know odds are I will loose.
As far as I know, at some point with GNW characters water immortal teams loose their shine so it gets balanced by the available ninjas.
For arguments sake lets imagine water was nerfed. This argument would just change to "Lightning main is OP nerf him", anever ending circle of useless rants. Instead of complainig and wanting to nerf water why not ask for buffs on the 2 most underused classes which are earth and wind. Now that's something I would agree on and it would be a much more sensible argument too.
What, lightning main? Lightning and Earth are fine, wind needs serious buffs imo, and earth maybe minor ones. If water get's toned down it will be fine. You said, if you paid a lot then you wouldn't use water main, and I told u one of the most common "p2w " teams XD Btw Hidan is nice, but he isn't as powerful as you describe, yes he does tons of damage, actually I am using him in my team. But water just heals right up. Doing what, like around 1/4 to 1/2 someones hp, then healing tips comes with tsunade which is 40+45% and they get healed up again? What you are saying to me is, if you want to win vs water, just pay xD.
Whats a lie?? Here are FACTS, i can tell u just from what i have seen and maybe u can compare
I look at me server top 10 ranking in power, are they all water ? i mean water so broken, and cant lose, everyone should be playing it right? i mean people dont like to lose which is why they also spend money on the game, to not lose, but check out your power ranking and if all top 10 are water plz SS then i will take water is op serious
Space time, when was last time some water in your group won it?? Water So op it should not be called space time, but WATER time, its been weeks since a water, has won my group space time, but plz as well show me a SS of all 4 water reaching the end of space, cause i mean Water is so OP why would u play anything else
Just cause u want to be lazy or cause u feel the need to not change up your team by adding a ninja, or changing a talent or spending money does not make a class OP just cause u as a player do not want to Adapt
Ok, so they want to be competitive, but they want to have fun, it's a game, that's why they keep going, they enjoy the game. They would rather spend money and be another class than spending money and being a *, I want to win, so do people in my server, there are a few water in my servers rank, they either only have ninja to go with water, or want to do ninja exam, we all understand Water mains current situation, playing water isn't fun, I mean if you enjoy smashing your head against the keyboard then it might be but that is besides the point. I'm not water, I find it boring, so I'm not playing it, I SHOULDN'T GET PUNISHED BY NOT WANTING TO PLAY THIS CLASS. Plus, power doesn't mean you automatically win.
My first and last post for this topic. TLTR
Forcing me to change in order to counter a class is *.
Can you explain how this become *?
I'll give you a scenario.
One day you are a high school student at Bla bla school. Your teacher confronted you that you need to study more to pass 3rd year high school or else you will fail. The question is will you pass your current year? The answer is NO. Why? Because you don't want to study. You don't want to CHANGE, you still want to be the same you failing in class, instead of changing and studying.
Now I will ask you this? Who is the * one now? Your teacher that told you to study to pass your grade or YOU that doesn't want to change resulting for you to fail?
This is a basic *ogy that I showed you just to see how your brain works. In real life, you need to change if you want to get something. You will work hard to earn money. You need to change. And that view can be applied here. If you are a crimson fist that can't beat a water main just change to lightning. Problem solved. You can't just go there and force your own earth main to beat a water main unless you pay real money to scale your power and get better ninjas.
The fight is something like this:
Earth Main = specialty defense. If you don't have ninjas that has high attacks you can't win against Water main which specialty is healing + resistance. What do you need to beat a WATER MAIN? Lightning Main someone that has high ATTACK. Attack that is so high he can dish out too much damage in 1 round. You will never beat a RESISTANCE + HEALING ninja with Earth Main unless you have a 2 ninjas in your team that can immobilize 3 of your opponent team.
I will give you another *ogy. One day your mother ask you to go to the LIBRARY which is an hour of commute from your house and research about Lizards. Now as a current generation your household has the INTERNET connection. What will you do? Go to the town and waste an hour of your life just to do things that hard-way or just research the internet and be finished in less than 2 minutes? Your scenario is like this. You want to do it the hard way instead of trying the things that could solve your problems easily.
Now the choice is in your hands. Will you change to your main to defeat a WATER MAIN or you will stay to your principles : I don't need to change my main to win, bla bla bla. Because if you will stay as EARTH main and can't win, blame yourself for your own *!ty. NO one can save you. Remain as an earth main and suffer defeat from the rest of your life here or change to another main and start winning? It's your turn to make a choice: Am I *? or I will going to do my homework and start winning?
lol my 3 healer water team got wiped out by MB guy sasuke and hinata or kabuto I think, he have 6k BP less than me, he knows when to use mystery properly and knows who to target , and he also know how to fr3@king use his brain. uhmmm for the record I can wipe out 10k bp more lightning mains than my BP so I am not that bad in PVP
I hope li
Then your playing earth wrong....to my knowledge you have super armor...that makes a tank, water doesnt, so the only way to deal with poison imo, is either have a healer as earth, or a cleasing ninja such as gakido or hanzo. If you have none, then start farming for them.
Also dont say a class is broken, in 2016 lightning was "broken", 2017 is water main is broken.... who's gonna be broken in 2018? Maybe fire main when they buff him in 4.0 LUL
Stop making excuses and play to your strenghts.
lol playing wm from first day on new server - would say most of my server is LM and 2-3 WM and 2-3EM Fire and Wind is forgotten
for now LM easy kills me but i run some kind of NIN blitz - Suigetsu WM Kakashi Haku and cuz is my first server i enjoy i guess)
cant rely on chaos cuz of mirrors so i just try kill 1 nin thats pretty much all (top20 is over 20k and # mb quit we dunno yet 28k)
So, fire is by far the best at the beginning due to it's potential to do nine tails, but later on when you get kage treasure etc you will see what I mean about water main.
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