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Great Ninja War Rewards.


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On 2016-09-08 14:28:48Show this Author Only
  • Kenteiku On 2016-08-19 07:44:10
  • Ironically we're about to have the same issues, being Server 10 Uchiha, top clan right now. XD
lol Its kinda why I stepped away from that server. Just gave up hope of ever getting a pack cuz the group was full and everyone would participate. I was in your group btw :P
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On 2016-09-08 14:42:58Show this Author Only
Its a big issue other games have it to where it gives you a pack for everyone or it gives the pack via mailbox
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On 2016-09-08 15:05:44Show this Author Only
This should be rectified immediately.
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On 2016-09-10 04:51:03Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2016-09-08 11:45:00
  • ^ There are something called limited slot members. But I agree and understand your point. It would be more balance if they reduce the maximum slots by 1/3. That way more group will grow because not all server have huge active players base, around 300 max and the limition for each group is far more than enough.

    While on the other hand some people are saying that the system is working fine and they should not give more scroll is well what should I call them? Idiot or selfish? Why?
    1. This game recruit system is not RNG. It's not like you try your chance with 1 pull and OMG I got Tendo or Hashirama or even a rare like I'm super lucky, bla bla. It's fcking rigged. It's 60-70 pulls for a rare and 400 pulls for a super rare.
    2. 5 scrolls per players for 1 week is nothing. How the F that gonna break the game even if all players who participation GNW get it? Like I said it's rigged so it would require 12 - 14 weeks to save up for a rare. It's a long time and I think it's fair. If a game don't want you to have a rare ninja after u spend more than 3 months to play then it not worth your time.

    This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-9-8 11:46 This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-9-8 11:51 This post was last edited by Kouka at 2016-9-8 11:52
Honestly made an excellent point. Since it's not RNG it would make rares a lot easier, but still.. They will remain rare. It's not like giving someone a pack with 2 Seal Scrolls will guarantee them a rare.. lol They're still 30-35 great ninja wars from getting a rare if that's all they do. That's 30 weeks. If I didn't get a rare in 30 weeks, i'd just simply quit, it would be meaningless if I have to wait 30 weeks to get a rare. It's not that much. It would still take more than 10 weeks if you are a free to play and want a rare. From free draws, Sage, ext. It won't be happening for around 10 weeks.. 2 months ish. It's not breaking the game if we have players getting a couple of Seal Scrolls every week. That'd be like opening 6 maybe 7 seal scrolls a week after calculating everything.
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On 2016-09-10 08:53:43Show this Author Only
This is indeed something worth looking at. Its very hard to determine who gets what after said event. Players in the group all want a piece of the pie or they complain that they fought for nothing and feel a bias towards the Group leader. I support the idea proposed earlier. +1
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On 2016-09-10 09:02:19Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-10 04:51:03
  • Honestly made an excellent point. Since it's not RNG it would make rares a lot easier, but still.. They will remain rare. It's not like giving someone a pack with 2 Seal Scrolls will guarantee them a rare.. lol They're still 30-35 great ninja wars from getting a rare if that's all they do. That's 30 weeks. If I didn't get a rare in 30 weeks, i'd just simply quit, it would be meaningless if I have to wait 30 weeks to get a rare. It's not that much. It would still take more than 10 weeks if you are a free to play and want a rare. From free draws, Sage, ext. It won't be happening for around 10 weeks.. 2 months ish. It's not breaking the game if we have players getting a couple of Seal Scrolls every week. That'd be like opening 6 maybe 7 seal scrolls a week after calculating everything.
As stated it wouldnt break their "cash" flow in a huge kind of way really. They need to make it so everyone participating feels REWARDED somehow, not just by the experience but by goodies aswell. Adding a few seal scrolls/refines or whatever should not break the game or the rare ninjas being rare in anway.
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On 2016-09-10 11:53:14Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-10 09:02:19
  • As stated it wouldnt break their "cash" flow in a huge kind of way really. They need to make it so everyone participating feels REWARDED somehow, not just by the experience but by goodies aswell. Adding a few seal scrolls/refines or whatever should not break the game or the rare ninjas being rare in anway.
i think we need to check the china server what kind of reward they get during GNW.. so if china server only give 9 packs then that means this GNW in our server wont change
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On 2016-09-10 12:53:23Show this Author Only
  • Kaimen On 2016-08-31 14:40:01
  • I completely agree with 92 members in Immortal and going to be leveling up here to L9 tomorrow or a next couple days; the shortage of rewards besides coins I'm sure *s for people. I mean even if its a couple seal scrolls for everybody and bigger benefits as is for 10 people.
so p2w player want more seals? funny-........
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On 2016-09-10 14:26:15Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-10 12:53:23
  • so p2w player want more seals? funny-........
Why do some people act like every p2w players buy hundreds of scrolls etc ? Only a few do that. Most people who pay for this game most likely will buy jonin medal, gaara and eventually a few $ when there is some interesting event. Scrolls for participants won't ruin the game. If there are just 2 strong guilds, just merge servers and fighting will be more challenging.
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On 2016-09-10 15:38:25Show this Author Only
why are all ppl here talking about 9 packs?? you gte 10 every week when you get into finals.

And its funny how all support this idea XD as if someone will come here and say : "No thanks who the hell want free seal scrolls"

This post was last edited by Neconis at 2016-9-10 15:45
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On 2016-09-10 16:27:53Show this Author Only
Wrong^^ I am the leader of my group which has won ninja wars. You get 3 legendary,4hero and 2 elite.
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On 2016-09-10 16:29:25Show this Author Only
2nd place gets 10 packs though (head scratcher):(
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On 2016-09-10 17:13:46Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-10 14:26:15
  • Why do some people act like every p2w players buy hundreds of scrolls etc ? Only a few do that. Most people who pay for this game most likely will buy jonin medal, gaara and eventually a few $ when there is some interesting event. Scrolls for participants won't ruin the game. If there are just 2 strong guilds, just merge servers and fighting will be more challenging.
kingkaimen is a p2w player.. he has every ninja in game available with seal scrolls... so...
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On 2016-09-10 22:03:53Show this Author Only
Would totally agree with this. I would highly recommend a pack to be able to give out rather then OP packs like Legendary. I hope that breaking the packs down into smaller ones will be better so everyone gets something. People like to receive something for their participation and won't feel left out.
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On 2016-09-11 03:25:00Show this Author Only
I think the current system is seriously bad, a bit like the things that need ingots, the rewards for anything are really bad, but this needs changing, I think everyone who participates should get something like this, as in, people that fight and win get legendary, people who fight but don't do so well get middle one, and people that cheer get the lowest, or at least something for their little participation as they're unable to actively participate in the fights right now. The way it is could easily repel people from the groups and game.
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On 2016-09-11 04:49:24Show this Author Only
Yeah it´s a bit of a Problem but it can be managed.

If u´r redeeming the strongest .. nah .. everyone else will be leaving because the strong players will get stronger and stronger and the other ones will get nothing.

if u´r doing it the other way .. i think alot of strong players would leave also bcs they are helping the most and dont get anything for that? :/

We have made an Point system for us where u´r getting Points for Guild activities, Guilddonations and Guild war activity. Every Player who gets an Packet will be removed an amount of Points then. So everyone will get Packets but Players who are more Active will get more Packets.

Our Players can take a look into that list to easily retrace the package distribution.
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On 2016-09-11 04:54:58Show this Author Only
not a bad idea bu that looks like alot of work... like ALOT of it
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On 2016-09-11 04:59:55Show this Author Only
  • TimelessHonor On 2016-09-11 04:54:58
  • not a bad idea bu that looks like alot of work... like ALOT of it
Yeah its a bit of work to set it up the first time. But after that its like 15-20 minutes per week.
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On 2016-09-11 05:02:24Show this Author Only
you have an English version of it. i know that's asking extra but i am curious to see exactly how its tracking.
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On 2016-09-11 05:47:15Show this Author Only
  • TimelessHonor On 2016-09-11 05:02:24
  • you have an English version of it. i know that's asking extra but i am curious to see exactly how its tracking.
Here i´ve translated an test doc there u can see all sites of it.
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