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Great Ninja War Rewards.


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On 2016-09-14 13:00:08Show this Author Only
  • Godsuxx On 2016-09-14 12:12:47
  • Why are you talking about future updates that are not within our grasp? Seal scrolls are something that we all can obtain no matter what - we just need more accessibility.

    You're talking about something that will not happen in a while; what we're talking about here is to improve the amount of packs obtained from GNW since it's only a once a week event, something that we can get right now.

    I'm not just talking about getting new ninjas here - it's all about the incentive to participate in a GNW. The ratio of the amount of people that participate for it as to the amount of packs you get just doesn't add up.
We're getting updates quite fast, why not talk about the future updates? As for right now, You get a free draw every other day, so that's about 14 free draws per month. If your group has about 40 members during war, that's another at least 5 seal scrolls per month. You get 2 free from the client every 4 weeks. Survival Trial, getting top 3 in Sage Battlefield, and spending coupons, will pretty much get you enough to get a Rare ninja each month (on top of the ninjas you can obtain from sweeping, Deidara is in the new Elite Instance). There are only a few ninjas that are unobtainable as of right now without seal scrolls (which can then be obtained later on).

You're not thinking about the reason it is the way it is. The limited packs encourages competition, otherwise people could just flock into the top groups.

There IS incentive to participate in GNW. 1,000 Group Victories and 63 Contribution per round regardless of the outcome. If your group wins, you also get more funds and contribution during Group Convoy. You're asking for an increase to the BONUS. Sure, I wouldn't mind an increase in ratio, but I'm not going to call it a "broken system" if they don't.
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On 2016-09-14 15:03:01Show this Author Only
thangks :)
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On 2016-09-14 19:10:23Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-09-14 13:00:08
  • We're getting updates quite fast, why not talk about the future updates? As for right now, You get a free draw every other day, so that's about 14 free draws per month. If your group has about 40 members during war, that's another at least 5 seal scrolls per month. You get 2 free from the client every 4 weeks. Survival Trial, getting top 3 in Sage Battlefield, and spending coupons, will pretty much get you enough to get a Rare ninja each month (on top of the ninjas you can obtain from sweeping, Deidara is in the new Elite Instance). There are only a few ninjas that are unobtainable as of right now without seal scrolls (which can then be obtained later on).

    You're not thinking about the reason it is the way it is. The limited packs encourages competition, otherwise people could just flock into the top groups.

    There IS incentive to participate in GNW. 1,000 Group Victories and 63 Contribution per round regardless of the outcome. If your group wins, you also get more funds and contribution during Group Convoy. You're asking for an increase to the BONUS. Sure, I wouldn't mind an increase in ratio, but I'm not going to call it a "broken system" if they don't.
Not everyone is passive and completely content with just getting a rare ninja per month - some people actually want to get more chances of getting new ninjas, and the treasure pulls also gives extra frags, magas, and etc., so it's helpful in it's own way outside of obtaining ninjas.

Please try not to think from your point of view.

Why not make a slight adjustment to a current event? I'm talking about things that are open to us, things you can get now. That's why I'm talking about the NOW and not the LATER.

There's a difference between a passive player and a very competitive individual. The devs need to balance it out so they're able to cater to both to a certain degree and extent, although it should be to the latter since hard work equates to higher rewards.

Honestly, limited packs discourage competition unless you're on a very competitive server with a healthy population. There are some individuals that do GNW purely for the excitement and seals since group victories/points and contribution are worthless due to the fact that they have everything maxed out and have obtained all the ninjas possible from the shop.

If they are well aware that they aren't going to get a pack, less and less people show up for GNW, and it's always the same two groups bashing it out. Some groups don't even know that GNW happens twice a week or don't even bother to register. I wonder why....

This post was last edited by Godsu* at 2016-9-14 19:11
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On 2016-09-15 00:59:03Show this Author Only
  • Godsuxx On 2016-09-14 19:10:23
  • Not everyone is passive and completely content with just getting a rare ninja per month - some people actually want to get more chances of getting new ninjas, and the treasure pulls also gives extra frags, magas, and etc., so it's helpful in it's own way outside of obtaining ninjas.

    Please try not to think from your point of view.

    Why not make a slight adjustment to a current event? I'm talking about things that are open to us, things you can get now. That's why I'm talking about the NOW and not the LATER.

    There's a difference between a passive player and a very competitive individual. The devs need to balance it out so they're able to cater to both to a certain degree and extent, although it should be to the latter since hard work equates to higher rewards.

    Honestly, limited packs discourage competition unless you're on a very competitive server with a healthy population. There are some individuals that do GNW purely for the excitement and seals since group victories/points and contribution are worthless due to the fact that they have everything maxed out and have obtained all the ninjas possible from the shop.

    If they are well aware that they aren't going to get a pack, less and less people show up for GNW, and it's always the same two groups bashing it out. Some groups don't even know that GNW happens twice a week or don't even bother to register. I wonder why....

    This post was last edited by Godsu* at 2016-9-14 19:11
Those people should be happy with getting Rares for FREE, otherwise, feel free to pay. What you're saying is to benefit players that don't support the game, because they want more. I try to think in terms of all views, free to play, paying player, AND the company that's running the game.

You can be competitive AND patient. If you want to compete with all the paying players, expect it to take a long time, OR pay yourself. Otherwise, why would players pay at all? You're thinking about it like a normal MMORPG. There is no "hard work," there's a limit on what people can do so everyone puts in the same effort or less.

How does limited packs discourage competition? Sure, the war itself is fun, but to do it purely for packs, is short-sighted. You're telling me we need to cater to people that don't plan for the future, are these the players that will keep this game alive?

I don't know about you, but the people aware that they already got a pack, still show up for our wars. Sounds like you just have selfish people in your group.

"Some groups don't know about the GNW." What does that even have to do with the packs? They either wanted to make their own group, don't care, or don't put any effort to learn about the game. I've talked to plenty of these group leaders on my server to encourage them to start recruiting or merge. Some do, some don't, but hey I tried.
Also, a reminder that the top EIGHT groups get packs, if the top 2 groups have a ton of P2W or if your server isnt healthy enough, you can still get 10 packs a week.
This post was last edited by Lazyboi at 2016-9-15 01:07
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On 2016-09-15 03:16:19Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-09-12 13:58:00
  • See my reply above.

    It takes me less than 15 minutes to type into an Excel Spreadsheet the times everyone participated, and then roll to see who gets a pack that hasn't gotten one yet. You have to do a little extra work? That's what being a leader means.

    Patience is a virtue for those remaining 30, and they should be participating regardless of extra seal scrolls. Group Victories are essential for when the shops update, as well as contribution for group skills. If they don't want to wait, they can form their own group and try to get into the top 8 for packs themselves. That's what this system encourages.

    Players getting "missed" is the fault of poor record keeping... If they claim they never got one, and you have do*ented properly, I trust a spreadsheet more than someone's memory.

    Each person's "hard work" is rewarded already, why do BONUSES become entitlements?
You have it wrong. I don't know who thought you that to be a leader you must give packs to the lucky few. That person is highly *. A leader fights for fairness and wants to give the same to all his members. You clearly don't understand what this tread is for. Or even read the first post.. And if you did i'm slightly concerned about your reading and understanding skills, even though I don't actually care for you, it's pretty worrisome..

Let us all be honest.. No one cares for group points or group skills. I can get 350 + Convoy/Plunder contributions just by donating to the group, and that's more than enough with a cool down for a full day of group skills. Group store points are also pretty worthless, who wants those? Sure you get 5K every war if you participate 5 times. But not many people are trying to get Kisame 5 stars buddy. I have almost 30K Group points saved up.. I'll be able to get 2 ninjas that come out when they do.

Point is both of them are worthless to anyone who actually plays the game. They're so easy to get that we don't need more of those. Therefore no one's hard work is being paid of. Unless you get a pack. You must be in a pretty bad group in Server 6 to not have this problem, and if your the actual leader, I feel bad for your members.. "It takes me less than 15 minutes to type into an Excel Spreadsheet the times everyone participated, and then roll to see who gets a pack that hasn't gotten one yet. You have to do a little extra work? That's what being a leader means." That's one of the *est things a leader could say if your a leader, and if your not.. Don't try to be, just from that you should not be taken seriously as a leader.

Sure the leader can write down everyones name, but when you have 40 participants with 5 participation a week.. There's no way to distribute 9 packs among players. If you do it the only fair way possible, it takes 5 (Really 4.4 but that doesn't matter, rounds up.) weeks to reset. That's ridiculous when you have 25 participation during the 5 weeks and you only get 1 pack. It's completely * and your point is invalid because no one wants the "rewards" they're being given, because why would they?
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On 2016-09-15 03:24:11Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-09-14 05:58:05
  • I have yet to see any paying player quit because they didn't like the GNW Pack system. For one, to a paying player, the extra seal scrolls is nice, but who is going to quit over not getting 10 for a few weeks (considering they would have spent that much already).

    If people aren't participating in war because of the packs, then they're missing out on free rewards to begin with. Why must it take Seal Scrolls to get people to participate in a war for their group, where they are still rewarded? What if Group War never had packs to begin with, and it was just winner gets the 25% bonus for *s? You think people would never show up to war? Or is it rather because there are limited bonuses, people are being greedy?

    People that "easily quit" over something like this, are the same ones that would quit over "not getting enough updates." Impatient people would "easily quit" regardless. They do not contribute to a MMORPG's lifespan.
Of course a paying player wouldn't quit easily, but for those who don't they are gone to a lower level group because of the chances of getting a pack. Because you don't need to win to get packs, you just need to participate. And if you participate get 3rd-8th place with 10 people at 5 participations. You're going to get a pack if you participated 5 times. So it's quite funny to watch you lose members because of a fair system you have but the game is like that and you really can't do anything about it.
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On 2016-09-15 06:13:14Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-15 03:16:19
  • You have it wrong. I don't know who thought you that to be a leader you must give packs to the lucky few. That person is highly *. A leader fights for fairness and wants to give the same to all his members. You clearly don't understand what this tread is for. Or even read the first post.. And if you did i'm slightly concerned about your reading and understanding skills, even though I don't actually care for you, it's pretty worrisome..

    Let us all be honest.. No one cares for group points or group skills. I can get 350 + Convoy/Plunder contributions just by donating to the group, and that's more than enough with a cool down for a full day of group skills. Group store points are also pretty worthless, who wants those? Sure you get 5K every war if you participate 5 times. But not many people are trying to get Kisame 5 stars buddy. I have almost 30K Group points saved up.. I'll be able to get 2 ninjas that come out when they do.

    Point is both of them are worthless to anyone who actually plays the game. They're so easy to get that we don't need more of those. Therefore no one's hard work is being paid of. Unless you get a pack. You must be in a pretty bad group in Server 6 to not have this problem, and if your the actual leader, I feel bad for your members.. "It takes me less than 15 minutes to type into an Excel Spreadsheet the times everyone participated, and then roll to see who gets a pack that hasn't gotten one yet. You have to do a little extra work? That's what being a leader means." That's one of the *est things a leader could say if your a leader, and if your not.. Don't try to be, just from that you should not be taken seriously as a leader.

    Sure the leader can write down everyones name, but when you have 40 participants with 5 participation a week.. There's no way to distribute 9 packs among players. If you do it the only fair way possible, it takes 5 (Really 4.4 but that doesn't matter, rounds up.) weeks to reset. That's ridiculous when you have 25 participation during the 5 weeks and you only get 1 pack. It's completely * and your point is invalid because no one wants the "rewards" they're being given, because why would they?
Ironic that you would accuse me of not understanding or reading, when you clearly didn't read or fully understand my posts. Where did I say that packs must be given to the lucky few? Our system ensures everyone will get a pack once before a person receives a second pack. Where did I mention leader, except for to the OP that was complaining about doing extra work to distribute the packs? I'm not refuting your entire thread, in fact, I would rather approve if they increased the number of packs. Worry about yourself.

You realise that you can save your money and use it to strengthen your equipment if you get extra group contribution right? It's not useless, although I'll admit it's not amazing either. Group Victories are pretty useless? I assume you paid to get all your refines up to advanced runes then, and think f2p players dont need them? Who said anything about Kisame, but I'll certainly get 5-star Konan when she comes out.

You also forget only the top 2 Groups get 5k, the lower ones may even only get 2k. "Hard work" for showing up to a group event where you get rewards and benefit your group. You must not have played any other MMORPG with a guild system. I am in the strongest group on Server 6. My members understand that it takes patience to get a pack, and are content with the coins and contribution. You must be in a pretty selfish and entitled group. I pity how much stress that must generate onto you as their leader.

How is me refuting someone complaining about doing extra work to record participation and distribute packs *? Did you even read what I was replying to? I wonder how many people actually are loyal to you as a leader with that attitude? (Btw, I don't think we've ever lost in the GNW finals because my members show up WITHOUT needing a pack)

Of course not, and that's why it encourages competition. My members are quite excited for upcoming updates and store their Group Victories or use them to increase their refinement. The packs are a nice BONUS. You're again missing my point that they are bonuses. If you view it in terms of, if there was no incentive aside from the +25% convoy funds and contribution, along with the rewards of the war, would people think it's useless and not show up?

If my members wish to make a separate group, they are welcome to. Yet, no one has done that, you know why? Because they like the way we do things and how we communicate and interact with each other. My group helps each other and doesn't need incentives to do so. I wonder if you'll even be here when the servers merge months from now to laugh. I hope you still will be :).

And again, I'm all for more packs, more rewards for active players, but I'm not going to criticize a system I believe works as intended. Compared to the past Guild systems I've encountered, Naruto Online has taken an interesting approach and I commend it for that. Is it perfect? No, but no system is, and I recognize a system for both its rewards and faults, not just its faults. There's plenty of GOOD feedback and criticism on this thread. I was addressing the people that complained without providing a solution (in case you skimmed through my posts and didn't fully read and understand it).
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On 2016-09-15 07:07:11Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-09-15 06:13:14
  • Ironic that you would accuse me of not understanding or reading, when you clearly didn't read or fully understand my posts. Where did I say that packs must be given to the lucky few? Our system ensures everyone will get a pack once before a person receives a second pack. Where did I mention leader, except for to the OP that was complaining about doing extra work to distribute the packs? I'm not refuting your entire thread, in fact, I would rather approve if they increased the number of packs. Worry about yourself.

    You realise that you can save your money and use it to strengthen your equipment if you get extra group contribution right? It's not useless, although I'll admit it's not amazing either. Group Victories are pretty useless? I assume you paid to get all your refines up to advanced runes then, and think f2p players dont need them? Who said anything about Kisame, but I'll certainly get 5-star Konan when she comes out.

    You also forget only the top 2 Groups get 5k, the lower ones may even only get 2k. "Hard work" for showing up to a group event where you get rewards and benefit your group. You must not have played any other MMORPG with a guild system. I am in the strongest group on Server 6. My members understand that it takes patience to get a pack, and are content with the coins and contribution. You must be in a pretty selfish and entitled group. I pity how much stress that must generate onto you as their leader.

    How is me refuting someone complaining about doing extra work to record participation and distribute packs *? Did you even read what I was replying to? I wonder how many people actually are loyal to you as a leader with that attitude? (Btw, I don't think we've ever lost in the GNW finals because my members show up WITHOUT needing a pack)

    Of course not, and that's why it encourages competition. My members are quite excited for upcoming updates and store their Group Victories or use them to increase their refinement. The packs are a nice BONUS. You're again missing my point that they are bonuses. If you view it in terms of, if there was no incentive aside from the +25% convoy funds and contribution, along with the rewards of the war, would people think it's useless and not show up?

    If my members wish to make a separate group, they are welcome to. Yet, no one has done that, you know why? Because they like the way we do things and how we communicate and interact with each other. My group helps each other and doesn't need incentives to do so. I wonder if you'll even be here when the servers merge months from now to laugh. I hope you still will be :).

    And again, I'm all for more packs, more rewards for active players, but I'm not going to criticize a system I believe works as intended. Compared to the past Guild systems I've encountered, Naruto Online has taken an interesting approach and I commend it for that. Is it perfect? No, but no system is, and I recognize a system for both its rewards and faults, not just its faults. There's plenty of GOOD feedback and criticism on this thread. I was addressing the people that complained without providing a solution (in case you skimmed through my posts and didn't fully read and understand it).
BOOM Mic drop
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On 2016-09-15 07:41:31Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-15 03:16:19
  • You have it wrong. I don't know who thought you that to be a leader you must give packs to the lucky few. That person is highly *. A leader fights for fairness and wants to give the same to all his members. You clearly don't understand what this tread is for. Or even read the first post.. And if you did i'm slightly concerned about your reading and understanding skills, even though I don't actually care for you, it's pretty worrisome..

    Let us all be honest.. No one cares for group points or group skills. I can get 350 + Convoy/Plunder contributions just by donating to the group, and that's more than enough with a cool down for a full day of group skills. Group store points are also pretty worthless, who wants those? Sure you get 5K every war if you participate 5 times. But not many people are trying to get Kisame 5 stars buddy. I have almost 30K Group points saved up.. I'll be able to get 2 ninjas that come out when they do.

    Point is both of them are worthless to anyone who actually plays the game. They're so easy to get that we don't need more of those. Therefore no one's hard work is being paid of. Unless you get a pack. You must be in a pretty bad group in Server 6 to not have this problem, and if your the actual leader, I feel bad for your members.. "It takes me less than 15 minutes to type into an Excel Spreadsheet the times everyone participated, and then roll to see who gets a pack that hasn't gotten one yet. You have to do a little extra work? That's what being a leader means." That's one of the *est things a leader could say if your a leader, and if your not.. Don't try to be, just from that you should not be taken seriously as a leader.

    Sure the leader can write down everyones name, but when you have 40 participants with 5 participation a week.. There's no way to distribute 9 packs among players. If you do it the only fair way possible, it takes 5 (Really 4.4 but that doesn't matter, rounds up.) weeks to reset. That's ridiculous when you have 25 participation during the 5 weeks and you only get 1 pack. It's completely * and your point is invalid because no one wants the "rewards" they're being given, because why would they?
Group points are worthless?

Wow you must be really strong if don't need to spend your 30k group points on medium level refinement. So you already have level 7 refinements across all your gears? Does this mean everyone in your guild also have max refinements?

Too OP. /sarcasm

Edit: There's also a little thing called lucky wheel where you can spin for a chance to get coupons for those seal scrolls you apparently desperately need.
This post was last edited by 13thMidnight at 2016-9-15 07:44
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On 2016-09-15 15:52:36Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-15 03:16:19
  • You have it wrong. I don't know who thought you that to be a leader you must give packs to the lucky few. That person is highly *. A leader fights for fairness and wants to give the same to all his members. You clearly don't understand what this tread is for. Or even read the first post.. And if you did i'm slightly concerned about your reading and understanding skills, even though I don't actually care for you, it's pretty worrisome..

    Let us all be honest.. No one cares for group points or group skills. I can get 350 + Convoy/Plunder contributions just by donating to the group, and that's more than enough with a cool down for a full day of group skills. Group store points are also pretty worthless, who wants those? Sure you get 5K every war if you participate 5 times. But not many people are trying to get Kisame 5 stars buddy. I have almost 30K Group points saved up.. I'll be able to get 2 ninjas that come out when they do.

    Point is both of them are worthless to anyone who actually plays the game. They're so easy to get that we don't need more of those. Therefore no one's hard work is being paid of. Unless you get a pack. You must be in a pretty bad group in Server 6 to not have this problem, and if your the actual leader, I feel bad for your members.. "It takes me less than 15 minutes to type into an Excel Spreadsheet the times everyone participated, and then roll to see who gets a pack that hasn't gotten one yet. You have to do a little extra work? That's what being a leader means." That's one of the *est things a leader could say if your a leader, and if your not.. Don't try to be, just from that you should not be taken seriously as a leader.

    Sure the leader can write down everyones name, but when you have 40 participants with 5 participation a week.. There's no way to distribute 9 packs among players. If you do it the only fair way possible, it takes 5 (Really 4.4 but that doesn't matter, rounds up.) weeks to reset. That's ridiculous when you have 25 participation during the 5 weeks and you only get 1 pack. It's completely * and your point is invalid because no one wants the "rewards" they're being given, because why would they?
No one cares for group points or skills? lol even I cannot buy into this. Seals are useless and is just a gambling method for those who have money, f2p players relying on this gambling method must realize that they do not have the pockets to play this gambling game as much as the p2w players. It is just quiet simple and trust me I pay for the game and do you know what I buy when I recharge Magatamas, summon scrolls, level packs or I just wait for good event that provide me all of that with seal scrolls.... That is it. This game cannot and will not waste my precious USD over a fishy system that I c*ready see is a troll. Really spending that much for seal scrolls when there is mags and stuff that will definitely raise your power and make you stronger not a luck based system that leaves you high and dry.

I know what a good leader is. I and my leader have given up days when we were supposed to get a pack to provide incentives for people to participate in war. That right there is group leader sacrifice. If you are too lazy too type up into a excel spreadsheet all your names and rightfully choose fairly when and where people get a pack, It is entirely your fault. "Lets be honest people do not play war for group skills and points" do not speak for everybody, that is you . I even as someone who pays and from f2P player point of view know the value of saving points for a incoming shop update or again making our current ninjas strong. If you pay you should not even be worried if you do not get a pack , I mean you obviously have enough to say points and contributions are worthless, then sir you must be balling congrats "o wait does not sound like that to me"

Waiting five weeks, yes you better wait five weeks for a pack. It is not hard as a leader , if you are the leader . If they cant wait tell them they have a choice to leave and struggle to make top 3 or make this group stronger. Again even if they implement everyone who participates get one seal scrolls, people will still not be happy, instead they will complain about the amount. If you as a leader cannot fairly distribute packs for 40 people a week , then I do not know what to say honestly it is not that hard and that is * far from it, packs are just extra to something great that is already provided.
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On 2016-09-16 07:44:18Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-09-15 06:13:14
  • Ironic that you would accuse me of not understanding or reading, when you clearly didn't read or fully understand my posts. Where did I say that packs must be given to the lucky few? Our system ensures everyone will get a pack once before a person receives a second pack. Where did I mention leader, except for to the OP that was complaining about doing extra work to distribute the packs? I'm not refuting your entire thread, in fact, I would rather approve if they increased the number of packs. Worry about yourself.

    You realise that you can save your money and use it to strengthen your equipment if you get extra group contribution right? It's not useless, although I'll admit it's not amazing either. Group Victories are pretty useless? I assume you paid to get all your refines up to advanced runes then, and think f2p players dont need them? Who said anything about Kisame, but I'll certainly get 5-star Konan when she comes out.

    You also forget only the top 2 Groups get 5k, the lower ones may even only get 2k. "Hard work" for showing up to a group event where you get rewards and benefit your group. You must not have played any other MMORPG with a guild system. I am in the strongest group on Server 6. My members understand that it takes patience to get a pack, and are content with the coins and contribution. You must be in a pretty selfish and entitled group. I pity how much stress that must generate onto you as their leader.

    How is me refuting someone complaining about doing extra work to record participation and distribute packs *? Did you even read what I was replying to? I wonder how many people actually are loyal to you as a leader with that attitude? (Btw, I don't think we've ever lost in the GNW finals because my members show up WITHOUT needing a pack)

    Of course not, and that's why it encourages competition. My members are quite excited for upcoming updates and store their Group Victories or use them to increase their refinement. The packs are a nice BONUS. You're again missing my point that they are bonuses. If you view it in terms of, if there was no incentive aside from the +25% convoy funds and contribution, along with the rewards of the war, would people think it's useless and not show up?

    If my members wish to make a separate group, they are welcome to. Yet, no one has done that, you know why? Because they like the way we do things and how we communicate and interact with each other. My group helps each other and doesn't need incentives to do so. I wonder if you'll even be here when the servers merge months from now to laugh. I hope you still will be :).

    And again, I'm all for more packs, more rewards for active players, but I'm not going to criticize a system I believe works as intended. Compared to the past Guild systems I've encountered, Naruto Online has taken an interesting approach and I commend it for that. Is it perfect? No, but no system is, and I recognize a system for both its rewards and faults, not just its faults. There's plenty of GOOD feedback and criticism on this thread. I was addressing the people that complained without providing a solution (in case you skimmed through my posts and didn't fully read and understand it).
I didn't misread a word, I actually read it more than once thinking to myself how could you disagree with this post, got a laugh out of it, but with all seriousness. If your going to allow/want leaders to continue to draw for packs it's basically saying only the lucky few would get it.

I don't understand how you can call group contributions useful from GNW.. Honestly if you daily donate, you'll have 500 extra a week, no matter what level your skills are. They can cost 200 to upgrade, that you'd have so much remaining it's ridiculous. Kisame is the only option at the moment but honestly i'll actually agree with you, after the market refreshes, I should be able to get Konan 5 star too with the amount of contribution and ridiculous stacking up from GNWs I have, which will make me happy, so that's not quite useless.

I haven't this is really my first RPG game. Honestly I have no words for your members.. LOL That insult was fairly *. Let's check out the video I posted, and see if you can even come close to 42 participations.. If so send me a video, I might even recharge on your account. But what you don't understand about this is that they don't need to be unhappy for me to try and give them better. That *ity of yours doesn't let that go through. Your a settler, you settle for anything. If it was giving you 1 group contribution you would be like "Oh it's giving me 1 group contribution.. I'm okay with that." proven fact is that people like you don't do so well in life let's hope that changes. Underachiever. Your really one to take anything, no matter how it may be.. That's not a good quality sometimes to have buddy. ESPECIALLY IF YOUR A LEADER. I'm really hoping for the sakes of your members your not. My group doesn't really need packs to show up either, but i'm not like you. I actually know how to lead and fight for what 95% of this community finds right. But that's alright, we'll be continuing the forum, I'm not making this for just my group.
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On 2016-09-16 07:47:28Show this Author Only
  • 13thMidnight On 2016-09-15 07:41:31
  • Group points are worthless?

    Wow you must be really strong if don't need to spend your 30k group points on medium level refinement. So you already have level 7 refinements across all your gears? Does this mean everyone in your guild also have max refinements?

    Too OP. /sarcasm

    Edit: There's also a little thing called lucky wheel where you can spin for a chance to get coupons for those seal scrolls you apparently desperately need.
    This post was last edited by 13thMidnight at 2016-9-15 07:44
I could buy myself Hashirama, Tendo and Sasori.. Not to mention if i'm lucky get one of every character if that's what i'd like I don't know where I said I was desperate but.. Just don't find it worth it. That'd be around 3,000 USD. For about 10 characters, that's quite a bit in my opinion.. lol
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On 2016-09-16 07:59:58Show this Author Only
  • Fleece On 2016-09-15 15:52:36
  • No one cares for group points or skills? lol even I cannot buy into this. Seals are useless and is just a gambling method for those who have money, f2p players relying on this gambling method must realize that they do not have the pockets to play this gambling game as much as the p2w players. It is just quiet simple and trust me I pay for the game and do you know what I buy when I recharge Magatamas, summon scrolls, level packs or I just wait for good event that provide me all of that with seal scrolls.... That is it. This game cannot and will not waste my precious USD over a fishy system that I c*ready see is a troll. Really spending that much for seal scrolls when there is mags and stuff that will definitely raise your power and make you stronger not a luck based system that leaves you high and dry.

    I know what a good leader is. I and my leader have given up days when we were supposed to get a pack to provide incentives for people to participate in war. That right there is group leader sacrifice. If you are too lazy too type up into a excel spreadsheet all your names and rightfully choose fairly when and where people get a pack, It is entirely your fault. "Lets be honest people do not play war for group skills and points" do not speak for everybody, that is you . I even as someone who pays and from f2P player point of view know the value of saving points for a incoming shop update or again making our current ninjas strong. If you pay you should not even be worried if you do not get a pack , I mean you obviously have enough to say points and contributions are worthless, then sir you must be balling congrats "o wait does not sound like that to me"

    Waiting five weeks, yes you better wait five weeks for a pack. It is not hard as a leader , if you are the leader . If they cant wait tell them they have a choice to leave and struggle to make top 3 or make this group stronger. Again even if they implement everyone who participates get one seal scrolls, people will still not be happy, instead they will complain about the amount. If you as a leader cannot fairly distribute packs for 40 people a week , then I do not know what to say honestly it is not that hard and that is * far from it, packs are just extra to something great that is already provided.
Like you said, not many P2W players pay for Seal Scrolls, unless you really want a rare, close to one and have 60 or the amount needed to get to 60-70. I would only buy a maximum amount of 5 seal scrolls when I was at 55 maybe. There's a lot of ways to raise power now, even Mood raises power. I'm not saying seal scrolls are the reasons why we'd all be happy with more packs though. I don't know where you guys got that from, but some people actually just wants to feel like it was worth their time. Most of the suggestions were 1-2 seal scrolls. Which like you said, will also leave you high and dry if your not close to a rare.

If you don't think I spent 4 weeks without a pack, I don't understand how you could say that. I don't care about packs. I would love to have more so more of my members can get packs, but personally like I said up there, i'm in it for the 95% of the people who play Naruto Online that wants the better things.

I have a Senior who does that and tells me who meets the requirements to get a pack. I already do it that way, I understand it's fair, but you guys don't understand that's not what people like to do. Making a random draw for who gets packs is ridiculous. I'm speaking for a lot of people when I say that. More than most. Are you really another settler? Quite funny how you think I made this forum post for myself. I do have the power to give myself a Legendary pack every week. I guess you actually think I do that. Which makes me wonder a lot of things, but it's quite funny how you only assume things instead of understanding/knowing.
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On 2016-09-16 12:09:01Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-16 07:47:28
  • I could buy myself Hashirama, Tendo and Sasori.. Not to mention if i'm lucky get one of every character if that's what i'd like I don't know where I said I was desperate but.. Just don't find it worth it. That'd be around 3,000 USD. For about 10 characters, that's quite a bit in my opinion.. lol
Good for you that you can buy all the characters you want but what does that have to do with the value of group points? You said it was worthless but I beg to differ.

Perhasp you have max refinements but does the rest of your guild pay as much as you and have max refinements? If not, then they should be farming those points during war to get those refinements up.

In my opinion, refinements > characters as they increase the power of ALL of your ninjas in your lineup. THAT'S the major benefit for doing war. Not getting seal scrolls.
This post was last edited by 13thMidnight at 2016-9-16 12:11
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On 2016-09-16 13:24:32Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-16 07:44:18
  • I didn't misread a word, I actually read it more than once thinking to myself how could you disagree with this post, got a laugh out of it, but with all seriousness. If your going to allow/want leaders to continue to draw for packs it's basically saying only the lucky few would get it.

    I don't understand how you can call group contributions useful from GNW.. Honestly if you daily donate, you'll have 500 extra a week, no matter what level your skills are. They can cost 200 to upgrade, that you'd have so much remaining it's ridiculous. Kisame is the only option at the moment but honestly i'll actually agree with you, after the market refreshes, I should be able to get Konan 5 star too with the amount of contribution and ridiculous stacking up from GNWs I have, which will make me happy, so that's not quite useless.

    I haven't this is really my first RPG game. Honestly I have no words for your members.. LOL That insult was fairly *. Let's check out the video I posted, and see if you can even come close to 42 participations.. If so send me a video, I might even recharge on your account. But what you don't understand about this is that they don't need to be unhappy for me to try and give them better. That *ity of yours doesn't let that go through. Your a settler, you settle for anything. If it was giving you 1 group contribution you would be like "Oh it's giving me 1 group contribution.. I'm okay with that." proven fact is that people like you don't do so well in life let's hope that changes. Underachiever. Your really one to take anything, no matter how it may be.. That's not a good quality sometimes to have buddy. ESPECIALLY IF YOUR A LEADER. I'm really hoping for the sakes of your members your not. My group doesn't really need packs to show up either, but i'm not like you. I actually know how to lead and fight for what 95% of this community finds right. But that's alright, we'll be continuing the forum, I'm not making this for just my group.
I'm not sure if you could come off any more condescending or *. For one, there's a difference between "reading words" and comprehending the context and meaning of my posts. I assume you're either young or didn't learn anything from your english classes. We keep drawing for the people who HAVEN'T gotten a pack, so yes a lucky few get it, but then the rest will get it next time. Would more packs be better? Yes, and I have stated this multiple times, but you seem to be narrow minded and can't comprehend I'm not refuting the ENTIRE post. I was specifically refuting certain posts (maybe read who I was replying to).

Secondly, if you DON'T donate, you c*e the coins to upgrade your gear (which at level 76, is 200K+ per upgrade). Unless you're a p2w and top in the world boss of your server, the extra contribution means, you have extra coins to strengthen gear (this is for the f2p players that you're hypocritically forgetting about, 95% a random statistic for you?). Again, you're forgetting the Medium Refines, that all players need (except the P2W that spent on refinements, even the heavy ones on my server don't have it to level 7).

It wasn't an insult, it was an insight. If you understood how innovative the approach Naruto Online took for the Group Wars, you might appreciate it. What do my members have to do with anything? Your video means nothing, as it was posted a month ago. Feel free to show how much participation you still have. What makes you think I care about the ingots you can give me? I don't go around condescendingly talk about how much money I have, but you can trust that I don't need yours.

And? You make it sound like you should be patted on the back for doing something ALL leaders should do. Coming from the guy who wanted a "Kage Medal," you seem to just want the benefits for yourself and the P2W players. I don't see you making any other suggestions (like back when Aristeaus made his thread) to help the "95%" of players you're looking out for.

A settler? That's new, but you seem to be mistaking your greed for ambition. Life will teach you that lesson eventually. You assume I would be okay with 1 Group Contribution because I complimented on how the system has static rewards (that are useful to 95% of players) and a bonus? More name-calling and * assumptions... I'm not sure what makes you think you're a good leader (considering this is your first MMORPG), but hey, maybe you were in DECA like me and learned leadership qualities.

I am going to point out once again (since you keep misunderstanding or are just plain * to it) that I AGREE that more packs would be more fair. Why would I just disagree with more rewards for no reason? You also do realise that OasisGames is limited on how much of the CORE game they can change right? I want them to look at this thread and gather the positive feedback, not to go through 13 pages of "THIS SYSTEM IS BROKEN. PLS FIX." That's what bothers me the most, when people don't give constructive criticism and just complain (which are the people I refute, and I've lost count on how many times I have to mention this because you're just not getting it). This post was last edited by Lazyboi at 2016-9-16 14:25
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On 2016-09-17 02:35:36Show this Author Only
  • 13thMidnight On 2016-09-16 12:09:01
  • Good for you that you can buy all the characters you want but what does that have to do with the value of group points? You said it was worthless but I beg to differ.

    Perhasp you have max refinements but does the rest of your guild pay as much as you and have max refinements? If not, then they should be farming those points during war to get those refinements up.

    In my opinion, refinements > characters as they increase the power of ALL of your ninjas in your lineup. THAT'S the major benefit for doing war. Not getting seal scrolls.
    This post was last edited by 13thMidnight at 2016-9-16 12:11
Don't disagree with you there, refinements are nice due to having a impact, but some characters are just as good as ninjas, I'd buy Sage Naruto over Refinements any day.
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On 2016-09-17 03:03:24Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-09-16 13:24:32
  • I'm not sure if you could come off any more condescending or *. For one, there's a difference between "reading words" and comprehending the context and meaning of my posts. I assume you're either young or didn't learn anything from your english classes. We keep drawing for the people who HAVEN'T gotten a pack, so yes a lucky few get it, but then the rest will get it next time. Would more packs be better? Yes, and I have stated this multiple times, but you seem to be narrow minded and can't comprehend I'm not refuting the ENTIRE post. I was specifically refuting certain posts (maybe read who I was replying to).

    Secondly, if you DON'T donate, you c*e the coins to upgrade your gear (which at level 76, is 200K+ per upgrade). Unless you're a p2w and top in the world boss of your server, the extra contribution means, you have extra coins to strengthen gear (this is for the f2p players that you're hypocritically forgetting about, 95% a random statistic for you?). Again, you're forgetting the Medium Refines, that all players need (except the P2W that spent on refinements, even the heavy ones on my server don't have it to level 7).

    It wasn't an insult, it was an insight. If you understood how innovative the approach Naruto Online took for the Group Wars, you might appreciate it. What do my members have to do with anything? Your video means nothing, as it was posted a month ago. Feel free to show how much participation you still have. What makes you think I care about the ingots you can give me? I don't go around condescendingly talk about how much money I have, but you can trust that I don't need yours.

    And? You make it sound like you should be patted on the back for doing something ALL leaders should do. Coming from the guy who wanted a "Kage Medal," you seem to just want the benefits for yourself and the P2W players. I don't see you making any other suggestions (like back when Aristeaus made his thread) to help the "95%" of players you're looking out for.

    A settler? That's new, but you seem to be mistaking your greed for ambition. Life will teach you that lesson eventually. You assume I would be okay with 1 Group Contribution because I complimented on how the system has static rewards (that are useful to 95% of players) and a bonus? More name-calling and * assumptions... I'm not sure what makes you think you're a good leader (considering this is your first MMORPG), but hey, maybe you were in DECA like me and learned leadership qualities.

    I am going to point out once again (since you keep misunderstanding or are just plain * to it) that I AGREE that more packs would be more fair. Why would I just disagree with more rewards for no reason? You also do realise that OasisGames is limited on how much of the CORE game they can change right? I want them to look at this thread and gather the positive feedback, not to go through 13 pages of "THIS SYSTEM IS BROKEN. PLS FIX." That's what bothers me the most, when people don't give constructive criticism and just complain (which are the people I refute, and I've lost count on how many times I have to mention this because you're just not getting it). This post was last edited by Lazyboi at 2016-9-16 14:25
I understand it's for those who HAVEN'T gotten a pack, I'm sure I didn't misread it, and i'm still going to say, why does it have to be the lucky few, because the odds of getting a pack when your in my group is close to 0.225 when it's completely reset. And I hope you understand that's not even close to good odds.

I won't disagree with you, I haven't played any other games similar to this one on PC. For a first experience this could be a lot better, without breaking or ruining anything. Well if I have 42 members showing up for 9 packs, they must all know they aren't all getting one, so invalid what you said about the difference in our group. My members clearly doesn't need extra incentives either, if you really think that video means nothing, i'll be happy to make another one and end up showing you 35-40 5 times participations a week. Our average for Saturday is usually 38-42 participants each round so, i'm okay with showing you that if a video from 1 month ago is invalid. Don't really feel like opening another tab for this, but i'm pretty sure I didn't say I was going to give you money. A KAGE MEDAL WOULD BE AWESOME, but if that's what your getting from this and my suggestion treads, i'm just going to laugh a bit. I mean, if this game wants money, why not make some other medals and more things like that? But this tread is to mainly help out the F2P players, if you didn't understand that until now, sure not everyone wants the seal scrolls from the pack, some people actually like getting a pack just because it makes them feel like they're not forgotten.

Greed for ambition is something I don't really have, just because I haven't played RPG games in the past, doesn't really mean much on this tread (Sure other games has it worst, I wouldn't doubt it. But it has nothing to do with me wanting to give more instead of less.) I've been playing online computer games since 2008, and since than, my resume on roles i've had is pretty impressive in my opinion. Ambition in my opinion would be asking for a lot, most of this community is not asking for a lot. Extra rewards for players who participate 5 times wouldn't hurt anyone. Especially the game developers or this company who are currently making more money than they can burn in a home with 10 fireplaces.

Thanks for making that clear, I didn't understand that since the post before this one, but good that we're on the same page on that, for a second there I thought you were going crazy, a leader who doesn't want his own members to benefit more in this game. Not really sure how much the CORE of this game can be changed. Well at least I got the message that I wanted. Which was you saying with those exact words that you don't disagree fully. I was scared and mostly confused.
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On 2016-09-17 05:03:36Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-17 03:03:24
  • I understand it's for those who HAVEN'T gotten a pack, I'm sure I didn't misread it, and i'm still going to say, why does it have to be the lucky few, because the odds of getting a pack when your in my group is close to 0.225 when it's completely reset. And I hope you understand that's not even close to good odds.

    I won't disagree with you, I haven't played any other games similar to this one on PC. For a first experience this could be a lot better, without breaking or ruining anything. Well if I have 42 members showing up for 9 packs, they must all know they aren't all getting one, so invalid what you said about the difference in our group. My members clearly doesn't need extra incentives either, if you really think that video means nothing, i'll be happy to make another one and end up showing you 35-40 5 times participations a week. Our average for Saturday is usually 38-42 participants each round so, i'm okay with showing you that if a video from 1 month ago is invalid. Don't really feel like opening another tab for this, but i'm pretty sure I didn't say I was going to give you money. A KAGE MEDAL WOULD BE AWESOME, but if that's what your getting from this and my suggestion treads, i'm just going to laugh a bit. I mean, if this game wants money, why not make some other medals and more things like that? But this tread is to mainly help out the F2P players, if you didn't understand that until now, sure not everyone wants the seal scrolls from the pack, some people actually like getting a pack just because it makes them feel like they're not forgotten.

    Greed for ambition is something I don't really have, just because I haven't played RPG games in the past, doesn't really mean much on this tread (Sure other games has it worst, I wouldn't doubt it. But it has nothing to do with me wanting to give more instead of less.) I've been playing online computer games since 2008, and since than, my resume on roles i've had is pretty impressive in my opinion. Ambition in my opinion would be asking for a lot, most of this community is not asking for a lot. Extra rewards for players who participate 5 times wouldn't hurt anyone. Especially the game developers or this company who are currently making more money than they can burn in a home with 10 fireplaces.

    Thanks for making that clear, I didn't understand that since the post before this one, but good that we're on the same page on that, for a second there I thought you were going crazy, a leader who doesn't want his own members to benefit more in this game. Not really sure how much the CORE of this game can be changed. Well at least I got the message that I wanted. Which was you saying with those exact words that you don't disagree fully. I was scared and mostly confused.
I said it multiple times that I don't disagree with adding more packs, as it would obviously be more fair and there would be more incentive to join the smaller groups to compete (if they have leftover packs, and the big groups don't have enough packs).

Of course, no game is perfect, that's why we're here on the forums trying to suggest improvements and our concerns (also awesome that they take our feedback and try to give us what we want, most companies don't care). I was referencing to how you said that groups were getting destroyed by this system before, so if your members are still showing up, that would refute your own argument. I don't really care as I've looked at your Group on your server rankings, 3rd place with most power means, most of your members didn't show up.

"Let's check out the video I posted, and see if you can even come close to 42 participations.. If so send me a video, I might even recharge on your account." You didn't forget this condescending post did you? Maybe open up another tab, so you don't appear *. A Kage medal would further the gap between p2w and f2p (which I am firmly against). I was pointing out that your claim to want to help 95% of players is moot if your suggestions benefit the 1%-5% of players (except for this thread, although you'd indirectly benefit from extra packs anyways).

Playing other MMORPG games has nothing to do with what I said. It has to do with your insult that unless someone asks for more, they are a "settler." That view is narrow minded and mistaken. Instead, knowing what to ask for and improve (as the mods have mentioned, they can't change much of the core game, but can help us out with events) is the best approach. Suggestions or constructive feedback never hurts, but the majority of people that are just complaining do (which again, are the people I originally posted about).

I'm not going to bother comparing the difference in our experience (let's just say I've been playing since 2000). You don't know how much they make or how many staff they have on hand that they have to pay (not going to add server costs in and etc, and we both know how many servers they have). Again, if they do add extra rewards, I'm all for that.

It's irritating to have you throw insults when you don't understand my posts (and subsequent posts reminding you about how I don't disagree with this thread in general). What leader doesn't want to benefit his group? Anything that could be improved that hasn't been suggested, I would gladly make a thread for. I'm glad I finally got my point through.

Edit: It's awesome to have mods that are listening to our suggestions and actively fighting for them (which is why I don't want them to feel unappreciated).

This post was last edited by Lazyboi at 2016-9-17 05:11
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On 2016-09-17 10:34:34Show this Author Only
  • Lazyboi On 2016-09-17 05:03:36
  • I said it multiple times that I don't disagree with adding more packs, as it would obviously be more fair and there would be more incentive to join the smaller groups to compete (if they have leftover packs, and the big groups don't have enough packs).

    Of course, no game is perfect, that's why we're here on the forums trying to suggest improvements and our concerns (also awesome that they take our feedback and try to give us what we want, most companies don't care). I was referencing to how you said that groups were getting destroyed by this system before, so if your members are still showing up, that would refute your own argument. I don't really care as I've looked at your Group on your server rankings, 3rd place with most power means, most of your members didn't show up.

    "Let's check out the video I posted, and see if you can even come close to 42 participations.. If so send me a video, I might even recharge on your account." You didn't forget this condescending post did you? Maybe open up another tab, so you don't appear *. A Kage medal would further the gap between p2w and f2p (which I am firmly against). I was pointing out that your claim to want to help 95% of players is moot if your suggestions benefit the 1%-5% of players (except for this thread, although you'd indirectly benefit from extra packs anyways).

    Playing other MMORPG games has nothing to do with what I said. It has to do with your insult that unless someone asks for more, they are a "settler." That view is narrow minded and mistaken. Instead, knowing what to ask for and improve (as the mods have mentioned, they can't change much of the core game, but can help us out with events) is the best approach. Suggestions or constructive feedback never hurts, but the majority of people that are just complaining do (which again, are the people I originally posted about).

    I'm not going to bother comparing the difference in our experience (let's just say I've been playing since 2000). You don't know how much they make or how many staff they have on hand that they have to pay (not going to add server costs in and etc, and we both know how many servers they have). Again, if they do add extra rewards, I'm all for that.

    It's irritating to have you throw insults when you don't understand my posts (and subsequent posts reminding you about how I don't disagree with this thread in general). What leader doesn't want to benefit his group? Anything that could be improved that hasn't been suggested, I would gladly make a thread for. I'm glad I finally got my point through.

    Edit: It's awesome to have mods that are listening to our suggestions and actively fighting for them (which is why I don't want them to feel unappreciated).

    This post was last edited by Lazyboi at 2016-9-17 05:11
Why are you always assuming things? "3rd place with most power means, most of your members didn't show up." By the way, we had 41 players participating I believe on the battle for the final spot. Most of your members didn't show up you said? :/ lol. They came up with a better strategy and won. Nothing about members missing.

Oh I did post that! Forgot, but even though you declined I guess that's still available to take. I can get 1 pack every 10 weeks and i'd be okay with that, I don't care for packs. I care for more packs, therefore more to distribute, therefore more players get it.

Well, it took you a while to say you actually think this system could be more fair and better. I was scared of you as a leader if 1 contribution was going to make you smile.. lol, the point I was trying to make is that if this game gives you more than whatever game is giving, it's still not great, not ambition, just facts.

Well, I know a S7 person has close if not 50K power, so she/he must've given a big contribution. I do enjoy how they give some money to charity, makes me want to spend a lot more than I would if nothing like that was going on behind the scenes, so I have to thank them for that. Good job.

I'm not the only one throwing insults by the way. I'm not saying any mod is bad, I had mods post on this thread saying they will help us out and I did nothing but thank them and feel gratitude and happiness. This post was last edited by 100***@google at 2016-9-17 10:37
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On 2016-09-17 10:52:50Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-17 10:34:34
  • Why are you always assuming things? "3rd place with most power means, most of your members didn't show up." By the way, we had 41 players participating I believe on the battle for the final spot. Most of your members didn't show up you said? :/ lol. They came up with a better strategy and won. Nothing about members missing.

    Oh I did post that! Forgot, but even though you declined I guess that's still available to take. I can get 1 pack every 10 weeks and i'd be okay with that, I don't care for packs. I care for more packs, therefore more to distribute, therefore more players get it.

    Well, it took you a while to say you actually think this system could be more fair and better. I was scared of you as a leader if 1 contribution was going to make you smile.. lol, the point I was trying to make is that if this game gives you more than whatever game is giving, it's still not great, not ambition, just facts.

    Well, I know a S7 person has close if not 50K power, so she/he must've given a big contribution. I do enjoy how they give some money to charity, makes me want to spend a lot more than I would if nothing like that was going on behind the scenes, so I have to thank them for that. Good job.

    I'm not the only one throwing insults by the way. I'm not saying any mod is bad, I had mods post on this thread saying they will help us out and I did nothing but thank them and feel gratitude and happiness. This post was last edited by 100***@google at 2016-9-17 10:37
My bad then, indeed I was making an assumption. We're all human and I'll admit to my mistakes. I never said that the system was perfect. I was merely pointing out its benefits, in addition to what could be improved.

I threw mine in response to yours, but I'll admit I'm not perfect (when people insult me, I don't just bottle it in). I'm glad we can have a heated debate, but also return to a calm civil discussion. I know you didn't and your intentions with this thread is to benefit the entire community, but there are people that are hindering yours and everyone's useful suggestions with complaints on the forum, which are the ones that make me reply.
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