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Great Ninja War Rewards.


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On 2016-08-20 08:00:31Show this Author Only
nice idea Raf, since we always got qualified on finals, i got 16 participants but our group always got 2 hero and 8 elite gift packs only so some of my members are not joining because of the quantity of gift packs, they knew that some participants won't be given a chance to have rewards,... :lol

This post was last edited by Tobirama_Senju at 2016-9-26 18:19
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On 2016-08-20 14:29:54Show this Author Only
for the most part i agree but in your example you you stated 9 packs so unless coming in first gives less packs it should be a total of 10 packs unless the leader takes one each week then he not really being fair to the group but in the example you gave a total of 30 players now i am sure for your group this number is far from the truth but what you could do is each week 10 different people get a pack and to stop some of the weaker players from leaving giving 5 to strong members and 5 to weakest that entered unless they got 1 a week or 2 before they can get it again with the strongest of that week getting the hero or better packs. now this works better in small groups but i agree with the idea in the most part
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On 2016-08-21 03:11:56Show this Author Only
  • dart feld On 2016-08-20 14:29:54
  • for the most part i agree but in your example you you stated 9 packs so unless coming in first gives less packs it should be a total of 10 packs unless the leader takes one each week then he not really being fair to the group but in the example you gave a total of 30 players now i am sure for your group this number is far from the truth but what you could do is each week 10 different people get a pack and to stop some of the weaker players from leaving giving 5 to strong members and 5 to weakest that entered unless they got 1 a week or 2 before they can get it again with the strongest of that week getting the hero or better packs. now this works better in small groups but i agree with the idea in the most part
Coming in first does give you one less pack, but it also gives you a extra Legendary pack though. But even like that, the cycle still annoys a lot of members from any group. It gets some of them mad that they did as much as someone else but has to wait another week just to get a pack.
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On 2016-08-21 03:41:53Show this Author Only
I agree with this wholeheartedly and I'm glad to hear that admins have already been informed of this. It just *s because no matter how much effort you put in as Leader/Seniors of a group there is always going to be a feeling of inequality with the current system.

I agree with the point that we don't necessarily even need them to give more of the current packs, since the addition of another lesser one would be better in my honest opinion. In my server it is uncommon for us to have the same people across every single fight so that would already make it a bit easier to distribute. Then, even if you do end up stalemated in fights at the end between some members, it is easy to look at their contribution for the week or number of bye rounds to fix the tie breaker. However, on the flip side, we also manage our group and decide who goes where during the war. So, as such, some of the bye rounds they get are because we felt they would be best used in said spot. That said, just because they don't do as many fights, doesn't mean I don't want them to feel valued and important but it does warrant a slightly lower reward in itself, since the quality of rewards is directly correlated with your ability to progress in the tournament.

One little remedy is having higher players sacrifice their reward for some of their allies. This works great in theory but it also makes them feel like they aren't rewarded. I have gladly taken a lower reward one week and nothing the second to allow other players to get something. However, eventually, you too feel slightly bothered to even attend. The timing of the event cuts deep into ones time on a weekend and, if you are one of the players repeatedly being relied on to get high numbers, you feel a little unrewarded for your efforts just by trying to be a good team player. Although getting upwards of a few thousand group tokens and quite a bit of donation funds is nice, it still leaves room for improvement.
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On 2016-08-21 08:52:27Show this Author Only
bump for this.. till they read us. This is a serious problem right now.
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On 2016-08-21 09:50:16Show this Author Only
In my own opinion, it's really not a big deal if there are few packs as rewards because the main rewards here are the Group Contribution and Group credits. Packs are just bonus rewards that leaders can give to his members. So with packs or not, all members in a winning group can still get abundant rewards. But since I love you guys, I will still follow up on your request for additional reward packs. :) This post was last edited by Ianplify at 2016-8-21 09:52
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On 2016-08-21 10:03:31Show this Author Only
this problem should really be looked into,. my group had been having a debate over this.
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On 2016-08-22 04:17:34Show this Author Only
  • Ianplify On 2016-08-21 09:50:16
  • In my own opinion, it's really not a big deal if there are few packs as rewards because the main rewards here are the Group Contribution and Group credits. Packs are just bonus rewards that leaders can give to his members. So with packs or not, all members in a winning group can still get abundant rewards. But since I love you guys, I will still follow up on your request for additional reward packs. :) This post was last edited by Ianplify at 2016-8-21 09:52
Understanding that packs are a bonus from what you can get out of a GNW is a bit hard when titles, seal scrolls and benefits are available for those who do get a pack though. Some players really want the packs, and it's hard to do so when you have 1/3rd of the group asking for one and you have 9. Some players understand that they can't get one every week because others are participating constantly as well, others just rage over the fact they went 2 weeks without a pack and they're set to get one in the 3rd week of participating. It's just hard for leaders who wants to give all their members a little reward more than just those contributions. Thank you for the follow up though. Sad to hear you disagree (We all have opinions though, I respect yours.) but happy to hear that even after disagreeing you will share the post. Your one good Moderator from what I saw on this thread. Thank you. This post was last edited by 100***@google at 2016-8-22 04:19
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On 2016-08-22 05:22:48Show this Author Only
You c*ways change content instead amount, giving bound scroll would fix ppl fighting for them ;P (i am so evil). Anyway giving small amount rewards help to diversify people between guilds instead having 2 or 3 "big guilds" on servers nearly empties.
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On 2016-08-22 06:01:33Show this Author Only
Right now u get a lot of group coins for participating, which after a few wars, u should have enough group coins to get 1 character from group shop,not to mention new characters are gonna get added to the shops later on. This isn't the best way to make participants happy, but it's a start, instead of getting seals, u get group coins,which guarantee you a 3* of u're choice (from the limited options we currently have). Tbh as well, assuming u get the legendary pack every time it'll just give u zabuza, as for the runes u can get them from the shop, so rly it isn't that bad, just think of the gifts as a bonus.
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On 2016-08-22 08:01:49Show this Author Only
As a group Leader I have to agree, I've only participated in 2 Wars, and we only got so far, but I still appreciated the attendance of something around 12 members of my group, 6 or so showed up on Saturday as well.

The distribution has been taxing and i really hope the number of 'level 1 packs' ... i believe those are called elites, can be increased. At least make it somewhere around 14 or so, a number large enough to be meaningful...

Ideally, i was hoping the packs issued would always equal the number of participants... I guess I cannot be too surprised a game like this, which is clearly more interested in coaxing money out of players, would limit how many free rewards we can obtain. It's sad but understandable I guess. I will just be happy that we get some rewards for free. As for distribution, I'll just keep a tally in my head, of which players got what.
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On 2016-08-22 08:54:51Show this Author Only
I have a suggestion

30 people participated

2 legendary packs
4 hero packs
* elite packs (where * is the number of packs to fill the remaining total of participants with condition at least 2 or 3 war participation. If there are participants who only joined once, then deduct one pack per each 1 participant with 1 time participation)

If it makes sense. This is fair. You can lessen the amount of rewards from elite packs but it's still fair. The only headache is for the leader to distribute the legendary and hero packs This post was last edited by 104***@google at 2016-8-22 08:55
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On 2016-08-22 09:47:43Show this Author Only
I support this opinion
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On 2016-08-23 01:18:36Show this Author Only
Server 7 Uchiha has been facing the same issue for the past 3 weeks. Current system in place would take 2 - 3 weeks before the same person gets another pack. It's ideal to have people who don't quarrel over packs, but there obviously are people who care a lot, so would like something to be seen done about this.
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On 2016-08-23 05:23:12Show this Author Only
completely agree, support 100%
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On 2016-08-25 14:41:05Show this Author Only
i support this
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On 2016-08-25 14:53:06Show this Author Only
completely agree, support 100%
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On 2016-08-25 15:45:57Show this Author Only
They should make something like give a pack to everyone that participates with a bit lower rewards
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On 2016-08-25 23:28:01Show this Author Only
I'm also for this idea
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On 2016-08-26 02:02:23Show this Author Only
  • Ianplify On 2016-08-21 09:50:16
  • In my own opinion, it's really not a big deal if there are few packs as rewards because the main rewards here are the Group Contribution and Group credits. Packs are just bonus rewards that leaders can give to his members. So with packs or not, all members in a winning group can still get abundant rewards. But since I love you guys, I will still follow up on your request for additional reward packs. :) This post was last edited by Ianplify at 2016-8-21 09:52
Here we go again with another prime example of what a moderator thinks. No one is asking for a moderators opinion. This reward system is a problem, and a serious one at that. It's like if you see a house on fire, the community will say "Someone call the firefighters" but you have these moderators saying "That's a nice bright looking fire, I see nothing wrong with it". See the problem here is that moderators are FOR the way that the game is now. They WANT you to keep playing it the way that is best of interest for them not you but for themselves $$$$$$$$. I'm starting to think that moderators aren't even communicating properly with the developers as we can clearly see with these recent events.
Quicky Post

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