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[ Suggestions ] 3 suggestions to make things fairer.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-04 18:24:40Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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1) Sage world battlefield.
The main issue here is that the system do reward who is way overpowered in comparison with other people in the field. So the suggestion is, by keeping the current matching system, to modify the way points are given out. Instead of giving a flat quantity depending on the enemy victory streak the idea is to take in account both the difference in power and the initiative value. An idea could be to give a value P = i*200*10^((PowB/PowA)-1), where i is a flat 0.5 or 1 depending on the fact if the winning side had initiative advantage or not and where PowA is the power of the winning side and PowB the power of the losing side. Lets say i own 58k power and i beat a 47k power by not having initiative advantage. Then i get 1292 points. If i own 110k power and i beat a 50k pow guy by having initiative advantage then i get 285 points. This way everybody is encouraged in facing people close to their power or stronger than them and the superop whale of the field needs to win a ton of battles to stay on par.

2) Plunders attempt.

What don't work here is that even if, theoretically, these are group activities the strength of the group doesn't matter anything in this. Lets say I'm in a group with 50 active people that win all the gnws due to partecipation and filling of every field and that in another group there are the top5 of the server only. In this case why their group should be advantaged in plundering/convoys like is now? Remove the support system for convoys and give to the convoy runners a boost in power and initiative similar to the snake group summon growing rate linked to group activity/donations. That way even if I'm the strongest in the server I'll think twice if is the case or not to plunder a weakling that maybe, due to the boost from group, became stronger than me. In the sense, the whole point of this is to remove the 100% sureness of top3 to win a plunder attempt.

3) Ranked Arena.

Remove the requisite to reach sage of six paths to get reward according to your rank every season or reduce it to the need of reaching kage rank only. Doesn't make any sense that 99% of the community is cut out of arena seasons just because you require them to reach the mas ranking once while all the people from every server can be met by them. Kage rank is an acceptable goal since is still not that easy to met in 2-3 months without paying and still there are two ranks over it with better rewards whales and skilled players should try to go for in every season. The sage of six paths requirement right now is very unfriendly towards the large majority of the population and is a reason why people quits.
Thanks to your attention.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-04 19:08:24Show this Author Only
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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-04 20:19:15Show this Author Only
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I fully agree with 1. Sage world battlefield and 2. Plunders attempt. Nothing much to add on from there really. No developers would add disincentives for reaching higher power. The higher the power, the easier the game should be for you, which is where some people find it fun and also where the developer earns money. It's already abnormal if a developer doesn't promote spending money (even as a form of support) towards the game, much less giving a disadvantage to those who does. Literally driving the customers away.

However 3. Ranked Arena is a function of the game which can give pretty decent rewards. Normal players have close to no chance in reaching Sage of Six Paths (which is reasonable, as it is what it is meant to be, rare / hard to achieve), much less so the new players who failed to get that rank in 60 days. Not many can, unless some methods were taken. *coughs* Kage is something that is a lot more reasonable to achieve, while remaining challenging for new players. This is something that can be considered imo.

This post was last edited by PoisonScrub at 2017-7-4 20:22
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On 2017-07-04 20:50:10Show this Author Only
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On 2017-07-05 01:57:07Show this Author Only
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Easier fixes would be for sage is make gap of power less like instead of a 50 power person fighting a 80-100 maybe put a limit of 10-15 power above being limit no matter the lv.For plundering\convoy increase times you can do coupon missions to 4 and limit to gtn plundered like no1 guy can't plunder all your 4 coupon missions everyone can only plunder a guy once a win\win for f2p and P2P players. and arena I'm ok with it just nds tweaked Abit tho This post was last edited by cri*** at 2017-7-5 01:58
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On 2017-07-05 08:26:47Show this Author Only
Hello to everyone here,

Thank you for all the suggestions, and corrects on them, I'll be sure to include all details, when I forward it to our team :)
Those are a lot of things to cover, as usual, I cannot guarantee them being implemented, although they will be discussed, to see their possibility of making it into the game.
I hope you can understand this, thank you for your input, and have a fantastic day ^^
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