2017-07-06 06:34:31
Actually in most things that try to have rank system/elo/mmr there is a penalty for much stronger/higher skills player winning weaker/low skill player, because they have almost no risk of loosing, so it's kinda clear where he is coming from, for example like league of legends elo system. So you cannot get all the way to the top only farming weakest tier players.
Look at it from other way, if you are 60k player and you attack another 60k player should you get same points as 60k player who attacks and wins 80k player, the 60 vs 80 guy should get more if he wins, he has to work harder for it and has much higher chance of loosing. Or look at it from p2w side, 2 100k players, one attack another 100k player, the other attack 60k player, 100 vs 100 guy should get more points, he has a chance to loose and fight will be longer, 100 vs 60 guy gets a free win in 1-3 turns.
Personally i wish they just remove level from equation and match only by power because this feels like it would be to much work to implement but still this is not a penalty it's just reward relative to risk, almost all games that try to have competitive environment do this. This post was last edited by Dym at 2017-7-6 06:35
You need to understand why the elo system is used. In those games (LoL, CS:GO, Chess, Othello etc.), the character doesn't get better, YOU, the player gets better. Your mechanics and game knowledge improve, and henceforth your skill level improves. You gain less points for fighting someone who, by the system, determined is less skilled than you, and hence gain less points. Similarly, you gain more points for beating someone who was presumably more skilled than you, until you are at a point where your elo more accurately depicts your skill level. In all these games, there is a level playing field, almost like fighting in an equalizer. Hence, these games work very hard on the aspect known as balance. The players all begin at level 1, and work their way up from there before seizing victory.
In Naruto Online, the closest thing to an equalizer is perhaps Ranked Arena. However, even in that game mode, the Ninjas themselves have different base power. (The more expensive ninjas usually end up having higher power etc. and are not available to other players) There is a direct correlation between power and spenders. An elo system can't be implemented in this game where the characters get stronger as more time and money is pumped in; it isn't purely on skill level anymore. Someone who spent more time, effort and money shouldn't get less points in sage than someone who spent less.
The definition of strength in this game compared to the games that uses elo system is different.
This post was last edited by PoisonScrub at 2017-7-6 10:26