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[ Suggestions ] make sage power ba<x>sed


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-07-03 23:01:44Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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instead of splitting sage by levels, split it by power, so like all 20k's 30k's and so on would be in there own bracket, it gets anoying being at level 90 and getting no wins because i get 5 matches against people who are 20k+ higher then my power
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On 2017-07-03 23:33:07Show this Author Only
then the p2w will cry who are over 100k power because no one would be in their field...
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On 2017-07-04 01:15:49Show this Author Only
  • [M]angekyou On 2017-07-03 23:33:07
  • then the p2w will cry who are over 100k power because no one would be in their field...
good, they need some unfairness too.
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On 2017-07-04 01:30:17Show this Author Only
Yeah, make power-based brackets but make them smaller as well.
Currently, there's about 30 people in each battlefield. And finding 90 people with about same power is really difficult on lvl 90 so it's guaranteed to match players with 60k power with the ones with 80k+. And that's just plain *. Why do I have to fight Hasahyo and FatherZodd, who has 100k power and has well paid for it, just because I have the same level?
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On 2017-07-04 01:52:57Show this Author Only
  • Airth On 2017-07-04 01:15:49
  • good, they need some unfairness too.
Unfairness?You serious?Dude? Why do they need to receive unfairness when they pay the game with their real money?And more important, if you are f2p, you haven't put any penny in this game and demand fairness? You know how this game works right?If those p2w don't put any money in this game, can you still play this game or even have chance to complain in this thread?
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On 2017-07-04 02:03:30Show this Author Only
  • sk8erboil On 2017-07-04 01:52:57
  • Unfairness?You serious?Dude? Why do they need to receive unfairness when they pay the game with their real money?And more important, if you are f2p, you haven't put any penny in this game and demand fairness? You know how this game works right?If those p2w don't put any money in this game, can you still play this game or even have chance to complain in this thread?
i am p2w, and they still would get alot of spenders, it would drive up the competitiveness, so theyd spend more
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On 2017-07-04 04:36:23Show this Author Only
I would make it so that there are 15 players per team with a total of 45. Instead of levels like you said, make it power based. Top 45 players in the first Sage world and so on.

This would balance things out a lot more than it is now and keep it competitive so the big spenders will spend more to beat each other.
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On 2017-07-04 04:54:30Show this Author Only
My suggestion would be looking at space time ranking, it's more accurate imo.
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On 2017-07-04 05:50:16Show this Author Only
Hi there to everyone here,

Thanks for the suggestion, and for all your thoughts about it :)
I'll be sure to include all details, when forwarding it to our team ^^
The feedback is greatly appreciated, have a fantastic day ;p
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On 2017-07-04 11:22:08Show this Author Only
  • Mariou On 2017-07-04 04:54:30
  • My suggestion would be looking at space time ranking, it's more accurate imo.
That can be abused just like level, there is people 70k+ at lvl 80~ who don't lvl to 90 because of current flawed system, whats gonna stop 70k+ power guys siting just in top 128 in space time so he avoid top bracket but still qualifies.

Brackets only by power is the best solution, it will remove incentive to not level up and cheat the system and keep all p2w who are way above average with each other in top bracket, so average lvl 90 players have a chance in other brackets and not just there for fodder.
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On 2017-07-04 16:16:18Show this Author Only
Yep, it should be power based. * there are 500 servers. You cannot find enough ppl for SWB? Well I guess that is because it sux and nobody wants to play it. I cannot even enjoy the game. I had to stop leveling, not doing plot or anything because leveling up is so unrewarding. I would have to play SWB against 105k people on my server, while if I stay lvl 80 I can farm some lowbies. I do not even like it. I get some rewards but it is not even fun. It's no challenge. There are 3-5 people with 70k at lvl 80, then there are 2-3 people like me with 50-55k which makes the fight really tense and interesting and the rest is 20k ... * I even fought 5k power who dies in 1 hit. Make SWB smaller. Even 10 players for each field is enough. That way there is much higher chance to get to top 3 and actually get rewards. Now it is fuked up ... 3 people out of how many ... 30?40? Get reward. The rest gets nothing. Mkae it power based only
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On 2017-07-04 17:40:34Show this Author Only
  • Xerneis On 2017-07-04 01:30:17
  • Yeah, make power-based brackets but make them smaller as well.
    Currently, there's about 30 people in each battlefield. And finding 90 people with about same power is really difficult on lvl 90 so it's guaranteed to match players with 60k power with the ones with 80k+. And that's just plain *. Why do I have to fight Hasahyo and FatherZodd, who has 100k power and has well paid for it, just because I have the same level?
The problem is not the fact that fatherzodd can meet me or you in swb. The problem is that when he beat me or you he gets the same points as when you beat me or viceversa. This is what is not fair at all. We are both around 60k, i know because sometimes i met you in matsuri, if by beating me you would get lets say 1000 points and fatherzodd beating me would get 20 points then everything would go better because he wouldn't try to go for me or for you but he would try to beat 90-80ks to get more points to not get left behind by you that beated me.
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On 2017-07-04 22:46:36Show this Author Only
I get your point, but do you think it's worse than it is at the moment? There is only a level balance right now and a lot of people are complaining about it. I think "cheating" would'nt be the greatest idea but it's up to them because you can't de-rank in spacetime that easy if you don't get attacked :-)

But at all i don't think it will happen anything about swb in close future so it was my suggestion what I would look for :-)
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On 2017-07-04 22:54:38Show this Author Only
This is how I would do. I would set for level brackets (70-79,80-89, etc etc) and +/- 5k power, with you power always rounded up(19001 would be considered 20k because it's higher than 19k).

Example is a Level 70 20k power player can fight a level 79 with 25k power but not a level 71 with 26k power.

I think that would make the fights more interesting.
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On 2017-07-04 23:25:47Show this Author Only
  • John Dope On 2017-07-04 16:16:18
  • Yep, it should be power based. * there are 500 servers. You cannot find enough ppl for SWB? Well I guess that is because it sux and nobody wants to play it. I cannot even enjoy the game. I had to stop leveling, not doing plot or anything because leveling up is so unrewarding. I would have to play SWB against 105k people on my server, while if I stay lvl 80 I can farm some lowbies. I do not even like it. I get some rewards but it is not even fun. It's no challenge. There are 3-5 people with 70k at lvl 80, then there are 2-3 people like me with 50-55k which makes the fight really tense and interesting and the rest is 20k ... * I even fought 5k power who dies in 1 hit. Make SWB smaller. Even 10 players for each field is enough. That way there is much higher chance to get to top 3 and actually get rewards. Now it is fuked up ... 3 people out of how many ... 30?40? Get reward. The rest gets nothing. Mkae it power based only
Completly unfair, we all know that LVL doesnt mean anything against BP, im talking about 20k-50k+ BP difference between opponents. And u got short, today they opened the server nº 719 LMAO!
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On 2017-07-06 01:29:39Show this Author Only
I think they need to give rewards based on the number of ninjas you defeated, and not on points
like 1 adv and 2 med refines per win, but top 3 will still get original rewards in addition to their kills
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On 2017-07-06 04:40:45Show this Author Only
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On 2017-07-06 04:44:37Show this Author Only
That is a good idea. Maybe make it 15-30k, 31k-50, 51k-70k, 71k-100+k
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On 2017-07-06 05:24:40Show this Author Only
  • The Almighty On 2017-07-06 01:29:39
  • I think they need to give rewards based on the number of ninjas you defeated, and not on points
    like 1 adv and 2 med refines per win, but top 3 will still get original rewards in addition to their kills
i like this idea, it rewards the low players for winning when they can, plus it rewards the high players who get streaks.
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On 2017-07-06 05:35:53Show this Author Only
  • John Dope On 2017-07-04 16:16:18
  • Yep, it should be power based. * there are 500 servers. You cannot find enough ppl for SWB? Well I guess that is because it sux and nobody wants to play it. I cannot even enjoy the game. I had to stop leveling, not doing plot or anything because leveling up is so unrewarding. I would have to play SWB against 105k people on my server, while if I stay lvl 80 I can farm some lowbies. I do not even like it. I get some rewards but it is not even fun. It's no challenge. There are 3-5 people with 70k at lvl 80, then there are 2-3 people like me with 50-55k which makes the fight really tense and interesting and the rest is 20k ... * I even fought 5k power who dies in 1 hit. Make SWB smaller. Even 10 players for each field is enough. That way there is much higher chance to get to top 3 and actually get rewards. Now it is fuked up ... 3 people out of how many ... 30?40? Get reward. The rest gets nothing. Mkae it power based only
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