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[ Events ] Is negative points needed in arena?


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On 2017-05-19 08:10:14Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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In my opinion it serves no use, and is not needed.

Now I can undersand why it exists. Makes arena more challenging. Likewise I understand the you dont lose the rank its at, but i mean does that really matter? Its either you get max rank or you auto receive least rewards possible regardless of points. Likewise say you had the worst rng ever and you never got max rank.
1/4 the time its hard to find matches
1/4th the time your faced with counter teams that easily beat yours
1/4th the time your faced with people that have much higher intiative thus causing your team to be pointless
----->1/4th the time you win
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On 2017-05-19 08:14:58Show this Author Only
There should be no negative points before you reach 6 paths the first time.
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On 2017-05-19 08:35:50Show this Author Only
  • IamAscrub On 2017-05-19 08:14:58
  • There should be no negative points before you reach 6 paths the first time.
As in the first time in your game life, or 1st time each month?
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On 2017-05-19 08:50:38Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-05-19 08:35:50
  • As in the first time in your game life, or 1st time each month?
First time in your life. The negative system is perfectly fine after you have season rewards unlocked.

Main issue is that most players will never, ever be able to unlock season rewards if they lose points when they lose. By removing point loss before you reach 6 paths the first time, this whole mess would be solved.
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On 2017-05-19 08:59:41Show this Author Only
i find the best time to get matches is when all daily events are over.

I've lost too many and won very little. At this point i don't care about 6paths anymore. I just wanted coins.

Move up ranks is nice and more rewards, as the higher rank I kept matching with these crazy players who have really good initative. I had to use cancer team to win most of time.
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On 2017-05-19 11:30:16Show this Author Only
  • IamAscrub On 2017-05-19 08:50:38
  • First time in your life. The negative system is perfectly fine after you have season rewards unlocked.

    Main issue is that most players will never, ever be able to unlock season rewards if they lose points when they lose. By removing point loss before you reach 6 paths the first time, this whole mess would be solved.
See it cant work as first time in game play life. Because that only gives u the rank unlocked 1 time rewards.

not the season rewards you receive each month with the ninja fragments,etc.

^Obtain it month 1 to be at a loss for month2-end of game. So it still poses a problem if its set like that
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On 2017-05-19 15:15:43Show this Author Only
The only time I do ranked arena fights is when I try to press the Talents *on but pressed the wrong one. Because I usually am changing team while doing that, I lose ranked a lot of times.

I am very happy I never fight ranked any more, with all those negative points.
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On 2017-05-19 15:50:44Show this Author Only
Lets take a look in an objective way at this matter.
If you reached sage of six paths rank before your server went in the cross-server circuit, so before the 60th day of the server, then the system as is now is perfectly fine. If you have low initiative or a poor lineup or bad skills then you can aim at most every season to the lowest tier rewards and that's what you get. Otherwise you just get the rewards related to yours skill/initiative/lineup and, as far as i understand, you get, at the end of the season your rank resetted too. The main issue here is that since most of the new servers have a very low population you can hope to be able to do it only if you use alts, so if you cheated.

If, instead, you were not able to do it when your server wasn't in the cross-server circuit then the situation is not fine at all since, what stated iamascrub is the purest truth. Thr reason is that the more the game goes on the more you just meet there people you cannot hope to beat.
The reason is pretty simple.
If you don't own a very high initiative, a good lineup and nice skills you find yourself projected in a battle royale where 95% of the people you meet is better in anything than you so when your negative streak reaches -5 or lower you stop bothering for a while (the problem is that since you stopped bothering, then people slightly stronger than you can't meet you anymore, so also them begin to get negative points and do like you if they are aiming to sage of six paths for the first time like you). You gather up initiative you get a better lineup you refine your skills in arena training and sage world battlefield, you wait two more months and at that moment you retry ranked arena and what you get is that nothing changed. Your two months efforts paid zero. You are at this point around -10. You redo the same thing the following two months and the outcome doesn't change. You are now at -15. 99% of the people at this point give up and forgets exists ranked arena. And this vicious circle goes on indefinitely because the only people that do not give up are those that were lucky enough to be able to reach sage of six paths before the cross server circuit. And obviously 99% of them are or whales or smart people from a lot older servers than your one so their initiative is abyssally higher than yours and so their lineups. You can bet then only on your personal skill, but, sadly, since that one is only one of the three factors that matter in arena you will never be able to get a winning streak long enough to overcome it. And the higher your rank is the worse the situation becomes for you.
That's why what iamascrub said makes perfectly sense.

This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-19 15:59 This post was last edited by ayr*** at 2017-5-19 16:01
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On 2017-05-19 16:22:03Show this Author Only
I was -30 , didnt event get to Six Path before i get the minimun rewards every month. Now im -16 ...sad thing is im super kage for 4 month now...sooo yea
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On 2017-05-19 17:44:09Show this Author Only
  • zamolxecristea@ On 2017-05-19 16:22:03
  • I was -30 , didnt event get to Six Path before i get the minimun rewards every month. Now im -16 ...sad thing is im super kage for 4 month now...sooo yea
Oh my, you were one of the unluckiest guys because the fact you knew the goal was close made you try an try and try even if your situation was the same as mine (i entered in the cross server circuit at anbu) because whoever you met in your early times was 100000 times stronger than you but that goal so close made you believe was possible. At least i was able to avoid it and now i sit at kage -4, waiting for when I'll have 13k initiative at least to try to rank up.
That's how bad is the situation
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On 2017-05-19 19:26:14Show this Author Only
I gave up on arena, it's clearly unbalanced and is in favor of those who previously have hit 6 paths in the past (before cross server). Reason being is that since they have already hit six paths they won't be stuck with the base reward each month. While us who have never hit 6 paths will always be stuck with the base rewards regardless of rank till we hit 6 paths which is very time consuming and requires a good amount of power and ninja. Many people including myself have complained about it to the point we gave up, but hey they listen the our "feedback". The rule making you hit 6 paths once and negative points are honestly make no sense, but I never see it changing. All I can say is if enough people stop playing arena maybe we will see some changes.
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On 2017-05-19 21:40:28Show this Author Only
The arena is a p2w area. They should at least remove negative points for the first time you hit sage of the 6 paths. It would make more players go into arena and would even benefit the older players who wouldnt have to wait for ages before a match.

This is one line of code, just take the flag you create when you reach sage of the six paths and use it as a condition for negative points.
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On 2017-05-20 00:21:54Show this Author Only
See everyone basically agrees negative is pointless
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On 2017-05-20 02:22:45Show this Author Only
However if this feedback is to be taken into consideration us together atm wouldn't be enough to be thought over.

This thread needs to get many more comments&responses from others across a lot of servers. Keep this thread active, inform players on your servers&send them here. Only then will this will pose a "chance" at changing anything.
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On 2017-05-20 03:04:07Show this Author Only
I dont understand what's so difficult about arena you're referring to...arena doesn measure your power, but only iniciative works in that regard, so i dont see the problem, i've beaten meta teams with teams that not everyone uses, wanna tip...start using refinements and build up that iniciative, maybe you'll win some arena fights, instead going in this forum saying arena is broken.
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On 2017-05-20 04:00:09Show this Author Only
"Players will only receive a higher rank’s rewards AFTER the FIRST TIME you achieved Six Paths Sennin rank! This is in order to encourage all of you go farther and farther in the Arena!"

Kind of agree with the sentiment in this thread that it instead seems to make a lot of people stop trying. I think the negative points are fine tbh, but I also agree that it *s when combined with the minimum rewards every season until you hit 6 paths for the first time.
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On 2017-05-20 05:19:17Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-05-20 03:04:07
  • I dont understand what's so difficult about arena you're referring to...arena doesn measure your power, but only iniciative works in that regard, so i dont see the problem, i've beaten meta teams with teams that not everyone uses, wanna tip...start using refinements and build up that iniciative, maybe you'll win some arena fights, instead going in this forum saying arena is broken.
Once you reach jonin rank or kage you will fight almost exclusively against people from servers 150 or lower. They have been playing the game for 2-6 months more than the vast majority of new players.

Now combine this with servers depopulating, the new players who should replace players that quit have no chance to reach 6 paths sage (unless they spend an ungodly amount of money, which is rare).

What you get in the end is that the new players dont even touch ranked arena since they know they will loose anyways, they only do training for missions or credits. So when older players leave, no one takes their place, resulting in people fighting the same person non stop or not fighting at all in arena ranked for hours.

Removing negative points till players reach sage of the six paths or removing the necessity of reaching this rank before you get any decent rewards is a simple way to revitalize ths function.

If you are going to respond to this topic please dont be condescending and try to bring something usuefull to the conversation.
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On 2017-05-20 10:13:47Show this Author Only
  • Armand_ On 2017-05-20 05:19:17
  • Once you reach jonin rank or kage you will fight almost exclusively against people from servers 150 or lower. They have been playing the game for 2-6 months more than the vast majority of new players.

    Now combine this with servers depopulating, the new players who should replace players that quit have no chance to reach 6 paths sage (unless they spend an ungodly amount of money, which is rare).

    What you get in the end is that the new players dont even touch ranked arena since they know they will loose anyways, they only do training for missions or credits. So when older players leave, no one takes their place, resulting in people fighting the same person non stop or not fighting at all in arena ranked for hours.

    Removing negative points till players reach sage of the six paths or removing the necessity of reaching this rank before you get any decent rewards is a simple way to revitalize ths function.

    If you are going to respond to this topic please dont be condescending and try to bring something usuefull to the conversation.
Im just gonna say this, and this is a fact btw...

start building your refines, magatamas, and purifying runes, especially iniciative, but ofc you going to lose to people who have been playing this game longer than the recent servers, that's a fact, nothing you can do about it, and i think there's a limit threshold which servers you can be in a arena with, unless someone has proof that has been fighting let's say "player from server 2 vs players from server 120" ofc the older server player is most likely going to win, even if it is like that, you going to be discouraged by couple losses?

Regarding new players, unless OASIS come clean with arena threshold on fighting among servers, new players shouldnt be even encouraged to do arena imo, why are they doing it, in the first place, beats me.

Now servers depopulation, that's a whole other matter, that would be going off topic, and that's not only affecting arena, but overall other events.

The nutshell version i have to say to you is, dont be discouraged if u lose by a higher iniciative player, i've beaten people with pain teams, and cursed hidan team before, as i lost with people with beginner ninjas, arena is only about iniciative and team comp and bit of strats.
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On 2017-05-20 11:43:26Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-05-20 10:13:47
  • Im just gonna say this, and this is a fact btw...

    start building your refines, magatamas, and purifying runes, especially iniciative, but ofc you going to lose to people who have been playing this game longer than the recent servers, that's a fact, nothing you can do about it, and i think there's a limit threshold which servers you can be in a arena with, unless someone has proof that has been fighting let's say "player from server 2 vs players from server 120" ofc the older server player is most likely going to win, even if it is like that, you going to be discouraged by couple losses?

    Regarding new players, unless OASIS come clean with arena threshold on fighting among servers, new players shouldnt be even encouraged to do arena imo, why are they doing it, in the first place, beats me.

    Now servers depopulation, that's a whole other matter, that would be going off topic, and that's not only affecting arena, but overall other events.

    The nutshell version i have to say to you is, dont be discouraged if u lose by a higher iniciative player, i've beaten people with pain teams, and cursed hidan team before, as i lost with people with beginner ninjas, arena is only about iniciative and team comp and bit of strats.
Your not doing the break down. Now my words are merely for the assistance to aid those who have it unfair. So with that being said lets do the breakdown on stats.

a f2p player playing for 7 months straight will be "lucky" to reach all lvl 6 refines, hell all lvl 5 refines prob. Sound a bit unbelievable? Considering some weekly events sometimes are less then 30 max to purchase with points/currency. Soooo lets do a little math shall we. Lets say they were lucky to get !?!?!40 a week!?! Hmm 4 weeks, 160 a month, 7 months=1,120. That's doing all events&even if they used the free coupons for refining. Yeah....... "start building refines". You forgot the part "Start building refines *and check back into arena after about 9 months then you should be good to go" Magatamas don't really matter in arena? Purifying?
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On 2017-05-20 12:31:20Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-05-20 10:13:47
  • Im just gonna say this, and this is a fact btw...

    start building your refines, magatamas, and purifying runes, especially iniciative, but ofc you going to lose to people who have been playing this game longer than the recent servers, that's a fact, nothing you can do about it, and i think there's a limit threshold which servers you can be in a arena with, unless someone has proof that has been fighting let's say "player from server 2 vs players from server 120" ofc the older server player is most likely going to win, even if it is like that, you going to be discouraged by couple losses?

    Regarding new players, unless OASIS come clean with arena threshold on fighting among servers, new players shouldnt be even encouraged to do arena imo, why are they doing it, in the first place, beats me.

    Now servers depopulation, that's a whole other matter, that would be going off topic, and that's not only affecting arena, but overall other events.

    The nutshell version i have to say to you is, dont be discouraged if u lose by a higher iniciative player, i've beaten people with pain teams, and cursed hidan team before, as i lost with people with beginner ninjas, arena is only about iniciative and team comp and bit of strats.
I'm on server 236. At the start of this arena season, I asked my opponents what server they are from after reaching anbu. Most that answered are from double digit servers, with multiple from server 14. That's a pretty huge gap in terms of server age, and hence initiative.

I spend money and use resources in a very optimized manner; there are less than 100 players in this giant LA bracket with higher overall initiative than me. I have yet to meet a single opponent at kage+ who has lower initiative than me. If a player like me has no chance of ever winning initiative, what chance do newer players have? Saving refines ain't doing much when players on older servers are still gaining initiative. As hard as you try, you will never catch a much older f2p player without spending a huge amount of money on refines.

Reality is.. once your server goes cross-server; if you didn't reach 6 paths yet, you will never reach it short of spending a couple grand to make up for the server age difference.


What makes this current system even worse is that the total number of arena points are decreasing. More points are removed at the end of a season from ppl with seasons unlocked, than points being generated by season rewards and winning streaks. Since players who didn't reach 6 paths don't get a negative point reset; they just end up more and more negative, until they give up. This current system is inherently flawed and biased against players who never did reach 6 paths.
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