2017-05-20 11:43:26
Your not doing the break down. Now my words are merely for the assistance to aid those who have it unfair. So with that being said lets do the breakdown on stats.
a f2p player playing for 7 months straight will be "lucky" to reach all lvl 6 refines, hell all lvl 5 refines prob. Sound a bit unbelievable? Considering some weekly events sometimes are less then 30 max to purchase with points/currency. Soooo lets do a little math shall we. Lets say they were lucky to get !?!?!40 a week!?! Hmm 4 weeks, 160 a month, 7 months=1,120. That's doing all events&even if they used the free coupons for refining. Yeah....... "start building refines". You forgot the part "Start building refines *and check back into arena after about 9 months then you should be good to go" Magatamas don't really matter in arena? Purifying?
Then overall the flaw is in the system you say, what about decreasing the gap between servers that you get? it can be done, but nothing guarantees you that you will get a player around the same time your server opened, for all i know most servers have their whales, and it doesnt matter if your server is recent or not, when it comes to that, who you going to blame then?
at this stage of arena, most people use meta teams, that they use for dailies and gnw, doesnt matter, you still have plenty of time to build a decent team, and build up those refinements, it will come the time where u either fight someone around your iniciative, or a whale who spend big amounts of cash for this game, when late game comes, now? now doesnt matter much, cuz 90% of the time i fight in the arena, all i get is meta teams, sometimes i win, sometimes i lose.
P.S: Yes i did reach 6 path rank, was long journey but i did it. Now i dont care much cuz i've been there done that, no use it climbing the ladder now, with kage ninjas.