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[ Suggestions ] Chakra Consumption


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-04-18 12:38:40Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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This is just a thought, but shouldn't the Breeze Dancer's "Dance of Impetus" Mystery, and the Azure Fang's "Regerative Healing Jutsu" both cost -at least- 20 Chakra points? Considering "Dance of Impertus" resets the Mystery Cooldown for the other ninjas as well as remove all their debuffs; and "Regenerative Healing Jutsu" heals 25% of the team's life and also removes their debuffs; I don't see the problem with having them cost just 20 Chakra points in order to use. This post was last edited by DarkDremora at 2017-4-18 14:08
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On 2017-04-18 14:03:40Show this Author Only
Main char mystery is generally stronger than regular ninja counter parts.
Sakura have pretty much the same mystery as water main, except it heals more, thus to be consistent with above, the jutsu needs other perk, in this case 0 cost is the perk.

As for dance, you need to try and build an effective dance team in order to see its limitations. It's used for mutli/chain casting. For any other purpose, rasengan works just fine. And chakra management is very important for multi/chain casting, a chakra cost would be heavily detrimental. If you pay attention, you will see that almost every single wind team that uses dance have chakra generators, there is a reason for that. In any case, wind is currently one of the least used class, so it's probably on the weak side, there is no reason to nerf *ready disadvantaged class*. If there is ever a day for wind to be the OP class and need nerfing due to this skill, increasing cd might be the better option (or perhaps make debuff removal only remove 1-2 stack)

about wind being underused* according to S2-S12 LA space time battle point ranking there are:
0 wind in top 10
1 wind in top 30 (rank 20)
3 wind in top 50 (rank 20, 42, 48)
9 wind in top 100 (rank 20, 42, 48, 56, 78, 85, 89, 93, 94)
Note that I did not directly say this prove wind is weak, just that it is under used. Space time is by no mean a good indicator of PvP prowess, however it does roughly go in the order of power and this shows that of the top powered player, few player uses wind. This INFERS that wind is weak, does not prove it.

On a side note, water is slightly under represented in to 10 and 30, but becomes on par afterwards.
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On 2017-04-18 14:47:10Show this Author Only
Well with Azure Fang's "Regenerative Healing Jutsu", they're usually buffed up to where they can heal just as much, if not more, than a 4-5*Sakura's healing.

As for Breeze Dancer, "Dance of Impertus" is really only used in order to use Sage Naruto's "True Wind Style - Rasen Shuriken" 2 rounds in a row... Which is even more powerful since he's usually buffed up so much. And, even if Sage Naruto couldn't generate 20 extra Chakra points a round, he would still be able to use his Mystery 2 rounds in a row thanks to Breeze Dancer's "Dance of Impertus". And yes, there are measures to counter this, but it's extremely difficult to do so during Ranked and Space-Time battle since it's auto.

As for Breeze Dancer (and Azure Fang) being one of the least used classes, I have to disagree with that. In fact, I've seen Azure Fangs used more than any other class due to that cheap Mabui - GNW Tenten - Mei (or Darui) line-up.

I'm not saying that what their Mysteries do should be changed; just have them cost 20 measly Chakra points is all. That seems fair.
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On 2017-04-18 17:32:27Show this Author Only
The reason both mysteries are used do begin with is so that you can do more useful stuff with your other ninjas. the 0 cost is needed to compete with 2nd turn teams, like LB teams. The heal/debuff clean, by itself, does nothing. You HAVE to be able to follow-up. So what if I heal the damage/CC if I can't properly respond after that? Aggressive teams just won't care and deal the additional damage.
Any non-zero cost will force the player to choose between a support Mystery that does nothing to teh opponent or a sub-optimal Mystery (ex. Healing Chojuro does me no good if he won't be able to cast at the same round). This post was last edited by Mitrandir at 2017-4-18 17:36
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On 2017-04-18 19:08:34Show this Author Only
Except that during the 2nd round you'd have 40 Chakra points. Meaning that if one of your other 3 ninjas Mystery only consumes 20 Chakra points, then you'd be able to use that along with "Dance of Impertus" or "Regenerative Healing Jutsu". And if you have a ninja that gives extra Chakra points every round, you'd be able to use a Mystery that consumes 40 Chakra points along with them. So see, there's nothing wrong with those 2 Mysteries needing just 20 Chakra points.
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On 2017-04-19 00:56:47Show this Author Only
  • DarkDremora On 2017-04-18 19:08:34
  • Except that during the 2nd round you'd have 40 Chakra points. Meaning that if one of your other 3 ninjas Mystery only consumes 20 Chakra points, then you'd be able to use that along with "Dance of Impertus" or "Regenerative Healing Jutsu". And if you have a ninja that gives extra Chakra points every round, you'd be able to use a Mystery that consumes 40 Chakra points along with them. So see, there's nothing wrong with those 2 Mysteries needing just 20 Chakra points.
every main has a 0 chakra cost mystery, it wouldnt be fair to remove them from 2 of the mains.

just because you have chakra regen doesnt mean an extra 20 cost doesnt hurt your team, using s naruto, k gaara, WM, and bee is a decently common wind team right now, it can regen 65 chakra max a round between naruto and main, but if u only get 2 chases with ur main because u dont have a gold summon then ur down to 50 chakra gain for 70 max to start round 2 with. - 40 for naruto myst + 50 for chases and naruto regen means u have 80 left for gaara but u cant cast dance if it costs anything.

using dance when everything has a 1 turn cd would be a waste of a skill slot so less people would run it, right now its not op, so it should be left alone.

water mains myst is the same thing as sailor sakura myst, there is no reason for ur main to be weaker then another healer on ur team, mains should always be the best at what they do, earth best tank, water best heal, ect.

why do u even want to nerf peoples mysteries when the mystery itself isnt op? are u a lightning main that loses to these 2 other mains and u want to beat everything with ur auto team?
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On 2017-04-19 03:35:09Show this Author Only
  • DarkDremora On 2017-04-18 19:08:34
  • Except that during the 2nd round you'd have 40 Chakra points. Meaning that if one of your other 3 ninjas Mystery only consumes 20 Chakra points, then you'd be able to use that along with "Dance of Impertus" or "Regenerative Healing Jutsu". And if you have a ninja that gives extra Chakra points every round, you'd be able to use a Mystery that consumes 40 Chakra points along with them. So see, there's nothing wrong with those 2 Mysteries needing just 20 Chakra points.
Without chakra generator, what's the point of using a 20 chakra mystery, dance just so you c*e it again along with say a 40 chakra mystery next turn as opposed to using a 40 then either 40+20 or a 60?
Generally speaking, 2 40s and a 20 OR a 40 and a 60 is more powerful than 2 20s and a 40.
And if you are saying that it's beneficial as the 20 is in move 1 so you can have a move 1 init on round 2 and 3, I'll counter that wind main have rasengan that can do that too if placed in move 1, and 2x rasengan plus a 20 chakra mystery is probably stronger than 2 20s and a 40.

similar argument applies to cases where you do have chakra generator (on a side note, there is no such thing as a safe&reliable chakra generator, the fact that you are using one places you at some risk if you depend on it). I don't need to recast a "above-par-for-its-cost" jutsu a second time if I can cast a "par" jutsu next round and use the extra chakra to cast an extra jutsu (or higher cost one) to make up for it.

In any case, the point of the dance is to be able to cast lots of mysteries(that are good), reset and be able to cast them again either on that turn or the very next turn so that the reset actually MATTERS. If you cannot recast soon after, the reset is effectively wasted as the cd would have ticked down anyway. So chain/multi casting is absolutely essential to the effectiveness of dance, which chakra cost significantly negatively impacts (Especially in the current blitz meta. If the game actually have a 6-8 round meta such that chakra is more abundant, it's a different matter. But right now, the most important rounds are 1-3, where chakra is scarce, so every drop counts)

PS. like I said, water count was only slightly below par for top 30 only, thou frankly the reason that water setup is most memorable is because almost every water uses it, whereas there are far more variety for other mains (even lightning have an armor team and a RoW-Chidori team being most popular), so they aren't as frequent as you might think. You have also completely failed to respond to the fact that Breeze is the rarest main in higher rankings, which was the more important bit of that point. As it were, it's easy to find similar mystery to that of the water main's heal, so it's easier to rationalize why it is the way it is. Dance, however, is very unique and very hard to explain, so I had to pull the "wind don't need nerf" card on you by showing you that it is disadvantaged.
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On 2017-04-19 06:26:29Show this Author Only
The reason I only mentioned that Breeze Dancer's and Azure Fang's 0-Cost Chakra Mysteries should be 20 and not the other mains is because theirs effect the whole team, while the others only effect 1 ninja. And Midnight Blade doesn't even have a Mystery that doesn't cost Chakra as far as I know.

Honestly, I wouldn't find it that big a deal if it wasn't for Ranked and Space-Time battle where you can't really do anything to counter it efficiently. Basically making it where you need a good deal of higher power since most strategies will be noneffective while your team's on auto.

Also, my point with the whole: "You can still use 'Dance of Impertus' (or) 'Regenerative Healing Jutsu' with them costing 20 Chakra points and still use another ninja's Mystery that cost 20 Chakra points round 2" was more of an example/counter of someone saying that healing/restoring debuffs of a certain ninja is pointless if you can't use them to follow up with. When, if their Mystery only costs 20 Chakra points, you could.

P.S. I wasn't saying "nerf" Breeze Dancer or Azure Fang, as I didn't say their Mysteries needed to be changed. And I was also, more-or-less, just stating my opinion on the matter on the forums. I wasn't expecting anything to actually be done about it. :P This post was last edited by DarkDremora at 2017-4-19 08:04
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