Two part question in regards to new servers;
1.) How old does a new server have to be in order to see certain events? Example, I can't see the treasure key event even though I'm within the event's level requirement. Additionally I can't see the refinement packs for purchase in shop even though I've also met the level requirement(40) for those.
2.) In response to my previous thread about the nine tails event, that was closed without a response that felt as though it understood what I was getting at. The fox event literally ended 10 seconds after it began. I understand the fox health scaling with the server, but this event LITERALLY lasted 10 seconds, with less than half of the participating players even being able to inflict any damage. With this in mind, I'm asking;
- Is it meant to work like this, or is it a bug?
- If it's meant to, then should it? I know myself and several other players paid 30 coupons during the 10 minute interlude before the event began to deal more damage of course. The event ending immediately seems like an obvious bug, or just an oversight.
Thanks for your time