1. I understand the idea behind using coupons before ingots; But I personally like to save mine and if somthing comes around I'll put money in and use ingots.
So when making purchases on items can we maybe select if we want to use coupons or ingots? instead of it straight to coupons at times? Like to look at my coupons as a savings account in this game, since I have plans down the road. If not it's all fine and dandy.
2.Secondly about payments, is there a possibility to make one giant paymen instead of these small ones, say I want 30,000 Ingots. Instead of making 6 5k ingot transactions is there a possiblity of at the time of purchasing saying you want to make 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 etc etc of these 5k transactions. Just simple little things to help smoothen the process insetad of continually going back in and doing it in repetition. Always haelps saving my bank from calling every few months about all these microtransactions and putting a freeze on my account while grocery shopping and what not. lol