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[ Events ] Events - Jan 12


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-13 01:36:06Show this Author Only
  • Mass On 2017-01-13 01:20:10
  • I dislike that i cant private message someone if im using the hotspring, so i have to stay there motionless for 2 hours a day? hope u can rework that.
I have made a post in customer support on that. Here is the link:
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On 2017-01-13 04:22:18Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-01-13 00:45:49
  • no, she's in group shop, unless they put her on survival which i doubt, cuz it's so easy nowadays survival, and most high levels can sweep till 10th survival, so i dont see her being in survival, maybe one of the pains.
But what are we supposed to DO with survival coins?
I've all of the at 5 star, I've been buying lee for refinement, I have almost 80k stocked up.
I mean if they actually sold anything remotely useful like stamina pot in ALL the other shop, it would be different, but here we have cult runes, I have enough to max at least 40 ninjas(counting the 25 I have maxed), that's ridiculous.
And then BBQ, I have enough food to literally max level all my ninjas.
Am I supposed to ALSO buy kabuto or something for refinement? that's horrible....
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On 2017-01-13 04:29:50Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-12 16:15:55
  • You're rushing it? Might as well get to lvl 100 and release the next seals already too. Germany got their level cap increased 3-4 weeks after 2.0. So just wait children.
Not entirely sure rushing how when even ftp can cap.

Granted, i never really liked the fact that level cap is increased for all servers at the same time, because of newer servers it IS rushing it. But for older servers where ftp threaten to instant re-cap (should the extra exp be kept), it would be ridiculous (I suspect only around 400% exp is required if next cap is 90, going rest of the way with new missions shouldn't be hard)

They also announced ch.10 plot missions in 2.0, which is completely moot until cap increase, so I suspect it is in the works.

That said, despite being a capped ftp, I'm not eager for cap increase, for the sole reason of awakening mats. It takes days to farm out enough mats to max one, so... no hurry.... Give me another month and I'll have all my ranked/masuri/SA/fox ninja max awakened (currently at 17/28 max awaken, thou up to 5 of the 28 I might ditch and not worrying about them much)
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On 2017-01-13 08:42:03Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-12 17:50:55
  • There is no "Battle Armor Panic Buy" on our server! Server # 79 UK
Hi please do read the event detail carefully. thanks

8. "Battle Armor Panic Buy" event added! Time to upgrade your Battle Armor! Get materials for it at big discounts! The Ingots you spend upgrading your Battle Armor will be added up during the event, the more you spend, the more the high-value Gift Packs you can claim!
Event Period: Jan 16th – Jan 18th
Requirements: Players must have reached Level 43 in order to participate.
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On 2017-01-13 08:55:26Show this Author Only
Why is there a 2hr limit to the hot spring because i cant even get to 400 stamina in that time. You guy need to get rid of the timer because its * and make no sense.
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On 2017-01-13 09:34:29Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-13 08:55:26
  • Why is there a 2hr limit to the hot spring because i cant even get to 400 stamina in that time. You guy need to get rid of the timer because its * and make no sense.
if there is no timer in hotsprings then u can double ur stam regen a day as f2p meaning 880 stamina each day, thats too much, p2p would get 1320 stam, do u realy want to see that?

the 2hrs means u get a bit of extra stam and u get normal regen when the time is up
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On 2017-01-13 12:39:11Show this Author Only
  • denciomorales On 2017-01-13 08:42:03
  • Hi please do read the event detail carefully. thanks

    8. "Battle Armor Panic Buy" event added! Time to upgrade your Battle Armor! Get materials for it at big discounts! The Ingots you spend upgrading your Battle Armor will be added up during the event, the more you spend, the more the high-value Gift Packs you can claim!
    Event Period: Jan 16th – Jan 18th
    Requirements: Players must have reached Level 43 in order to participate.
Hey I dont mean to make you mad but when we are all complaining about these events and you dont even address our concerns how Yuusuke would say I understand I will pass it on to the team even if its a lie its reassuring to know we are being heard and you guys do care instead of just pretending like we arent complaining about the events
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On 2017-01-13 13:13:39Show this Author Only
  • Reflexblitz On 2017-01-13 12:39:11
  • Hey I dont mean to make you mad but when we are all complaining about these events and you dont even address our concerns how Yuusuke would say I understand I will pass it on to the team even if its a lie its reassuring to know we are being heard and you guys do care instead of just pretending like we arent complaining about the events

You might not be reading that carefully. Did i replied that on a undesirable manner? Please do read the reply carefully to. And for the record all post regarding issues on the events are always noted.
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On 2017-01-13 13:14:27Show this Author Only
  • Reflexblitz On 2017-01-13 12:39:11
  • Hey I dont mean to make you mad but when we are all complaining about these events and you dont even address our concerns how Yuusuke would say I understand I will pass it on to the team even if its a lie its reassuring to know we are being heard and you guys do care instead of just pretending like we arent complaining about the events
You complain too much dude
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On 2017-01-13 13:18:08Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2017-01-13 13:14:27
  • You complain too much dude
If it was just me i wouldnt say anything but when i dont know anyone on my server who is like yay this is just the events i wanted then i know that the events aren't what we hoped for
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On 2017-01-13 13:19:02Show this Author Only
Hi all,

Your concerns are carefully been reviewed and acknowledge. I am thankful on your responses regarding this matter. We are always looking into your responses and comments. But not as always that we can reply or say something out of it, we do have limitations as well. Thanks and GLHF.
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On 2017-01-13 13:21:45Show this Author Only
  • denciomorales On 2017-01-13 13:13:39
  • Hi,

    You might not be reading that carefully. Did i replied that on a undesirable manner? Please do read the reply carefully to. And for the record all post regarding issues on the events are always noted.
Not exactly just in regards to people saying these events aren't what we wanted I didnt see you acknowledge those comments like back in December when we complained and Yuusuke had said we understand your complaints i will pass these on to the team and then the following week we saw better events and that brought the community back in cause we felt like yeah we can impact the game when we aren't happy it was refreshing to know that we could actually see an improvment in events rather than just recording complaints without a change
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On 2017-01-13 13:22:51Show this Author Only
That post just became irrelevant but yeah something like that is appreciated alot more then just making it seem like you dont care that we say these events * appreciate it thank you :)
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-13 13:47:16Show this Author Only
How come theres an unannounced daily recharge rebate event?
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On 2017-01-13 13:57:36Show this Author Only
Reflexblitz I can understand you as high pay player I am also against most of the events and I've been bugging china to put BA event for 2nd hokage the one you upgrade the ranks not the discount buy -_- but well will see if they listen on side note. This is Their business so not like we can get op events all the time that said IMHO they could go with much smarter way of thinking but think about it this way this game is owned by Oasis in China they make all the rules all the GM's GL's mods devs and what not employees here must follow their rules so your complaining is like a child's whinging no matter what we do unless you have every single HIGH PAY PLATTER which is mostly ppl with real voting power to make them change minds as well as backing of all f2p players there won't be OP events that we want on side note if you want real good events how about this ALL OF YOU HERE vote now on this forum to tell them that We want Ingots spent recharge event + ba ranking upgrade event for 2nd hokage + lucky dice? + one more event to tie it all together in nice spending spree for p2p and f2p!? This post was last edited by IgorOh at 2017-1-13 14:04
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On 2017-01-13 14:00:15Show this Author Only

About daily recharge rebate event we will provide you all with brief information and details of that. Kindly please wait. For the rest of the complains, suggestion and opinions all has been noted by the team. Thanks.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2017-01-13 14:04:33Show this Author Only
If you look at it this way there are about total of 30 different events they can do right!? you say these events are * and I agree but did you say what events you want!? no, did you give reasonable explanation!? no did you give criticism that they need NO. all you did was whine whine whine look I agree that events are * I am not even going to recharge this week at all but that said what are the ppl like mods done to you!? can they decide what events will be on game!? NO it's not their responsibility even if they wanted do you think Demo-What/we his name is would choose this!? he is player like us and f2p at that I bet you think HE LOVES THESE EVENTS but you hating him and blaming him and what not is simply rude bully towards him. That said any organization will take notice of these things record them on their server and there report that will include all these!? YOU THINK that cause on forum they don't give a * they never ask for your opinion on game and make treport THAT IS WHAT GL"s ARE FOR they do daily report to show what players like and don't like you want to change game for better apply for their job and see for yourself!? can't get job with them Fine provide them VALUABLE CRITICISMS!
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On 2017-01-13 14:27:28Show this Author Only
I wish theyed have a recharge or a spending event during the same week they have lucky board
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On 2017-01-13 14:30:06Show this Author Only
They did that few weeks ago it's AWESOME! that is what I am currently talking to Oasis about ..... that said guys all you really need to do is put effort into it and you can change this game but saying" OH THESE EVENT ARE * GIVE US BETTER ONES" will not help you or them :D
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On 2017-01-13 14:30:23Show this Author Only
  • IgorOh On 2017-01-13 14:04:33
  • If you look at it this way there are about total of 30 different events they can do right!? you say these events are * and I agree but did you say what events you want!? no, did you give reasonable explanation!? no did you give criticism that they need NO. all you did was whine whine whine look I agree that events are * I am not even going to recharge this week at all but that said what are the ppl like mods done to you!? can they decide what events will be on game!? NO it's not their responsibility even if they wanted do you think Demo-What/we his name is would choose this!? he is player like us and f2p at that I bet you think HE LOVES THESE EVENTS but you hating him and blaming him and what not is simply rude bully towards him. That said any organization will take notice of these things record them on their server and there report that will include all these!? YOU THINK that cause on forum they don't give a * they never ask for your opinion on game and make treport THAT IS WHAT GL"s ARE FOR they do daily report to show what players like and don't like you want to change game for better apply for their job and see for yourself!? can't get job with them Fine provide them VALUABLE CRITICISMS!
its not about the events we want its about them danm replies.
Yuusuke was 10 times as a mod.
these straight copy paste answers are really annoying as hell and its feels like a automated answering machine.
now i know its not easy to type stuff all the time but atleast take time to read it and dont copy paste an answer and leave it like that.
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