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[ Events ] Events - Jan 12


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On 2017-01-13 22:16:08Show this Author Only
Daily Recharge.... Does it reset daily or does it ac*ulate?
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On 2017-01-13 22:59:50Show this Author Only
s50 here, havent seen a single person from other servers (aside from merged with us ones) and 1 fight i waited a couple of minutes
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On 2017-01-13 23:35:34Show this Author Only
I like how I recharged lastnight, then they drop the recharge rebate today, that pisses me off.
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On 2017-01-13 23:40:38Show this Author Only
Holy crap, I'm generally understanding about most of the developer decisions, but dropping an unannounced daily recharge rebate is ridiculous. People may not be sympathetic to the fact that I spent $100 yesterday, but I sure as hell would have waited until today to do so if I knew I was getting those rewards.
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On 2017-01-13 23:48:31Show this Author Only
  • denciomorales On 2017-01-13 18:04:09
  • Hi,

    It is daily. Please do wait for the official explanation and brief detail on this event.
whoah its daily?? meaning it will reset?? when is the official explanation due?
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On 2017-01-13 23:50:17Show this Author Only
  • UchihaShay On 2017-01-13 18:30:02
  • well i do agree most people have kabuto, rock lee and other ninjas already maxed out, but did u ever think, for one second, the possibility of the refinement fragments, a chance for u to get iruka frags (10 frags) at least? maybe OASIS is giving people a chance to have 2 star iruka to people who dont have him.

    Meanwhile if u dont want him, just stack ur survival points till new stuff comes out.
iruka frags with survival coins?? I dont see that in my server! and to Mod, I saw some server has new Group layout, mine is still the old one. s134 here.
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On 2017-01-13 23:51:32Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-01-13 19:01:22
  • Do you know that Yuu quitted (the * game not just as a mod) because of all the *storm she had been dealing with up in the forum? As a fellow player she wanted the same as us, but she still have to keep her attitude as a mod (I even tell he to get a clone if she wanna be salty). Sometime the event is bad and ofcourse she tell the dev team to make it better but as u know sometime they just dont listen. And every single day she has to deal with your raging salty kids in every topic, getting into personal cursing like a bunch of children. Dencio is a new mod, even completely new as a "News mod". Do you want him to eventually quit the game too?
I think Yuu didnt quit entirely, just as a forum moderator =) I think I saw her somewhere else.
P.S: Shes been a good Mod to the reasonable players needing clarifications.
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On 2017-01-13 23:58:10Show this Author Only
Hi all,

Again most of you are off topic.
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On 2017-01-14 00:02:00Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-13 23:40:38
  • Holy crap, I'm generally understanding about most of the developer decisions, but dropping an unannounced daily recharge rebate is ridiculous. People may not be sympathetic to the fact that I spent $100 yesterday, but I sure as hell would have waited until today to do so if I knew I was getting those rewards.
somewhere on the other side of the world, there are many happy people that RC rebate event is out, better than nothing. Yea u guys who have recharged before that are pissed thats normal, but as a whole community there are also winners out of this events (which to them are like surpriseeee). You could be on the other winning side too one day.

I hope the mods dont take too much on the negative sides, dont want another mod to give up on handling this forum's whining xD

At the same time I do agree, an advance announcement will be much better for a future improvement. Well I have also left home and only to return to collect something I forgot. It's a very normal human error, forgivable and not the end of the world to get pissed or whatsoever.
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On 2017-01-14 00:24:50Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-01-14 00:02:00
  • somewhere on the other side of the world, there are many happy people that RC rebate event is out, better than nothing. Yea u guys who have recharged before that are pissed thats normal, but as a whole community there are also winners out of this events (which to them are like surpriseeee). You could be on the other winning side too one day.

    I hope the mods dont take too much on the negative sides, dont want another mod to give up on handling this forum's whining xD

    At the same time I do agree, an advance announcement will be much better for a future improvement. Well I have also left home and only to return to collect something I forgot. It's a very normal human error, forgivable and not the end of the world to get pissed or whatsoever.
It's not about "winning" or losing as you put it, it's about not doing shady business practices. Also, it's not about what I've recharged before. It's about recharging a significant amount the day before an unannounced event, and not getting credit for it (all within the same event cycle). Considering that OAS has been transparent about every event they've run (by giving us info on it hours ahead of the weekly update), they have set the precedence of informing the player base.

Many spenders recharge on Thursday to immediately take advantage of the new events. Adding in an unannounced recharge event that gives (IMO) good rewards is very shady, especially considering the level of detail provided for every other event. This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-1-14 00:26 This post was last edited by 101***@facebook at 2017-1-14 00:26
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On 2017-01-14 00:44:01Show this Author Only
Could you maybe consider that it was fault of devs and not moderators !? did you notice that mods gave us time for that BA event and the dates were not starting thursday!? but event appeared on thursday!? we all saw it but then it changed!? Not saying it is good thing to do but I also wish to state that if you ever worked in large organization you would understand that department work as team and family but mistakes between departments happen all the time.... otherwise we would have perfect world......
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On 2017-01-14 00:46:02Show this Author Only
8. "Battle Armor Panic Buy" event added! Time to upgrade your Battle Armor! Get materials for it at big discounts! The Ingots you spend upgrading your Battle Armor will be added up during the event, the more you spend, the more the high-value Gift Packs you can claim!
Event Period: Jan 16th – Jan 18th
yet I saw it clearly on thursday popping up and showing not to mention if mods were never informed from devs or other departments about recharge events would they keep it secret!? one you should blame is never mods...
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On 2017-01-14 00:49:08Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-13 15:52:40
  • I'm not saying there shouldnt be a limit but giving us 2hr is crap cuz the best u can get is like 100 stamina with a jounin medal. They should have done it like if u are a f2p player your maxed for today is 250 and jounin medal is 400.
that would be worse for f2p than u realize, every1 currently gets 440 stam a day from normal regen, adding 250 would be too much thats 690 for f2p and if u give p2p 400 thats 840, people would be getting 5* iruka by summer with that much stam. currently jounin medal users get 40 bonus stam which is about 9% extra stam a day, i would say thats plenty extra.

your asking for 50-100% bonus stam a day
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On 2017-01-14 00:52:04Show this Author Only
Shadoblaze I totally I agree with you not to mention it would give pay palyer huge boost to EXP gain and sling shot em in lvl race far higher than f2p players. What I would like though is not to have need to afk in the bath for 2 hours :P
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On 2017-01-14 01:14:33Show this Author Only
  • IgorOh On 2017-01-14 00:44:01
  • Could you maybe consider that it was fault of devs and not moderators !? did you notice that mods gave us time for that BA event and the dates were not starting thursday!? but event appeared on thursday!? we all saw it but then it changed!? Not saying it is good thing to do but I also wish to state that if you ever worked in large organization you would understand that department work as team and family but mistakes between departments happen all the time.... otherwise we would have perfect world......
I'm not sure what your point is here. Where do I blame the mods? In fact, I specifically say that this on the developers.

You're also incorrect about the BA event, that has not appeared and will not until the 16th; the delay is completely acceptable because that was communicated. There have been many events that either start late or end early and do not last the entire week. What is unacceptable is to drop a "surprise" event that clearly screws over people who spent money. Idk about you, but I would have waited a day to recharge if I knew I was getting 7 seal scrolls plus other goodies.
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On 2017-01-14 01:22:55Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-14 01:14:33
  • I'm not sure what your point is here. Where do I blame the mods? In fact, I specifically say that this on the developers.

    You're also incorrect about the BA event, that has not appeared and will not until the 16th; the delay is completely acceptable because that was communicated. There have been many events that either start late or end early and do not last the entire week. What is unacceptable is to drop a "surprise" event that clearly screws over people who spent money. Idk about you, but I would have waited a day to recharge if I knew I was getting 7 seal scrolls plus other goodies.
This exactly.
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On 2017-01-14 01:26:20Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-01-13 23:50:17
  • iruka frags with survival coins?? I dont see that in my server! and to Mod, I saw some server has new Group layout, mine is still the old one. s134 here.
no, the frags u get from ninjas u have already at 5 stars, can be used for refine fragments, to exchange for points, and 10 iruka fragments, on ninja icon, then u go to train tab, there you see how many u can get.
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On 2017-01-14 01:28:20Show this Author Only
Hello Daisake-san,
First of all, this is not a complain. Just saying this as a feedback-

The un-announced recharge rebate in the middle of event week, this is not the first time this happened. Last time saw this in Nov 10 event news page, reported here:

You responded that it was unexpected and from next time it will be added to patch note.

Surely, its sounds a bit unfair to those who already recharged not knowing this rebate event coming, right?
If it was a mistake, would it be possible the give the due rewards to those who already recharged after the event news published, as compensation?
or, is it a very hard task to accomplish?

Just asking for this as a courtesy to your (by you, I mean game devs or those who are in charge of these events) customers, as a sign of good intention.:)

Thank you. This post was last edited by Sourav at 2017-1-13 22:29
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On 2017-01-14 01:32:53Show this Author Only
  • On 2017-01-14 01:14:33
  • I'm not sure what your point is here. Where do I blame the mods? In fact, I specifically say that this on the developers.

    You're also incorrect about the BA event, that has not appeared and will not until the 16th; the delay is completely acceptable because that was communicated. There have been many events that either start late or end early and do not last the entire week. What is unacceptable is to drop a "surprise" event that clearly screws over people who spent money. Idk about you, but I would have waited a day to recharge if I knew I was getting 7 seal scrolls plus other goodies.
Not going to say much, cuz im no spender, but i wouldnt be mad cuz of this, cuz if i was i wouldnt be spending on this week events, but hey it's just me thou, i have nothing to do on how you spend your money, but cmon, cuz OASIS screwed you over this, do people have always to point out without knowing what really happen for them to do this?
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On 2017-01-14 01:34:00Show this Author Only
  • Sourav On 2017-01-14 01:28:20
  • Hello Daisake-san,
    First of all, this is not a complain. Just saying this as a feedback-

    The un-announced recharge rebate in the middle of event week, this is not the first time this happened. Last time saw this in Nov 10 event news page, reported here:

    You responded that it was unexpected and from next time it will be added to patch note.

    Surely, its sounds a bit unfair to those who already recharged not knowing this rebate event coming, right?
    If it was a mistake, would it be possible the give the due rewards to those who already recharged after the event news published, as compensation?
    or, is it a very hard task to accomplish?

    Just asking for this as a courtesy to your (by you, I mean game devs or those who are in charge of these events) customers, as a sign of good intention.:)

    Thank you. This post was last edited by Sourav at 2017-1-13 22:29

Noted and we will forward this to the team in-charge. thanks.
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