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[ Events ] Events - Jan 12


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On 2017-01-13 14:34:06Show this Author Only
  • xetech On 2017-01-13 13:47:16
  • How come theres an unannounced daily recharge rebate event?
Because no one recharged and buy stuff I assume and they need to pay for the server cost and the people that is why..
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On 2017-01-13 14:54:18Show this Author Only
  • vizard58 On 2017-01-13 14:30:23
  • its not about the events we want its about them danm replies.
    Yuusuke was 10 times as a mod.
    these straight copy paste answers are really annoying as hell and its feels like a automated answering machine.
    now i know its not easy to type stuff all the time but atleast take time to read it and dont copy paste an answer and leave it like that.

I understand the point of views you are looking into. What i am noticing here is that you got too many issues regarding me replying each and every topic making this thread out of its topic. And lastly please read this again and check if your are still on the right track
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On 2017-01-13 15:28:25Show this Author Only
denciomorales posted at 2017-1-13 14:54

I understand the point of views you are looking into. What i am noticing here is that you got ...

Why refer to the rules im just stating that your answer could be better.
and yeah it wasnt totally on topic.
But please understand that these standard replies read and feel like we aren't heard.
also referring the the forum rules cuase you dont like the replies isnt good thing.
Iff you cant handle critisism and use it to make yourself better as a mod then my guess is some1 else should do the job.
And the events are * and its not cuase we need to recharge but its becuase the rewards almost never change.

things we need like mood scrolls and such almost never show up.
So maybe look into updating the rewards and remove items like Dango and common tread with something usefull
Also the ninja's from some event could use a update cuase we see them returning allot.

This post was last edited by vizard58 at 2017-1-13 15:29
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On 2017-01-13 15:52:40Show this Author Only
  • Shadoblaze On 2017-01-13 09:34:29
  • if there is no timer in hotsprings then u can double ur stam regen a day as f2p meaning 880 stamina each day, thats too much, p2p would get 1320 stam, do u realy want to see that?

    the 2hrs means u get a bit of extra stam and u get normal regen when the time is up
I'm not saying there shouldnt be a limit but giving us 2hr is crap cuz the best u can get is like 100 stamina with a jounin medal. They should have done it like if u are a f2p player your maxed for today is 250 and jounin medal is 400.
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On 2017-01-13 16:27:39Show this Author Only
  • vizard58 On 2017-01-13 14:30:23
  • its not about the events we want its about them danm replies.
    Yuusuke was 10 times as a mod.
    these straight copy paste answers are really annoying as hell and its feels like a automated answering machine.
    now i know its not easy to type stuff all the time but atleast take time to read it and dont copy paste an answer and leave it like that.
I'm sorry, but reading this confuses me...

its not about the events we want its about them danm replies.
Yuusuke was 10 times as a mod.
these straight copy paste answers are really annoying as hell and its feels like a automated answering machine.

All I get out of this is judging someone for their individuality on how they respond.
Wanting them to sound like another mod would be implying they should copy/paste their responses out of that mod's notebook.

now i know its not easy to type stuff all the time but atleast take time to read it and dont copy paste an answer and leave it like that.

I wouldn't even blame them for using pre-determined responses to copy/paste at this point. They need to manage more than one thread on the entire forum, can you really blame them if their response seems off?

All in all though, cut them some slack guys. Mods do not determine what goes on in the game, they are just the middle man who goes back and forth, gathering/delivering information.
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On 2017-01-13 17:08:23Show this Author Only
Sorry Mod,

Is this daily recharge event or ac*ulated recharge event? It has both description written, so it is very confusing
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On 2017-01-13 18:04:09Show this Author Only
  • Clazsic On 2017-01-13 17:08:23
  • Sorry Mod,

    Is this daily recharge event or ac*ulated recharge event? It has both description written, so it is very confusing

It is daily. Please do wait for the official explanation and brief detail on this event.
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On 2017-01-13 18:30:02Show this Author Only
  • PraiseLuka On 2017-01-13 04:22:18
  • But what are we supposed to DO with survival coins?
    I've all of the at 5 star, I've been buying lee for refinement, I have almost 80k stocked up.
    I mean if they actually sold anything remotely useful like stamina pot in ALL the other shop, it would be different, but here we have cult runes, I have enough to max at least 40 ninjas(counting the 25 I have maxed), that's ridiculous.
    And then BBQ, I have enough food to literally max level all my ninjas.
    Am I supposed to ALSO buy kabuto or something for refinement? that's horrible....
well i do agree most people have kabuto, rock lee and other ninjas already maxed out, but did u ever think, for one second, the possibility of the refinement fragments, a chance for u to get iruka frags (10 frags) at least? maybe OASIS is giving people a chance to have 2 star iruka to people who dont have him.

Meanwhile if u dont want him, just stack ur survival points till new stuff comes out.
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On 2017-01-13 18:41:40Show this Author Only
Are there really people who recharge 100 dollars daily or even on just one day? The fact that this event can even exist at all is worrying.
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On 2017-01-13 19:01:22Show this Author Only
Do you know that Yuu quitted (the * game not just as a mod) because of all the *storm she had been dealing with up in the forum? As a fellow player she wanted the same as us, but she still have to keep her attitude as a mod (I even tell he to get a clone if she wanna be salty). Sometime the event is bad and ofcourse she tell the dev team to make it better but as u know sometime they just dont listen. And every single day she has to deal with your raging salty kids in every topic, getting into personal cursing like a bunch of children. Dencio is a new mod, even completely new as a "News mod". Do you want him to eventually quit the game too?
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On 2017-01-13 19:32:17Show this Author Only
Pretty sure cross server matsuri is not working, unless no1 was queueing from my crossed servers so i had wait 4 minutes to fight someone from my own server This post was last edited by xetech at 2017-1-13 19:33
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On 2017-01-13 19:39:08Show this Author Only
All crossing thingies you guys said are completely not working ;P Better test it before released it. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2017-1-13 18:50
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On 2017-01-13 19:57:21Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2017-01-13 19:39:08
  • All crossing thingies you guys said are completely not working ;P Better test it before released it. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2017-1-13 18:50

thanks for letting us know. this is noted. thanks again
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On 2017-01-13 19:58:21Show this Author Only
  • xetech On 2017-01-13 19:32:17
  • Pretty sure cross server matsuri is not working, unless no1 was queueing from my crossed servers so i had wait 4 minutes to fight someone from my own server This post was last edited by xetech at 2017-1-13 19:33

thank you too for giving a quick feedback about this. we are noting this too.
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On 2017-01-13 19:59:08Show this Author Only
  • RyoheiYagyuu On 2017-01-13 19:01:22
  • Do you know that Yuu quitted (the * game not just as a mod) because of all the *storm she had been dealing with up in the forum? As a fellow player she wanted the same as us, but she still have to keep her attitude as a mod (I even tell he to get a clone if she wanna be salty). Sometime the event is bad and ofcourse she tell the dev team to make it better but as u know sometime they just dont listen. And every single day she has to deal with your raging salty kids in every topic, getting into personal cursing like a bunch of children. Dencio is a new mod, even completely new as a "News mod". Do you want him to eventually quit the game too?
welcome to naruto online community...

but i do understand being a mod aint easy, Yuusuke probably knew that from the beginning, as far as i know the developing team is doing their thing, which saddens me a bit, but community doesnt need to lash out on mods, they are just messengers, the bridge between us and the dev team, so here on out, i hope the community has some common sense, before putting words of rage out.
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On 2017-01-13 20:03:48Show this Author Only
  • vizard58 On 2017-01-13 14:30:23
  • its not about the events we want its about them danm replies.
    Yuusuke was 10 times as a mod.
    these straight copy paste answers are really annoying as hell and its feels like a automated answering machine.
    now i know its not easy to type stuff all the time but atleast take time to read it and dont copy paste an answer and leave it like that.
Hey there !

You are more then welcome to contact me if you are experiencing any problems or you have some questions and you can't find answer on forum. I will gladly answer your questions and concers.
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On 2017-01-13 20:08:29Show this Author Only
  • Kouka On 2017-01-13 19:39:08
  • All crossing thingies you guys said are completely not working ;P Better test it before released it. This post was last edited by Kouka at 2017-1-13 18:50
May I ask on what server are you playing ?
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On 2017-01-13 20:11:26Show this Author Only
Can we have explain for the recharge rebate?
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On 2017-01-13 20:46:28Show this Author Only
  • Daiske On 2017-01-13 20:08:29
  • May I ask on what server are you playing ?
I'm playing on s86 HK
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On 2017-01-13 21:44:38Show this Author Only
Whats with the unannounced Recharge Event? I spend 60 not knowing there was a rebate....
This post was last edited by KidSnipez The Uchiha at 2017-1-13 21:58
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