2017-01-13 18:15:59
Hello and thank you for asking these questions and apologies for my late response!
I will answer all of them to the best of my ability!
1. Many of the ninjas that give shield at the start of combat got a change in 2.0 and they now give a shield based on the targets base resistance, meaning if my Konan is shielding my Tendo the Tendo's base resistance is what decides the shield!
base resistance is dependant on your lvl and cultivation meaning it will not increase by your gear/eight inner gates etc.
2. Im afraid this is not something i know the answer off, i will test it and come back to you regarding it.
3. I can not answer you when new functions gets added ingame, sorry.
4. Hinata and Neji's evasion is a set % it will not increase due to stats.
5. You should always focus on maxing your core stats as much as possible first, which would be Nin/Atk/Res/Def/Life/Initiative/Crit/Combo. Im unsure what your question is if you need more details please post again.
6. Yes only one barrier can exist on the field at any given time. When it comes to startup barriers you are correct whoever has the highest total initiative will have his barrier up last. Identical characters can benefit from the same barrier if they have a special effect on it, for example two kazekage gaara's will both shield if that barrier is up, two meis will both poison if its up and two first hokage's will both immobilize before action.
7. The initiative in Arena/Survival/Matsuri is calculated the same way as normally however if you are not using the same characters the gear is very likely to be scrambled. Now that we have 3 teams you can setup you can fix the gear in one of those before you go into combat in one of those modes!
Hope this helps you i think i covered everything.
Thanks I think you have covered almost everything.
Let me clarify my question on going for increasing ATT stats or TAI *ion.
Since both somehow adds damage when using TAI-based attack, how should I consider increasing TAI *ion? Does it mean that going all out on ATTACK will give me a better return over maximizing TAI *ion Stats? I had the idea that when my ATT is somehow very high already, I need to add TAI *ion in order to avoid diminishing return or value if I kept on adding ATT without putting my attention to TAI *ion. Thus my question and dilema over going to invest more to boost my already high ATT or start pumping TAI *ion Stats.
On Hinata, when she uses the skill, often that against same level or higher level, I can never succesfully do my sstandard attack, however against lower levels Hinata, this is very much easier, more chances to *e. Thus why I am asking, what other factors are influencing my attack success rate on HInata with her skill activated.
Lastly, on the shield given based on base resistance. You mentioned cultivation will affect base stats, how about Mood?
Another side question, a mystery or standard attack (that deals damage) often has NIN/TAI beside it which indicate it uses NIN stats and TAI (att) stats to derive its damage, am I correct. Is this 50% NIN and 50% TAI? While skills that only has TAI beside it will mean it rely only on Att stats? Are the % always 50:50 when there is both NIN and TAI beside its description?
Thank you for the clarifications. This is very helpful in understanding the game mechanism deeper.