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2017-07-24 19:41:16
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2019-06-22 11:37:51
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2017-07-24 21:39:04
Harassment gone a bit too far
hey there. I'm from FireLotus and we don't really condone this either. We're not even sure if it was from our group, but I have to accept the fact that is a strong possibility. And in any case, I kinda have a problem with you guys playing the victim here, since most of the time is you guys who start talking smack, we ignore you most of the time but some people are bound to talk back. Regardless of that, you're jumping the gun saying it was SoyJessie who did this. I know it wasn't the case. We are trying to find out who it was (if it was indeed someone from our group) and we'll try to deal with this today. Just don't accuse people like that. This post was last edited by dar*** at 2017-2-25 07:20
Bugs & Support
2023-12-12 00:57:15
Server Merge Request – Week Feb 13th
1. Server ID: S205 Water Dragon2. Server Region: LA3. Server Age: Estimated 3+ (opened in late november)4. Sage Battlefield: Most weeks 1 out of 3 completed. A couple of times we have done 2 out of 3 but not enough to matter. I remember at least one week when we didn't get to do it at all.5. Time taken to kill World Boss: Not entirely sure, probably about 10 minutes+6. No. of group participating in Great Ninja War: 3 groups. but there is almost no competition anymore. 7. Average Power Rank of Top 5, Top 10, Top 20 : AVG Top 5 : 34k, AVG top 10 : 30K, AVG Top 20 : 27kThe server feel kind of dead sometimes. GNW has yield almost the same results for the past month. Winner is always the same group bcause of the active players. Which are not that many anyway. Some of the players who have been playing since the first couple of weeks of the server are now playing less or have just quit the game because of this. Oh yeah, I forgot to add that the top 2 players are way above the rest of the server, so they kind of bring the average up a bit. Top player is around 40k and the 2nd one is around 37-38k. Then we drop down to 3rd and 3th with 32k. and then below 30k all the rest. This post was last edited by dar*** at 2017-2-20 09:13
2017-07-24 21:37:20
[Player Guide]
Guide to get the higher power for new players FREE 2 Play style.
They got rid of those bounty missions with the 2.0 patch and replaced them with Weekly missions. They were given by an Anbu guy (where kakashi's npc of the diary is right now) and it gave you some missions from D to S rank (the higher the rank the better the exp). Missions were like, fighting Gaara, konohomaru, Jiraiya, some rikishi guys or things like strenghen, refine, buy magatamas from shop, etc.They gave some decent exp for low levels. They weren't that good as you level up though, because they didn't scale.
2017-07-24 21:30:57
[Player Guide]
Guide to get the higher power for new players FREE 2 Play style.
ah, thanks, I'll check what I'm missing most right now. I think mood scrolls is where i'm lacking. I usually get refine materials from events (if there's nothing else that's better). I don't really bother with ninjas because I would only get a couple fragments out of the 80 needed instead of something that would be helpful right away. Oh, and by Bounty missions I meant the one that was replaced by Weekly missions in Kakashi's book. Sometimes you would get a mission that said "buy magatamas from the shop", and I would do it if it was an S mission. I bought some level 2 magatamas like that (at the time I had some mostly lvl 2magatamas and some level 1, so they helped me get to lvl 3).
2017-07-24 21:30:57
[Player Guide]
Guide to get the higher power for new players FREE 2 Play style.
Hey there. What would you recommend spending coupons on?I used to buy some magatamas for the bounty missions sake before, but I've been saving them up right now. Last thing I used coupons on was to get Iruka.
2017-07-24 21:30:57
Hidan and Lightning main
emm I'm currently trying out Kurenai and Hinata. It lacks a bit of dmg though. You could swtich kurenai for Karin too. Neji and guy with could work too but that's too much taijutsu. You have to experiment and see what kind of formation you c*e.http://* usually put my formations in there to check the combos, if they work well or not (sometimes you can get a 9 combo but only with one initiator, the rest woulb be 6 or something)Tobi was a good option before the nerf sadly.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:20:32
Server Merge Updates – Dec 20th
Something similar happens in our sever, 205 (LA). Only 3 groups participate in War. There are still people to do some convoys and plunder but it's still really difficult. We've failed to get the minimum people for Sage Battlefield about 3 times at least. I don't really know ho it compares to other server, I'm guessing older servers may be in a worse situation, but I still wanted to mentioned it because I don't see the server getting better overtime, quite the contrary I believe.
2017-07-24 21:15:51