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2017-07-24 19:45:16
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2017-07-24 21:28:37
Difficult SA (Hanzo) ALL AUTO only for water main
This team works really well, thanks! I always hated this SA and completely skipped it all together, but now I can finally do it easy without having to worry about missing out on the rewards. Thanks again!
2017-12-06 21:10:06
Jigokudo or Sailor Sakura
In a team like that, I personally think Jigokudo is better, but Sailor Sakura would still be worth getting. She's still good for ranked, ST, a future team, etc. If you ever decide to go Water Main, she's one of the best choices. And don't waste your time going for a team like that, not enough damage, and the chases would be super weird, if you even had any. The only kind of team I could think of would be Water Main, Jigokudo, Sailor Sakura, and another ninja of your choosing. The best way to go about that team would be to use poison tai and make it an ignite/poison team. GNW Kank might work.
2017-07-24 21:16:13
Need help with line up(Azure Fang)
Ah, you're right, Sailor Sakura's standard attack completely slipped my mind there. Either way you would be good. The water clone jutsu will accupuncture and for sure give you a chase as long as it hits a ninja that can be chased. However, I would go with the Poison Tai, as that's what I used in my old water main build. My original thought was also that the clone would soak up some damage, but of course, that's what Sai is partially there to do. And those summons should work. The summon you should use is the Illusion crow. So your chase would go: Water Main Knockdown, Sai Repulse, Sakura High Float, Water Main Low Float (from summon), Water Main Repulse (from chase), and then Haku Low Float.Another way it could go from Sai causing High Float with his clones is: Sai high Float, Water Main Low Float (with summon), Water main repulse (with chase), and then Sakura High Float. The second way won't get you as many floats, but something is better than nothing, and you should more often than not be getting floats started a different way anyway.
2017-07-24 21:15:12
[Ranked Battles]
halp pls
I would go Deidara, Earth Main, TenTen, and, as crazy as it may sound, Karin. I don't know if you really don't have more ninja than that, or if that's all you're willing to use, but a suggestion if you can get him would be Yamato. He buffs Earth Main like crazy and would work well with him and Deidara. Here's the idea of the team:-Earth Main: He's gonna buff your ninja with over half health at a significant amount, never scoff at extra damage. That's also where his mystery and passive come in handy. Extra hits for extra damage is never a bad thing, and that means triggering Deidara , TenTen and Karin easier. -TenTen: She boosts the crit rate for 2 turns, boosting your damage by a whole lot, and also has a combo chase, so that's extra damage right there.-Deidara: I don't know if the igniting every turn does damage, but he does at least 3 hits at least with his combo if I remember correctly, but regardless, helps your combos go off easier. And an amazing skill of his, every time he deals ninjutsu damage, he boosts his ninjutsu damage output. This is gonna be great, especially if he gets hit by the Earth main passive, it has the potential to boost twice a turn. And that 10 combo chase tho.-Karin: Alright, this is where you might laugh at me, but hear me out. Since you don't have shields, you will need a healer so you can keep Earth mains buff easier. Also, her chase is nothing to scoff at. Fire elemental damage is dealt, so you don't just have useless poison going out. I only know this because the top nine tails player on our server actually told us this. Not his first choice, but she works in a pinch or in a situation where you dont have Iruka. The overall idea of this team: Buffs mixed with a lot of high combo. I'd personally use TonTon as a summon, because he's what I use. I might be paranoid but I heard from one of our old top Nine Tails players it's a better summon since it targets one single enemy instead of spreading it out to multiple like Chameleon.
2017-07-24 21:14:59
Need help with line up(Azure Fang)
Also, as a response to your other question, Kimimaro is definetely worth farming up, as I've heard even in the late game he's a great ninja, and at this point I can tell you it's true, he's on my main team right now, I'm working on getting him 5*. As for Hinata, she's always useful, She doesn't become as useful in the late game, but she still has her uses. Soaking up hits and an accupuncture in the chase can never do you wrong!
2017-07-24 21:15:12
Need help with line up(Azure Fang)
Could we maybe get some summons? I could help you a lot better if I knew what kind of chases could go on. :)Other than that, I'd suggest definetely having Water Main, Sailor Sakura, and possibly Sai and Haku. The other commentor said it best tho, save up your seal scrolls until you hit level 70. A lot of those ninja outdo Sage Naruto, at least in my opinion. Ao would be an amazing addition to a water main team. Skills for water main would be: Water Shark Bomb as a mystery, healing as a standard attack, Neurotoxin, Water Clone Jutsu for now, and as a chase, I would either go with the Knockdown to High Float with the monkey summon, or the low float to repulse if you choose Haku as well. So my idea for the team would be something like this placement wise (replace Lightning Main with Water Main :p.)
2017-07-24 21:15:12
Onoki lineups?
Here is a team from someone in my group. I don't know if you have all of these ninja or the summon, but you could probably sub in the purple frog summon.It works super well. That Tobi chase absolutely kills it. Konan buff mixed with the Onoki buff is too good. Only thing you technically have to worry about is healing, but it deals damage so fast you don't have to worry too much about it, and you can get rid of debuffs with Fire Main's Death Mirage ability. Hope this helped!
2017-07-24 22:02:49
Still on the high risk list.
What is the high risk list? Is this why I can't recharge?
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2017-07-24 22:01:23