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2017-09-10 03:08:59
[Forum Mini Event] Continue the story!
server: MANDA II / S-654 name: FUJII uid: 200000102050635 In konohagakure, where everything is way too modern and peaceful, a new villain appeared. His name was Kawaki. an old friend of boruto. and of course, the village is now destroyed once again thanks to him. The people that died were the one who unable to escape, or, died while protecting the villager. the people who were able to escape are, boruto, sarada, mitsuki, himawari, sasuke, sakura, hinata, and the seventh, Naruto. Naruto, standing there in silence, full of anger then spoke. Saying, kid, even though you’re still young, you’ve killed the people of my village. An old man, woman, children, and on top of that, YOU DARE HURT MY PRECIOUS FAMILY AND FRIEND'S!!!! NOW YOU’RE DONE FOR KID!!! Boruto who saw everything then muttered ……..i’ve never seen dad this angry before…….. while defending from every attack Naruto did, kawaki then think, just like what I though….. the seventh really are strong… but I’m sure he is weaker then when he is younger…. Then he said, is this really how strong you really are?? Just like I thought you aren’t even that strong. Then sasuke intervened and said, see just like what I tell you. You really are getting old Naruto. Naruto then said, *h! You aren’t even that young!! He pouted. Then sasuke said, after giggling a bit. Did you calm down usuratonkachi? Naruto, realized that sasuke were trying to calm him down then said, ………. Uhm, I did… thanks…. Sasuke. Then sakura said, well then, let’s teach this * a lesson for destroying our village!!! Yeah said Naruto while activating his sage mode. Then while they were about to fight, boruto intervened by saying, Don’t!!! he is my friend!! Sarada also said yes, he is right. Kawaka iss our friend! While mitsuki and himawari didn’t say anything. Naruto then replied to what boruto said with, boruto!!! He is an enemy! He killed soo many innocent people!! Boruto then said, I-I know but he is still my friend!! Sasuke then said, let he do it, it his friend. Then Naruto said but!! aren’t I also used to be an enemy too? Aren’t I also used to kill many innocent lives?? Naruto then said nothing. Don’t know what to said. Then, hinata also convinced him to let boruto do it by saying, let him do it, believe in him like how you believe in yourself that bring back sasuke-san. Yeah, beside, he has sarada, himawari and mitsuki to help him. Said sakura. Naruto then said ………. Yeah, you’re right……… then he, heading to boruto with a smile said well then, I’ll let you go and punish your friend. I’ll go and fight those ootsutsuki * in the other dimension. I’ll leave everything here in your care. Also take care of your sister. Boruto replied with a smile, I get it-I get it. Just go already. Naruto laughed a bit then said, well then, take care. Boruto replied okay!!! They parted with a fist bump. Then right after his dad went to the other dimension, leaving him, sarada. Mitsuki, and himawari behind, boruto said, well then kawaki, sorry to make you wait, but let’s end it here and now. Kawaki then replied with more fight less talk. While running to Boruto and the other. Boruto then said well then bring it on!!! While sarada and himawari getting ready leaving mitsuki with a smile on his face. -the end?- [while in the middle of the night idea intend to get to my mind]
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2017-09-20 19:52:10
[Forum Mini Event] Continue the story!
iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee nnnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiddddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! -just commenting this for activation code since i have no idea what stories to write.
General Discussion
2017-09-20 19:52:10