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Yato S63
Yato S63
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Topics 0 |Posts 18
2017-07-24 19:15:16
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2022-11-02 15:39:01
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2017-07-24 21:48:40
Sasuke Susanoo Compensation?
I'm just sad in general atm, and disappointed. A lot disappointed.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:48:47
Multiboxing and Sage world
Just for a bit of info from a former Mod on a different game and company, something doesn't have to be in the ToS for a Mod to ban you for it, there are plenty of "unwritten rules" and such that exist to keep things running smoothly.The issues stem when people start demanding everything be in the ToS, which is why 99% of ToS has something like this in it "Engaging in cheating or any other activity that OASIS deems to be in conflict with the spirit of OASIS." which basically means that they're allowing Mods and staff to interpret actions as reprehensible without the need to spell it out.Also telling people that Mods can be ignored is not smart, especially if you're trying to find way around the rules.This is just my opinion and my advice though so take it or leave it I guess.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:36:26
Arena isn't pairing me up with opponents anymore
Nobody does ranked because 2.0 made it so that you only get paired up with players of the SAME rank as you in ranked queue. And because 2.0 didn't reset the ranks almost nobody can fight anyone else in ranked due to the fact that barely anybody is the same rank, and those that are don't do it because they're scared of losing their rank and not being able to find anyone to fight to get it back.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:28:42
No Sage World Due To Group Protest
I agree and yet disagree (lol) if (like in most cases on most servers) a group is several hundred thousand power ahead of yours and you somehow manage to stop them from growing in power but at the cost of your own group from growing as well, then you change nothing, except to just keep all groups in a semi frozen state, the gap is never being closed because no gains are made and none are lost.Top players are usually the top players because of A: They are heavy p2w, which means not doing sage won't effect them much anyways. or B: They know a lot about the game, which means they'll simply find a way around the loss of Sage.So I disagree on it being an optimal choice for the reasons above, it's a spiteful tactic that harms all sides including those not in the group choosing to do it, they aren't just hurting the "top" group but they're also hurting every other active player on the server outside their group.If there are any active players on that server then EVENTUALLY (lol) it will get merged it just takes time, I say active players because the players themselves have to request for a merger to happen, before they will get considered.But I do agree that if their ONLY goal is to be spiteful and screw everyone involved over...then yes it's an optimal choice. I myself would have nothing to do with a group like that, who puts their own feelings above everyone else on the server.Also if only one group applies then I would assume it's a default victory, just like if only 2 apply, they go straight to the finals, and groups avoiding GNW is one of the dumbest things to do as well, since as long as there are 8 or less groups even if you don't win in GNW you still get something for your group, you just have to show up.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:29:41
Sage Naruto teams?
You're welcome, I figured you would have all of these available as they're quite easy to get with coupons, and Sage Naruto is the most difficult and you already have him.The good thing is even though he's a bit odd to build teams around, he's solid and can be used for a long time.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:28:34
Sage Naruto teams?
I haven't lost yet, lightning teams give me the most problems usually double leech Guy and Anbu tact teams, but aside from that I tend to handle everything fairly easily. (Strongest power on my server) I enjoy the multiple "nukes" being available and the option to use Tenten round 2 is nice or c*e both naruto and main's attacks round 2 if you want to.I'm trying out the Fire Style Bomb Blast standard at the moment and I like it so far, adds ignite to the team to help deal with pesky healing teams.Can't say about the others except maybe the Ninjutsu Urge talent, just to give the team heals, but whether or not it's worth sacrificing the Genjutsu-Mirror Return is debatable I suppose.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:28:34
Sage Naruto teams?
Dog Of Hell works best but Bull or Rhino will get the job done if you don't have him yet.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:28:34
No Sage World Due To Group Protest
Every event in this game gets a prize of some sort whether you get the "top" spot or not. Avoiding doing any event on purpose is never going to make you stronger and it will not close the gap between you and players already stronger than you.So them keeping Sage from running isn't helping them, cause even if they lose they still get something to help them grow, it's like people avoiding 9tails just because they don't get top 10...You still get a prize just for hitting him once and not showing up just makes you weaker in the long run.My point is, it's not smart to avoid events or purposefully deny the server the option to do events. Unless you spend money at some point or another OR your server is seriously dead you will never be the top at anything, that's just how these games work, being mad about it and throwing a protest or boycotting an event isn't going to change those facts, it will not make your enemies weaker or you stronger it just delays the inevitable and denies the obvious.Even Matsuri gives you a prize just for fighting x number of matches (I can't remember how many) but the point still stands that avoiding an event will not help you get better and it only slows the progress of the players who already have an obviously large gap in power between each other.I don't support the group doing the protest as it's just spiteful and has no tactful reason behind it other than for the sole reason to be spiteful, not doing SS is fine with me because that's not a server wide event, but Sage is a server wide event and it hurts the server as a whole not to do it.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:29:41
No Sage World Due To Group Protest
I don't agree with "boycotting" Sage, because of the obvious fact that if your server ever gets merged your whole server will be weaker, not just the "Top Power" group.Avoiding SS convoy is pretty normal because they lose half of the 1 time offer of 30 coupons, not to mention the group contributions lost. So I see nothing wrong with them avoiding SS convoy's and I actually hate the current convoy plunder system and I'm the top player on my server. For the plunderer to have the chance to get 150 coupons for 3 SS plunders while convoy has only the chance to do 1 FREE SS convoy with only the chance to make 30 coupons and after that they have to PAY to do another SS? Very obvious what anyone who wants power and wants to grow fast is going to choose to do.My server has the top powers in it, the top 3 players along with a lot of the top 10 etc. Before we get criticized to be clear we ALL worked to get up there, and the top spender on the server who dwarfs the the 2nd top spender and myself by several hundred $ easily, is barely top 10 if that and is not in our group. Our group got our power because we share information and tips with each other and demand that everyone work together or they get the boot, We don't have any massive p2w players and most of our top players are f2p even myself I only spent $140 and that was at server opening, haven't spent since which was 25th of dec. We even try to help the players outside our group to grow because we know the value in having a strong server as a whole instead of 1 strong group with several weak ones, but most end up hating us anyways because we dominate Sage and GNW and Matsuri, though the other 2 groups tend to always win 9tails because none of us care to spend coupons on it while they'll spend 40+ coupons just to get the chance to get 60 back...Sage is a free for all for us though one of our members always ends up winning but with only around 13 streak because after whoever it is gets a large enough lead they usually just stop fighting to let others fight it out and get points.My group dominates because we help each other grow unlike 90% of the other groups who are almost always thinking about just themselves individually, and so we get blamed and flamed at every GNW as they all demand we split apart, which we actually attempted and asked them to join our other half and make a good rival of two good groups till server merge where we would all join the main group and be a solid group for our server, BUT they didn't want that (because they're selfish) and instead wanted us to just break apart and join them and their bad leadership groups.Needless to say I understand where the "weaker" group is coming from BUT if they're actively working against you, and by extension against the server as a whole, just because they aren't working together or making an attempt to get better at the game, then treat them as an enemy of the server and give an order to hit every S convoy they do, and dominate GNW, and don't help them with TI or SA or wanteds, and hit every sealed ninja etc till they get over their attitude and realize the game isn't fair and if they want to be good they need to work together and learn together and be good together instead of childishly hurting the server as a whole. And request a server merge and tell the server that your server will be merged eventually and unless they want to get destroyed by another server they need to get on board with making the server stronger as a whole or get out of the way, smart players will realize this and work at making the whole server stronger, and the dumb ones or stubborn ones will get left behind.Hope this is helpful and not taken the wrong way.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:29:41
Hidden Cloud Village
Took me a sec but I found it, and it's my new hangout.
General Discussion
2017-07-24 21:25:37