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2018-10-30 05:46:19
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2021-09-03 05:35:43
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2021-07-20 11:47:06
Server Merge Requests - Week of July 6th
Grow up? Excuse you? Do you have any idea how many people spend upwards of a thousand on this game? Upwards of two thousand? We deserve to be able to play this game in peace,and enjoy said game in peace. But we cant because you and people like you *just keep going on and on* stirring up drama whenever you, in an attempt to *force* your ideas and your wants down our throats try to silence us, gaslight us, and play the victim. You say players are leaving your server by the droves? *Why* are they leaving? Why is your server dying? Because the players are so fed up with the blatant toxicity, they no longer enjoy the game. And you know what, theyre not the only ones fed up. We keep saying we dont want this merge, keep saying no over and over, but apparently you dont accept no for an answer, so maybe you'll accept this. If by some sick twist of fate you actually manage to succeed in forcing your own ideas on us, you will be the cause for tens of thousands of dollars of potential revenue fleeing this game at a break neck pace, thus hastening this games death. This is not just one person talking, this is the majority of s6 *firmly* saying NO.
2021-08-05 08:18:55
Ways to Prevent and Eliminate Toxic Culture
I've also seen you explode at anyone who wins against you before. Going off in world chat, group chat and the discord you were banned from. But thats another matter entirely. What you said, that crosses a line. A massive one. You never know what someone is going through in their life, and to tell someone they should have killed themselves then to turn around and pretend to be the victim? No, you are the bully here. You were most definitely corrected by your group members, because most of us realized exactly how screwed up what you said was. You weren't defended in that discord because it's not the first time we've seen you go off on someone for playing the game. And the last time it happened, you left the server in anger then too because everyone told you how inappropriate it was. But again, this was way too far this time. For that matter, you’ve harassed and been reported by other players countless times because you have a pattern of doing these things The truth is. you talk about toxic culture but you're being toxic yourself. There is NO defense or excuse for telling another human being to kill themselves or saying someone should've slit their throat. And before you try that crap again, you should really ask yourself what you would do if you said that to someone, and they actually listened to you.
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Dumbledore Calr
2021-04-29 12:17:41