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2017-09-23 00:55:34
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2020-06-24 21:25:01
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2020-06-24 21:18:13
Imagine if it gives you more RNG in lucky stars
General Discussion
2020-06-25 22:04:57
Recharge problem
Someone told me this happened to him too, and Oasis took his money but didn't give him any ingots. Is there a way to see if the recharge got registered? Can anyone solve my issue? First I tried to recharge 250 ingots + 50 ingots in miniclient, then I went on the official site and tried to recharge another 50 ingots. It gave me the same transaction failed message 3 times.
Bugs & Support
2020-06-25 12:22:43
Event Cycle June 11th
The Setsubun Lucky Beans/Welcoming Spring event is better than last time. The coupons drop rate seems to be increased. Great event. But Asura's skillset is pretty confusing and there is literally no event to spend on, which is not a bad thing since it helps me save coupons haha.
2020-06-17 18:22:27
Event Cycle - May 28th
Myoboku Trial + Konoha's Great Tree + Colorful Balloons + Naruto's Ramen Party and Fukurokumaru's Deals. Great events for f2p, and everyone else too.
Great Jiraiya
2020-08-11 18:40:26
Welcoming Spring
Same bug here S730 UK
Bugs & Support
2020-05-17 03:15:17
Event Cycle - May 14th
A GL is someone who completes a report in 5 minutes about what events they like and what events they want to see more, also what they wish to see in said events. This is an advantage to them because if they need something, they just ask them to put it there, while we beg for it on forum and never get fragments for what we need if they decided to remove it. A GL also gets 3000 coupons per month.A Mod is someone who posts news on forum, deletes some threads and gets 10 times as many coupons as a GL. A plant is someone who does nothing, but Oasis wants him in the game to break it and make whales spend more. Every time a new feature comes up the plant can max it, every time a new 100k ingot ninja comes up he can 4 star it right off the bat. Also, to the people being annoyed at Danzo for not admitting he is a GL, he cannot do such a thing. If he admits he is a GL or Plant Oasis will remove his job and maybe even ban his account. Since Oasis doesn't want other people to know about this, we know about them because of Tobei's Manifesto and the GL's on our server that didn't try to hide it from their friends.
uzitzgo hij ,zh
2020-05-20 15:27:28
Event Cycle - May 14th
What does that have to do with what I said?My main point was the GL's, Mods, Plants which are getting free coupons/ninjas from Oasis, with literally 0% effort on their part are breaking the game for everyone else, even more than what the "Whales" are doing, since they're actually spending from their limited supply of real money. And don't get infinite benefits like the Plants. If Oasis wants anyone to take this game seriously it should stop doing this, or people will stop spending on the game like I did. We already have "Tobei's Naruto Online Manifesto" which explains everything in further detail.
uzitzgo hij ,zh
2020-05-20 15:27:28
Event Cycle - May 14th
To be fair, I don't like you RirukoHanaoka but I don't like Danzo either. You are abusing your parents money (since I don't believe you have a job) to bully people in the game. But Danzo is doing something worse, he's one of the little minions of Oasis, taking their side even when it doesn't make sense for free coupons that others have to pay their hard earned cash for. He does literally nothing to deserve the amount of coupons he gets per month, which is 3000, he has to fill a report that us normal players could fill up for free here on forum, with event suggestions, which events you like etc. The hardest thing you have to do as a GL is to become a GL, there has to be no other GL on your server and you have to install a very sketchy Chinese application, which is also based on luck. This is a suggestion to Oasis, I want you to stop giving free coupons/ninjas to GL's, Mods and other Plants (which are the worst). How do you expect players to spend on this game when someone gets everything for free? It's insane. I had an account where I recharged about 20 dollars, but after I learned about these GL's, Mods, Plants, I never recharged a single cent. We have to do much harder stuff in the game for 3k coupons, to win in Zenith without a single loss for example which is almost impossible looking at how often your game crashes, and the luck to get the ninjas you need to win, to meet a main which you can defeat etc. And all they have to do for that is to complete a report which we were completing here on forum for free. I completed it too, where are my 3000 coupons?
uzitzgo hij ,zh
2020-05-20 15:27:28
Lucky board free dice bugged
Same problem on whole S730
Bugs & Support
2020-05-15 15:06:58
Event Cycle - May 14th
Yes, we expected meta ninjas, about 3 firework events ago we got Kisame [Samehada Fusion Mode], I believe 80 frags. Jiraiya [Sage Mode] along with Minato [Suit] are two horrible ninjas for this, and I don't remember anyone asking for them. I remember people making forum threads about this event and asking for good ninjas. Jiraiya [Writer] or Naruto [*y no Jutsu] would have been better options for those who missed them. Even 25 frags of Minato [Edo Tensei] would have been more helpful than this. Also, horrible events this week, 70% have the word "recharge" in it and not a single good f2p event. The only good things they added this week are Zetsu Breakthrough and Training Pots added to Moon Shop.
uzitzgo hij ,zh
2020-05-20 15:27:28